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UESPWiki:Featured Articles/Past Nominations/Archive 7

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This is an archive of past UESPWiki:Featured Articles/Past Nominations discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page, except for maintenance such as updating links.

Lore:Imperial Legion

The broadest topics are often the hardest to accurately summarize into a single article, and I think this is a fantastic example of how to do it right. Over 40 citations, relevant and aesthetically-arranged images, and well-written, easy-to-follow content come together to create an article that is a pleasure to read, as befits such an important topic that has appeared in most TES games. Minor Edits significantly overhauled the page over the summer to bring it to this state, and I think it now deserves recognition. (Also, we're well over a month overdue to have a new FA!)

  • Support as nominator. -- Hargrimm(T) 22:51, 7 December 2014 (GMT)
  • Oppose: 75% of the article are just bodies of text. In my humble opinion, there are not really much bullet points, wikitables, eye-catching parts at all. So I'm not going to support the consensus. DG#:) 21:42, 8 December 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: I find this to be a well-written article, and reading through it I don't see anything glaringly bad. Course, I've been away for a while so I'm not exactly an expert. -- RNM|T 06:36, 9 December 2014 (GMT)
    • Comment: Allow me to make my opinions that are mine alone perfectly clear, for I will acknowledge them if they are wrong: are you sure it's well-written? I don't like the idea of it starting with big bodies of text and ending with small images in a gallery, I am not happy with it because it makes the article repetitive and boring, plus complex and harder for viewers to read. Four bad things I found in under two minutes. This article could sure do with being condensed to maybe, say, one-third of its current length. It is way too long and complex. The article isn't quite state-of-the-art. "Over 40 citations, relevant and aesthetically-arranged images, and well-written, easy-to-follow content come together to created an article that is a pleasure to read." I view the "over 40 citations" part as making the article quite hyped-up. There are just that many citations it seems like there is a lot of info. "relevant and aesthetically-arranged images" Again, it do loathe articles with massive bodies of text at the start then images at the bottom. "well-written, easy-to-follow content" I think that the article's bodies of text with complex, excessively formal language, makes it too novel-like. I will stress again; for I cannot stress this point enough: articles are too be made simple and easy to read, not made out of complex sentences that look like they were inspired by a text book. "a pleasure to read" As for this one, read my above comments and you will understand the logic behind my opposing of this article. DG#:) 20:01, 9 December 2014 (GMT)
      • Comment: I believe you're kind of missing the point of lore articles if you think citations and formal paragraphs are a bad thing in any way. —Legoless (talk) 20:51, 9 December 2014 (GMT)
        • Comment: First off, Repetitive and boring are pretty much the same as are complex and harder to read. Second, those things are opinions, so they aren't "things wrong with the article" they simply stem from you not being about to get through a long text. Lore is all about text. The images are there to illustrate points, not to be the focus of the article. As Legoless said, references are integral to the lore namespace, and if you don't think that is true, then you shouldn't be dealing with the lore namespace at all. The sentences aren't all that complex either, as the only textbook they might appear in is a sixth-grade one. Length is important for such a massive topic like the Imperial Legion, and this article is honestly a perfect example of why such length is needed in order to completely cover the topic. Jeancey (talk) 21:11, 9 December 2014 (GMT)
          • Comment: So that means that lore articles won't always be for first-time readers who might look through a complex one and will be like: "Oh? What's that? What's that?" when they read a complex sentence. I take it lore articles have a higher concept of elegance than other articles? DG#:) 23:12, 9 December 2014 (GMT)
            • Comment: That's not what I was saying. I was saying that this article in particular is explained in a way that anyone who can legally buy these games should be able to understand. They might not be for an 8-year-old, but any teenager and up should find the concepts to be simple to understand. Our goal isn't to cater to the absolute dumbest person who can access the site, it is to provide the information in a clear and educational way, which this does. Jeancey (talk) 23:20, 9 December 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: A model article. —Legoless (talk) 20:51, 9 December 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: I'm going to support this as well. Jeancey (talk) 21:11, 9 December 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: This is a lore article, so it isn't supposed to be eye-catching. It's supposed to be informative, which this article is just that. In this way, the entire lore namespace almost is a textbook. •WoahBro►talk 21:52, 9 December 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: As someone who makes 90% of his edits in the lore namespace, I can say that it's very inspiring to see an article which exhausts the topic so utterly. --Vordur Steel-Hammer (TINV1K) 02:27, 10 December 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: It has everything someone could want to know about the Imperial Legion. The article is also extremely well written and presents the information in an interesting manner. On top of that, it is about one of the more important subjects in all of the Elder Scrolls games. Forfeit (talk) 20:24, 10 December 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: About time this was nominated. Meant to do so a while ago, but I forgot to. -damon  talkcontribs 23:10, 10 December 2014 (GMT)
  • Support:I've added it to my "to read" list, Lore pages are generally read by people are already very knowledgeable about the game and the world and aren't the sort of pages visited while in game. Biffa (talk) 23:39, 11 December 2014 (GMT)
Consensus: Support. Nine supporting, one opposed. Robin Hood  (talk) 20:40, 15 December 2014 (GMT)


A full NPC page on the main character of a fairly memorable quest. While it may not be as lengthy or complex as other NPC pages, I think this page provides a good example of what NPC pages for characters only involved in one quest or something similar should look like. The dialogue, rumors, and quest details involving Sinding are all presented in a logical order that create a very interesting article on this character.

  • Support: As nominator. Forfeit (talk) 18:10, 7 November 2014 (GMT)
  • Oppose: I am not a fan of how the body is one large section. It makes it hard to follow the content of the page. I'm sure it could easily be split at least once or twice for quest specific interactions, same as other similar articles. -damon  talkcontribs 20:18, 7 November 2014 (GMT)
  • Oppose: The wall of text needs to be split. Other than that, great article. ~ Ad intellige (talk) 03:35, 8 November 2014 (GMT)
  • Comment:I accept and agree with the comments regarding the wall of text, however feel it's a simple fix. Possibly by formatting the conversation pieces similarly to other NPC pages, for instance Amaund Motierre (there's probably other better pages to use, but hope you get the idea). Also an image of Sinding in a random world interaction would help. Are the first and last bugs basically covering part of the same bug? Biffa (talk) 10:38, 8 November 2014 (GMT)
  • Oppose: I would support this article in a minute if the dialogue was in its own section (a pretty good example is Muiri). •WoahBro►talk 16:27, 8 November 2014 (GMT)
  • Comment: A dialogue section(s) could help to break up the text, but it's not really done on pages where characters are only involved in one quest. Pages like Mathieu Bellamont, Orthorn, and Nepos the Nose for example all do not use dialogue sections since the characters are all in one quest, despite each one having a good bit of dialogue/rumors. The first of these examples, Mathieu, did use some innovation to break up the text though, so perhaps using quotes or something else may be a good idea. I just think that dialogue sections, particularly if many were used, could end up looking like Azzan, where all it does is divide the dialogue up into small sections that really doesn't accomplish much more than separate paragraphs would (aside from separating the events of different quests, which isn't relevant for Sinding). Finally, to address the comment about Muiri, that dialogue section was used to divide the conversations the character has from the rest of their dialogue, which is fairly common practice (that section should probably be called conversations anyway). Forfeit (talk) 18:00, 8 November 2014 (GMT)
  • Comment: I agree that the wall of text is off-putting, so I decided to split it up twice. I also reformatted part of Sinding's dialogue as Biffa suggested. It's been done on pages like Skyrim:Sheogorath and Skyrim:Barbas, and honestly I think it does make the page look better. —<({QT>> 10:33, 9 November 2014 (GMT)
Consensus: Oppose. 3 - 1 —Legoless (talk) 21:05, 7 December 2014 (GMT)

Oblivion:A Knife in the Dark

Compared to many of the other quest pages in the Oblivion namespace, this page is significantly higher in quality and resembles some of the Skyrim quest pages that have been featured. It provides a detailed walkthrough of the quest, complete with dialogue and plenty of images. There may be a tad too much dialogue present in the article for a quest page, but I don't think it really hurts the article in any way, since the quest is very simplistic and the instructions of what to do to complete the quest don't really require much focus. Instead, this dialogue allows the interesting plot of the quest to be focused on, ultimately making the page more interesting.

  • Support: As nominator. Forfeit (talk) 18:10, 7 November 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: Helena Anne did some great work on the DB pages. It was only a matter of time before one of them came up for nomination. -damon  talkcontribs 20:18, 7 November 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: Whoah, never saw this page before. Excellent stuff. ☺--Krusty (talk) 21:11, 7 November 2014 (GMT)
  • Oppose: Dialogue on quest pages is fine, but it shouldn't substitute the walkthrough. If I were reading that for information on the quest, I really wouldn't be bothered re-reading the in-game instructions. A lot of it doesn't even seem that relevant (Valtieri's lines for example). If a quest is simple, the walkthrough should be simple. Not to knock Helenaanne's work, but the previous version seems much more readable and succinct. —Legoless (talk) 02:07, 8 November 2014 (GMT)
  • Oppose: I have to agree with Legoless. Also, it doesn't mention you can kill Lachance after your first meeting (I think) ~ Dwarfmp (talk) 03:07, 8 November 2014 (GMT)
I just saw that it's in the notes section, not sure it belongs there but... ~ Dwarfmp (talk) 03:09, 8 November 2014 (GMT)
  • Oppose: In addition to the stuff Legoless mentioned, the first step on the Quick Walkthrough bugs me along with the first paragraph. The stuff in parentheses in the QW shouldn't be there, and the first paragraph just doesn't sound very good with things like According to the rumor mills and This means in order to join ... and then the worst part (to me) is For suggestions on potential targets to murder, see this page.. ~ Ad intellige (talk) 03:35, 8 November 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: I made some tweaks to address Dominus' comments. I think it's a comprehensive yet succinct article with good images and an interesting subject. It's a fine example for others. It's a shame Helena retired. Insignificant RevisionsThreatsEvidence 16:03, 8 November 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: I'm not crazy about how uniform the format is (text, picture to the right, repeat), but that's not a deal breaker for me. What really get's me is the fact that I now really want to play Oblivion... •WoahBro►talk 16:27, 8 November 2014 (GMT)
  • Oppose: Just chiming in here... Legoless took the words right out of my mouth. This is not a state-of-the-art page and needs some cleanup. First: the dialogue makes this page inconsistent and illogical, and may I say it hypes it up, you know what I'm saying? Like it tries to get the page having all the inconsistent bits in. Second: quest pages shouldn't have running commentaries of dialogue in my humble opinion. This just doesn't fit in well with the style of the page. This page will modify. I've said all I can say on the subject of opposing the article. Anything else I say feels like it is being said already. DG#:) 21:00, 7 December 2014 (GMT)
Consensus: No Clear Consensus. 5 support, 4 oppose —Legoless (talk) 21:05, 7 December 2014 (GMT)

Skyrim:Frostflow Abyss

Running into this quest was one of the scariest moments I experienced in Skyrim, and this page does a good job of captivating that horror, while explaining what to do. The text is well paced for this quest, it gets to the point, but isn't too brief at the same time. I also really like the quotes used to illustrate the horrific events that have happened here. But what really does it for me are the images that accompany this page, these scenes of anguish really do draw my eye like few things do. I love this article, and want to give it a star to show my love.

  • Support: As nominator. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 06:47, 20 August 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: I like it. •WoahBro►talk 11:20, 20 August 2014 (GMT)
  • Comment: I like it as well. Perhaps someone (I can do it) should run through it to check off the SRQRP template to remove the notice before it becomes featured. --Beezer1029 (talk) 17:31, 20 August 2014 (GMT)
  • Comment: Managed to miss that! I'll run through it in a bit. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 17:33, 20 August 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: As long as the project tag gets completed, I'm all for it! Great article. — ABCface 18:03, 20 August 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: Creepy. --AN|L (talk) 15:15, 21 August 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: In general I would be skeptical of the leading quote on every subsection, but I think that it really works for this article. Quantheory (talk) 03:17, 23 August 2014 (GMT)
Consensus: Support. No opposition ~ Dwarfmp (talk) 12:04, 27 August 2014 (GMT)

Skyrim:Arniel Gane

I remember working lightly on a page relating to Arniel Gane, thinking I did a pretty good job, and forgetting about him. Today, I saw the nominated article, and was struck by the sheer amount of work on display here. Breath taking images, captivating page details, and a level of craftsmanship we should encourage whenever we see it. I fully believe that this page should be featured as one of our best articles.

  • Support: As nominator. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 06:43, 20 August 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: It's different than most NPC pages I've seen, but it looks pretty fantastic. •WoahBro►talk 11:20, 20 August 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: It's worthy of FA status for sure, love the layout and the way everything is brought together so well. — ABCface 18:03, 20 August 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: The least-appreciated member of the College should get a little love from us. Insignificant RevisionsThreatsEvidence 19:38, 20 August 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: Excellent images. --AN|L (talk) 15:15, 21 August 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: I was looking up the history of Keening the other day, and I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of detail here; I wish I'd thought of nominating it myself. The one thing I found odd is the college emblem separating the main article from the notes at the bottom. I don't mean that I dislike it (it's actually kind of neat), just that I don't think that we have a separator anywhere else like that, so it looked out-of-place in the context of the wiki as a whole. Quantheory (talk) 03:17, 23 August 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: Its very interesting and unique, I think it would be a great FA. Random Shadowscale (talk) 09:28, 23 August 2014 (GMT)
Consensus: Support. No opposition ~ Dwarfmp (talk) 12:04, 27 August 2014 (GMT)

Lore:Knahaten Flu

It's not a fancy, long article from a game that's been loaded with images, dialogues, and so on, but it's still a nice little article about one of the many diseases that plague(d) Tamriel, and for articles of this type to have such detail and attention isn't exactly a common thing. I think this is a pretty awesome article like it is, and believe it's worth a nice little star.

  • Support: nominator -damon  talkcontribs 17:39, 12 July 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: It could use a review of the grammar, more in-game tidbits from ESO and a picture of the infectees from the quest "The First Step". Aside from that, it's as good as it'll ever be. I'd also like to see this featured on account of it being heavily related to the backstory of ESO. -- Kertaw48 (talk) 22:04, 15 July 2014 (GMT)
    • Oppose: After doing a more intensive search, I have to agree that there's still a lot to be added. -- Kertaw48 (talk) 08:48, 22 July 2014 (GMT)
  • Comment: Given that it is heavily related to the backstory of ESO, it would have to be properly updated with all ESO info before I could support it. Insignificant RevisionsThreatsEvidence 22:17, 15 July 2014 (GMT)
  • Oppose: Since this is heavily related to ESO's backstory, I feel it needs to be updated to include that. Kertaw48 said it could have grammar review, which tells me it may not be up to FA standards. If the article does have good grammar and is updated with ESO information, I will gladly support it. ~ Ad intellige (talk) 22:24, 15 July 2014 (GMT)
  • Oppose: Per ME and Dominus. I'll support it as well if the article is updated. —<({QT>> 03:44, 16 July 2014 (GMT)
  • Comment: I actually don't think that a picture from The First Step would be appropriate. Shazah specifically says that victims of the plague were not like the "zombies" in that quest, but that they appear like zombies because they represent the fear she had of the plague as a young girl (or something to that effect). Quantheory (talk) 09:24, 21 July 2014 (GMT)
    • Comment: Thanks, I didn't know that. Also, the tweaks and grammatical fixes you made to the article is exactly what I was talking about when I said the grammar needed to be reviewed, thank you very much for your effort. -- Kertaw48 (talk) 08:48, 22 July 2014 (GMT)
Consensus: Oppose. 1 - 3 ~ Dwarfmp (talk) 15:43, 27 July 2014 (GMT)

Lore:Tiber Wars

Kertaw48, along with a few others, put a lot of effort over the last two years into this article, and I think it paid off. It was a daunting task, I'm sure, because no source focuses directly on documenting the Tiber Wars, despite their importance. A lot of different sources had to be scrutinized and compiled, including a lot of obscure Redguard lore, to make this.

It's hard to overstate my satisfaction with the final product. This is a triumph. I'm making a note here, huge success.

Some may take issue with the formatting or something, but I'm sure any concerns can be addressed.

I have made some tweaks to links in this article, but nothing substantive.

  • Support: As nominator. Insignificant RevisionsThreatsEvidence 19:47, 24 June 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: A brilliant and impressive achievement by anyone involved; full support from me. --Krusty (talk) 22:58, 24 June 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: Looks great, impressed with what came out of the various sources to create this quality article. — ABCface 01:05, 25 June 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: Everyone who was working on this did a great job, well done. Random Shadowscale (talk) 03:29, 25 June 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: An impressive level of detail culled from many diverse sources. Biffa (talk) 03:53, 25 June 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: Always good to see a solid lore article as FA --Jimeee (talk) 10:08, 25 June 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: Very informative and the formatting looks great, I can't think of any reason not to support it. •WoahBro►talk 16:23, 27 June 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: Excellent job boiling down a bunch of disparate sources into an article. --AN|L (talk) 16:26, 27 June 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: For obvious reasons. It was definitely fun to make. -- Kertaw48 (talk) 20:13, 30 June 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: -damon  talkcontribs 21:52, 30 June 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: Excellent job all. --Xyzzy Talk 05:18, 1 July 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: Per everyone else. Great job to everyone who helped! ~ Ad intellige (talk) 05:21, 1 July 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: I just... wow. That is some very high quality work. —<({QT>> 08:13, 1 July 2014 (GMT)
Consensus: Support. No opposition —Legoless (talk) 19:07, 1 July 2014 (GMT)

Skyrim:Thonar Silver-Blood

A comprehensive page on a key character in one of the more memorable quests of the game. What makes this page stick out to me is how much dialogue from other characters was used to enhance the article. Thonar himself doesn't have too much unique dialogue, but all the dialogue from the other characters helped to make a comprehensive, interesting article that presents the related quest in an interesting fashion while still maintaining a focus on Thonar. If only Thonar's dialogue and a few rumors were used in the article, it would have been much shorter and not nearly as effective in my opinion. Thus, I think this page should be featured because it is a prime example of the talent and hard work our editors put into the various articles on the site to bring the characters and locations in the games to life.

  • Support: As nominator. Forfeit (talk) 18:17, 9 May 2014 (GMT)
  • Oppose: It's got a lot of information, and could be a good article with a little work, but it needs some slimming down and organizing. It throws in a lot of dialogue about Thonar and also repeats nearly the entire plot of Forsworn Conspiracy. I get that he's heavily involved in the Forsworn Conspiracy, but it needs more organization for me to vote for it. --AN|L (talk) 14:42, 27 May 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: I think this article is fan-tabby-dozy. It has LOTS of images and is sort of like a novel with lots of in-game information. DG#:) 14:51, 27 May 2014 (GMT)
  • Oppose: For the time being, I'm going to have to oppose this one. Anil is right: It really does need some slimming down. Sure, it is a novel, but I don't think that it needs to be or should be. For example, the article would be slimmed down so much if the conversations that don't involve Thonar. That dialogue should be on their own respective pages. The more I think about it, the more I feel it's a consistency issue as well. •WoahBro►talk 15:02, 27 May 2014 (GMT)
  • Oppose: A little too comprehensive. The page is more of a quest narrative than an NPC article. —Legoless (talk) 15:16, 27 May 2014 (GMT)
  • Oppose: Per Legoless -damon  talkcontribs 15:18, 27 May 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: Good enough argument for me, Krusty. -damon  talkcontribs 22:23, 28 May 2014 (GMT)
  • Comment: Quest narrative? Keep in mind—this article, as well as other articles—are supposed to have quest-related events on—all for consistency. DG#:) 20:14, 27 May 2014 (GMT)
  • Comment: It's acceptable to have a synopsis of a quest, and even some minor detail if necessary to flesh out the character, but there comes a point where it gets too verbose and too redundant with the quest pages. This needs to be glossed over a bit and slightly less detailed., because this page is about the character, not the quest itself. -damon  talkcontribs 20:38, 27 May 2014 (GMT)
  • Comment: I’ll just explain exactly why Thonar’s NPC article turned out the way it did. When I initially started writing it, it seemed an easy task. After all, the guy never leaves the house and is even bugged as well – however, since all NPC articles are required to have a ‘rumors’ section, it started to grow immensely and I realized that I had to use this page as the ‘last word on the whole Forsworn’-plot – which is the most complicated and convoluted I have seen in an Elder Scrolls game. The term “Silver-blood” is used by a ton of NPCs, and they all refer back to Thonar and his scheme. His influence within the hold is enormous, so his page is enormous. Mind you, this is a ‘normal’ NPC page, but it covers everything you ever wanted to know about Thonar and the Forsworn, his accomplishes, his family, everything. It took a ton of time to write and research, and there will be zero slimming down. It is complete, and should stay that way. It’s there for the readers who (like me) never really figured out the scope of his scheme from playing the game, and want to go that extra mile to learn the full story behind the Forsworn and what lengths Beth took in the development of a quest that is easily completed. I don’t care about FA-status, especially not if it means ‘slimming down’ an article that finally gets it right – the UESP is about including EVERYTHING, and if this one is shortened now, it will also automatically be tagged ‘incomplete’ by our own standards. Just sit back and read it, and enjoy all the great stuff Skyrim has to offer ‘behind the scenes’. --Krusty (talk) 05:58, 28 May 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: Given Krusty's input, I've got to support this. The article is well written, and everyone did a phenomenal job! -- RNM|T 11:02, 28 May 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: Engaging and well done, it's an excellent example of what UESP has to offer. I love how the rumours section is very detailed, as it gives readers good background info on Thonar and the Silver-Blood family. —<({Quill-Tail>> 13:23, 28 May 2014 (GMT)
Consensus: Support. Supported five to three. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 22:30, 28 May 2014 (GMT)


Huh... I seem to remember Krusty asking me to turn this article into a full page in IRC a long time ago, though I was in that stretch of time where I didn't seem motivated by anything and didn't do much wiki-ing. In any case, here's a fabulous article, which judging from the history, was created by Minor Edits... Handled a good six months after I should have done it. Anyway, this is a nice, well detailed and researched article about the Wolf Queen of Solitude. I'm not feeling so verbose right now, so just vote already!

  • Support: -damon  talkcontribs 02:43, 22 March 2014 (GMT)
  • Neutral: Needs events of Skyrim included before complete. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 13:32, 22 March 2014 (GMT)
    • Comment: I'm pretty sure they are included in the Legacy section. Or is there more to it? --Roger (talk) 13:41, 22 March 2014 (GMT)
  • Comment: You're right, somehow I missed that when I was reading the article. Changing to support. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 13:56, 22 March 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: A fine lore article on one of the most interesting ES characters out there. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 13:56, 22 March 2014 (GMT)
  • Comment: I fixed a couple oversights; I'm confident the article incorporates all pertinent information, though I glossed over many details from The Wolf Queen. I'm reticent to rely heavily on in-game historical fiction. Since this has proven to be a fault in the past, I encourage people to peruse TWQ and see if there's anything else in there you think is worth mentioning. Minor EditsThreatsEvidence 14:41, 22 March 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: Good lore article on an interesting subject. I think this would fit well on the main page. Forfeit (talk) 17:55, 12 April 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: Also, I think the current FA page's date has passed (hint hint). --Jimeee (talk) 11:47, 27 May 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: Nothin stuck out at me that would make me oppose, so it's a yes from me. •WoahBro►talk 15:02, 27 May 2014 (GMT)
Consensus: Support. Supported by all participants. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 22:30, 28 May 2014 (GMT)


From the moment I first met him, Isran was one of my favorite NPCs. He sadly didn't do that much to advance the plot himself, but what he did do is still extremely cool. And I can't think of any better article to show this off than this masterly constructed VIPNPC article courtesy of Maroon. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 14:50, 16 March 2014 (GMT)

  • Support: As nominator. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 14:50, 16 March 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: A good article about a memorable NPC. --AN|L (talk) 15:23, 16 March 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: Now this article is appealing. Not only that, but very in-depth. •WoahBro►talk 15:54, 16 March 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: Tl;dr. I've noticed that the NPC articles are rather inconsistent, with each other and sometimes internally, in how dialogue paragraphs transition from user text to game dialogue. Some use colons, others use commas, and sometimes there's nothing. Maroonroar went with commas, which I think is the most grammatically correct practice. But, just for the record, I don't care. The style guide doesn't seem to dictate one approach, and previous FAs have done it differently, so we've already implicitly endorsed the idea that there's room for variation. Minor EditsThreatsEvidence 17:09, 16 March 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: Attractively laid-out, obviously very comprehensive; great! -- Hargrimm(T) 19:16, 16 March 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: A good article. Definitely worth a gold star, though I've got nothing unique to add that hasn't been said. -damon  talkcontribs 19:54, 16 March 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: Ditto-ing damon's comment. Nothing much to add here... likelolwhat talk lulzy to me 02:19, 22 March 2014 (GMT)
Consensus: Support. Supported by all participants. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 20:09, 28 March 2014 (GMT)

Skyrim:A New Order

Another excellent article courtesy of Krusty. What I really enjoy is the clarity between the Radiant details and the set portions of this quest. What might be a really hard article to understand is an otherwise simple, but enjoyable read.

  • Support: As nominator. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 14:50, 16 March 2014 (GMT)
  • Neutral:It's not a bad article, but nor is it particularly outstanding. It's probably due to the subject material and not the writing, but it just doesn't distinguish itself from the majority of quest articles. I'm not going to oppose it because I don't think it's bad, but it just doesn't have the muscle for me to support it. --AN|L (talk) 15:23, 16 March 2014 (GMT)
  • Oppose: My main issue is that the format is just too uniform, blocky, and just not as great as the best articles on the site. •WoahBro►talk 15:54, 16 March 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: This has everything a quest article needs; well-written and easy to follow, with high-quality, relevant images, and all dialogue included. The attention to detail is obvious, and I just can't think of anything that I would add to this page. -- Hargrimm(T) 19:16, 16 March 2014 (GMT)
  • Oppse: It's a good article, but it's not particularly exceptional compared to articles he's done in the past. And, that out of the way, the article has its project tag on it, and the article needs review and more touch-ups for the project. I simply can't support any article, even if it's the best one on the site, if we have a big tag saying it's incomplete and being reworked. It doesn't set or show a high standard of quality. -damon  talkcontribs 19:54, 16 March 2014 (GMT)
Consensus: No Clear Consensus. Two opposing and two supporting. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 20:09, 28 March 2014 (GMT)

Lore:Blackwood Company

I'd like to put forward this article for FA nomination. What's there to say about it? Created by the new user Darth crucifious back in October last year, this article is precise, well written, and it's a stellar example of a Featured Article. There is a redlink in one of the images, which links back to the OB namespace to what's presumably a page that will eventually be created for the building itself, though since it's just one redlink, I don't think it hurts anything (A red link is simple to delink if anyone doesn't like it anyway). There's one other thing that could be changed, if it's found undesirable, since I've seen this done both ways on the site: the headers are in "sentence case", as opposed to "title case", which is WP's preferred formatting for headers. I've seen it both ways on the site, and I'm unsure after a search of our formatting guides if we have a preference written one way or another, so I'm using the WP MoS to cite them as acceptable, though like the red link, it's a simple fix.

Anyway, it terms of content and imagery, this page is a shining example for a faction page, and I've played the hell out of Oblivion, and even I've learned a lot from this article.

  • Support: nominator -damon  talkcontribs 02:46, 19 February 2014 (GMT)
  • Comment: Just to answer the implied question, in previous discussions (please don't ask me to find them!), title case has been the consensus. Robin Hood  (talk) 03:16, 19 February 2014 (GMT)
  • Oppose: This may change, but currently, I'm opposed. Not enough references, for starters. There's details here which are too specific (I see redlinks to gamespace pages in a lore article as a warning sign). It would be more lore-y and encyclopedic to gloss over some more things. I don't mind the headers, but I'd prefer one at a time ("Operations and rivalry", "secrets uncovered and destruction"; should only need one header). Minor EditsThreatsEvidence 03:20, 19 February 2014 (GMT)
  • Neutral: I don't want it to be featured right now, but it can definitely get there someday. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 19:43, 9 March 2014 (GMT)
  • Neutral: I think this is a good example of a well laid-out page with a nice writing style, but I'm just not convinced that the subject matter allows for a truly excellent featured Lore article. By its nature, the entire article is essentially a narrative of the events concerning the Company throughout Oblivion, since that is the only game it appears in. With only four citations, and that pesky redlink, I just can't hold this up as an exemplar of what all Lore articles should be like. -- Hargrimm(T) 19:16, 16 March 2014 (GMT)
  • Oppose: It's too focused on details for a lore page. Lore doesn't generally include such things as the faction armor's strength, or how many people died (unless it was from a source). Lore pages do not generally attribute anything outside the Main Quest to the main Hero of that game either. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 19:53, 28 March 2014 (GMT)
Consensus: Oppose. Only supported by nominator. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 20:09, 28 March 2014 (GMT)

Dragonborn:Kolbjorn Barrow

I think the Dragonborn article about Kolbjorn Barrow is finally ready for FA nomination.

The article is extensive, yet easy to navigate. Established first as a placeholder in December 2012, but did not really develop much until Biffa did a major work on it, finished a year later, on 6 December 2013‎. These last couple of months some cleaning up and tweaking has been done, and through the initiative of Biffa, good pictures have been added.

I believe the Kolbjorn Barrow article is a good representative for what the UESP Wiki can present, and in my opinion ready for the star of an FA.

  • Support: nominator —MortenOSlash (talk) 18:50, 25 February 2014 (GMT)
  • Oppose: Biffa's edits have been shown time and again to be ill-tested. Books are added that are random, items that are random are listed as set. Until this page gets a thorough check I have to oppose it. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 19:03, 25 February 2014 (GMT)
  • Oppose:It's a good start, and there's plenty of information and photos there, but it still needs work to become a FA. It still has several errors in linking, capitalization and grammar. The prose is also not very engaging, it's basically just a list of everything that you see and it could do with having Ralis's actual dialogue instead of paraphrasing it. --AN|L (talk) 19:06, 25 February 2014 (GMT)
  • Oppose:I have to agree that this article is nowhere near ready to be placed in the spotlight of an FA. I just glanced at the first two sections, and the prose and grammar need a lot of polishing. I see way too much short, simplistic phrasing for my taste, and the grammar and punctuation need A LOT of work. --Xyzzy Talk 22:29, 25 February 2014 (GMT)
  • Oppose: The layout here is just really weird. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 19:43, 9 March 2014 (GMT)
Consensus: Oppose. Only supported by nominator. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 19:45, 9 March 2014 (GMT)

Skyrim:Lost to the Ages

This article was revamped recently by Krusty. It shows that much hard, thorough work was put into it, both in terms of style and functionality. I love the images (Katria standing over her ghost *sniff*) and their placement, in particular, as well as how the info (the drawings, the shard-hunt) is displayed. I was checking it over for SRQRP just now and I think it's a great-looking article.

  • Support: As nominator. likelolwhat talk lulzy to me 02:13, 30 January 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: Sure, why not? Another great Krusty piece. -damon  xoxo 02:40, 30 January 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: A damn fine exemplar of a quest page. -- Hargrimm(T) 03:17, 30 January 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: Krusty never fails to disappoint amaze. This is on reason why I don't dabble in quest pages: I would never think of the stuff Krusty (and other quest page editors) for the pages and, ya know what? It looks pretty sweet. Okay, that was a weird rambling for no apparent reason. I support this nomination in case anyone missed that. •WoahBro►talk 03:54, 30 January 2014 (GMT)
  • Comment: I think you got your double negatives mixed up ("never fails to" = "always does"). ;) Robin Hood  (talk) 08:26, 30 January 2014 (GMT)
    • Wow, I have NO idea what I was thinking there hahaha :p •WoahBro►talk 17:01, 30 January 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: I don’t usually vote for my own stuff, but this nomination seems to have been forgotten, so I’ll make an exception, for three reasons; it took an awful long time to get right, we haven’t had a Dawnguard-related article as an FA, and the images are just great and fits in perfectly. Here’s hoping more users will provide a vote and some feedback soon. ☺ --Krusty (talk) 23:54, 3 February 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: Looks great. I'm exhausted just proof-reading it; I can't imagine what writing it was like. Minor EditsThreatsEvidence 03:30, 4 February 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: You said it, ME. Well done, Krusty. --Xyzzy Talk 06:57, 4 February 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: The article is packed with information and does justice to the scope of the quest. Also, it's a great read and has a fine layout. It inspires to replay the quest and, what's very important to me, to take screenshots. :) Holomay (talk) 15:39, 10 February 2014 (GMT)
Consensus: Support. Supported by all participants, congratulations Krusty. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 05:33, 16 February 2014 (GMT)

Lore:Dragon Language

Countless people spent countless hours reconstructing a dictionary, phrase book, and grammar rules for a fictional, dead language. Some Asian person once said, "If you can spend a perfectly useless afternoon in a perfectly useless manner, you have learned how to live." If so, this is one of the purest expressions of life ever. I've made some changes to the page, but they were insubstantial. Pursuant to AKB's call to arms, I think it deserves featured status. If people want some images, I'm sure it could be easily arranged.

  • Comment: Are we sure its all there, only a couple of weeks ago I found a missing word from the Prima guide. I can't really see any big edits to account for all or most of any DLC added words. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 00:42, 3 January 2014 (GMT)
I don't know. Minor EditsThreatsEvidence 16:37, 3 January 2014 (GMT)
  • Oppose: Assuming that all of the words are there, I still wouldn't want to feature this. At the end of the day, this article is just a list. A well-cited, well-organized list, but still just a list. As such, I don't think it's the best example of site talent. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 20:47, 3 January 2014 (GMT)
  • Oppose: AKB expressed my opposition to this article perfectly. As it currently stands, not FA-worthy. --Xyzzy Talk 05:46, 4 January 2014 (GMT)
  • Oppose: This article is either incomplete, or the wiki hasn't been updated accordingly - some word walls are still missing parts of translation, as well as the dragons Naaslaarum and Voslaarum. -- SarthesArai Talk 17:43, 22 January 2014 (GMT)
Comment we also just don't know a lot of the words, and we may never know them. Jeancey (talk) 17:49, 22 January 2014 (GMT)
Comment: The lack of completeness on word wall translations is not related to this article and really shouldn't influence voting. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 18:42, 22 January 2014 (GMT)
Comment: The lack of completeness on word wall translations an indicator for the lack of completeness of this page, which in turn is my reason for opposing the FA status of this obviously incomplete page. -- SarthesArai Talk 18:45, 22 January 2014 (GMT)
Comment: The point is that the lack of completeness on the word walls is not due to lack of effort. It is literally impossible to accurately translate it because we don't have any references for those words. Unless we get info from beth, we can't ever translate them. Jeancey (talk) 18:48, 22 January 2014 (GMT)
  • Oppose: Might as well actually bother voting so that there will be the 5 votes minimum to close this nomination and not let it hang here indefinitely. Opposed for the same reason as the others. It's just a word-wall, play on words intended here. -damon  xoxo 02:40, 30 January 2014 (GMT)
  • Oppose: There is very little for me to say here that hasn't already been said. Just that while this... thing is useful, it is a reference only, nothing more than that. likelolwhat talk lulzy to me 02:54, 30 January 2014 (GMT)
  • Oppose: I'm not going to go as far as to say that it's useless, I just don't know what's there to make it a truly good FA. It's cool and all, but I just can't support it. •WoahBro►talk 03:54, 30 January 2014 (GMT)
Consensus: Oppose. Only supported by nominator. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 16:56, 30 January 2014 (GMT)


How do we feel about Lord Indoril Nerevar becoming a Featured Article? Another fine article that I see has been handled by Mr. Minor Edits, and covers one of my favourite historical figures and time periods of the Elder Scrolls series.

  • Support: nominator -damon  xoxo 06:04, 10 January 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: Don't see anything missing or any serious flaws (or any small ones). Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 06:22, 10 January 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: Very well written and thorough article. One small nitpick: on the 125% zoom setting on IE, there is a large blank space between the introductory section and the History section. This space doesn't appear in Firefox. Is there any way to fix this, other than me changing my zoom setting? --Xyzzy Talk 06:59, 10 January 2014 (GMT)
  • Comment: Aw, shucks. A lot of people have put time into this article. Vely and others helped with sources, and a ton of the text was pre-existing. Jeancey spent many hours making the essential Lore People Summary template (and if I recall correctly, this page in particular required some additional tweaking to it). I mostly just added window dressing. Anyways, I really just wanted to highlight that the dates in the summary are approximations, in case that's a deal-breaker for anyone. And while I tried to remain concise, I recognize that people might consider some details extraneous to Nerevar's story. Totally up to you guys where to draw the line. Minor EditsThreatsEvidence 19:10, 10 January 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: Looks good great to me. /me likes. Also, I think this will bring some exposure to Morrowind, even though it's over 10 years old. •WoahBro►talk 22:03, 10 January 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: I'm fine with this. Who doesn't love a good Morrowind Lore article? --AKB Talk Cont Mail 17:47, 16 January 2014 (GMT)
Consensus: Support. Supported by all particpants. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 02:29, 22 January 2014 (GMT)


Cool image. Interesting topic. Comprehensive treatment.

  • Support: As nominator. Minor EditsThreatsEvidence 22:05, 22 December 2013 (GMT)
  • Support: Nice little article about a cool weapon. Seems a bit short, but since I can't think of anything to add to it, can't really justify opposing it for this reason. --Xyzzy Talk 20:07, 24 December 2013 (GMT)
  • Support: It's short, but alright. I guess I have items on my mind, but I would really like seeing this one featured. Also would like to say that this vote is a bit urgent. If we don't feature this one, or an alternative, we'll fall behind on these again. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 23:52, 2 January 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: Good example of what an item page should look like. Some of the other item pages provide a bit more backstory or dialogue about the item, but there really isn't much said about Chillrend within the actual game (if anything at all). With this being said, I'd happily support featuring this article as it is well written and contains everything someone would want to know about this item. Forfeit (talk) 19:26, 3 January 2014 (GMT)
  • Support: Good old-fashioned item page, with everything included. Why not? ☺ --Krusty (talk) 21:23, 3 January 2014 (GMT)
Consensus: Support. No opposition ~ Dwarfmp (talk) 17:44, 9 January 2014 (GMT)


Wow.....just wow. This is a awesome article. Kudos to the people who've worked on this masterpiece. To be honest, I'm surprised nobody else has nominated it yet.

  • Support: As nominator. --Thrapple (talk) 00:31, 22 November 2013 (GMT)
  • Support: I'm surprised as well. Jimeee worked long and hard on this and my god does it show. Fantastically comprehensive, and while it has a lot of words it's nicely broken up. I can't even find anything I don't like. --¿Vulpa? 01:20, 22 November 2013 (GMT)
  • Support': What they said. -damon  xoxo
  • Conditional Support: I completely missed it, but per Legoless, I will only support this article if it's 100% accurate and verified... A VN tag leaves something to desire. -damon  xoxo 04:59, 23 November 2013 (GMT)
  • Support:Agreed. Great writing, great pictures, very readable and engaging. --AN|L (talk) 16:08, 22 November 2013 (GMT)
  • Support: Wow, just fantastic work. -- Hargrimm(T) 17:22, 22 November 2013 (GMT)
  • Conditional Support: Trespassing dialogue at the very bottom still needs to be checked. Other than that, full support. —Legoless (talk) 21:16, 22 November 2013 (GMT)
  • Support: Very thorough and interesting article. --Xyzzy Talk 04:44, 23 November 2013 (GMT)
  • Comment: Aww shucks! Thanks for the kind words people - I really enjoyed working on the page, but a big thanks must go to Holomay and Roger who provided such great images. --Jimeee (talk) 14:11, 28 November 2013 (GMT)
Consensus: Support. No opposition ~ Dwarfmp (talk) 08:46, 9 December 2013 (GMT)

Morrowind:Yagrum Bagarn

What to say? It's an interesting character, in my opinion. The last living member of the Dwemer race, and an artifact expert. We haven't seen many nominations for a Morrowind article recently (that I know of at any rate - and I didn’t research this statistic), and this is a nice one to put. A very unique character with unique and interesting dialogue, and it's a nice, concise, clean layout. While not as long and detailed as say... Vivec or Dagoth Ur, it's still a lovely article, IMO.

  • Support: I don't think I've ever heard of a nominator not supporting his nomination. -damon  xoxo 19:56, 15 November 2013 (GMT)
  • Oppose: Eh. He's an interesting subject to be sure, but I don't find the article all that well done. The dialogue is just sort of listed out with no real context to what it means or how Yagrum is significant to the game. --AN|L (talk) 20:07, 15 November 2013 (GMT)
  • Cmt: If dialogue formatting is the deal-breaker, that's something I can easily remedy in a matter of minutes. And, if you've never played MW, it's text-based, with little voice over, unlike Oblivion and Skyrim, so listing what topic you have to click, and then what the returned dialogue is like this is really the way to handle it for this game. -damon  xoxo 21:33, 21 November 2013 (GMT)
  • Oppose: Yagrum is unique , but his page his hardly of high standards. If this page had more information on Yagrum's in-game importance then i'd support it. Xbox99 (talk) 17:43, 20 November 2013 (GMT)
  • Oppose: Funny Anil, I was just gonna start my vote with "Eh." Anyway... It seems like a fairly inclusive page on the guy, and yes he's a unique character, but there's simply not that much about him. It's a basically good page but not the stand-out-awesome stuff I look for in FAs. --¿Vulpa? 01:20, 22 November 2013 (GMT)
  • Oppose: Eh, indeed. Unremarkable article. --Xyzzy Talk 04:44, 23 November 2013 (GMT)
Consensus: Oppose. 1 - 4 ~ Dwarfmp (talk) 08:46, 9 December 2013 (GMT)


This page is of very high standards and was very helpful to me when playing Shivering Isles. It's very detailed and I think it should be nominated because of it's in depth information on everything and anything you want to know. It's a great starting point to Shivering Isles if you want to know more about him and his involvement in quests. Xbox99 (talk) 22:59, 14 November 2013 (GMT)

  • Comment: Please read previous examples of nominations to learn how to nominate properly. As of now, I am not even sure which Sheogorath article you are referring to (I am assuming Shivering:Sheogorath, but it isn't clear). --AKB Talk Cont Mail 22:59, 14 November 2013 (GMT)
  • Oppose: I'm going to go with the assumption that it's for the Shivering Isles article, since quests aren't listed in the Lore article. It is an incredibly detailed article with tons of good info and an overall interesting layout, but I don't like the table of contents placement, and there is quite a bit of phrasing that seems awkward to me. With some cleanup of these issues, I would gladly change my vote. --Xyzzy Talk 04:52, 15 November 2013 (GMT)
  • Oppose: While it is indeed in-depth, we need everything to be verified and that tag taken off, because that article would come off as incomplete with that tag still in place when the average viewer looks at the article. As long as that tag is there, I can't in good consciousness approve of an article, no matter how good existing content is, because a half-written tag proves it could become better in some way. -damon  xoxo 23:43, 15 November 2013 (GMT)
  • Support: As nominator Xbox99 (talk) 17:16, 20 November 2013 (GMT)
  • Comment: The tag has gone and the Table of contents is in a better position, Xbox99 (talk) 17:39, 20 November 2013 (GMT)
Comment: The tag must be filled out, not removed. I've restored it with a few amendments. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 18:38, 20 November 2013 (GMT)
  • Comment: I'll definitely support this once the tag is done. I had planned on thoroughly working on it actually (I have a Word doc sandbox somewhere), guess we all know what my motivation is like then, it's been how long? ...This has made me sad. Someone please fix. --¿Vulpa? 01:20, 22 November 2013 (GMT)
Consensus: Suspended. Article needs work before eligible for FA ~ Dwarfmp (talk) 08:46, 9 December 2013 (GMT)


It has been a while since we had a lore article as a FA. Thanks to Legoless, we finally finished up turning Lore:Artifacts into a proper lore category in July. He has been adding meticulously crafted artifact articles on a regular basis for as long as I can remember during my time here, this being one of them. It would be nice to give it some time on the main page and thereby draw some attention to the general improvements to this portion of the lore section.

Regarding the article's merits, Scourge is a weapon which I think readers find or will find interesting. It hasn't appeared in Oblivion or Skyrim, so newer fans of the series may not be familiar with it. However, considering its very unique and powerful ability to instantly banish a daedra back to Oblivion, I think it is susceptible to becoming a key plot piece in a future TES questline (much like how Auriel's Bow appeared in older games and then took center stage in the Dawnguard expansion of Skyrim). The point is, if any UESP readers aren't aware of Scourge, it's probably worthwhile to take a minute to learn about it.

I imagine there might be some concerns about the length, so I'll just say that, in my opinion, the article is succinct and engaging. An article need not demand a significant investment of time from our readers to be exemplary. This one provides a perfect example of what I believe we're looking for in lore artifact articles. Except perhaps for the placement of the See Also section, about which I care very little, the formatting is great. It tells the story of the weapon without getting bogged down too much in detail. In short, it's exactly the sort of example we want to hold up for editors who will be making articles for TESO artifacts in a few months.

  • Support: As nominator. Minor EditsThreatsEvidence 06:49, 6 September 2013 (GMT)
  • Support: Between ME's big words and the article itself, I'm giving my support. The length isn't too much of a concern for me considering that what we know about Scourge is included in there with plenty of references. Seems good to me. •WoahBro►talk 14:05, 6 September 2013 (GMT)
  • Support: As ME had stated, it's well worthy of FA status despite it's length. It's perfectly informative and well referenced. I give it my approval. Schiffy (Speak to me|What I've done) 16:01, 10 September 2013 (GMT)
  • Oppose: I'm not saying it's a bad article, but featured articles are supposed to be used to introduce new users to the site and such, as they appear on the front page. This article is mostly references to other parts of ES lore, which a new user would not understand. I also don't think the mace itself is that interesting, it cannot banish daedra ingame in MW, and it isn't part of any quests or found in a particularly unusual place or way. Also, more as a note than anything else, the Battlespire link is broken and just leads to a generic weaponry page. --AN|L (talk) 16:17, 10 September 2013 (GMT)
    • Comment: As far as the link goes, it looks like whoever put the link on the lore article intended for Battlespire:Items to have more info, and have Scourge listed somewhere on it, which ended up not happening. Schiffy (Speak to me|What I've done) 16:32, 10 September 2013 (GMT)
  • Oppose: I will give it to Minor Edits that the article is well-written with whatever available information there is, and being the lore-nut that I am, I do agree that - like any article in Lore - this one should be read, but there are a few issues I have. Maybe some of these issues come across as nitpicking, but this is my impression, having read the article for the first time.
The format: There's probably nothing that can be done, seeing how small the page is, and I don't expect it to be embellished beyond its capabilities, but I hate opening with a text wall and ending with a gallery. It's the way it's done and I acknowledge that this article is to standard, but it's not so visually appealing as an image opening beside the text. It makes it harder to read, at least for me, and a Featured Article ought to be visually appealing, as well as informative.
How engaging it is: There are equally "engaging" lore artifacts in my opinion, and some even moreso, and the merit of your argument appears opinionated, at least to me. This article is no more engaging than the other articles of its type, at least in my opinion, and there aren't any obscure artifacts that come out as "WOW!". The "WOW!" artifacts are the high profile ones that have been used in numerous games and have a story to them, and this one is rather unremarkable by comparison. I think the Danica Pure-Spring nomination sums this argument. It's right, but compared to the others of the type, it's not particularly stand-out-ish of the lot. ES(talkemail) 16:29, 10 September 2013 (GMT)
  • Support: While I can think of more relevant (and larger) Lore pages, this is a good example of the attention to detail that makes the UESP the best gaming site on the net. Besides, I want more lore pages featured on the main page. ☺ --Krusty (talk) 20:23, 14 September 2013 (GMT)
  • Support: I like it. While not lengthy, it does read extremely well. I'd want it on the front page. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 23:17, 19 September 2013 (GMT)
  • Comment: Having authored the majority of the article, I'm not going to vote on this, but I think it would be a good idea to give the Lore:Artifacts section more exposure. It's a relatively new addition to the site, and even now work is far from complete. Scourge was interesting to write about, and stands as a prime example of what an artifact article should look like (in my slightly biased opinion). —Legoless (talk) 17:16, 21 September 2013 (GMT)
Consensus: Support. Five Supporting to Two Opposed. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 15:21, 28 September 2013 (GMT)

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