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Lore:Molag Mar

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Molag Mar
Type Settlement
Continent Tamriel
Province Morrowind
Region Vvardenfell
(Molag Amur)
Appears in Morrowind, ESO
Molag Mar circa 2E 582

Molag Mar was a stronghold in the Molag Amur region of Vvardenfell, found near the ends of Foyada Ilibaal and Zabirbael.[1] It was built in the same style as the cantons in Vivec City, and was referred to as a canton as well.[2] It was a combination of a frontier garrison and a pilgrimage hostel jointly staffed and maintained by the Tribunal Temple and House Redoran, and was considered more a stronghold than a village. Both the Temple and House Redoran had garrisons of elite volunteers there to defend the stronghold. Pilgrims used the stronghold as a base from which they can attempt the difficult and dangerous pilgrimages to the Mount Kand and Mount Assarnibibi sites to the north in the Molag Amur wastelands.[3][4] The fire fern plant grows around the area.[5]


Circa 2E 582, the nearby Dreuduari Glass Mine was being worked by miners from the stronghold, who made use of the canton's services.[6][7][8][9] When a Dreugh Broodmother who the locals believed to be the Ruddy Man started attacking pilgrims, travelers, and miners nearby the stronghold, business around the canton was halted, and the mines were closed. However, after the Broodmother was slain, the mines and the surrounding roads became safe again.[10] No sign of the mines remained by 3E 427.

During the Vvardenfell Crisis in 3E 427, the brothers Birer, Giras, and Tidro Indaram were considered some of the best soldiers of the Buoyant Armigers and were found in the Armigers stronghold of Molag Mar. The Redoran sent an agent to collect Giras' debt, and Giras only agreed to pay it if he lost a duel.[11] At that time, the trader Paur Maston became lost in the outskirts of the town, and was escorted to Molag Mar to meet his business partner Vanjirra.[12] When King Helseth outlawed slavery throughout Morrowind, Indoril and Redoran formed a Royalist alliance circa 3E 429 and sent a large force to capture Molag Mar before an Imperial fleet could come reinforce it. They went into battle against Dres forces, with the Indoril riding atop armored parraptons, and the royalists ended up being victorious.[13][UOL 1]

Following the Red Year and Argonian invasion in 4E 6, the priesthood of the Temple are now considered one and the same with House Indoril, effectively cementing Molag Mar as an Indoril-controlled settlement.[14]


See Also[edit]


Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.