Walks-in-Ash | |||
Home Settlement | Senie | ||
Race | Argonian | Gender | Female |
Health | 39,959 | ||
Reaction | Friendly | ||
Other Information | |||
Faction(s) | Ebonheart Pact |
Walks-in-Ash is an Argonian living in the remains of Senie. She is the egg sister of Soft-Scale and Sees-Many-Paths. Spellwright Girvas suspects her of kidnapping his daughter, Morvani.
She is a veteran of the Akaviri War, and was instrumental in convincing the Argonians to join the Ebonheart Pact alongside another important figure, Heita-Meen.
Related Quests[edit]
- Proving Trust: Aid a town in the wake of a volcanic eruption.
Restoring the Guardians: Restore the two guardians of Balreth.
The Death of Balreth: Defeat Balreth and end his threat forever.
In With the Tide: Investigate reports of an invasion force washing up on the shores of Zabamat.
Breaking Fort Virak: Help liberate Fort Virak from the Covenant forces.
Evening the Odds: Help the Pact troops get inside Fort Virak's courtyard.
The General's Demise: Put an end to the Covenant invasion of Stonefalls.
Climbing the Spire: Make your way to the top of the Tormented Spire.
Sadal's Final Defeat: Rebind Sadal and end the threat to Stonefalls.
- Soldier Down: Help the wounded soldiers around Honrich Tower.
Securing the Pass: Clear the way for the Pact's army.
Crossing the Chasm: Secure the Chasm and gain access to Molag Bal's personal domain.
Quest-Related Events[edit]
Proving Trust[edit]
After speaking to Spellwright Girvas, you will find Walks-In-Ash examining dead shalks:
- "This is not a goody day for Senie, traveler."
- Are you Walks-in-Ash?
- "Yes, I am. I heard the cries of the mountain, and I have come to speak to the earth. Stubborn Girvas would not heed my warning. He blames my people for the darkness of the past. Sees shadows where none exist."
If Balreth was released and on the loose, she will instead say:
- "Yes, I am. Look at this. This is no natural run of lava. These are footprints. A spirit of wrath came through here.
Stubborn Girvas will not hear my warning. He thinks the eruption caused this." - Girvas thinks you've taken his daughter.
- "As you can see, his daughter is not here.
I did see Morvani earlier. The flow of her life takes her to the base of Ash Mountain regularly." - Is that where she is?
- "I don't know for certain, just that I saw her walking west out of town. Find her. Then perhaps Girvas will listen to me.
If you succeed, use this." - What's this?
Asking her about the complicated relations between the two races:
- "A signal. It's colorful, but harmless.
If you find Lady Morvani, use it, and I will come to you." - Can you speak to the mistrust between the Argonians and the Dark Elves?
- "Truth falls like a cool rain, carving many channels in the mud.
My truth is different from the Dunmer's, yet both are still true."
- "Truth falls like a cool rain, carving many channels in the mud.
- You don't hate the Dark Elves, then? / Do you hate the Dunmer?
- "I have no love for them. Do you hate fire for burning down your hut? The fire acts as it must.
They saw our huts, and their nature required them to act. I trust a Dark Elf to act as a Dark Elf must."
- "I have no love for them. Do you hate fire for burning down your hut? The fire acts as it must.
If you speak to her again before leaving, she'll tell you:
- "Until Girvas finds his daughter, there will be no trust. Look for her to the west.
Perhaps the wind that blows is pushing us to what must be."
After you use Walks-in-Ash's signal, Girvas and the Argonian appear and you hear the following exchange:
- Walks-in-Ash: "You found Girvas' hatchling? Good."
- Spellwright Girvas: "I've caught you bloody-handed, Argonian!"
- Spellwright Girvas: "Morvani, are you … Lord, Mother, and Wizard! Are you all right?"
- Morvani: "I'm going to be fine, father. Thanks to this traveler. Can we get me off of this rock now?"
- Spellwright Girvas: "Hold on Morvani. I've got you."
Speak to her before speaking to Girvas, she'll say:
- "The hatchling has been found, unhurt. This is good.
Girvas speaks like an angry wind. Perhaps you should calm his blustering."
If you spoke to Girvas but haven't turned in the quest yet, she will say:
- "The mountain has spoken, and Senie is no more. But we survive, and no hatchlings were lost to the flames."
Speaking with her further after the quest:
- "Can you feel it on your snout? The thunder is building. I believe there are others in the Ashlands who could use my skills.
May the cool rain touch our scales again, traveler."
Restoring the Guardians[edit]
You will meet her next at Ash Mountain, where she is helping Garyn Indoril and the Pact contain Balreth. If you speak to her before you've performed the rituals, she'll simply remark:
- "Getting here was not easy. My scales are scuffed and cracked from the climb."
Speak with her to end the quest after you've called and defeated the guardian atronachs.
- "The wind has carried you here with your scales unburnt.
What do we do now?" - I've defeated the guardian atronachs. I should be able to call them to us.
- "Cool rain on my scales. We'll reforge the shackles Garyn and his father destroyed. The Brother of Strife will be returned to his rest."
The Death of Balreth[edit]
She will inform you that she will summon the guardians to deal with Balreth:
- "This is magic I do not understand, far from the waters of my home. You are brave to walk the river's edge."
- We should be ready. Is there something else I need to know?
- "You are wise to ask. Yes. I have brought you a focus, a totem, that should help you in the trial ahead. It is a storm totem that will bring pure waters down on his blistering skin."
- What will that do?
- "Balreth is an engine of fire and death. You'll need something to slow him down. Use the totem, slow him down, and your task should be much easier.
But first, as you said, you'll need to summon the guardians. Sun on your scales, my friend." - Thank you, Walks-in-Ash.
Speaking with her after this exchange, before summoning Blaze and Ragebinder:
- "Repeat the past. Summon the guardians.
We must see this done."
After summoning the guardians, the spirit of Mavos Siloreth appears. Speaking to her before Mavos:
- "I thought you would talk to Mavos. I did not expect you to bring him along."
After speaking with Mavos:
- "Enter Ash Mountain and find Balreth. Garyn will be right behind you. Meanwhile, the troops and I will hold the portal.
Good luck."
After defeating Balreth, you will speak to her at the pact camp outside at Ash Mountain:
- "You've done the impossible. I was wise to see the stone in your spirit.
Then again, I'm known for being wise." - We defeated him together.
- "Yes, Balreth is defeated. Argonians, Dunmer, and Nords working together—one might almost think we had formed a Pact!"
In With the Tide[edit]
After defeating Balreth, Walks-in-Ash requests you to got to Vivec's Antlers to stop the Covenant army from taking it:
- "Victory is like a cooling rain, yes? But still the storm rages on."
- What would you have me do?
- "Balreth is bound, but the Covenant still threatens the Ashlands. We've received word that a major offensive has washed up on the shore to the west of Ebonheart. Pact and Covenant troops now fight to hold the land coral maze that is Vivec's Antlers."
- Vivec's Antlers?
- "The Dark Elves see the coral as a gift from their living god, Vivec. He saved them, they say, in the Akaviri war. Now, that does not matter. The Pact military could use your skill and prowess in their fight.
Go well along the river, my friend." - You too. I'll make for Vivec's Antlers.
Speaking with her after accepting the quest:
- "We are fortunate to walk the river's edge with you, my friend. I do not know how we would have fared without you here."
Restoring Order[edit]
You can find her inside the manor at Ebonheart alongside Tanval and Garyn Indoril, as well as Holgunn. She is not instrumental to the quest, but you can speak with her.
- "Sun on my scales! Welcome. You have seen my cousins in the Argonian quarter, I hope?"
- Does the district suit you?
- "Are you asking if we're comfortable? None of us are comfortable outside Black Marsh. Too dry, too open, too bright.
Still, at the moment we are treated well, and the Hist Tree will soon be cleansed." - How are you dealing with your new position?
- "Before I was here, I cared about the rain only when it fell on my tribe. Now I must worry about Stonefalls and this Pact.
The reeds can bend to the wind, but I must not."
Breaking Fort Virak[edit]
After reporting back to Garyn regarding the use of necromancy by General Serien, you will meet Walks-in-Ash in the ruins of the fort:
- "I've gathered some of our most skilled fighters here. We're poised to infiltrate the fort as soon as the way is open.
You're the perfect fit for my plan, my friend." - What's your plan?
- "My grandsire was a powerful shaman. He passed down an ancient formula for an elixir that allows a traveler to walk in the "otherworld" between the living and the dead.
It works on those who've become attuned to the realms beyond." - And you think I'm already attuned?
- "You're different. You must know that. Not all of you is with us, yes? That makes you the perfect candidate for the elixir.
Using the elixir, you can pass through the catacombs beneath Fort Virak. Find the door, open the way, and end this siege." - Do you want me to drink the elixir?
- "Yes, drink it. Then you'll be able to go where we cannot.
Of course, not all in the otherworld will welcome you. Contact with the beyond could be unpleasant, so avoid any creatures you see there. Good luck."
Speaking to her again before drinking the elixir:
- "Be wary of those who walk in the otherworld. They won't take kindly to your presence."
Speaking with her after drinking the elixir:
- "Make your way through the broken wall, my wispy friend. Find a way to unlock the door from the other side."
Speaking to her on the other side after unlocking the door:
- "Like eels through seagrass, we're inside. Well done! As we speak, my troops are attacking the fort's main yard."
- So the fort is ours?
- "We still have plenty of work to do. Without reinforcements, these troops won't last long. And I'm sure Serien won't give up without a fight.
The real battle has just begun."
Evening the Odds[edit]
Before accepting the quest, she has a line of ambient dialogue to share:
- "We need to unbar the gate!"
Speaking to her to resume the fight to take back Fort Virak:
- "The Covenant smells the storm on the air. Are you ready to bring down the sky on General Serien?"
- How can I help? (Leads to quest dialogue)
Continuing on from the previous conversation:
- "It's time to finish off General Serien and his abominations. Then we can reclaim Fort Virak for the Pact.
Holgunn and Tanval have rallies the Nord and Dark Elf troops. They're just waiting for the signal that the gates are unbarred." - I'll remove the bars. Where should I look for Serien?
- "After the gates are unbarred, look for Serien in the fortress keep. We think he's holed up inside, studying his spellbooks.
Blood for the Pact!" - I'll unbar the gates and then go looking for General Serien.
Speaking to her after this conversation:
- "Go into the fort and unbar the gates, my friend. The might of the Pact is going to wash over these invaders like a wave."
After you unbar a gate and if you return to her:
- "Unbar the gates and find General Serien."
After taking back the courtyard, she will be at the fort:
- "The thunder is stilled for now. But another storm is in the offing."
After the quest:
- "Serien waits nearby, listening to the storm of our coming. He wonders and worries."
The General's Demise[edit]
Walks-in-Ash plays no great part in this quest, but she has some dialogue throughout certain stages in the quest.
After defeating General Serien, she will be outside the fort's keep:
- "Poor Garyn. He did not deserve this. The current in the maelstrom pulled him under."
After the quest:
- "The storm is broken, and the sky is clear. But another cloud looms on the horizon.
You must find Tanval. You must stop what he plans."
Climbing the Spire[edit]
You will find her northeast of where you ended up when you entered the spire:
- "The storm rages, but here I am, out of the rain.
How goes the battle, my friend?" - It goes well. What have you learned?
- "The old protective wards have been restored. We swim against a current that is too strong."
- I know how to lower the wards, Walks-in-Ash.
- "Xuth! You're the sun on my scales. The first ward is just beneath the ruins just ahead."
- Where are the rest of the wards?
- "Other wards are in other ruins, along the approach to the spire.
Go swiftly. And may the wind be at your back." - I'll get it done.
Speaking to her after this conversation:
- "Activate the wards while I find Tanval."
After disabling the wards, you'll find her tending to Tanval:
- "There's nothing here but withered roots and dead earth, but it's too soon for Tanval to join the dust. He still has a part to play."
After disabling the Caldera ruin ward, she will be outside observing the weather. Speaking with her:
- "It's as though the storm still blows, but I can see the sun on the horizon."
Opening the Portal[edit]
After retrieving all the Focus Stones and before placing them, she will be at the center caldera:
- "We must reforge the links in Sadal's chains, or we'll all be ashes in his inferno."
Sadal's Final Defeat[edit]

When you enter the portal, Walks-in-Ash laments the death of the Vanguard troops that are destroyed by Sadal after you step off of the Daedric platform.
- Tanval Indoril: "Hold the portal. We don't want to be trapped here."
- Sadal: "Weaklings. You think to enter my realm?"
- Holgunn: "Pretty confident, isn't he?"
- Sadal: "Burn! Burn in flames."
- Tanval Indoril: "Get clear."
- Walks-in-Ash: "Those poor creatures. May their souls find soft mud-wallows."
The final ward is down.
- Tanval Indoril: "Looks like it's just us. Stay close."
- Walks-in-Ash: "Lovely."
During the fight against Sadal, she will be healing you and your allies.
After Sadal's shield is destroyed a second time:
- Tanval Indoril: "Glory for the Pact!"
- Walks-in-Ash: "The storm breaks. Let the lightning strike."
After Sadal's physical form is defeated, and his spirit is vulnerable, she commands you to summon the guardians of the Tormented Spire.
- Walks-in-Ash: "Summon the guardians."
After Sadal is sealed away, she opens a portal to allow you to return home.
- Walks-in-Ash: "I'll open a portal. Time to get out of here."
Speak with her back outside of the Tormented Spire:
- "We're safe. I would prefer not to do that again."
- Is it over?
- "The Brothers of Strife are imprisoned. The storm has passed. The spire is silent again. It is over, at least for now."
- Tanval told me he planned to resign his position.
- "He returned to wisdom at the end. Holgunn will grumble, but he will lead, at least until the Great Houses choose another.
As for me, I must return to my tribe. I will bask in the sun and try not to think of storms. Stay moist, my friend."
The Rift[edit]
Soldier Down[edit]
She and Holgunn One-Eye can later be met at the Pact's camp near Honrich Tower. She is in the healer's tent or out in the field, tending to Injured Soldiers. When you approach her while she's tending to an injured soldier:
- "Stay with me, soldier. The river will not take you away today."
She will be tending to the wounded Pact soldiers and require your assistance to treat the wounded who are on the battlefield:
- "My friend. Fond greetings will have to wait."
- What's wrong?
- "The cultists, the Daedra. They overwhelm every force we send against them. These men and women need our help."
- What can I do to help?
- "Take this supply of bandages. They're treated with an herbal mixture. Should get the wounded back on their feet. Know that our soldiers have traveled through the portals. I'm sure wounded lie there, as well. Thank you, my friend."
- You can count on me.
Speaking to her again:
- "When this trooper is patched up, I'll move on to the next. You'd better get going."
After delivering the bandages, she'll appear next to you or will be back at the medical tent in the Pact camp:
- "You've done well, my friend. I've been tracking your progress."
- Have we made a difference?
- "Yes, my friend. We have. Families across the Pact-lands will rest easier tonight thanks to you."
After the quest, if you helped the Pact at Fort Virak:
- "Many more would grieve by the river today, if not for you. Thank you, my friend."
- It seems Holgunn was worried for you.
- "Yes, Holgunn and I have spent quite a lot of time together since the battle at Fort Virak. Our paths down the river are now one. And in some ways, we have you to thank for that."
While gearing up for the final confrontation with Sinmur, Walks can be found in the Pact camp at Trolhetta.
- "Sinmur is a blight upon this land. Our task will not be easy."
Securing the Pass[edit]
She will be at the Pact camp at Trolhetta. She will be at a campfire with Valdam Andoren and Holgunn One-Eye:
- "Sinmur is a blight upon the land. Our task will not be easy."
During Securing the Pass, you can request aid from her after successfully persuading King Jorunn to let you take a companion. She will send a male Argonian Pact soldier to assist you:
- "May the waters protect you. You will succeed.
Remember, not all foes must be fought. Use your stealth and your wits to avoid fights. Save your strength for the true enemy, Sinmur." - Jorunn feels I need a comrade-in-arms.
- "The waters run deep and swift within Trolhetta. Even a champion may get swept away if alone.
I can offer you a firemage to accompany you on your quest." - I accept your offer.
- "You are wise. The firemage I have chosen will not fail you."
- I'll let you know.
- "Important decisions must not be made hastily."
If you exit Trolhetta Cave before destroying the Reaper Orb:
- "Sinmur is a mountain we must surmount. And you must lead us."
Stomping Sinmur[edit]
You will find her at the summit and before you speak to Jorunn:
- "Like a spring torrent, our troops will pour through the pass you've opened."
She will assist you in fighting the Worm Cultists and Sinmur.
At the end of the battle, she will witness Ysgramor and his Companions congratulating the Pact heroes for stopping Sinmur.
After Sinmur is defeated, she'll say:
- "A blight has been cleansed from Tamriel today. My heart is flooded with pride, and my mind is soothed like calm waters after a storm.
It was an honor fighting at your side."
Hollow City Mages Guild[edit]
She resides in the Hollow City Mages Guild after Vanus is rescued.
- "I am a long way from Ash Mountain and the warm climate of Stonefalls.
But I have committed my time and talent to helping the Mages Guild here in Coldharbour. Hopefully, this soon will be over and we can return to our homes."
Crossing the Chasm[edit]
When you head to The Chasm, Walks-in-Ash will be tending to the wounded fighters near the wayshrine. You can ask her about the Chasm or how she's been if you met her previously in Tamriel.
- "If you can destroy the four focus stones, then we'll be able to control the portal and hold the first segment of the Chasm."
- Can I ask you a few questions?
- "You can always ask. I may have the answers. Or I may not.
What is it you wish to know?" - What can you tell me about this place?
- "Clearly Molag Bal created the Chasm to defend his sanctum.
The first tier is a rocky bridge that spans the nothingness below. The second tier, higher up, can only be accessed by a sealed portal. And finally, a fortified gatehouse. Most impressive!"
- "Clearly Molag Bal created the Chasm to defend his sanctum.
- Have things settled down in Stonefalls? (if you finished the Stonefalls storyline)
- "As calm as a land of volcanoes can be. Balreth troubles us no more. My people turn their attention back to everyday concerns.
When the call went out, I decided to make the trek to this cold, dead realm. If we fail here, nowhere in Nirn will be safe."
- "As calm as a land of volcanoes can be. Balreth troubles us no more. My people turn their attention back to everyday concerns.
- Do you have any potions to help me this time? (if you met her at Honrich Tower)
- "Potions aren't the answer to every problem we face, my friend. The scale of this place and the scope of our effort means that we must fight our way through.
I will do my best to protect those I can, but you must rely on your own devices."
- "Potions aren't the answer to every problem we face, my friend. The scale of this place and the scope of our effort means that we must fight our way through.
After you have destroyed the four focus stones, an exasperated Walks-in-Ash will enter the portal to the next tier, while explaining what happened to Gathwen and Cadwell:
- Walks-In-Ash: "Darien has rushed on ahead, as usual. I shall proceed with caution and see if I can keep him focused on the task at hand."
If you speak to her here, she says:
- "We must be ever vigilant. Daedra can be as devious as dark clouds on a sunny day."
While on the second tier, Walks-In-Ash will be accompanied by the Fighters Guild member, Halana as she attempts to shutdown the western portal. Once there is a lull in the waves of Daedra, she will do so.
- Walks-In-Ash: "These creatures do not frighten me. Let us close this portal."
- <The Argonian channels green energy into the portal and it closes.>
- Walks-in-Ash: "The portal is closed! We make a most effective team, my friend."
The Citadel Must Fall[edit]

Walks-in-Ash can be found with Holgunn, looking out over the bridge just outside the Reaver Citadel.
- "You will help us find a way to forge these dangerous waters and get our troops past the Reaver Citadel. I have total confidence in you."
After you have taken the Citadel and obtained the Labyrinth Key, she can be found with Holgunn, inspecting the Guild fighters and mages.
- "I am proud of the Guilds and what we have accomplished thus far, but it isn't over yet. I hope we can continue this unprecedented cooperation a while longer, for I fear our greatest challenge is yet to come."