Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Call for a Tribe

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A tribeless Bosmer wants to join the Srethuun Tribe.
Quest Giver: Andren Baldris
Location(s): Anvil
Reward: 50 gold, potentially Wenbone Bow, 20x Wenbone Arrows
Disposition: +15 or +20 (Fimmion Srethuun), +10 (Nirval Srethuun)
ID: PC_m1_Anv_CallTribe

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Speak to Denymiil in Anvil's Little Arenthia quarter about tribeless Bosmer.
  2. Talk to Fimmion Srethuun in the Srethuun Clan Apartment in the Canal West Tenements building with 50+ disposition.
  3. Ask Anvil Hunters or Scouts (e.g. Thena Astinius) about Huurvan Srethuun.
  4. Speak with Usia Valeglenh at her stall south of Little Arenthia's canal.
  5. Travel to Moredinir's camp southwest of Fort Heath and either:
  6. Report Huurvan's fate to Fimmion, blaming either:
    • Bandits or animals (+15 disposition).
    • Moredinir (+20 disposition, but Moredinir disappears).
  7. Tell Denymiil he has been accepted into the tribe (rewards 50 gold).
  8. (Optional) Bring Usia's Ancestral Amulet to Usia (rewards Wenbone Bow, 20x Wenbone Arrows).

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

A Bosmer named Denymiil stands outside the North Wall Bakery in Anvil's Little Arenthia quarter. If spoken to, he will ask if you can help him - a tribeless Bosmer. It turns out that he's been trying to join the Srethuun tribe, but has been unable to persuade its leader, Fimmion Srethuun, to allow this. He asks that you intercede with Fimmion on his behalf. Agree, and you'll need to find Fimmion in the Srethuun Clan Apartment in the Canal West Tenements building. Ask him about the tribeless Bosmer topic with 50+ disposition. He'll offer you a deal - find a missing tribe member named Huurvan Srethuun, and Fimmion will let Denymiil join.

Fimmion suggests beginning your search by speaking to local scouts or hunters to see if they have crossed paths with Huurvan. One such individual is Thena Astinius at the Sailor's Fluke next door (assuming that you didn't get her killed in Daughter of a Marksman). Other appropriate individuals include Wyliana Floria at the Imperial Geographical Society. Any scout or hunter in the city that isn't a member of the Srethuun Clan will do. On being asked about Huurvan Srethuun, they will point you to a person with whom he spent a lot of time - Usia Valeglenh. She keeps a small outdoor stall on the south side of the canal that runs by Little Arenthia, and will tell you both of Huurvan's favoured hunting grounds - Aurum Grove, southwest of Fort Heath, and his Altmer friend, Moredinir, who keeps a camp near said grove.

Head out of the city and towards Fort Heath (fast traveling to Hal Sadek will place you just to the fort's south). The grove is unmarked, but lies to the southwest of the fort. You'll likely encounter Moredinir's camp. Speak to her about Huurvan Srethuun with 70+ disposition, or else look for the corpse of Huurvan in the bushes to the southwest, and then challenge Moredinir about it. She'll confess to killing Huurvan in a nighttime hunting accident, and will point you to his body if you've not already found it. You may wish to retrieve Usia's Ancestral Amulet from that body - it begets a reward later.

Return to Fimmion Srethuun to relay the news of Huurvan's death - in a manner of your choosing. You can claim it to be the result of wild animals or bandits, or correctly ascribe it to Moredinir's actions. There's no difference to the Fimmion's response other than in minor changes to his disposition, although blaming Moredinir will result in her disappearing later.

Once you've made your report, speak to Denymiil to inform him that he's been accepted into the tribe. He'll give you a 50 gold reward. If you picked up the amulet from Huurvan's body, you can return it to Usia for the reward of a Wenbone Bow with arrows to match.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Call for a Tribe (PC_m1_Anv_CallTribe)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Denymiil, a tribeless Bosmer in Little Arenthia, asked me to convince Agha Fimmion Srethuun to let him join the Srethuun Tribe. He said the Agha could be found in the Canal West Tenements in Anvil, next to the canal between Little Arenthia and the Port Quarter.
20 Agha Fimmion Srethuun told me that he'll agree to allow Denymiil join his tribe if I find out what happened to Huurvan Srethuun, a member of the Srethuun Tribe. The Agha said that he hasn't seen Huurvan since he last went hunting in the Strident Coast wilderness outside the city. He suggested I talk to a scout or hunter in Anvil to see if I could find out anything on Huurvan's whereabouts.
25 I was told that Huurvan was fairly close with a Bosmer hunter-merchant, Usia Valeglenh. She has a market stand near the canal.
30 Usia Valeglenh informed me that Huurvan Srethuun had an Altmer friend, Moredinir, who'd regularly go hunting with him east of Anvil in Aurum Grove, just southwest of Fort Heath. She said Moredinir may have seen him recently. Usia told me that I could find Moredinir's camp near the grove, a little to the south of the signposted area before where the road splits off near the fort.
40 I found Huurvan Srethuun's body in the wilderness near Fort Heath. There were slash marks on it. It did not look to be from an animal attack.
45 I returned the amulet I found on Huurvan's body to Usia Valeglenh. She thanked me and rewarded me with a Bosmeri wenbone bow and some arrows.
50 Moredinir confessed that she accidentally killed Huurvan Srethuun late one night during a hunt. She asked me not to tell anyone about it.
60 I told Agha Fimmion Srethuun that I found Huurvan's body and that Moredinir killed him by accident. The Agha was saddened to hear the news but thanked me for finding Huurvan. He said he'll hold up his end of the bargain and allow Denymiil into his tribe.
70 I told Agha Fimmion Srethuun that I found Huurvan's body and that he was killed by bandits. The Agha was saddened to hear the news but thanked me for finding Huurvan. He said he'll hold up his end of the bargain and allow Denymiil into his tribe.
80 I told Agha Fimmion Srethuun that I found Huurvan's body and that he was killed by a wild animal. The Agha was saddened to hear the news but thanked me for finding Huurvan. He said he'll hold up his end of the bargain and allow Denymiil into his tribe.
90 I told Agha Fimmion Srethuun that I found Huurvan's body but that I wasn't sure how he was killed. The Agha was saddened to hear the news but thanked me for finding Huurvan. He said he'll hold up his end of the bargain and allow Denymiil into his tribe.
100 Finishes quest☑ Denymiil was delighted to hear the news that he was allowed into the Srethuun Tribe and gave me a reward. He said he'll head over to the Canal West Tenements as soon as he can.
105 Finishes quest☑ Agha Fimmion Srethuun is dead.
110 Finishes quest☑ Denymiil is dead.