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Online:Ebonheart Pact

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The Ebonheart Pact
ON-icon-Ebonheart Pact.png
A map of the Ebonheart Pact's home territory

The Ebonheart Pact is one of the three joinable factions participating in the Alliance War, the other two being the Aldmeri Dominion and the Daggerfall Covenant. The crest of the Ebonheart Pact is a dragon, and its colors are red and black.

It consists of four of the five Dunmer Great Houses of Morrowind, the Nordic kingdom of Eastern Skyrim and the Argonian tribes of northern Black Marsh. The alliance was reluctantly formed out of necessity; despite the three races' ancestral hatred for each other, they recognized the threat posed by their unified enemies, both at home and from across the sea, and banded together to protect their borders and freedom.

Led by Jorunn the Skald-King, who presides over the Great Moot in the Pact's capital of Mournhold, the alliance seeks to defeat the corrupt Empire and preserve the independence of its homelands.

Pact players will begin on Bleakrock Isle after being washed up unconscious on the shores of the island following their escape from Molag Bal's realm of Coldharbour.

The Great Houses hold a lot of power in Morrowind. All but House Telvanni agreed to join the Pact, and the Telvanni have now become somewhat estranged from the other houses because of it. Black Marsh has no monarchy, but certain Saxhleel tribes joined the Pact to protect their interests. Under the terms of the Alliance, slavery was nominally outlawed; but House Dres was allowed to keep non-Argonian slaves, with Khajiit being the most common race currently enslaved. All Argonian slaves were released.

For historical information, see the lore article.


ON-banner-Ebonheart Pact.png

The Ebonheart Pact's home territory covers Eastern Skyrim and parts of the traditional provinces of Morrowind and Black Marsh.

The Pact also have a territorial claim over the eastern and northeastern parts of the Imperial heartlands.

Vvardenfell is only partially part the alliance through Houses Redoran and Hlaalu, while territory not under their jurisdiction is neutral. As such, it is not marked as Pact territory on the wiki.


ON-icon-cadwell-Almanac.png Quests with this marker are required for Cadwell's Almanac. For a full list of Almanac objectives, including any required side quests, please see Cadwell's Almanac: Ebonheart Pact.

Bleakrock Isle and Bal Foyen


These quests serve to point you away from a location which the storyline has not yet reached. They are no longer available once the quest they point to has been completed, and will not be encountered if you follow the story in the order listed above.


These quests serve to point you away from a location which the storyline has not yet reached. They are no longer available once the quest they point to has been completed, and will not be encountered if you follow the story in the order listed above.


These quests serve to point you away from a location which the storyline has not yet reached. They are no longer available once the quest they point to has been completed, and will not be encountered if you follow the story in the order listed above.


The Rift

These quests serve to point you away from a location which the storyline has not yet reached. They are no longer available once the quest they point to has been completed, and will not be encountered if you follow the story in the order listed above.

To Coldharbour

Quest Map[edit]

Soul Shriven in Coldharbour
Bleakrock Isle
A Beginning at Bleakrock
Hozzin's Folly
The Frozen Man
What Waits Beneath
The Missing of Bleakrock
Sparking the Flame
Escape from Bleakrock
Bal Foyen
If By Sea
Breaking the Tide
Zeren in Peril
Warning Davon's Watch
To Aid Davon's Watch
Assisting Davon's Watch
Legacy of the Ancestors
Delaying the Daggers
City Under Siege
Quiet the Ringing Bell
Mystery of Othrenis
To the Mountain
Wake the Dead
Rending Flames
To Ash Mountain
A Higher Priority
Restoring the Guardians
The Death of Balreth
In With the Tide
The Coral Heart
To Fort Virak
Taking Precautions
Breaking Fort Virak
Evening the Odds
The General's Demise
City at the Spire
Aggressive Negotiations
Saving the Son
To the Tormented Spire
Climbing the Spire
Opening the Portal
Sadal's Final Defeat
A Letter for Deshaan
Bad Medicine
Proprietary Formula
Quest For the Cure
The Llodos Plague
For Their Own Protection
Unwanted Guests
Fighting Back
Ratting Them Out
A Timely Matter
Hiding in Plain Sight
Tracking the Plague
Death Trap
Plague Bringer
Message to Mournhold
Mournhold Market Misery
A Favor Returned
The Mournhold Underground
The Seal of Three
Chasing the Magistrix
Restless Spirits
Rescue and Revenge
A Saint Asunder
The Wounds in the World
Healing Hearts
Into the Mouth of Madness
Motive for Heresy
The Judgment of Veloth
Onward to Shadowfen
Hushed Whispers
Three Tender Souls
Getting to the Truth
Scouring the Mire
Eyes of the Enemy
Trail of the Skin-Stealer
The Skin-Stealer's Lair
Cracking the Egg
Children of the Hist
Keepers of the Shell
The Mnemic Egg
Outside Interference
The Dominion's Alchemist
The Dream of the Hist
Swamp to Snow
Shadows Over Windhelm
The Konunleikar
Windhelm's Champion
One Victor, One King
Sounds of Alarm
Sleep for the Dead
Victory at Morvunskar
Strange Allies
Sleeping on the Job
The Pride of a Prince
The War Council
The Siege of Cradlecrush
Our Poor Town
A Right to Live
The Better of Two Evils
Eternal Slumber
Gods Save the King
Of Councils and Kings
Making Amends
A Council of Thanes
Sneak Peak
Snow and Flame
Songs of Sovngarde
The Rift
Beneath the Stone
Storming the Hall
To Vernim Woods
Dangerous Union
Gift of the Worm
Through the Shroud
To Nimalten
Concealed Weapons
Pinepeak Caverns
Calling Hakra
A Grave Situation
Tomb Beneath the Mountain
The Shackled Guardian
To Taarengrav
To Pinepeak Caverns
Honrich Tower
To Honrich Tower
The Shards of Wuuthrad
Shattered Hopes
A Giant in Smokefrost Peaks
In His Wake
Pulled Under
To the King
Securing the Pass
Stomping Sinmur
Worm Cult Summoner
Messages Across Tamriel
The Weight of Three Crowns


Paths always enter a quest from the top or left, and leave a quest from the bottom or right.
Denotes a requisite path or quest. You must complete this before starting the subsequent quest.
Denotes an optional path or quest. The subsequent story quest can be started without this being completed.
Denotes an exclusive path or quest. Only one of the connected quests is required, and only one can be completed.
Denotes a quest which is part of the main story chain.
Denotes a story quest which is required for Cadwell's Almanac.
Denotes a missable pointer quest which is part of the main chain.
Denotes a missable pointer quest which is on an alternate path.
Denotes a side quest which is required for Cadwell's Almanac.
Denotes a quest which rewards a Skill Point.


Jorunn the Skald-King

"The alliance between our races was born in dark times, when Nord, Dunmer and free Argonians fought as one to repel the invasion of the Akaviri slavemasters. Our greatest strength is the adversity we have overcome. Our resolve is glacial, our might is forged in fire, and our courage, cultivated by the beasts of the jungle. We are Ebonheart. We are as one. And by this, our victory is assured."Jorunn the Skald-King

Generic Members[edit]