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Clockwork City

Online:Associate Zanon

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Associate Zanon
Home City Brass Fortress
Location Reactor District
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Health 39,959
15,000 (When returning with Lector Trivura)
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Clockwork Apostles
Associate Zanon

Associate Zanon is a Dark Elf located in Zanon's Workshop in the Reactor District of the Brass Fortress. He is the apprentice of Lector Trivura.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

The Precursor[edit]

If you read his bulletin, he'll greet you with:

"Hello there. Are you here in response to the bulletin about my factotum research?"

If not, he'll be a little more verbose:

"Oh, hello there. Didn't notice you came in.
Afraid I'm quite busy at the moment with my newest discovery, so I don't have much time for idle chatter. Unless you're interested in factotums and their creation process, it's best you leave."
Factotum creation?
"Ah, so you are curious after all!
You see, I found this factotum head in a junk pile, which isn't too uncommon for the Brass Fortress. I was intrigued, however, by its strange coloring. I was even more intrigued when it began to speak to me!"
What did it tell you?
"It gave a repeated message, requesting to find its integral of memory in the Mnemonic Planisphere.
You seem like the adventuring sort. Do you think you could collect it for me? Rebuilding a factotum would just spring-load me into a council seat!"
Leave it to me.
"The journey to the Mnemonic Planisphere is riddled with dangers, so it's best to prepare. Shouldn't be any issues once you head inside though!
My research leads me to believe the integral of memory will resemble a crystal."

Either starting the quest with the bulletin or with Zanon directly, you can ask:

What's so special about rebuilding an old factotum?
"Would you believe that the apostles don't know how to create factotums?"
Yes. or No.
'"That was a rhetorical question.
The sad truth it that while we apostles can create metal limbs and motors, we cannot replicate the intelligence Sotha Sil gave the factotums. We're also unable to enter the factories where they're created."
Why doesn't Sotha Sil let you enter the factories?
"Why does Lord Seht do anything? He's the Father of Mysteries, after all. Through his silence, curiosity is born. Perhaps he meant for us apostles to figure this one out on our own.
And I believe I've finally found a breakthrough with this factotum!"
Why will this factotum help with that research?
"Firstly, I already know it is an older, simpler model. You can see the Dwarven influences in the skull, an aesthetic blight by today's standards. We apostles see Dwarves as a race to scorn, not emulate. This model must predate that thinking."
And secondly?
"Secondly, unlike other factotums, it openly speaks of its components. Trust me, I've interrogated many of these machines in the name of my research. Perhaps as we reconstruct its mind, it will tell us details about its creation.
And thirdly…"
"Well, its voice. Factotums are genderless machines, of course, but they all sound distinctly female. This one is the first I've met to have a male voice.
I'm not sure what it means, but I am sure I'll find answers as I further my research."


"Fantastic! Now, let me fill you in on the details.
I found this factotum head in a junk pile, which isn't too uncommon for the Brass Fortress. I was intrigued, however, by its strange coloring. I was even more intrigued when it began to speak to me!"
What did it tell you?
"It gave a repeated message, requesting to find its integral memory in the Mnemonic Planisphere.
That's where you come in. I need an adventuring sort to journey to the Planisphere in order to find this component. Are you still interested?"
Leave it to me.
"The journey to the Mnemonic Planisphere is riddled with dangers, so it's best to prepare. Shouldn't be any issues once you head inside though!
My research leads me to believe the integral of memory will resemble a crystal."

After retrieving the memory crystal:

"You've returned in one piece! How gleaming.
In your absence, I've set up a framework to contain the factotum while we assemble its parts. I'll have you do the honors."
The honors?
"Of installing the integral of memory! You heard the head.
Insert the crystal into its forehead ridge. And don't worry, you won't break it. Sotha Sil builds his creations to last."

Speaking to him again:

"Do hurry up and install the integral of memory. I can barely contain my excitement!"

Speaking to him after installing the Integral of Memory but before speaking with the head:

"Fascinating! I believe we'll be able to communicate with it now. Why don't you give it a try?"

After speaking to the Precursor:

"Astounding! The first factotum Sotha Sil created.
We simply must complete construction now. The more memory it recalls, the further my research can develop. Council seat, here I come!"
Where will we find the parts?
"The precursor mentioned he was made of Clockwork and Dwemer parts. I'd keep an eye out for the former as you travel around Clockwork City, and search Dwemer ruins out in Tamriel for the latter."

The Oscillating Son[edit]

While searching for the missing parts of the factotum:

Remember, the parts are most likely in the Clockwork City or in Dwemer ruins in Tamriel.
I've heard of corrupted memory crystals firing at random, so you may want to return occasionally to see if the Precursor knows anything new."
Do you really think the Precursor is the first factotum Sotha Sil created?
"There's no way to be sure, short of asking Lord Seht, but many signs point that way. The Dwarven influences, the different coloring, the male voice.
Not to mention he's more, shall we say, loquacious than your average factotum."
"Factotums don't have emotions or individuality. They say whatever they're functioned to say, nothing more. But this one seems to have a personality of sorts.
For what reason though? We have to continue our research if we're to find that out."

Once all the pieces of the Precursor have been discovered and brought to Zanon's Workshop, Zanon can be spoken to ask what will happen next.

"We've finally done it! We gathered all the parts of the Precursor needs to fully regain functionality. Oh, what a gleaming day for innovation."
What happens now?
"I must weave the fine threads of the tertiary connections between the Precursor's parts. That will allow it to remain stable while moving. Not an easy task, believe me.
I need you to go alert my sponsor, Lector Trivura."
Where is she?
"Unfortunately, she has ensconced herself deep in the Mechanical Fundament to meditate on the nature of the Sublime Piston. I haven't seen her in over a year, but I'm sure you'll have no trouble with the patrolling factotums."
I'll go find her.

Once you decided to find the Lector, Zanon can be asked some more questions.

"I hope you can get through Lector Trivura. She's remarkably reticent when she's thinking deeply on the will of the Divine Metronome. Which is often."
Do you really think the Precursor is the first factotum Sotha Sil created?
"There's no way to be sure, short of asking Lord Seht, but many signs point that way. The Dwarven influences, the different coloring, the male voice.
Not to mention he's more, shall we say, loquacious than your average factotum."
"Factotums don't have emotions or individuality. They say whatever they're functioned to say, nothing more. But this one seems to have a personality of sorts.
For what reason though? We have to continue our research if we're to find that out."
Can you tell me more about Lector Trivura?
"Any apostle who gains the position of lector is worth admiration. To learn the will of Sotha Sil is a noble pursuit in itself, but to have the wisdom to teach that will? It is a goal that many of my order pursue but few obtain."
So she's your teacher?
"Every apostle is expected to take upon a specific field of study. Lectors are assigned to help with the pursuit of that knowledge.
Seht knows that it wasn't easy getting Lector Trivura to agree with my particular field."
What's wrong with studying factotums?
"Our mentorship is … unusual. Her supposed incredulity is only meant to spur me on. Push me to do better, reach higher. Her dislike of my field is only a part of this.
And now is finally the time to prove myself!"

Once you have convinced Lector Trivura to evaluate his work, you can return to tell Zanon the news.

"Were you successful in your endeavor? I know Lector Trivura isn't always the easiest apostle to convince."
She should arrive soon.
"Oh, what a relief. Not that she would refuse of course.
Now, for all that you've done, I feel it only proper that you should take ownership of the Precursor. I've learned all I can from it, and I'm sure you'll find it useful for … something."

After completing The Oscillating Son, you can stay and watch the reactivation of the Precursor and Associate Zanon's evaluation.

<Lector Trivura arrives in the workshop.>
Associate Zanon: "Lector Trivura! Thank you for coming. It's been too long."
Lector Trivura: "Perhaps. This auxiliary tells me you've reconstructed a factotum."
Associate Zanon: "Yes, right here. It's almost emerged from liminality."
Lector Trivura: "Fascinating. How did you manage to refactor the subjectivity lacework? Did you construct a locus amoenus to stabilize it?"
Associate Zanon: "I, ah, the factotum has a record of all the operations I made. I'm afraid I was in something of a trance. Possibly divine inspiration!"
Lector Trivura: "Possibly."
Associate Zanon: "The reconditioning is complete. May I present my finest work, the Precursor."
The Precursor: "What a relief to be in one piece again. And you've fixed my nagging elbow joint! Bravo, apostle, bravo."
Lector Trivura: "Oh Divine Metronome, why do you test me so?"
The Precursor: "Why, an addition to our party! Forgive my rudeness, apostle. You may call me the Precursor."
Lector Trivura: "I know what you are, pendulate. The holy text calls you the Oscillating Son."
The Precursor: "I'm afraid the texts are a tad inaccurate then. Sotha Sil did not create me with a gender in mind."
Lector Trivura: "Silence, blasphemer! They speak of a fractured creation of Lord Seht, discarded in the First Era. Left with the knowledge to rebuild itself only to test his pupils."
The Precursor: "Fractured? Discarded? I'm just a tad old is all! I'm sure this is just a mistake."
Lector Trivura: "Your only purpose is to convince unworthy apostles to rebuild you. Any child could complete such a task."
Associate Zanon: "But Lector, it's not as simple as you say! I learned much from working on this factotum. My research has been advanced tenfold."
Lector Trivura: "If you developed the skill of contemplation instead of mere tinkering, perhaps you would know better, Zanon. Speak to me when you've done so. And dismantle that thing."
The Precursor: "Excuse me? Dismantle? Why I never?"
Associate Zanon: "Lector, please don't go! I still don't understand what you want from me!"
The Precursor: "But apostle, what of me?"
Associate Zanon: "You can go jump in a recycling furnace for all I care!"
The Precursor: "How rude!"

After his parting shot, an upset Zanon runs out of the workshop and does not come back.


Sometimes Zanon can be seen talking to Mordrold about his factotum. Prior to starting The Oscillating Son, Mordrold makes Zanon an offer:

Mordrold: "Can you fix it?"
Associate Zanon: "Well, I wouldn't say it's broke. It's performing as originally functioned."
Mordrold: "I don't need a guard factotum, I need a shop assistant!"
Associate Zanon: "There's not much I can do …."
Mordrold: "And if I could offer some funding for your research?"
Associate Zanon: "Perhaps there's something I can do."

After The Oscillating Son is complete, you will occasionally find him outside the Reactor District talking to Mordrold. It appears he convinced Mordrold to fund his research, but things aren't going as planned:

Mordrold: "You said you'd get results, Zanon."
Associate Zanon: "I know! I know! But I've been considering changing my field of research lately."
Mordrold: "Truly? Well then I'll be needing my generous donation back."
Associate Zanon: "Oh, well, about those funds, you see, well …."
Mordrold: "You best start running, Zanon. Before I stick this scrap heap on your arse."

Zanon takes off running and fades in the distance.