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Slavery was once widespread throughout Tamriel, whether it was the practice of using defeated enemies as slaves or selling your own children to combat hunger, and the Dunmer have raided Black Marsh for slaves for ages. In fact, enslavement of Humans, Orcs, Argonians, and Khajiit by Elven races was traditionally permitted. The Ayleids, often depicted as brutal slavemasters of whole races, lost their hold on heartland Tamriel after the rebellion in 1E 242, led by Slave Queen Alessia.[1] Even the former slave race Imperials pursued slavery, as Tiber Septim's army sold captive Bretons into slavery after the Battle of Sancre Tor.[2]
Slavery in Cyrodiil[edit]
While relations between the Nedes and the Direnni were cordial, if rather unbalanced, the Nedes suffered greatly under the tyranny of the Daedra-worshipping Ayleids. The Ayleids would commonly stage raids on Nedic lands, enslaving those whom they captured.[3] Once in Ayleid lands, the Nedes were held in bondage alongside members of various other human races, forced to work in a variety of menial jobs, such as agriculture and maintaining infrastructure. In Ayleid kingdoms under the grip of more malevolent Daedric princes, human slaves were subjected to horrific cruelties. In the year 1E 242, the Slave Queen Alessia led the Alessian Slave Rebellion against the Ayleid slave masters, resulting in the emancipation of all slaves within the Ayleidic empire. While the slaves were freed, centuries of Ayleidic suppression and intermingling with other enslaved groups had taken their toll on Nedic culture in Cyrodiil, and all that remained were their mixed race descendants, the Imperials.[4][5][6]
Slavery in Hammerfell[edit]
In the year 1E 808[7] the "warrior wave" of the Yokudans, the Ra Gada, made landfall in Tamriel. They quickly swarmed the province of Hammerfell, killing or enslaving all that they crossed. Soon they had displaced the Nedes everywhere but in the remote region of Craglorn. There, Nedes embittered by the decline of their culture began to turn to sources of spiritual guidance other than the stars.[8][9]
Slavery in Morrowind[edit]
Second Era[edit]
Further information: Argonian § The Akaviri Invasion and the Formation of the Ebonheart Pact
Because of the decisive intervention of two legions of free Argonians against the Second Akaviri Invasion at the Battle of Vivec's Antlers (2E 572), the Argonians of Black Marsh won their freedom from Dark Elf enslavement.[10][11] This was one of the terms of the Ebonheart Pact, the alliance between Nords, Dunmer, and Argondians that was signed in the battle's aftermath.[10] In order to hold the Pact together against all odds, the three races represented in the Great Moot were required to operate with mutual respect and amazing will, and to mollify the pride of the Nords and the Dark Elves while addressing the injuries suffered by the once-enslaved Argonians.[10]
Third Era[edit]

Since the advent of the Third Era, slavery has been illegal throughout the Empire, but protected by law in Morrowind. This exception was granted by Tiber Septim in the Armistice of 2E 896 as a concession to the Dunmer, who saw the use of slaves as their ancient right. Recent developments have seen the rise of Abolitionists, such as the Twin Lamps, often with support from members of the leading families on Vvardenfell. Nonetheless, slavery is still in widepread use in the province and the topic provokes strong reactions.[12][13][14]
- "We are disappointed that the Imperial Cult does not speak out against the inhumane practices of slavery in Morrowind. But perhaps you are right. It is by demonstrating our superior commitment to civilization and humanity that we best disprove the Dunmer's barbaric insistence that we are no more than animals." -- Im-Kilaya, Head of the Argonian Mission in Ebonheart
House Dres thrives on mass-abduction of Argonian and Khajiit into slavery, often with the support of local rival warlords, selling their own kind. Dres families work Argonian slaves on large Saltrice plantations on the southeast coast of Morrowind, while others profit from the slave trade itself. They hold thousands in their infamous slave-pens of Tear, to be shipped by smugglers to cave holding pens on the Bitter Coast. The plantations of House Hlaalu nobles make widespread use of slaves as farm labor. House Redoran employs them in a lesser degree, though some of their warriors use slaves like gladiators, pitting them against beasts for entertainment.[citation needed] House Telvanni uses slaves as servants for housework and as labor in mines. Towns like Molag Mar, Suran and Tel Aruhn have regular slave markets. In a shrewd political maneuver, King Helseth, representing his own house of Hlaalu, formed an alliance with House Dres. Subsequently, he renounced the slave trade, setting the remaining Houses of Indoril and Redoran against him in a bloody civil war. Helseth emerged from the war battered, but without the loss of his essential powers, leaving the slave trade generally destroyed, and slavery without a foothold in all of Tamriel, although the practice persists in remote areas away from Mournhold.
- ^ Shezarr and the Divines — Faustillus Junius
- ^ Battle of Sancre Tor
- ^ Nedes of the Deathlands — Argus Mender
- ^ The Adabal-a — Morihaus
- ^ The Song of Pelinal
- ^ Pocket Guide to the Empire, 3rd Edition: The Seat of Sundered Kings: Cyrodiil — Imperial Geographical Society, 3E 432
- ^ Holidays of the Iliac Bay — Theth-i
- ^ Defaced Nedic Prayer Book
- ^ Waterlogged Journal
- ^ a b c Guide to the Ebonheart Pact (2E 582)
- ^ The Second Akaviri Invasion — Yngmaer Raven-Quill, Historian Royal of the Bards' College, Solitude (2E 582)
- ^ Brown Book of 3E 426
- ^ The Eastern Provinces
- ^ For my Gods and Emperor — Imperial Cult
- Cyrodiil
- Lore:A Life of Strife and Struggle (autobiographical notes of Lore:Laloriaran Dynar, last Ayleid king, set in 1E 263-464, finished after 1E 464, first attested in 2E 582)
- Lore:The Song of Pelinal (unreliable legends, 6 anonymous fragments transcribed in the early Second Era)
- Lore:The Last King of the Ayleids (scholarly study of the context of the 1E Alessian Slave Rebellion, first attested in 2E 582)
- Lore:Frontier, Conquest (written 2E 344 or 3E 344, attested in 2E 582)
- Lore:A Dance in Fire, Chapter 3 (set in Cyrodiil, 7 Frost Fall, 3E 397; by Waughin Jarth; first attested in 3E 427)
- High Rock
- Lore:King Edward, Part VII (not very useful, historical fiction set in 1E, attested in 3E 405)
- Lore:King Edward, Part X (not very useful, historical fiction set in 1E, attested in 3E 405)
- Lore:Battle of Sancre Tor (set in 2E 852, attested in 3E 433)
- Morrowind/Black Marsh
- Lore:Pact Pamphlet: Congratulations! (An Ebonheart Pact pamphlet regarding the abolition of slavery, widely distributed in 2E 572)
- Lore:From Argonian to Saxhleel (A recent history of Argonians by Vicecanon Heita-Meen, written after 2E 572, attested in 2E 582)
- Lore:Blasphemous Revenants (not very useful, attested in 2E 582)
- Lore:Guide to the Ebonheart Pact (written c. 2E 582, attested in 2E 582)
- Lore:Armistice (concluded in last years of Second Era, 2E 896?)
- Lore:Last Scabbard of Akrash (history or fiction? Set in 3E 407; by Waughin Jarth; attested in 3E 427)
- Lore:The Argonian Account, Book 4 (mid-Third Era? by Waughin Jarth; Attested in 3E 433)
- Lore:The Marksmanship Lesson (history or fiction? by Alla Llaleth (fl. 2E 582), attested in 3E 427)
- Lore:The Eastern Provinces (pro-abolitionist essay, attested in 3E 427, mentions Khajiit and Argonian slaves of Dunmer, apparently a few hundred years after the Armistice of c. 2E 896)
See Also[edit]
- Morrowind:Slaves
- Lore:Argonian
- Lore:Dunmer
- Lore:Black Marsh
- Lore:Morrowind
- all house articles
- Oblivion:Malacath