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Spell Tomes

Oblivion:Spell Tomes

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Spell Tomes
Released September 1, 2006
Size 2.4 MB
Filename DLCSpellTomes.esp
Xbox 360
Patch 1.1.511 or higher
CS Version 1.2
A Spell Tome

Spell Tomes is an official download for Oblivion that adds new spells, as well as the titular books from which spells can be learned simply by reading them.

This pack adds "Spell Tomes" to the world's random treasure. These books grant you wondrous and powerful magic spells, just by reading them! Now Mages will also gain instant benefits by treasure hunting. Friend and foe alike will bow in awe before your power. —Former Official Summary
This pack adds Spell Tomes to the world's treasures. These books grant you powerful magic spells by reading them. —Official Summary

Finding Spell Tomes[edit]

Promotional image showing a variety of spell tomes

Once the download is installed, spell tomes will have a roughly 1 in 4 chance of randomly appearing in place of a scroll. They can be found in any container where scrolls may be generated (listed at Finding Scrolls). The tomes range in power and include both new and existing spells. Some of the new spells use previously unavailable effects, such as Fortify Skill, Resist Disease, Resist Paralysis, Resist Poison, Stunted Magicka, Resist Frost, and Summon Bear. A few of the more powerful new spells have been balanced with slightly detrimental effects (such as Sun Damage) to lower the magicka cost. Unlike scrolls, spell tomes will spawn at earlier levels: Novice and Apprentice will spawn from level 1, Journeyman from level 6, Expert from level 11, and Master tomes from level 16.

Using a spell tome for a spell that you have already learned will consume the tome and have no other effect.

Conjurer dungeons and necromancer dungeons are the best places to look.

NPCs that have level-dependent amount of spell tomes:

  • When finishing Through A Nightmare, Darkly you'll gain 6 scrolls at the end. If you have the Spell Tomes download installed, this is by far the most reliable way to get a specific spell tome, since you'll get on average 1.5 possibly higher leveled spell tomes. Simply save just before speaking to Henantier after returning to Bravil. In general higher leveled spell tomes seem to be more rare.
  • The cupboard on the southwest wall in the Chironasium containing the completed mage's staff at the end of A Mage's Staff also contains 5 Apprentice-leveled scrolls. With the Spell Tomes download installed, you'll get 1.25 spell tomes on average. Its contents will not respawn.
  • There is only one guaranteed spell tome; the download features a single non-respawning Conjurer who carries a single tome. This conjurer is initially spawned outside Fort Cedrian on the middle of the bridge, but will seek you out wherever you are in Cyrodiil and attack on sight.

Containers and enemies that contain/carry scrolls that respawn (like dungeons):

  • Fort Rayles Hall of Winter has two boss chests which also have a high chance of spawning a spell tome (0.75 on average). Be sure to enter from the eastern door to access these chests quickly. Another source is Moss Rock Cavern (0.85 on average).
  • Ceyatatar has three Conjurer boss chests. The first one is easily accessed from the exterior trap door. If you have once cleared the entire dungeon, save outside, then reload to access the rest of the dungeon. Be sure to also save just before entering the first zone where another easily accessible boss chest is located. This dungeon has 1.125 spell tomes on average. Fyrelight - Deep Canyon is another great source for an average of 0.5 easily-accessible spell tomes from a monster boss chest (save outside door E).
  • Necromancers have a small chance (<10%) of carrying a leveled spell tome (with exception of Silorn and other associated Mages Guild quest dungeons). These tomes can be of any type. Best sources are Echo Cave (2.425 on average: first zone 1.05, second 0.475, third 0.9), Fort Istirus (2.15 on average) and Fort Linchal (1.95).

New Spells[edit]

This is a list of the new spells introduced with the download and can only be learned from their respective spell tomes. There are also other tomes for spells that already exist without this download.


Spell Name Form IDs Effect Details Magicka Spell Cost How to Obtain
O-Shield small.png Defensive Boost
Spell : xx001218
Tome : xx00127E
Fortify Fortify Light Armor 5 pts for 30 secs on Self
Shield Shield 15pts for 30sec on Self
  • Can only be learned from Defensive Boost Tome
O-Shield small.png Shieldwall
Spell : xx001216
Tome : xx001282
Fortify Fortify Heavy Armor 5 pts for 30 secs on Self
Shield Shield 15pts for 30sec on Self
  • Can only be learned from Shieldwall Tome


Spell Name Form IDs Effect Details Magicka Spell Cost How to Obtain
O-TurnUndead small.png Mara's Grace
Spell : xx0011EC
Tome : xx001289
Light Light 40 pts in 15 ft for 30 secs on Target
Turn Undead Turn Undead 30 pts in 15 ft for 30 secs on Target
  • Can only be learned from Mara's Grace Tome
O-SummonZombie small.png Pride of Hirstaang
Spell : xx0011EA
Tome : xx001287
Fortify Strength Fortify Strength 5 pts for 30 secs on Self
Resist Frost Resist Frost 30 pts for 30 secs on Self
O-SummonZombie small.png Summon Black Bear for 30 secs on Self
  • Can only be learned from Pride of Hirstaang Tome


Spell Name Form IDs Effect Details Magicka Spell Cost How to Obtain
O-Frost small.png Chilling Touch[A]
Spell : xx00123F
Tome : xx00129F
Weakness to Frost Weakness to Frost 25% for 5 secs on Touch
Frost Damage Frost Damage 4 pts for 5 secs on Touch
  • Can only be learned from Chilling Touch Tome
O-Drain small.png Choking Grasp
Spell : xx001224
Tome : xx0012AA
Drain Health Drain Health 35 pts for 3 secs on Touch
  • Can only be learned from Choking Grasp Tome
O-Damage small.png Decaying Taint
Spell : xx00120B
Tome : xx0012AE
Damage Health Damage Health 2 pts for 5 secs on Target
  • Can only be learned from Decaying Taint Tome
O-Shock small.png Electrifying Spark
Spell : xx0011FC
Tome : xx001299
Shock Damage Shock Damage 3 pts for 5 secs on Target
  • Can only be learned from Electrifying Spark Tome
O-Shock small.png Elemental Flare
Spell : xx00121A
Tome : xx00128D
Fire Damage Fire Damage 5 pts on Target
Frost Damage Frost Damage 5 pts on Target
Shock Damage Shock Damage 5 pts on Target
  • Can only be learned from Elemental Flare Tome
O-Fire small.png Flammable Touch[A]
Spell : xx001233
Tome : xx001297
Fire Damage Fire Damage 4 pts for 5 secs on Touch
Weakness to Fire Weakness to Fire 25% for 5 secs on Touch
  • Can only be learned from Flammable Touch Tome
O-Frost small.png Freezing Shard
Spell : xx001205
Tome : xx001293
Frost Damage Frost Damage 3 pts for 5 secs on Target
  • Can only be learned from Freezing Shard Tome
O-Fire small.png Searing Flare
Spell : xx0011F4
Tome : xx001298
Fire Damage Fire Damage 3 pts for 5 secs on Target
  • Can only be learned from Searing Flare Tome
O-Damage small.png Soul Grasp
Spell : xx001214
Tome : xx0012A7
Damage Health Damage Health 3 pts for 3 secs on Touch
Soul Trap Soul Trap for 3 secs on Touch
  • Can only be learned from Soul Grasp Tome
O-Shock small.png Spark Touch[A]
Spell : xx001237
Tome : xx0012A3
Shock Damage Shock Damage 4 pts for 5 secs on Touch
Weakness to Shock Weakness to Shock 25% for 5 secs on Touch
  • Can only be learned from Spark Touch Tome
O-Damage small.png Decaying Bolt
Spell : xx00120C
Tome : xx0012AF
Damage Health Damage Health 3 pts for 6 secs on Target
  • Can only be learned from Decaying Bolt Tome
O-Shock small.png Electrifying Bolt
Spell : xx0011F8
Tome : xx00129A
Shock Damage Shock Damage 5 pts for 6 secs on Target
  • Can only be learned from Electrifying Bolt Tome
O-Shock small.png Electrifying Touch[A]
Spell : xx001239
Tome : xx0012A4
Shock Damage Shock Damage 6 pts for 6 secs on Touch
Weakness to Shock Weakness to Shock 50% for 6 secs on Touch
  • Can only be learned from Electrifying Touch Tome
O-Shock small.png Elemental Bolt
Spell : xx00121C
Tome : xx00128E
Fire Damage Fire Damage 9 pts on Target
Frost Damage Frost Damage 9 pts on Target
Shock Damage Shock Damage 9 pts on Target
  • Can only be learned from Elemental Bolt Tome
O-Frost small.png Freezing Bolt
Spell : xx0011FD
Tome : xx001294
Frost Damage Frost Damage 5 pts for 6 secs on Target
  • Can only be learned from Freezing Bolt Tome
O-Frost small.png Freezing Touch[A]
Spell : xx001241
Tome : xx0012A0
Frost Damage Frost Damage 6 pts for 7 secs on Touch
Weakness to Frost Weakness to Frost 50% for 7 secs on Touch
  • Can only be learned from Freezing Touch Tome
O-Fire small.png Kindling Touch[A]
Spell : xx0011F0
Tome : xx00129C
Fire Damage Fire Damage 6 pts for 7 secs on Touch
Weakness to Fire Weakness to Fire 50% for 7 secs on Touch
  • Can only be learned from Kindling Touch Tome
O-Fire small.png Searing Bolt
Spell : xx00122F
Tome : xx001290
Fire Damage Fire Damage 5 pts for 7 secs on Target
  • Can only be learned from Searing Bolt Tome
O-Drain small.png Strangulation
Spell : xx001222
Tome : xx0012AB
Drain Health Drain Health 70 pts for 3 secs on Touch
  • Can only be learned from Strangulation Tome
O-Damage small.png Decaying Burst
Spell : xx00120D
Tome : xx0012B0
Damage Health Damage Health 7 pts for 6 secs on Target
  • Can only be learned from Decaying Burst Tome
O-Damage small.png Electrifying Burst
Spell : xx0011FA
Tome : xx00129B
Shock Damage Shock Damage 10 pts for 6 secs on Target
  • Can only be learned from Electrifying Burst Tome
O-Fire small.png Elemental Burst
Spell : xx00121E
Tome : xx00128F
Fire Damage Fire Damage 15 pts on Target
Frost Damage Frost Damage 15 pts on Target
Shock Damage Shock Damage 15 pts on Target
  • Can only be learned from Elemental Burst Tome
O-Frost small.png Freezing Burst
Spell : xx0011FE
Tome : xx001295
Frost Damage Frost Damage 10 pts for 6 secs on Target
  • Can only be learned from Freezing Burst Tome
O-Frost small.png Frostbite[A]
Spell : xx001243
Tome : xx0012A1
Frost Damage Frost Damage 12 pts for 6 secs on Touch
Weakness to Frost Weakness to Frost 75% for 6 secs on Touch
  • Can only be learned from Frostbite Tome
O-Drain small.png Hangman's Noose
Spell : xx001226
Tome : xx0012AC
Drain Health Drain Health 130 pts for 3 secs on Touch
  • Can only be learned from Hangman's Noose Tome
O-Shock small.png Lightning Touch[A]
Spell : xx00123B
Tome : xx0012A5
Shock Damage Shock Damage 12 pts for 6 secs on Touch
Weakness to Shock Weakness to Shock 75% for 6 secs on Touch
  • Can only be learned from Lightning Touch Tome
O-Fire small.png Mark of Fire
Spell : xx000CEA
Tome : xx0012A9
Fire Damage Fire Damage 1 pt in 15 ft for 30 secs on Target
  • Can only be learned from Mark of Fire Tome
O-Fire small.png Scorching Touch[A]
Spell : xx001235
Tome : xx00129D
Fire Damage Fire Damage 12 pts for 6 secs on Touch
Weakness to Fire Weakness to Fire 75% for 6 secs on Touch
  • Can only be learned from Scorching Touch Tome
O-Fire small.png Searing Burst
Spell : xx0011F2
Tome : xx001291
Fire Damage Fire Damage 10 pts for 6 secs on Target
  • Can only be learned from Searing Burst Tome
O-Frost small.png Arctic Touch[A]
Spell : xx001245
Tome : xx0012A2
Frost Damage Frost Damage 30 pts for 6 secs on Touch
Weakness to Frost Weakness to Frost 100% for 6 secs on Touch
  • Can only be learned from Arctic Touch Tome
O-Damage small.png Decaying Blast
Spell : xx001204
Tome : xx0012B1
Damage Health Damage Health 16 pts for 6 secs on Target
  • Can only be learned from Decaying Blast Tome
O-Shock small.png Electrifying Blast
Spell : xx0011F9
Tome : xx00128C
Shock Damage Shock Damage 20 pts for 6 secs on Target
  • Can only be learned from Electrifying Blast Tome
O-Shock small.png Electrocuting Touch[A]
Spell : xx00123D
Tome : xx0012A6
Shock Damage Shock Damage 30 pts for 6 secs on Touch
Weakness to Shock Weakness to Shock 100% for 6 secs on Touch
  • Can only be learned from Electrocuting Touch Tome
O-Shock small.png Elemental Blast
Spell : xx001220
Tome : xx00128B
Fire Damage Fire Damage 25 pts on Target
Frost Damage Frost Damage 25 pts on Target
Shock Damage Shock Damage 25 pts on Target
  • Can only be learned from Elemental Blast Tome
O-Frost small.png Freezing Blast
Spell : xx001203
Tome : xx001296
Frost Damage Frost Damage 20 pts for 6 secs on Target
  • Can only be learned from Freezing Blast Tome
O-Fire small.png Immolating Touch[A]
Spell : xx0011F6
Tome : xx00129E
Fire Damage Fire Damage 30 pts for 6 secs on Touch
Weakness to Fire Weakness to Fire 100% for 6 secs on Touch
  • Can only be learned from Immolating Touch Tome
O-Fire small.png Mara's Wrath
Spell : xx002841
Tome : xx002844
Fire Damage Fire Damage 3 pts in 15ft for 30sec on Target
Turn Undead Turn Undead 35 pts in 15ft for 30sec on Target
  • Can only be learned from Mara's Wrath Tome
O-Fire small.png Searing Blast
Spell : xx001231
Tome : xx001292
Fire Damage Fire Damage 20 pts for 6 secs on Target
  • Can only be learned from Searing Blast Tome
O-Drain small.png Touch of Death
Spell : xx001228
Tome : xx0012AD
Drain Health Drain Health 250 pts for 3 secs on Touch
  • Can only be learned from Touch of Death Tome
Spells which combine elemental damage with a weakness to that element will not work as expected. The weakness will only take effect for subsequent damage by that element and will not be affected by the damage inflicted from the initial use of the spell.


Spell Name Form IDs Effect Details Magicka Spell Cost How to Obtain
O-Invisibility small.png Blink
Spell : xx001212
Tome : xx001285
Invisibility Invisibility for 5 secs on Self
  • Can only be learned from Blink Tome
O-Light small.png Enhanced Visibility
Spell : xx00120A
Tome : xx001288
Light Light 10 pts in 30 ft for 30 secs on Target
  • Can only be learned from Enhanced Visibility Tome
O-Invisibility small.png Night Form
Spell : xx0011E0
Tome : xx00128A
Fortify Fortify Sneak 10 pts for 30 secs on Self
Invisibility Invisibility for 30 secs on Self
Sun Damage Sun Damage 2 pts for 50 secs on Self
100 (154)
  • Can only be learned from Night Form Tome
O-Invisibility small.png Orum's Aquatic Escape
Spell : xx0011DF
Tome : xx001284
Invisibility Invisibility for 15 secs on Self
Night-Eye Night-Eye for 15 secs on Self
Water Breathing Water Breathing for 15 secs on Self
  • Can only be learned from Orum's Aquatic Escape Tome
O-Paralyze small.png Thunderclap
Spell : xx0012B2
Tome : xx0012B6
Paralyze Paralyze in 20 ft for 1 sec on Touch
  • Can only be learned from Thunderclap Tome
O-Chameleon small.png Fenrik's Welcome[B]
Spell : xx00122D
Tome : xx001281
Chameleon Chameleon 100% for 5 secs on Self
Open Open (Average Lock) 50 pts on Target
  • Can only be learned from Fenrik's Welcome Tome
O-Paralyze small.png Karstaag's Breath
Spell : xx0011E8
Tome : xx001286
Frost Damage Frost Damage 10 pts for 10 secs on Touch
Paralyze Paralyze for 5 secs on Touch
  • Can only be learned from Karstaag's Breath Tome
Due to how Open spells function, Fenrick's Welcome can open any door up to 50 points. As a result the spell can open certain Hard locks, despite being labeled as an Open Average Lock spell.


Spell Name Form IDs Effect Details Magicka Spell Cost How to Obtain
O-DetectLife small.png Baltham's Insight
Spell : xx0011EE
Tome : xx00127F
Detect Life Detect Life 150 pts for 5 secs on Self
  • Can only be learned from Baltham's Insight Tome
O-ReflectMagic small.png Llivam's Reversal
Spell : xx00122C
Tome : xx001283
Reflect Spell Reflect Spell 15 pts for 20 secs on Self
Spell Absorption Spell Absorption 10 pts for 20 secs on Self
  • Can only be learned from Llivam's Reversal Tome


Spell Name Form IDs Effect Details Magicka Spell Cost How to Obtain
O-Fortify small.png Aundae's Aura[C]
Spell : xx0011E4
Tome : xx001280
Fortify Fortify Willpower 10 pts for 30 secs on Self
Fortify Fortify Blade 5 pts for 30 secs on Self
Fortify Fortify Mysticism 5 pts for 30 secs on Self
Fortify Fortify Destruction 5 pts for 30 secs on Self
Sun Damage Sun Damage 1 pt for 30 secs on Self
50 (76)
  • Can only be learned from Aundae's Aura Tome
O-Fortify small.png Berne's Aura[C]
Spell : xx0011E2
Tome : xx00127D
Fortify Fortify Agility 10 pts for 30 secs on Self
Fortify Fortify Sneak 5 pts for 30 secs on Self
Fortify Fortify Hand to Hand 5 pts for 30 secs on Self
Fortify Fortify Acrobatics 5 pts for 30 secs on Self
Sun Damage Sun Damage 1 pt for 30 secs on Self
50 (76)
  • Can only be learned from Berne's Aura Tome
O-Fortify small.png Quarra's Aura[C]
Spell : xx0011E6
Tome : xx00127C
Fortify Fortify Strength 10 pts for 30 secs on Self
Fortify Fortify Blunt 5 pts for 30 secs on Self
Fortify Fortify Hand To Hand 5 pts for 30 secs on Self
Fortify Fortify Heavy Armor 5 pts for 30 secs on Self
Sun Damage Sun Damage 1 pt for 30 secs on Self
50 (76)
  • Can only be learned from Quarra's Aura Tome
O-Resist small.png Disease Resistance
Spell : xx001D89
Tome : xx00284C
Resist Disease Resist Disease 50 pts for 20 secs on Self
  • Can only be learned from Disease Resistance Tome
O-Absorb small.png Leech Vitality
Spell : xx000CE9
Tome : xx000CE6
Absorb Health Absorb Health 10 pts on Touch
Absorb Magicka Absorb Magicka 20 pts on Touch
  • Can only be learned from Leech Vitality Tome
O-Absorb small.png Magicka Vortex[D]
Spell : xx0012B8
Tome : xx0017A3
Absorb Magicka Absorb Magicka 10 pts for 5 secs on Touch
Stunted Magicka Stunted Magicka for 30 secs on Touch
Weakness to Magic Weakness to Magic 25 pts for 30 secs on Touch
140 (117)
  • Can only be learned from Magicka Vortex Tome
O-Resist small.png Resist Paralysis
Spell : xx001D92
Tome : xx002850
Resist Paralysis Resist Paralysis 20 pts for 20 secs on Self
  • Can only be learned from Resist Paralysis Tome
O-Resist small.png Resist Poison
Spell : xx001D94
Tome : xx002851
Resist Poison Resist Poison 50 pts for 20 secs on Self
  • Can only be learned from Resist Poison Tome
The magicka cost of the Sun Damage effect is subtracted from this spell, lowering the base cost to 50.
The cost for Magicka Vortex has been increased by 23 to account for the lack of base magicka cost for the Stunted Magicka effect, which is actually implemented as a Script Effect for this spell due to Stunted Magicka only being available in the Construction Set as an on-self spell.

Spell Notes[edit]

  • The cost for most spells matches the value you would calculate from the Spell Cost equation. In other words, if you were to create the same spell at the Spellmaking Altar it would have the same magicka cost as the built-in spell. However, there are a few notable exceptions, as noted in the tables. Spells that are a bad deal, i.e. more expensive than a custom spell, are in red; spells that are a good deal are in green. The magicka cost if you were to create a custom spell at the Spellmaking Altar is shown in parentheses.
  • Cost for spells is dependent upon your skill in the school (as modified by Luck, see Magic Overview). The provided baseline values are the magicka cost when your skill level is 33. For other skill levels the magicka cost can be determined from:
Cost * (1.4 - 0.012 * Skill)
  • Level indicates what skill level you must reach (or surpass) in order to use a spell. Skill Level 0-24 = Novice, 25-49 = Apprentice, 50-74 = Journeyman, 75-99 = Expert, 100 = Master
  • The base cost in gold that you must pay to purchase a spell is always three times the current magicka cost of the spell, taking into account your character's skill level and Luck. (The actual cost you pay is further increased based on how well you haggle with the merchant). Therefore, if you have any Fortify Skill or Fortify Luck spells/potions handy, you can get significantly better deals when purchasing spells.

Existing Spells[edit]

This is a list of preexisting spells that can now have a corresponding spell tome with which they can be learned from. Most of these spells can also be purchased from spell vendors, although a few spells were previously unavailable in-game and can only be learned from the tomes included with this download.

Alteration Conjuration Destruction Illusion Mysticism Restoration

Burdening Touch
Hindering Touch
Encumbering Touch
Oppressing Grasp
Weight of the World

Ease Burden
Lighten Load
Pack Mule

Heat Shell
Flame Shield
Fire Shield

Frost Shell
Ice Shield
Glacial Wall

Open Very Easy Lock
Open Easy Lock
Open Average Lock
Open Hard Lock

Protect Other[E]

Electric Shell
Lightning Shield
Lightning Wall

Water Breathing

Sea Stride

Minor Bound Armor[F]
Major Bound Armor[F]
Greater Bound Armor[F]
Superior Bound Armor[F]

Bound Boots
Bound Cuirass
Bound Gauntlets
Bound Greaves
Bound Helmet
Bound Shield

Bound War Axe
Bound Bow
Bound Dagger
Bound Mace
Bound Sword

Summon Flame Atronach
Summon Frost Atronach
Summon Storm Atronach
Summon Clannfear
Summon Daedroth
Summon Dremora
Summon Dremora Lord
Summon Ghost
Summon Lich
Summon Scamp
Summon Skeleton
Summon Skeleton Champion
Summon Skeleton Guardian
Summon Skeleton Hero
Summon Spider Daedra
Summon Faded Wraith
Summon Gloom Wraith
Summon Xivilai
Summon Zombie
Summon Headless Zombie

Turn Undead
Repulse Undead
Rebuke Undead
Dismiss Undead

Entropic Bolt
Withering Bolt
Entropic Touch
Withering Touch

Sever Magicka

Corrode Armor
Disintegrate Armor
Corrode Weapon[E]

Minor Enervation
Major Enervation
Dire Enervation

Minor Wound
Major Wound
Dire Wound
Superior Wound

Magicka Drain
Greater Magicka Drain
Superior Magicka Drain

Fire Ball
Fire Storm
Flash Bolt
Blazing Spear
Heat Blast
Burning Touch
Flame Touch
Searing Grasp
Scorching Blow

Hail Storm
Ice Storm
Frost Bolt
Ice Bolt
Cold Touch
Frost Touch
Winter's Grasp
Arctic Blow

Shocking Burst
Lightning Ball
Lightning Bolt
Lightning Blast
Shocking Touch
Electric Touch
Lightning Grasp
Lightning Surge

Weakness to Fire
Weakness to Frost
Weakness to Magicka
Weakness to Poison
Weakness to Shock

Soothing Touch
Calming Touch


Enthralling Presence
Alluring Gaze
Seductive Charm
Voice of Rapture
Beguiling Touch
Mesmerizing Grasp

Command Creature
Dominate Creature
Command Humanoid
Dominate Humanoid
Commanding Touch
Dominating Touch

Voice of Dread
Fearful Gaze
Terrifying Presence
Touch of Fear
Grasp of Terror

Touch of Frenzy
Touch of Rage

Shadow Shape
Spectral Form


Eyes of Eventide
Eyes of Midnight




Minor Life Detection
Major Life Detection
Greater Life Detection
Superior Life Detection

Minor Dispel
Major Dispel
Greater Dispel
Dispel Other
Greater Dispel Other
Superior Dispel

Superior Spell Reflection
Legendary Spell Reflection

Soul Trap
Greater Soul Trap
Superior Soul Trap

Superior Spell Absorption
Legendary Spell Absorption

Remote Manipulation
Psychic Motion
Movement Mastery

Absorb Attribute: Strength

Absorb Health
Leech Health
Consume Health
Devour Health

Absorb Magicka

Cure Disease
Cure Paralysis
Cure Poison

Fortify Agility
Fortify Endurance
Fortify Intelligence
Fortify Luck
Fortify Personality
Fortify Speed
Fortify Strength
Fortify Willpower

Fortify Fatigue
Greater Fortify Fatigue

Fortify Health
Greater Fortify Health

Fortify Magicka
Greater Fortify Magicka

Minor Magic Resistance

Restore Agility
Restore Endurance
Restore Intelligence
Restore Luck
Restore Personality
Restore Speed
Restore Strength
Restore Willpower

Minor Respite
Major Respite

Heal Major Wounds
Heal Greater Wounds
Heal Superior Wounds

Greater Convalescence
Superior Convalescence

The corresponding tomes for these spells cannot be found in-game as they are not included in leveled lists
These spells previously existed in the Construction Set, but can only be learned from tomes included with this download



  • Due to a scripting oversight, a random tome spell may be added to your spellbook on loading a save or when fast-traveling.