This is a list of quests in Cyrodiil, categorized by faction and quest giver. Miscellaneous quests are listed at the bottom and are instead categorized by location.
Guild and Faction Quests[edit]
Abecette Fight Pit, Anvil |
Anvil |
- Advanced Reading: A bookseller in Anvil is being stalked by a demon.
- An Apprentice for Borgush: An old Orc smith seeks an apprentice.
- Being Neighborly: Solve a neighbor problem by bringing a silver spear.
- Blocking the View: Remove the tree blocking a heavenly view.
- Book Club: Check out a potential group of radicals who meet in the city under the pretense of a book club.
- Call for a Tribe: A tribeless Bosmer wants to join the Srethuun Tribe.
- Crab Bucket: A sailor in Anvil dropped his favorite bucket into the canal.
- Daughter of a Marksman: A young woman wants to practice hunting by taking on an alphyn.
- Down With the Ship: A captain has been disgraced and stripped of all duties since the sinking of his ship.
- Feed Sal: A sailor in Anvil's Fort Telodrach is worried about their pet muskrat.
- Goldenrod House: Purchase Goldenrod House.
- A Grim Fortune: A fortune teller at the Abecette in Anvil told me in a Tenet-reading that a grim fate awaited me.
- Heritage of the Hadrachs: Recover three relics from someone's family's crypt
- Improbable Cause: a Sea Elf in the Fort Telodrach prison wants to secure his release from jail.
- Letter In: One of Goldstone's cooks wants to check on her pen-pal, Cerdia Baraci, in Archad.
- Lunar Intoxication: Recover a rare lunar substance for the court wizard.
- Mid-Life Crisis: Occupy an Orc to give his daughter some space.
- The Naked 'Nard: A nude Montagnard requests your aid.
- The Ocean Blue: A merchant and his brother are attempting to get funds to sail west on a trade mission to Akavir.
- The Picky Pilgrim: A Dunmer at the All Flags Inn asked to bring him and his mistress some food from Morrowind.
- A Pirate's Revenge: An imprisoned pirate is seeking revenge on his former captain.
- Portrait of a Mugger: A young Breton woman in Anvil tells how she recently arrived in town to become a painter but was mugged shortly thereafter.
- The Recluse: A man believes that he has been turned into a vampire by an Altmer named Volanil.
- Stroke of Fortune: A legionnaire at the Anchor's Rest in Anvil gambled away his lucky amulet while playing nine-holes.
- Taking Care of Taxes: The tax collector in Anvil is missing tax payments from two individuals.
- Three Perfect Strangers: A noble on the balcony of the Abecette in Anvil is looking for his wife Wya.
- Warm Water: The captain of the Valley of Diamonds said that she is looking for her crew mate Satameh.
- Well Met By Moonlight: The kingdom's Marshal Reymanus Pelelius is on the Anvil docks, wandering alone under Bendu Olo's statue, waiting for his date.
- Work for an Orc: Help an unemployed orc find work.
Archad |
- Aloe There: The healer in Archad wants five portions of aloe vera pulp.
- Snakebitten: A vicious aspis is terrorizing the village of Archad.
Brina Cross |
- A Woman Named Petri: Speak to the commander of Fort Heath, Sapillius Tarvetius, and find out whether he knows of Petri.
Charach |
Hal Sadek |
Marav |
- Needle in a Haystack: Marav's Reeve Keitius Nobius has lost a key in the village barn and is too busy to search for it himself.
Thresvy |
- A Noble Debt: A down on his luck noble needs you to handle his debt.
- Thresvy's Defender: The Reeve of Thresvy wants someone to investigate the ruins of Old Thraswatch.
Wilderness (Dasek Marsh) |
- Adosu's Adun: A Dunmer bard on the side of the River Strid lost an instrument.
Wilderness (Strident Coast) |
- Into Ugly Obscurity: Delve into an Ayleid stronghold, and unlock terrible secrets...
- Manuscript Marauders: In a grove south of Brina Cross is Jauristair Geric studying the ecology of the Strident Coast.
- Pintra's Sweet Tooth: A legionnaire stationed at the Fort Wavemoth Lighthouse complained about the mediocre rations the legion provides.
Vanilla Integrations[edit]
Quests connecting Vvardenfell with the Cyrodiil mainland