- This location also appeared in The Elder Scrolls Online.
- This location also appeared in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.
Redirects for quest items??
(see: Template:Online Quest Items)
- Cleanimage use: {{cleanimage|ui=y|other=NPC not centered, front shot prefered}}[[Category:Online-NPC Images]] {{cleanimage|ui=crosshair|}}
- People Pages:
- {{intnote}} and {{note}}
Missing Infobox Text: |health={{huh}} |reaction=Justice Neutral |loottype= |pickpocket=
{{Mod Header|Clockwork City}} {{Pre-Release}} {{Book Summary |id= |loc=* |icon= |author= |collection= |description= |lorename=none |questrel= }}
Dragon Bones[edit]
- Worm Cult Personality.
Collectibles: 8 new.
- 4 coffers (30 items each)
- 4 chests (60 items total)
(360 new storage slots total).
- can be renamed since - collectibles)
- So can put say VMA weapons, and name as such. Can put into 2 homes, and have them interactible as both.
- can be renamed since - collectibles)
- Can be collected --> Via Master Writ vouchers and tel var stones. (Also via crowns).
- Some are exclusive to one item.
- Others cannot interact with collectibles and take items out.
Not interactible via bank etc.
- One of these collectibles is a level-up reward.
- Big rewards - every 5 levels. (bank slots??)
- group dungeons unlock at certain levels - redone (via lfg).
- unlock each time.
- Skils advisor.
- "Dragonknight Initiat" build.
- Magicka/stamina/tanky build - done for each class. (guide).
- Mount --> one in crown store??
- Most rewards are once-per account.
- Extra character slot will be added.
- One "outfit" slot for free.
- Allowing outfit styles to be collected. (Slightly different to motifs).
- Outfits arent "type" based. I.e. light/medium/heavy, etc.
- Can do a costume with JUST headpiece, etc.
- Extremely customizable.
- Progress meter. (i.e. know 14/270 leg styles, etc).
- Tooltips give tips on where to acquire them.
- I.e. silken ring greaves from silken ring style, learned in ... etc.
- Can preview things you don't own. :P
- Application cost -> GOLD cost.
- Harder to acquire motif -> more cost to put on outfit.
- High Elf is low cost (100g, etc).
Telvanni Hat costs 2,000 gold.
- You can make a sword look like an axe ??
- Once create outfit, save it forever, etc.
- Monster Helms --> ??
- Outfit slots - 1 free, can buy more.
- Can edit as many times as want - and cost, etc.
- cost occurred when editing template.
- Works in Cyrodiil too. (i.e. can change in Cyrodiil).
- Polymorph > Costume > Outfit > Gear. (Heirarchy).
- Tabard - unsure where fits
- Slots -> via crown store.
- Style conversion - is now part of system. (no cost) if have them.
- Looking at increasing furnishing caps in the future.
- Items inside chest dont count as multiple items, just the "one" item. (i.e. chest etc).
- Dragon Construct --> Pet.
{{Mod Header|Clockwork City}} {{Online NPC Summary |image= |imgdesc= |race= |gender= |city=[[ON:Brass Fortress|Brass Fortress]] |health= |pickpocket= |reaction= |loottype= |faction= }} ''' ''' is a character located in the [[ON:Brass Fortress|Brass Fortress]]. {{Stub|NPC}}
Dark Anchor Bosses[edit]
In the general vicinity of the Uniques: (item id sequentially)
- Encasement of Anguish?
- [1] Glut -
- [3] ?? - HOOD OF THE VOIDGUIDE (Ashlander style)
- [4] Mace of Menta Na
- [5] The Bestial Rampart ?
- [6] Soul-Reaving Bow (Draugr Heritage??)
- [7] Glacial Staff of Nomeg Haga
- [8] Staff of Zymel Hriz
- Hammer of Anaxes
- Mask of the Darkest Seducer
- King Styriche's Helm
- Volar's Crescent Dagger
- Robe of the Lich
- Ozzozachar's Claw
- Stumble's Boots
- Hoghead's Shawl (id=44258)
- Abecean Pirate King's Armor (id=44259)
- Armor of the First Titan (id=44260)
- Pauldrons of the First Titan
- Dylora's Staff
- Greaves of the First Titan
- Face Mask of Anguish
- Battleaxe of Medrike
- Belt of the First Titan|id=44266}}
- Boots of the First Titan
- King Styriche's Pauldrons
- Volar's Crescent Staff
- Gauntlets of the First Titan
- Crown of the Lich -- possibly Gedna Relvel ??
- Ozzozachar's Tooth
- Staff of the Tentacles
- Amkaos
- Kathutet
- Ranyu
- Dylora, Jansa and Vika
- Gedna Relvel
- Glut: Glut's Twin-Tail Hat
- Hogshead Hoghead's Shawl
- Stumble Stumble's Boots
- Rhagothan
- Yggmanei (Staff of the Tentacles??)
Go through this list and remove the "spirits" (i.e. the non-ghost Ghosts). Timeoin (talk) 18:56, 1 October 2017 (UTC)
People Template[edit]
{{People Table| {{People|title=Building|person||person||person||person}} }}
271, 100 (?) 160,600 (?) - Urfon Ice-Heart.
Forgotten Crypts - Sela; Spider:
- Skeletal Warrior, ranger, Rogue
- Wraith? GHOST, Husk (42k)
- A Plea in Parting
- Scrib; Kwama Scrib, Kwama Drone
- Fleshflies, redoran cooking secrets, Smuggler's Note
Bad Man Hallows:
- Snake;
- Finvir
- Hoarvor, Insane Sacrifice, Skeever
- Dead Conjurer
- Evelinne Vette
- Shalk
- Ozozai - 1.2n
- Butcher - 42k
Goblin 52.8k
- hunter (friendly) -19.6 k
Clattwrclaw -589,500
- Fallen miner, etc - 119.5k
Nervyna - ba
Garrison spider - 117.9k Sohere 58.7
- Burning volley - engine guardia
- Sphere - Steam Wall; Blade
- Engine guardian -1.8m
- Qyss Tedas
- Sem Falas
- Wins-Many-Contests
- Swift-Needle
- Svenk the Baker
- Tilu Darethi
- Trili Denelu
- Adovon the Weaver
- Skorjan Cloudstomper
- Slow-at-Words
- Brecir Red-Scar (all 26k, jnl)
- Madras Tedas (40k)
- Hjara Storm-Hammer
- Slips-Through-Fingers
Hiding in Plain Sight:
- Maulborn Recruit/Maulborn rogue.
- maulborn frost mage; Maulborn Rogue;
- Maulborn Recruit; Nix-Hound
- Torchbug.
- No Praise for False Gods, A Tally of Villagers,
- Giron Sadri
Abandoned House:
- Villager, jnl. (Commoner)
- councilor Ralden. (399 health) - 1%.
Fulstrom Homestead:
- Hokmal
- gorm
- Manor Guard
- Valbern
- Sidrytta
- Olfjarda
- Olffik
- Vonlef
- Gesfur
- Baissar
- Ragria
Inside portcullis (WILL ATTACK)
- Rudagalfa
- Pack Master Urf (Hostile)
- Pack Master Alofnorr (Hostile)
- Pack Master Frehilde (Hostilr)
- Gollgarth
- Captain Brand
- Chief Inspector Rhanbiq
- Yumanam (Archer)
- Sahd .. etc
Catacomb: Draugr Archer,frost mage, footsoldier, drauhr berserker,shaman, savage
- Giant Spider, Spider hatchling,
- Crypt Dweller Drusila
Frostbreak: Inside the fortress itself.
- Chronicles of King Kurog, Book II. (Book 3 in outside camp);
- Winterborn archer, warrior, savage, mage
- rat, fleshflies, torchbug, butterfly
- Vilum
- N - The Care and Feeding of Briar Hearts
- Cooking Fire
- Eveli Sharp-Arrow; King Kurog, Alinon the Alchemist (all Quest-Specific
Winterborn clanslayer -
Briarheart Tree-Mender: ba
Mage - Grasping vines; GRASPING Vineburst
Hagraven - flare Briarheart Tree Tender- Grasping Vines
Tree tenders"
- "t)The tree. Protect tbe tree."
- "save the briar hearts"
- "Kill the Intruders"
- no! Stop the intruders! The tree must not be destroyed!"
- Archer: Quick shot;
- Others present: Archer; Winterborn Mage
Unfinished Dolmen:
- Worm Cult Ravager (60.4k)
- WC Necromancer - 57.5k
- savage 60.4k
- Wc battlemage - flare
- wc Ravager - Uppercut, Quick Strime;
Flesh atro (119.5k)- unyielding mace, claw, stomp
- grievous twight - shadow strike
- Xivkyn Banelord - quick strike
- Scamp - rain of fire
Xivkyn dreadweaver -134.3k, grievous twilight - 134.3k, flesh atro - 119.9k, dread daedrat - 60.4k, clannfear 90.6k, scamp 37.6k
Wave 2: Includes Xivkyn Lout (90.6k) G.twilight - Shadow Strike.
- Dread Daedra - Slam
- Xivkyn Cauterizer - 134.3k.
- scamp of a daedric arch - explosive charge
- Zanadadunoz tje reborn - Scourge Bolt.
- Swarming Harpy, Bear, Harpy
- Squirrel, Rabbit, Torchbug., Echalette, Rat, Goat, Fleshflies
- Spider
- Kharsthun
- Letter to Hearth-Mother; "Rubbing"
- Orcish Inscription
- Torug's Shrine: (Sublocation)
- Legends - says Torug sacrificed 7 clans to build his tomb.
- Frozen Orc
- Nikolvarra's Kennel:
- Durzog, durzog whelp. Giant Spider, *spider. Torchbug, Butterfly
- "Giant Spider" - 13.8k (as well as 31.4 for "regular" giant spiders. (Named "spider").
- Rules of Nikolvara's Kennel
- Book: The Whistle
- Troll
- Durzogs - can drop Durzog Feed.
133.8k == 133844
- Durzog Runt - summoned by Nikolvara.
- wc Battlemage, ravager,
Cleaning House:
- Iron wheel Archer, Nightblade, sentinel
- Sub-Captain Brand (66,900 health)
Warehouse District;
- Iszreena /Torkming
- Glinthinar
- Catalog of Rote Duplication - Wellspring Hooch ... etx
- Port Hunding - steal "Port Hunding Reserve".
- Daedric Incursions:
- Gloam Wolf (31.4k)
- Grievous Twilight Lord
- Shrikes - can drop daedra hearts
Exarch's Egress
- Shrike Shadowweaver = 40k
- Night Terror - 31.4k
Mnemonic Planisphere:
- Skeevaton
Yzlduun: Imperial Duelist (ba), imperial Marksman, Imperial Soldier, rat, Imperial Knight, Imperial Pyromancer
- Dwarven Centurion
- Scorpion,
- Dwarven Sphere, Dwarven Spider,
- Scorpion,
- Dwarven Sphere; spider, swarmjng soider, Centurion, lizard.
- Maulborm frost mage, Maulborn Recruit;
- Kotholl (friendly)
- Valyia's Cargo Manifest
- Maulborn Healer
- Valyia, Frahjan, Appraising-Spine (All deceased)
- Rat, Fleshflies
- house Hlaalu Merchant Camp
- Scout Mamyne (House Hlaalu)
Scout Kanat - insode the gorge itself
- plagie stalker;
- Swarming Wasp
- Hlaalu Archer
- Maulborn Commander Arvys
- Maulborn Husk (deceased)
- Torchbug.
- Angaril Tenim, Galori Thirano, commander Renli - stay to guard entrance to Gorgr.
corporal seruli, nivama Hlor, servos Nirith, Urene Gimalvel
Plague Bringer qiest:
- Merdryndil
- "The Apothecarium" - somewhere in these tumbledown Chimer ruins ... missing loadscreen text
- Both Servos, Urene,and Captain Diiril enter area.
- "The Apothecarium" - somewhere in these tumbledown Chimer ruins ... missing loadscreen text
- Servos and Urene will be turned into hisks.
- Then the Captain
Mechanical Murder - Lieutenant Silen, Sergeant Tel;
- Ivrusa Llaren;
- Caravan Master Girano, - attacked on way to Narsis;
- House Hlaalu Retainer, Ultus Areloth,
- Lieutenant Shra, Vrali,
- says Othis Imalor paid them.
- Dres Slayer; Dres Stalker
- fleshflies, rat
- Defender Maera
Inside mzithumz irself:
- Bedyni the Artificer
- (Dissonant Commands)
- Dwarven spheres, spiders, Dres slayers, rat
- spider (passive);
- N - Ithis Omalor's Orders
- Ithis omalor - have option to kill him ir turn him over to Hlaalu.
- centipede, rat, dwarcen spider, dwarven sphere, bthanual centurion, swarming dwarven spider
- Dwemer Dreams.
- Raynkr /Kireth
- Raynor's Journal: Bthanual.
- spider
- Kireth's Prism Notes;
- Raynor's Travel Diary
- swarming dwarven spider, dwarven sphere,
dwarven spider, dwarven Centurion
Kireth's Amazing Plan:
- Mzuleft Researcher's Journal
- Choice: Maps or soul gem lore.
Bthzark - beetle, scorpion
- Guardian Spider, tempered sphere
- Dwarven spider, Dwarven Sphere
- ash'abah's oasis:
- Ogre
- Wasp
- n - The Ring of Daggers
- Beetle; Scorpion.
Damar Farmstead -
- Wabbajack Lorebook: Banekin, Daedroth
- Maelstrom Assassin 40k
- The Sojourner - 40k, ON:Gytha-Kitha (40k), Tuzunkykz,
- A Memory
- Tutor Riparius (Merchant)
- Fa-Nuit-Hen
Vale of the Surreal:
- seducer Darkbow, Seducer Knight, Seducef Dark ... ? , flesh atronach, scamp, clannfear
- Maxus the many, Maxus Militant,
Seht's Balcony:
- Clockwork Sentry
- Dwarven Sphere
- Centurion Champions 141?k health- boss dwarven Centurions - alternate between invulerability and attack (1 at a time)
Drome of Toxic Shock:
- queens pet (wamasu)
- Warrior thrall
- Giant Snake, lamia, lamia curare, lamia domina, (spectral lamia summoned)
Queens advisor - hag
- Lamia Queen - 328
Seht's Flywheel:
- scavenger overcharger, scavenger fire mage, etc.
- Sentry
133.7 kothheid
Rink of Frozen Blood:
- deathless wolf, troll breaker, hintsman geartfinser ,chillbane
348.5 boss
- 35.8k ogre elder;
- 49.?
- Hintsman chillbane - Ice Arroe
- Leiminid Oracle: Cold snap bolt - light rangef attack
- Matriarch Runa - Iceberg Carving
- Shatter
- Sweep
- Leiminid Oracle - Water Geyser
(Ice broken at 75, 45, and 30?)
- Huntsman Frostbiter - Quick strike
- frigid Waters:
- Speaks giantish.
Spiral Shadow:
- dread scorpion,(11.6k) dire wasp
- flesh ator,
Spiderkith Enervator, orhers , berserker, captain, wefter
- Spiderling of a Champion of atrocity - - Infectious Bite.
- Void Lurchet, xivilai Toxicoli
- Champion -- 484.5k ??
- Venomous hoarvor - 5.9k
- Vault of Umbrage"
- Volatile plant // Volatile explosion --
- WILL insta-kill if moy removed (camt be cleansed)
- Nix-Hound - Dampworm, strike,
Wamasu 137
Swamp troll -106.6
- Argonian Minder - Shock
- Also "shields irs vicinity"
- argonian behemoyh - 484.5
- Enraged Scream
- Bleeding
- Lingering spit
- Poisoned (:very low)
- Tutor - Refers to himseld as a "factotum
Igneous Cistern:
- Drem kyngald, gandrakyn, caitiff
Theater of Desopair
Narkynaz - simmin
- Ash titan - 235 ??
Coldperch Cavern:
- Winterborn Icecaster, Archer, Winterborn Mage, winterborn Marauder
- Rat
- Kraala Birdsong, Harpy
- Hagraven
King-Chief's Throne: Riekr:
- Warrior - 60.4;
- Riekr Tempest -57.5k
- fleshflies, rat, ogre, durzog,
- Spider,
- morkuldin warden
- Gharakul's Journal
- Rat
- Spider (both Normal and weak variants)
- Morkuldin's Final Delivery
- Morkuldin Guardian, Protextor (same)
- Lieutenant Corvinus (66.9k)
- Imperial Infantry, Sorcerer
- Enforcer (34.5k), Archer.
- Urenenya's Lament
- Dwarven Sphere, Centurion, soider
- Notes on Klathdar's schematics.
- Pelorrah's final note
- Pelorah - trying to return soul to Silaseli Ruins.
- Dirdre;
- Werewolf (42k)
- Pack Ranger, warrior
- Rat, torchbugs
- Pack Hunter - transforms into Werewolf
- Pack ranger - summons Dire Wolfves
- Pack Berserker , Mystic (uses "Burdening Eye)
- N - The true Nature of Magnar.
- Letter to purifier Cyrus
- Purifiers Journal (Book)
( Xit-xaht trapper *136.7k vet
- Glurbasha
- Cinosarion?
- "Orcs but not orcs"
- spider, rat, torchbug
- Rkindaleft Orc
- Rkindaleft Shield
- Rkindaledt Cjarger, Rkindaleft Witch
- Dwarven Sphere, Spider, Sentry, Centurion
- Dorand's Final Notes.
- rkindaleft's Council of Chiefs.
- Rkinadhar - giant dwarven spider (247.5k)
- For Letter Finder
- Cinosarion -- Hidden History (Quest)
- Bazorbeg's Expeditionary Journal
Wandering Illyia, thagdus, sifgof (Champions)
- Jeimun's Work Log.
- Mercenary's Scorched Journal
- Why We Fled.
Temple of Ire:
Torch Bearer, marauder, pryomancer, striker, demolisher, champion
Temple Rectory: (Has own load-screen dialogue)
Priest Uugus, priestess Zazsha, priest Gothag, priest Hothmuk,
- Dailalleth
86.3k - sphere 141k - cent 36.5k - spider
Nychalefy (2.3m axe)
Howling Sepulchers:
- Draugr Wight, Draugr Archer
- Wolg, Harpy
- Draugr Bane, draugr scourge, Draugr Mender
- Rosathild - 127.5
- Spider (passuve)
- akiirdal (80.3k)
- Dragon Priest - Arise!
- Skeletal soldier, archer, warrior
- Frog
Isle of Dranil Kir:
- Lilatha's Shadow
- Lilatha - mentions "Ritemaster Iachesis".
- wb marauder, archer, (at abomination) - 60.4k
Graystone Quarry:
- Squirrel. Butterfly, rat
- Mulur "Shadows. Shadows in the fog."
- Graystone Quarry Depths:
- ghorn
- Torchbug
- Neramo's Journal
- Dwarven sentry, Dwarven Sphere, swarming dwarcen spider,
- Fleshflies, spider
- Dwarven Spider, Dwarven Centurion.
- Hunt-Wife Bolgar.
- Shabon.
- Neramo
- Mzindine ruin.
Exile's Barrow:
- rat, fleshflies, torchbug
- Skeever
- Draugr Bane, Scourge, champion
- Artisan's Notes, Narsis Dren and the Lost Notebook.
- Arthosis. - Dragon Priest.
- centipede, imp, durzog, toothmaul gobljns (all types)
- Ice Wraith, chub loon,
- Reikr Tempest, Savage, Wildlung, mender, warruor
- rat, fleshdlies
- Passenger's Log: Disaster at Sea
- N - Note to Captain Henrisa (oddly indicated)
- Skordo the Knife
- The battle of Orsinium
- Coris Rufinus (Hostile boss)
- N - Signal Tower Orders.
- echalette, horker,
- Cookimg Fire (Smuggler's Bolt)
Fharun Stronghold:
- vosh rakh disciple, devoted, blade-bearer, storm bringer
- torchbug,
- Archivist Murboga
- Quan
- Orc Clans ans Symblology - Feast Hall.
&Cooking Gire - Feast Hall
- Escaped Murderer, Assassin, Brigand? CUTTHROAT,
- Letter from a Prison Guars
- Troll, Ogre,
- Viras the Red, Ordun Clan-Slayer
- vosj Rakh blade-bearer? Storm bringer?
- Investigator Vale:The Locked Room Murder.
- Ice Wraith
- Dwarven Centurion, swarming dwarven spider, Dwarven Sentry, dwarven sphere
- Rar, torchbug?
- torchbug,
Bonerock Cavern:
- dirzog, reiker savage, mender, warrior, tempest
- Ogre
- Fleshflies? Rat, spider,
Cooking x2
- Zhasim, Thereg,
- Winks ' 40k cat.
- Chief Iziku
Watcher's Hold:
- Cooking Fire (x3)
- Pale Watch Assasdin, champion, brute, hunter
- Skeever, Gargoyle,
- Torchbug butterfly, rat
- n - the watcher's pledge
- B - Ruined Watchmaster's Journal
- Troll
- Watcher's Report
- King Maxevian's Orders
- Letter to King Maxevian
- N - Offer of Amnesty
Broken promises:
- N - Note to sir Marq
Thukhozod's Sanctum:
- Meram Farr, Beram
- butterfly, squirrel (outside)
- skeletal arcanist, knight, ravager,
- Zombie, fleshflies, torchbugs,rat
- Boneflayer
- Gorzag's Journal
- Bone Colossus
- Thukhozod's Letter
- B - Thukhozod.
- (Khoruzoth) - Dead
- Gorlar the Dark, Gorlar's Sword, Gorlar's Shield.
- Kyrtos - ancestor was mercedene (daughter kof Evandene Tusk Collector)
Arakaul's Memory:
- N - Letter to Baloth Bloodtusk.
- Dog,
- Baloth Bloodtusk, Commander Reliana.
- Savage Sons - baloth's faction.
- Arakul,
- King Golkarr -- leader.
- Rokaug --> Baloth's brother.
- Goruz. - King's advisor.
- Spiders.
Joile's incendiary, Archer, Soldier (all avg healrb)
- Rokaug
"No duel should last longer than eight seconds' - Gaiden.
- Joile's quickblade,
- General Mercedene
- King joile's note to General Mercedene.
- "Adhere to the style that defeats your opponent" - attributed to Gaiden. (
Mournhold Sewers:
- naryu Virian ("ba" healrh)
- Varon: Naryu's partner?? (Mentionef)
- Alits
- Raf, maulborn enforcer, frost mage, recruit
- Farona Telvanni
- Maulborn Commander Kalara
- Watcher, Dremora Narkynaz, Dremora Kynval, Dremora Kyngald
- Great House Mottos (Annotated)
- dwarcen sphere, spider (Quest related)
- arviter of perfection
- Enigma of Sotha Sil 40k
- Vol. 12,
- vamen-
Hircine's Haunt:
- greycloaj ravager, assassin, mender, bruiser
- Wolf
- Waylaid travellers Journal (Mentions Drahonstar Caravan Company)
- Iron Head -
- centipede, crocodile
- Vosh rakb overseer, cultist - 0 (dead)
- Razasha (Friendlt)
Paragon's Remembrance.
- Butterfly, torchbug, rst
- Storm Bringer
- Vosh rakh Penitent, Blade-Bearer, convert, Devoted
- Talciah Aliara, Eveli Sharp-Arrow
- Mulgrul - Deceased
- Glorthun the Recruiter
- Thorkh
- Application of Fire (Book)
- Cooking Fires - 2 (One outside entrance)
- N - Note to Graguz
- shaldagan, Morushna
- N - Note from Azhnura, Ushenhat's Notes
- Gahar, Unsulug
- Cat, cooming fire
- batasha.
- Hruz -fh.
Graguz Fire-Caller - 13.5k Azhnura - 103.5k
- Elder Uznom -40k
- Vosh rakh Overseer (40k)
- Elder Azulg, Elder Akarah, (40k), The Scroll of Avalian,
- Elder Yozth (40k)
Vosh Rakh Illusionist.
- Vosh Rakh Taskmaster (40k, 42k)
Old Orsinium:
- rat, Bear, Hagraven, spider
- Torchbug, fleshflies, butterflies
- giant spider
- "Aspect of Malacath"
- Harpy
- Orsinium - destroyed and rebuilt "at least three times" before Kurog.
- Morkul Clan - 2nd pillar of strength in Orsinim
- Butterfly,
- Igrun Clan - Ruled with steel blade and iron will, who strengthened all who followed.
- Tumnosh Clan - "the great builders."
- Echatere
- Great Zoraluma
- Shutul clan - "the fearless hunters"
- Fharun Clan and Bagrakh clans also me tioned (puzzle).
- Winterborn Marauder, Snow Wizard, Butcher , Winterborn Mage, Archer
- Bagrakh - lit the fire that destroyed orsinium.
- Shatul - Horded the food during the siege.
- Ushatha
- Fharun Clan - didnt fight to tbe desth. (At request od others).
- Millengor trio - 90.8k each
- Igrun - Praised the raiding done in tbeir name.
- 90k - Harpies.
- The Mage - refers to the Serpent as "Malazar".
Moonlit Maw:
- Scamp, Supernal Recruit, Storm mage, Healer, Charger
- Brother Gerard
- Master Muzgu -- Brother of Durak (Abbott durak)
- Q - The Gate to Quagmire - can eother kill him, or try yo dave Master Muzgu.
- Scroll of Dream Trapping - use on sleeping cultist.
Skyreach Catacombs:
- Centipede,
- Venaril the Betrayer - "Ah, more guests? Welcome. The others have already started their meal."
- Sergeant Vulmon - King's Cornerclub
Scarp Keep (King's gambir)
- Vosh rakh Archer, warrior.
Upper Level of Temple of Ire - Vosh Rakh archer, Warrior
Temple of Ire:
- Talviah Aliaria; Eveli; Chief Bazrag; (During Quest)
- Solgra - deceased.
- "May Trinimac take you to your final reward, High Priestess." -Chief Bazrag.
Temple Library -->
- Undertunnels --
- Vosh Rakh Devotef, Blade-Bearer, Penitent, Warrior,
- "Sounds like the time I walked in on an Imga courting ritual." - Eveli sharp-Arrow.
- Chief abzug, Chief ramash, Chief Gunda (avg)
Coldwind's Den:
- Dremora Caitiff, Frist Atro, Dremora Kynlurker, Ogrim? DREM. ferylkyn.
- rat, rabbit.
- King Torug -
Shad Astula:
- Nix-Hohnd
- Scamp
- Maulborn
- Entranced Storm Novice
- Kagouti
- Entranced Fore/Frost Novices.
- Maulborn Frost Mage
- Maulborn enforcer
- Entranced Striker
- Shad Astula Underhalls.
- Maulborn Healer.
- Maulborn Rogue, Maulborn Frost Mage,
- General Garvyn Redoran (Dremora Kynreeve.
- Durel Gilveni,
- Banekin,
- Silver Dawn Hunter
- Dire Wolf
- Kor; Sojourn; Nilami the Caraneer.
- Antelope,squirrel, Jerall Mountains
More Notes[edit]
- Selfora:
- Elynisi Arthalen.
- Spirits: Selfora Monk, Priest, Woodcutter
Selfora Inn: Anther;
- Lizard
- Wraith.
"Tree of Summerset" - ?
Clockwork City[edit]
Health Values[edit]
- 52,831 (52,800) - Asylum Sanctorium Chatactets
- 66,924 (66.9k) -Avrusa Duleri, etc.
- 127470 (127.5k) - multiple times; Clockwork Defence Core
- ? (119,500)
- 229,446 (229,500)
- 107075 (107.5k) - Captain Flaeus
- 121,732 (121,700)
- 175909 (175.9k) - Slavemaster Arenim
- 45,953 (46,000)
- 133844 (133.8k) - Gamekeeper Ozzai
- Appears to be a standard "boss" health for harvesters.
- 146,590 (146.6k) (Mzanchend Guardian; others)
- 149590 (149.5k) - braakuum
- ? (133,800) - Bolin
- 63,735 (63.7k) - The Steadfast Regulator.
- 673913 (673,900) - General Tanasa. (WORLD BOSS)
- 586010 (586k) - Councillor Reynis (World boss)
- 615372 (615.4k) - Regent Beleth
- 235760 (235.8k) - Reja Laransdottir.
- 334609 (334.6k) - Clockwork city vault
CWC Notes[edit]
- Repeatable quests - A Bitter Pill - involves Aveberl Tremouille
- Takes place at Everwound wellspring
- 63735 (63, 700) - Halls if regulation boss
- Associate Zanon (Clockwork Apostles) - The Precursor Quest.
- misanir - 15k, lulgra, ei-jahz (overheard talking)
- Na'jhargo - 40k, friendly.
Asylum sanctorium:
- Alienist Llandras (52.8k) -- 52,831
- Asylum Orderly
- Malfunctioning Commerce Delegate
Zanon: "Factotums are genderless machines, of course, but they all sound distinctpy female. This one is the first inr ive met to have a male voice."
- Kireth - has 15k health when speaking to Divayth.
- Catalog of Rote Duplication (Restricted Area) - All Clockwork Apostles
- Mirili Telendas 40k. F dunmer. Priest medium.
- Dalami Enakenar (40k. F, dunmer) - Scholar, Medium
- Galms Galen - 40k, male dunmer) - Medium Mage;
- Castigation Ritual
- Proctor's journal - prt 4. Very south easf map.
- Nivan Dulni, 40k - student, medium.
- Tanellinwe - 40k. Hostile.
- Dandera Ramarys - 40k, jn (all jn unless specified)
- Mirili Tenim - acts as a sentry, suppressing stealth
- Most will still attack when detected (example - mirili Telendas)
- Dalami - wont attack.
- Adren Uveleth (40k) male dunmer, commoner
-- Not apostles.
- Dokishnaza - 26k - female argonian. Servant, medium.
- Ezudiwa - 26k. Khajiit male. Servant medium
- Femer Belan - 40k. Dunmer male. Scholar, medium.
- Navam Hlen - 40k, apostle. Male Dunmer, student, medium.
- apostles will attakc upon discovery?
- part 3 - located very western side.
Lecture: Artus Farr (All 15k; All apostles); Meder Nerethi, Hahdemir, Dexion Casca, Serwuin, Farvour Esmery,Talare Selandas; Hanerye; Vilia Laetonius,
- Provost Varuni Arvel, Chancellor Gascone Dusant, Darene Troivois, Coventina Falto (female); Feredir, Evo Hledas; Dervera Velni; Rinallie; Barfel Hammerheart; (17)
- Sotha Sacristy:
- Shadow of Sotha Sil (127,500)
- Tenebrous Shadow (shields shadow of sotha sil).
- Shrike Crowcaller
- Shrike Gloom Siren (40k)
- Shrike Shroudweaver (40k)
- Whispering Sorcerer - servant of Nocturnal. (Mentions Vile?)
- Ventral Terminus --
- Whispering Shadows
- Mentions Skaafin.
- "Torn Cloth" = Light Armor Materials.
- Inactive brassilisk - "Frynga'
- Quest - The Broken Brassilisk
- Journal of a Stranded Mage - Q - The Mage's Dog. (ORINOL - Cormount mage).
- QR - 332 g + Soot-Stained Clockwork Coffer.
Family Feud: -
- Resonant Sphere
- vale of tiers (Factotum Analyst ... at the veil of tiers. (Eso health|ba)
- Broken Clock Tower
- at campfire in the radius ... Vadusa Uvirith (40k).
A finefeathered foe:
- Daedric I cursuon site (mire mechanica??)
- Shrike Shroudweaver, Shrike Executioner (eso health|strong)
- Night Terror; Grievous Twilight Lord.
- Family Feud - QR - Explorers Boots + 332
Ventral Terminus - Deepening Shadows
- Skaafin Witchling, bloodcleaver, wretch
- kagouti Fabricant, verminous fabricant
- skaafin Masquer, Masque, Beetle Fabricant, Skaafin Desecrator
- Gascone (During Quest)
Inside the Terminus:
- Factotum Steam Knight, Dancing Spider, Firepot Spider
- Factotum Pursuer, Factotum Charger
- Imperfect
- ?
- ?
- p
- Skaafin Tyrant;
Engaging thrrat Integrity compromised. Ceasing funcrikns
- proximity sensors engaged
- testing protocol initiated
- engsging threatcimbat sequence operational
Firepot Spider - Combust
- Rake
- Pursuer - lunge
- Steam knight - Steam punch.
- Moraz Goldtongue (146,600)
Saints' Mercy: - Asylum Sanctorium|]]
- 9p/70/50/25% - Boss stomps.
St. Felms - 10.9m
- Saint Llothis the Pious - 10.9m
- noxious gas (36jk)
- Saint Olms the Just - main bss. (26.1m)
- Gusts of Steam --
- Scalding Roar.
- concussion
- storm of the heavens
- Trial by Fire
- Dancing spider
- "All functioms are working as intended:
- "dreaming...
- Terari's Notes
- Terari - found in "Derelict Labratory:
- Bolin-- powered by a Black Soul Gem.
- if have done the trial - you can query if "he went mad, like the saints."
Blackfeather Court --
- Enemy crows: Exarchs of Dross
- Mentions Queen of Chaff - Shadow women (Shrikes)
Machine District:
- Lady Blightwing (15 k)
- Knight of marrow *during qiest)
- Proctor Luciana (durimg quest)
- b: The blackfeather court
- Duke of Crows.
- The Motionless Guardian -
- Whispering Butcher (31.4 k), nix-hound fabricant (ba), Whispering Shadecaller (ba), Whispering Cutthroat a,)
- Verminous Fabricant, Beetle Fabricant
- Whispering Drudge (a/31.4k) Whispering Lurker (ba), Whispering Sentinel (ba),
- Shrike Shroudweaver
- Kagouti Fabricanr
- Factotum: Adjudicator, Expurgator, patcher, arbalest, charger, seeker
- Firepot spider
- Incarnatorium:
- Queen of Chaff (40k)
- Duke of crows
- note - no penalty for not "hiding"
- personal note - Queen of Chaff - is she same voice as "Fluffy McTuffy"? (Donr think it is)
- Durimg Quest - a Verminous Fabricant will be summoned om ginal lever.
- Knight of Marrow - accompanies yiu.
- Factotum Expurgator, Factotum Seeker
- Firepot Spider
- factotum adjudicator,
- Kagouti Fabricant
- Factotum Conduit, charger,
- Verminous Fabricants "look at all these clicky-clanky lizard monsters." --Knight of Marrow
- Key- Skeleton Key.
- Wraith-of-Crows - wjat "shadow of Sotha Sil" turned inyo (127.500)
- During wraithofcrows battle -use lights, as tbey are invulnerable.
- Service/Factory level.
- Knight of Marrows: killef during quesg. (Def. by Wraith-of-Crows).
- Key: "A transdimensional key of unimaginable power." (LUCIANA).
- SOMEONe - breaking into cognitus.
- Go to Basilica.
- Sherizar - Lector Naril picks new apprenrice.
- Everwound Wellspring:
- Oasis in a Mechanical Desert.
- Harskar - 26k -Beggar.
- Madura, Volahnu,Ethys, Sherizar, Dathidor
- Lector Naril - 15k.
- Factotum Harvester (40k); Skeevatron
Fungal Workshops and Garden:
- Sherizar.
- saw her old friend Chirrhari down path?
- Factotum Charger; Factotum Arbalest, Patcher, Adjudicator.
- Apprentice Chirrhari
- Gathal - accident.
- Idrono ?
- Conduit.
- Eating strand "c" - "Shroom-poisoned".
- Beetle Fabricant
- "Sunless Garden workshops":
- Speak to Apprentice Ohtowen.
- Sunless Garden:
- Kagouti Fabricant, Verminous Fabricant, Beetle Fabricant,
- Botanical Garden:
- Apprentice Ohtowen
- Factotum Torso, Absolete - can drop from any Factotum.
- Atelier:
- Private Workshop -- Lector Naril (127,500)
DAedric Incursion:
Mnemonic Planisphere: Skeevaton
- The Astronomer (Apostle)
- Star (Wisps?) -40k
- warrior's wing (ans more)
- dancing spider, Whispering Brute (34.5k), Whispering Lurker, Whispering Butcher, Whispering Stalker (31.4)
- Whispering Assassin (31.4k), Shadecaller, Sentinel, Whispering Soldier, Whispering Cutthroat,
- Factotum Arbalest, Factotum Conduit, Factotum Adjucator, Factotum Expurgator, Factotum Charger
- Firepot Spiders,
- Animus Geodes ?? - Mentioned.
- 6 stars: Refused to answer the call (?)
Hall of the Warrior:
- Corrupted Star - 15k/40k
- Orvas: name of Astronimer.
- star:"isnt tbr best defence always a good attack?"
- Afadi (Whispering Shadows) -44.6k. (FHE PLANISPHEFE IS OURS, Cur)
Hall of mage - The Astronomer's Power;
- Thief:
Qr - 65k exp + 334g + The Astronomer's Orbit. (MAD tinkers)
- Razgurug daily - 33.2k xp.
Clockwork Facilitator - rewarded Crow-Touchef clockwork Coffer for "Fine featherrf foe" + 332 + 33.3k exp
- Made of clockwork and Dwemer parts -- zanon suggests search dwemer ruons in Tamriel and Factotum in clockeorj.
Qr - the precursor - qr - 33.2k + 332 g.
- Morroeunf - legt hand.
- "Gustatory Sensors" - Pelvis?
Factotuns: "Transitioning to detection state 12. Stand by."
Bridge to Sanctuary of Verification - Arvalest, Patcher, Adjudicator, Conduit, Seeker, Expurgator
- the imperfect - 3mill
- Shadow Cleft:
- Adjunct Daro (Quest - Online:The Shadow Cleft (quest)
- find Acolyte Variah
- "Waft" (1 health) - contains Ectoplasm
- Acolyte's Chipped Scroll Plate, Acolyte's lost Scroll Plate
- Gloam Wolf, Night Terror, Gloam Hag (31.4k).
- Gargoyle
- "Runelight Cache" - Inert Runelight found here.
- Acolyte's Scorched Scroll Plate
- Shrike Gloom Siren; Shrike Crowcaller; Shrike Shroudweaver (Can summon "night eye"); Shrike Executioner
- "Scarecrow" - 40k.
- Night Sister Kamira - uses "Shadow Array" ti bind people to scarecrow."
Other ghosts: (play a role)
- Lector Erisa - 15k.
- Sortam -
- Qr - 74.8k exp for Shadow cleft.
Cogs of Fatd"
- Factotum Analyst: (ba)
- "Factotum Beacon Activated. Initiating security protocols."
- Vale of tiers:
- Beetle Fabricant, Verminous Fabricant
- Scorpion Fabricant;
- Need a "working animo core" from a factotum;
- (Can Intimidate Kamid)
- Nix-Hound Fabricant;
- Maliah's Journal
- Damaged Factotum - Damaged Animo core
- Factotum Expurgator, Factotum Arbalest, Kagouti Fabricant
- Sacred text?
- Kamid --> find "lost treasure of the Radius.
- "Gear Grinder is bigger than three brawny nords ans a hundred times mkre dangerous "
- Albacron - one of Soths sil's original assistants
- Gear Grinder: South of Mnemonic Planisphere.
- Can intimidare Kamid into helping.
- Kamid's Whistle.
- Gear Grinder - 133,800
- At wrecked merchant caracan - also a Firepot Spider
- Treasure: Spices!
- Go to Slag Town:
- Oracular Sandals + 332 g +
- gathviel, ganolon,
Overhearing his speech:
- Ask
- "Gloaming Gates" - serve as portals to many places including Evergloam.
- 2 gates to Evergloam exist in The Radius - one east and one west.
- Luciana - taking eastern, myself - Western.
- 2 gates to Evergloam exist in The Radius - one east and one west.
- Daedric Incusion Aite:
- Gloam Howler Lord
- Shrike Talon
- CCHW-04 .. metal platr? - return plaqie to Clockwork Registrar.
- Q - The Registrar's Request
- Thieves Trove - just south lf Evergloam portal.
- Knight - appears at portal.
- Evergloam
- Accompanied by Knave of Rooks
- Waft
- Gloam Ambusher (31.4k)
- Gloam Weaver, (Spider) Gloam Spider (Spider)
- Glow Bug (Centipede variant)
- Grievous Twilight
- Night Terror (Ghost)
- Whispering Shadecaller, shrike talon
- Shrike Executioner
- Grievous Twilight
- Shrike Gloom Siren, Shrike Shroudweaver, Shrike Stalker; Whispering Sentinel, Whispering Butcher,
Cliffs of Twilight: (other area is "midnight menagerie)
- Shrike Crowcaller,Shroudweaver,
- Nightmaiden Viriana
- Shrike Captain?? (Luciana refees to her as such).
- Portal -- Mechanical Fundament
- knave - lock gsye with crow-magic.
- QR (Luciana) - evergloam legginfs + 1 skill pt + 332 + 33.2k exp
- Proctor Luciana Pullo (Quest)
- Aios "Automata Incarnum Overseer System.
- Skeevaton
(Aios) "Dreaming... open window. Sunlight through glass.
Threat analysis prepared. Prospect Numidium: Negative. Prospect Almalexia: Negative. Prospecy Erasure: Negative. No existential threat detected."
"Accessing privatized threat-array. Dreaming... knee abrasion. Lullaby.
Threat located. Nocturnal. Ur-dra. Unfathomable Mistress od shadows. Prospect registered. Risk level: moderate. Thank you for your concern."
- Assistance threshold increased 20%.
- Verminous Fabricant, whispering Brute, Whispering butcher, whispering Stalker,
- Beetle Fabricant, whispering cutthroat,
- luciana - follower in this quest. (Its a solo-only zone, however.
Halls of Convention.
- Skeevatron, Aios.
- "The Inner Curiosity"
- Illusionist's Shadow - 14.9k
- Swordsman's Shadow - 15.7k
- "The All-Axle"
- factotum: "Increasing Visual Clarity by 15 percent."
- Factotum Arbalest, Factotum Adjudocator, Factotum Charger, Factotum Patcher
Factotum: "zero threats registered. Idling" "Accessing combat subroutines.'
- "All functions are working as intended"
- "routine diagnostics completed. Resuming threat awareness"
- "Maintaining detection state 5"
"Raindrops on glass... wood smoke ??
- After speaking to Aios at lowet level - Luciana has healrh 79.9k
- Kagouti Fabricant.
- Factotum Conduit
- "dreaming. Deceased Bird. Handkerchief.
- "Acceptable levels of Daedric Corruptiom: Zero".
Other characters - Divayth Fyr, Sotha Sil, Shadoe of Sotha Sil.
- Sotha Sil: 40k.
- "The Prisoner."
- take divayth and meet at Elegiac Replication.
Luciana's Retreat -
- Provost Varuni arvel.
- Factotum Medica
- Luciana
- Divayth - Sought alternate route through to throne - through evergloam.
- Nocturnal Detected him immediately.
- Sotha: I bear the cruel weight of certainty.
- Divayth: gets Skeleton key.
- nocturnal - was not present @ signing of 8-Prince Truce.
- Divayth: 2 other princes lie in wait - Clavicus Vile and Mephala
"The Prisoner wields great power, making reality if metaphor. We will need you before the end." -sotha Sil.
"Look around you. All of this exists because it must exist. I stand here, im this place, in this moment, not because I wish to, but because I have toi. A result of action and consequences."
- "The prisoner who saves the world."
- raiment od rhe initiate." + 332g + 19.1k
- Scorpion; Swarming Dwarven Spider.
- Flame Atronach
People Table[edit]
<noinclude>{{Trail|People}}</noinclude> {{People Table| {{People|title=Desele's House of Earthly Delights|name || }} }}