User:Lost in Hyrule

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User-userbox-Cross.jpg This user is a Christian.
Flag United States of America.png This user is from the United States.
Wiki.png This user has been on UESPWiki for 7 years, 1 month, and 21 days.
UESP-social-Discord.png This user frequently visits the official UESP Discord Server.
LO-race-Argonian.png This User is an Argonian
OBbsign Shadow.jpg This user was born under the sign of The Shadow.
ON-icon-alliance-Ebonheart.png This user supports the Ebonheart Pact.
LG-icon-Willpower.png This user is a Monk. LG-icon-Agility.png
LG-icon-Legends.png This user is knowledgeable about Legends.
Pinball-Icon.png This user is knowledgeable about Skyrim Pinball.
SkyrimVSE-Alexa Skills Icon.png This user is knowledgeable about Skyrim Very Special Edition.

About Me[edit]

I go by Lost in Hyrule most places on the internet. I'm a practicing Christian living in Indiana, married to a wonderful woman, and I work as a web developer for a department of the university I attended.

I joined UESP because some alternate text was missing from some of the quests in Legends. Someone told me to go ahead and change it. Now here I am, still working on Legends! I enjoy the Elder Scrolls series a lot, and aim to play through every game (though the Travels series might prove beyond my reach). I almost joined several years ago, to work on mapping for Arena, but school and dating the woman who is now my wife got the better of my time!

In general, I enjoy gaming! I love trying out new and interesting concepts. Occasionally, folks will say I'm a bit of a hipster, due to trying out obscure or strange games, but I don't dislike stuff simply for being popular. As you may tell from my username, my favorite series of games is The Legend of Zelda. I've been a Nintendo gamer most of my life, with PC thrown in for good measure since middle school.

As for Elder Scrolls, my earliest memories come from two things. At a friend's house, I was able to play through the beginning of Oblivion. The intro for that game is one of the most cinematically impressive of the series. After escaping the sewers, my friend said I could travel basically anywhere I wanted. I saw a hill or mountain off in the distance, and traveled towards it. I had several fun encounters on the way, and began to climb the hill. About 1/4th of the way up, I hit an invisible wall. That was disappointing! Then we put it away and I didn't play another Elder Scrolls for some years. However, during lunch periods, some other friends would tell me stories all about a game called Morrowind. They said how you could wipe out entire villages and the people wouldn't come back, or you could build floating castles and fly around with powerful magics. It all sounded thrilling!

Eventually, in college, I got Oblivion on Steam. Several times, I started out the game, playing as a sneaky character using a bow. Everytime, I would play for a few hours and then drop the game for months. I would start over, and the same thing would happen. Finally, I started a new playthrough, but this time focused on only using melee in stealth. This time, I was enthralled with the game. I also imposed my own 'realism' rules upon myself, which any sane person would find stupid, and yet made for a wonderful experience for me. I wouldn't use my map in the rain, I would make sure to eat a meal every day at least, I would stay at inns regularly, and sit in the common room and read a book or news piece, wait for an hour, then go to sleep for the evening. I also walked, rather than ran, most places. I think I may have got many of those ideas from this very site!

To this day, though I've played Arena, Morrowind, Skyrim, and ESO, Oblivion is the only one that I've finished the main story. (Yet!) Well, and Legends, but that's a bit easier. For Morrowind, I've started I think 4 different times. I begin the game, do character creation, start off my adventure, and then end up dead. Only to realize I never saved and would have to start at the very beginning. And then I put the game away for a while, come back, and repeat the same mistake! I'm certain I won't do it the next time I try that game.

In every game I can, I play as an Argonian Nightblade. My dream deck in Legends, I named 'The Nightblade', even though it mostly has Khajiit in it! Basically, I want my character to be a good-aligned Shadowscale.

Hypothetical To-Do List[edit]

  • Sithis division example pages
  • Legends Gauntlet design
  • Pinball expansion, quest write-ups, table guide
  • Further VSE documenting (need new play process)

Useful Things[edit]

  • Sandbox - Sithis Pages Project
  • Add ' +incategory:"Lore-Books" ' after a search for just book results!