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Online:Snow and Flame

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This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Online Quest Project.
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Quick Summary: written by Enodoc, checked by MolagBallet

Walkthrough: written by MolagBallet, not checked

Quest Stages: written by MolagBallet, not checked

ON-qico-Zone Story.png Cause enough chaos at Skuldafn to keep the Stormfist Brigade occupied.
Zone: Eastmarch
Zone StoryThis quest is part of the Zone Story
Faction: Ebonheart Pact
Objective: Required for Cadwell's Almanac Skuldafn — Reach the dragonshrine and stop Fildgor's vile plot.
Quest Giver: Scout Snowhunter
Location(s): Skuldafn
Prerequisite Quest: A Council of Thanes
Previous Quest: Sneak Peak
Next Quest: Songs of Sovngarde
Reward: Burial Shawl of the Brief Queen
Average Leveled Gold
XP Gain: Low Experience
ID: 4116
Burn the Stormfists' mead stockpile
Fildgor the usurper fled to the ancient dragonshrine of Skuldafn to steal Queen Nurnhilde's spirit and force the Crown of Freydis to recognize him. I need to stop him.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Scout Snowhunter.
  2. Talk to Thane Mera Stormcloak at the other end of the tunnel.
  3. Burn the stockpiles of weapons, food, and mead.
  4. Light the signal fire.
  5. Enter the burial tombs.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Burn the weapons stockpile

Scout Snowhunter will brief you on the situation before sending you through the Hidden Tunnel.

"I'm glad you're here. We were worried we'd missed our opportunity. The other scouts report that Fildgor's flank is undefended."
How do we use that to our advantage?
"Go talk to Thane Mera. She led a small team up through this pass and into Skuldafn.
We need to find a way to get the rest of the soldiers through the pass without drawing the attention of the Stormfists."
I'll meet up with Thane Mera.
"Skuldafn is extremely defensible. It won't be easy to get our army up there. Still, Fildgor the Exile won't wait for us to get into position. He has his own timetable to keep, I'm sure.
Good luck up there."
I understand. Thanks.

Enter the Hidden Tunnel and pass through it. On the other side, you'll find that you're in a secluded area within the Skuldafn dragonshrine. Thane Mera Stormcloak and several of her scouts are hiding down here. Speak with Thane Mera.

Burn the food stockpile
"We're waiting for King Jorunn and his troops to arrive, but Fildgor has his own agenda. He's moving fast and I don't think the army is going to show up in time.
But I've got a few ideas on how to slow him down."
What's your plan?
"Fire. Nothing causes more chaos than a raging fire. Scares even the most dim-witted, hard-headed Nords.
The carts the Stormfist brought are full of weapons, food, and other gear. Set them ablaze and start a panic. That should slow them down a bit."
Then what should I do?
"Light the signal fire. That's the sign the King's troops are waiting for before they make their final push up the mountain.
That said, I still don't think they'll make it in time. You need to reach Fildgor and slow him down. Good luck."
Light the signal fire to alert the Pact

Your first task is to burn the Stormfists' supplies. The supplies are scattered throughout Skuldafn in covered wagons. You can identify a specific cache by peering inside the cart and looking at its contents. The food cart has spices and food in it, the mead cart has mead bottles, and the weapons cart has weapons in it. Be careful entering the premises, as there are oil traps on the road to the first wagon.

The weapons cart is likely the first one you'll come across. Head up the stairs from Thane Mera's location and the weapon stockpile is sitting in a camp near an orcish tent. Burn the weapon stockpile, then head towards the food stockpile, which is in a cart next to a wall. The mead stockpile is located along a ledge in the ruins. Once you've burned the supplies, head towards the signal fire and light it. The signal fire is on a ridge near the Skuldafn Tombs, which are up the big staircase. When you reach the door to the tombs, turn left and keep going. The signal fire is located on the ridge at the end of the building.

Enter the Skuldafn Tombs once the signal fire is lit. Inside, you'll find the weakened spirit of Queen Nurnhilde, who bears ill news.

Quest Stages[edit]

Snow and Flame
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
Scout Snowhunter showed me a hidden tunnel that leads to Skuldafn. I should enter the tunnel and meet with the scout's leader, Thane Mera.
Objective: Enter the Hidden Tunnel
I entered the hidden tunnel and spotted more of the King's scouts. I should make my way to the other end of the tunnel so I can meet with Thane Mera.
Objective: Navigate the Hidden Tunnel
I made it to the other end of the hidden tunnel. I should exit the hidden tunnel and look for Thane Mera.
Objective: Exit the Hidden Tunnel
The hidden tunnel deposited me in a secluded area within the dragonshrine. I see Thane Mera and more of the King's scouts ahead of me. I should talk to her.
Objective: Talk to Thane Mera Stormcloak
Thane Mera intends to sow chaos in the Stormfist camp to slow them down and give King Jorunn's army time to arrive. She wants me to set fire to the Stormfist supply wagons.
Objective: Burn the Weapons Stockpile
Objective: Burn the Food Stockpile
Objective: Burn the Mead Stockpile
The Stormfists' supply wagons are burning nicely. Now I should light the signal fire to alert Jorunn the Skald-King's troops.
Objective: Light the Signal Fire
I sent the signal to King Jorunn's forces. I don't have time to wait for them to arrive, however. I need to stop Fildgor from stealing the Queen's spirit. The way to the central dragonshrine appears to be through the doors at the top of the stairs.
Objective: Enter the Skuldafn Tombs
Finishes quest☑ In the Skuldafn tombs, Queen Nurnhilde appeared before me. Her spirit form appears weak. She seems to want to speak to me.
Objective: Talk to Queen Nurnhilde
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
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