Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/The Fix is In
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Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Speak with The Arenthian in the Sailor's Fluke in Anvil about jobs and fight pit.
- Talk to Old Man Theft on the floor below the Arenthian.
- Steal either of the Match Details documents from the rooms of Willy the Unbitten or Purcus Mirtin.
- Bring Old Man Theft the stolen document and receive the forged Change of Location Notice.
- Deliver the Change of Location Notice to Purcus Mirtin in the Abecette Fight Pit.
- Place a bet of at least 1000 septims on Willy the Unbitten.
- Convince Coris Mamulon to impersonate Purcus Mirtin (requires 90+ Disposition)
- Watch the fight, and collect your winnings.
- Return to the Arenthian and receive your cut.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
An unusually lopsided fight has been scheduled at The Abecette's fight pit, and The Arenthian has taken note. The extreme odds against a fighter named Willy the Unbitten winning offer an opportunity for profit. The Arenthian asks that you do two things - get Willy's opponent to show up elsewhere, and then recruit a lookalike stand-in to take that opponent's place. Once this is sorted, he asks that you place a bet on Willy's victory on the guild's behalf. The Arenthian will give you 1,000 gold to make the guild's bet with, and invites you to make a bet of your own. He then says to speak to Old Man Theft on the floor below.
Diverting Purcus[edit]
Old Man Theft has a plan - forge a letter to Willy's opponent, Purcus Mirtin, informing him of a last-minute change in the location of the fight. He just needs official stationery from the Abecette to do this - specifically, a copy of the Match Details. There are two such documents, and both are on the lower floor of the Fight Pit itself (in the rooms and corridors surrounding the actual arena). Steal one, and bring it to Old Man Theft. He'll give you a Change of Location Notice to pass on to Purcus. He's in the middle of the arena in the Fight Pit area.
If you've already recruited Coris, you'll now need to speak to him to get him to move to the fight pit.
Recruiting a doppelganger[edit]
Coris Mamulon is an individual who is the spitting image of Purcus Mirtin. Find him in the Bazaar of the Abecean and talk to him about fight pit.
You'll need 90+ disposition to persuade him to go along with the ruse - it is his body taking the hits after all.
If you've not diverted Purcus yet, you'll need to do so and return to Coris before he will actually move to the fight pit.
Place your bets![edit]
With imposter in place and Purcus on his way to Thresvy, it's time to place a bet. Speak to Filhallil at the Fight Pit to place a bet. Remember to bet on Willy, not Purcus. You will have the option of betting 500, 1,000 or 1,500 gold. You need to bet at least 1,000 to get the 3,000 that The Arenthian is expecting. If you've the gold, go for 1,500.
Once your bet has been successfully placed, the fight will start. Willy should win, so once he has, speak to Filhallil to get your stake back, and your winnings. Then return to The Arenthian to give him the guild's cut.
- A perplexed Purcus appears in Thresvy for a short period between being redirected there and the completion of the quest.
- Coris is paid for his performance at the Fight Pit, so is not left empty handed.
Quest Stages[edit]
The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal
console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.
The Fix is In (PC_m1_TG_Anv4) | ||
Index | Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
10 | The Arenthian wants me to rig the next match at the Abecette fight pit by replacing the favorite to win, Purcus Mirtin, with a doppelganger who will throw the fight. I was told that Old Man Theft had a plan to take care of the real Purcus. Aside from that, I will also need to recruit Coris Mamulon in the Bazaar of the Abecean to act as Purcus' body double. Finally, the Arenthian gave me 1000 drakes to bet on Willy the Unbitten, the underdog. He's expecting a return of 3000 drakes. | |
20 | Old Man Theft told me that he could forge a change of location notice for the fight if I bring him stationery from the fight pit. He suggested that one of the fighters might have something that fit the bill. | |
30 | I brought Old Man Theft a piece of fight pit stationery. He successfully forged a notice for Purcus Mirtin that the fight has been moved to Thresvy. | |
40 | I brought the forged notice to Purcus Mirtin. He was upset, but said he would travel to Thresvy as soon as possible. | |
50 | One of the fighters is dead. | |
55 | Coris Mamulon is dead. | |
60 | The fight has begun. | |
61 | The fight is over. Willy the Unbitten has won. | |
62 | I have disrupted the fight. | |
100 | I returned to the Arenthian with the 3000 drakes he requested. He thanked me for a job well done. | |
101 | I returned to the Arenthian without the 3000 drakes he requested. He stated he could not give me any more jobs until I brought him the money. | |
102 | I brought the Arenthian 3000 drakes. He's now ready to give me more jobs. | |
103 | The Arenthian was outraged at my conduct during the job. He has no more jobs for me. | |
The Fix is In (PC_m1_TG_Anv4B) | ||
10 | Coris Mamulon agreed to assume Purcus Mirtin's identity and take his place in the fight pit. He asked me to let him know when the real Purcus had been dealt with. | |
20 | Coris Mamulon agreed to assume Purcus Mirtin's identity and take his place in the fight pit. | |
25 | With Purcus Mirtin out of the way, Coris Mamulon is ready to travel to the fight pit. |