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Shivering:Flesh Atronach

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A Mangled Flesh Atronach

The Flesh Atronach appears as a sewn-together conglomeration of skin and muscle adorned with mystical symbols and wearing an iron collar. It is hinted that they were created by Relmyna Verenim after her discovery of the "Flesh" element, however a Mages Guild quest in Daggerfall requires the hunting and killing of a Flesh Atronach. In the Shivering Isles, they serve as animated flesh shells for the spirits/souls (it is unclear) of other Daedra. They are usually found in underground ruins. Flesh Atronachs have multiple orbs/gems on their bodies, the color of which depends upon the variety of Flesh Atronach and can partially be used for identification. They are also summoned by Zealots.

The first three times the stronger versions of the Atronach are attacked by a spell, their Magicka is fortified permanently, as detailed for each Atronach in the Magicka column (Magicka) below.


Creature CLvl App. Carries Health Magicka Fire Resist Resist Magicka Spell Absorption Reflect Spell Resist Poison Stunted Magicka Shock Resist Attacks Soul
Mangled Flesh Atronach


Lvl-1 Max:3 1 Void Essence 16×(Lvl-1) Max:48 0 30 30 0 0 100 Yes☑ -30
  • 10+(Lvl-2)/2 pts melee, unarmed. Max:12
Torn Flesh Atronach


6 8 Void Essence 80 0 30 30 0 0 100 Yes☑ -30
  • 18pts melee, unarmed.
Stitched Flesh Atronach


11 13 Void Essence 125 10
30 0 30 0 100 Yes☑ -30
  • 24pts melee, unarmed.
Other Spells
Sewn Flesh Atronach


16 18 Void Essence 180 10
30 0 30 0 100 Yes☑ -30
  • 30pts melee, unarmed.
  • Damage Health - 10 - Damage Health 20pts on Touch. (Immune to Silence)
Other Spells
Mended Flesh Atronach


Lvl-2 Min:21 23 Void Essence 10×(Lvl-2) Min:210 1×(Lvl-2) Min:21

+ 20-60*

30 0 30 25 100 Yes☑ -30
  • 26+(Lvl-2)/2 pts melee, unarmed. Min:37
  • Damage Health - 10 - Damage Health 20pts on Touch. (Immune to Silence)
  • Fireball - 10 - Fire Damage 25pts in 10ft on Target. (Immune to Silence)
Other Spells
Mangled Flesh Atronach
Torn, Stitched and Sewn Flesh Atronach
Mended Flesh Atronach

Summoned Varieties[edit]

These varieties are summoned by Zealots. They are mostly identical to the standard versions. Note that these are not the varieties summoned by the player's Summon Flesh Atronach power. The article on the Summon effect details which Flesh Atronachs can be summoned by the player.

Creature CLvl Carries Health Magicka Fire Resist Resist Magicka Spell Absorption Resist Poison Stunted Magicka Shock Resist Attacks Soul
Mangled Flesh Atronach


3 Void Essence 45 0 30 30 0 100 Yes☑ -30
  • 10pts melee, unarmed.
Torn Flesh Atronach


6 Void Essence 80 0 30 30 0 100 Yes☑ -30
  • 18pts melee, unarmed.
Stitched Flesh Atronach


11 Void Essence 120 10
30 0 30 100 Yes☑ -30
  • 24pts melee, unarmed.
Other Spells
Sewn Flesh Atronach


16 Void Essence 200 10
30 0 30 100 Yes☑ -30
  • 35pts melee, unarmed.
  • Damage Health - 10 - Damage Health 20pts on Touch. (Immune to Silence)
Other Spells

* If the Atronach is hit with a spell, its Magicka increases permanently. This can happen up to three times.

Special Varieties[edit]

These varieties can only be found at some locations.

Creature CLvl Carries Health Magicka Fire Resist Resist Magicka Spell Absorption Reflect Spell Resist Poison Stunted Magicka Shock Resist Attacks Soul
Mangled Flesh Atronach


Lvl Max:3 Void Essence 15×Lvl 0 30 30 0 0 100 Yes☑ -30
  • 9+Lvl/2 pts melee, unarmed. Max:11
Mended Flesh Atronach


Lvl Min:21 Void Essence 10×Lvl Min:210 Lvl Min:21

+ 20-60*

30 0 30 25 100 Yes☑ -30
  • 26+Lvl/2 pts melee, unarmed. Min:37
  • Damage Health - 10 - Damage Health 20pts on Touch. (Immune to Silence)
  • Fireball - 10 - Fire Damage 25pts in 10ft on Target. (Immune to Silence)
Other Spells
Flesh Atronach


5 nothing 200 0 30 30 0 0 100 Yes☑ -30
  • 9pts melee, unarmed.
Flesh Atronach


5 nothing 200 0 30 30 0 0 100 Yes☑ -30
  • 9pts melee, unarmed.
Failed Experiment


8 nothing 0 (Dead) 80 0 0 0 0 0 No☒ 0
  • 15pts melee, unarmed.

* If the Atronach is hit with a spell, its Magicka increases permanently. This can happen up to three times.