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Oblivion:Reflect Spell

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OB-icon-Reflectspell.png Reflect Spell
School Mysticism
Type Defensive
(No enchanting)
Effect ID RFLC
Base Cost 3.5
Barter Factor 400
(Click on any item for details)
Custom Potions
Built-In Potions

Reflect Spell M% for D seconds

Reflect Spell is an M% chance to reflect a hostile spell back at the caster and avoid its potentially damaging effect. This means that having 100% Reflect Spell will make you invulnerable to magic while all hostile spells cast at you will bounce back at their casters. The spells reflected count as though they were cast by the player for the purpose of spell leveling.


  • Reflect Spell only protects you against spells cast by spellcasters, unlike Spell Absorption. Therefore, it won't protect against damage from objects such as Magic Traps. Fortunately, this means that it won't prevent you from reaping the benefits of good spells, such as the Arena Basin and blessings at altars, unlike Spell Absorption.
  • Sometimes it's really amusing to see goblin shamans fainting in front of you as they cast their Paralysis spells, will-o-the-wisps casting Absorb Health and transferring their own health to you instead, Wraiths cursing and silencing themselves as they attempt to weaken you, and so on.
    • Some creatures cast spells to which they themselves are immune. For example; atronachs, ghosts, and wraiths will resist Frost Damage, which is part of their Silence of the Grave spell--but they will still silence themselves, nevertheless. Reflecting the spell in this case still protects the player from harmful magic effects, but does not damage the attacker.
  • Enemies with innate reflect spell abilities or capable of casting Reflect Spell are the following: Liches, Mended Flesh AtronachsSI, Golden SaintsSI, Mankar Camoran, Frathen DrothanMR and possibly the Second GatekeeperSI. Several other enemies are also capable to cast Reflect Spell at higher levels: Dremora, certain Vampire classes, Conjurers, Blind Moth Priests, Priests of OrderSI and several other NPCs who have major Mysticism spells in their leveled spells lists.
  • If an Absorb spell is reflected, both the source and target are reversed; e.g., if your Absorb Health spell is reflected, it will transfer health from you to your intended target.
  • It doesn't matter whether you're hit with spells cast by hostile or by friendly creatures; Reflect Spell will respond to everyone and everything likewise. It could cause trouble, accidentally harming or killing your allies. Beware!
  • Spells will only reflect once. If your spell bounces against an enemy back to you, no amount of spell reflection is going to bounce it back.
    • Likewise, reflected spells cannot be absorbed; even a player with 100% spell absorption can be hurt by his or her own spell that has been reflected back. Unlike both the previous examples, however, 100% resistance will remain fully functional.
  • If an 'On Target' spell reflects, it takes effect against the caster immediately; the projectile doesn't "bounce" off the original target.
  • Custom enchantments are not possible with Reflect Spell. This effect is disabled at the Enchanting Altar.
  • Here are some worthwhile items to acquire if you're trying to achieve a high spell reflection:
  • The Heart of Spell Turning (Gatekeeper Gift)SI has a Reflect Spell effect which can be acquired during the main quest Rebuilding the Gatekeeper, choose the Heart of Spell Turning body part when selecting parts for the new Gatekeeper. You can only have one Gatekeeper Gift Power at a time.
  • The Manipulate Weather greater powerSI has a 5% chance of bestowing the Torrent ability, providing 30% Reflect Spell.
  • Llivam's Reversal is an Expert level spell only available through the Spell Tomes DLC which provides 10 pts Spell Absorption for 20 seconds, together with 15 pts Reflect Spell for 20 seconds.
  • This effect can be gained for spell making via spells, Llivam's Reversal or the Shezarr Stone Doomstone.

See also[edit]


Related effects:

Alchemy Ingredients[edit]

The following alchemy ingredients can be used to create a potion of Reflect Spell:
