
There are a total of 18 skills in Skyrim. The 18 skills are broken up into three schools: Magic, Combat, and Stealth. Skill levels affect how well a skill performs. For example, having high Light Armor skill makes light armor more effective. Guards often make comments regarding the players skills if their level is high enough.
In each of the 18 skills, they have their own perks, or bonuses. Some perks can be increased multiple times, and the following tables break down the skills by school then includes the number of unique perks, the number of total perks, and any notes about this skill. All spells are learned from bought or found Spell tomes. All spells require magicka.
Skill | Unique Perks | Total Perks | Notes |
Alteration | 10 | 14 | |
Conjuration | 15 | 16 | Allows you to revive the dead to fight for you and summon familiars. |
Destruction | 14 | 17 | |
Enchanting | 9 | 13 | Create bonuses for weapons and armor. Learn enchantments by disenchanting. |
Illusion | 13 | 13 | All your skills that manipulate the minds of your foes, allowing you to become invisible, scare your enemy, or even calm them. |
Restoration | 12 | 13 | Healing spells and magical wards<abbr=Magic Absorbing Shield>? |
Skill | Unique Perks | Total Perks | Notes |
Archery | 9 | 16 | Ranged weaponry perks. |
Block | 9 | 13 | Used in relation to having a shield equipped. |
Heavy Armor | 8 | 12 | Higher base armor than light armor, with unique heavy armor perks. |
One-handed | 10 | 21 | Also known as "1H" may be dual wielded with another 1H weapon or in conjunction with a shield. |
Smithing | 10 | 10 | Required to make weapons and armors, both heavy and light. |
Two-handed | 9 | 19 | Also known as "2H" |
Skill | Unique Perks | Total Perks | Notes |
Alchemy | 9 | 15 | Deals with ingredients, makes helpful potions or poisons |
Light Armor | 6 | 10 | Lower base stats than Heavy Armor, but weighs less and has its own unique perks. |
Pickpocket | 8 | 12 | very useful with high sneaking skill. Looking in peoples pockets isn't a crime when seen, but taking is. |
Sneak | 9 | 13 | Hide in plain sight and stay unheard. Increase sneak damage. |
Speech | 9 | 13 | Opens up new dialogue options. Also allows merchants to have more money or be sold anything. |
Lockpicking | 2 | 11 | Increase chances of opening locks. Not required, but significantly helps. |
- Perks require a certain skill level to advance. You can see these by going to perk and noting the values at the bottom of the screen.
- Perks can only be gained by spending points into it. You gain perk points by leveling up your overall character level.
- A single play-through with 100 in every skill accrues 80 perk points to spend, with the player being level 81.
- If a perk requires something before it, only one rank is required to advance.
- Once spent, the perk cannot be unlearned.
- If the <abbr="Downloadable Content">DLC Dragonborn is installed, the skill tree can be reset for a dragon soul.
- Perks that have more than one perk connection only needs one of them learned
- Perks cannot be looped backwards down a tree. Meaning if something has two or more prerequisites and you go up one side, you cannot come down the other side.
Skill Advancement[edit]
The skills can be increased, or leveled up, in various means. The most common of means to use during combat. Few skills can be leveled up without combat but such information can be found on the specific skill page.
Generally speaking, the magic skills are leveled up during combat or just before combat takes place excluding Enchanting. Combat skills are all leveled up by combat, with Smithing being the only exception. The stealth skills can be leveled up by being sneaky, creating potions or general thief like attributes. The only exception to the stealth skills are Light Armor as that is leveled up by combat.
Achievements related to skills are:
Artificer (10 points/Bronze) — Make a smithed item, an enchanted item, and a potion
Reader (20 points/Bronze) — Read 50 Skill Books
Thief (30 points/Silver) — Pick 50 locks and 50 pockets
Skill Master (40 points/Silver) — Get a skill to 100
Snake Tongue (10 points/Bronze) — Successfully persuade, bribe, and intimidate
There are some notable changes from Oblivion compared to Skyrim.
- Mercantile has been removed and replaced with Speech.
- Mysticism has been removed, but the overall abilities and perks of it have been moved to other schools of magic.
Below is the original page content, and has been kept for now for referencing within the same article.
There are 18 skills in Skyrim, your current level of each appears on the skills menu. The skills menus is accessible from the character menu determines one or more of the following:
- how well or various actions can be performed. As skills are used, they increase in level, which increases the character's overall level. The starting value for most skills is 15, although each race confers bonuses to certain skills. Skills can also be increased by reading skill books, learning from trainers, or as a reward for completing certain quests.
Guards will often comment on your skills when you are near them.
This table lists the skills as they can be considered to fall into three categories, along with the number of perks (see next section) and the total number of perk points available associated with that skill (the second number is higher because some perks comprise multiple-point levels).
Total (180/251) † | ||
Magic (73/86) | Combat (55/91) | Stealth (52/74) |
Alteration (10/14) | Archery (9/16) | Alchemy (9/15) |
Conjuration (15/16) | Block (9/13) | Light Armor (6/10) |
Destruction (14/17) | Heavy Armor (8/12) | Lockpicking (11/11) |
Enchanting (9/13) | One-handed (10/21) | Pickpocket (8/12) |
Illusion (13/13) | Smithing (10/10) | Sneak (9/13) |
Restoration (12/13) | Two-handed (9/19) | Speech (9/13) |
† (Unique Perks/All Ranks)
Perks are a new feature in Skyrim. Each skill has its own associated perks, which can be unlocked when a character advances a level. 180 skill perks are available, 251 if including all ranks for each perk. The perks are all detailed on the individual skill pages, along with their requirements. One perk point is given to the character when the character's overall level increases.
Most perks have both a skill level requirement and a prerequisite perk that must first be unlocked to make the perk available.
- When a prerequisite perk has more than one rank, only the first rank needs to be unlocked to make the next perk available. For example, to unlock Enchanting's "Fire Enchanter" skill, only the first rank of "Enchanter" needs to be unlocked, not all five ranks.
- When a skill has two prerequisite perks, only one of the two perks needs to be unlocked to make the next perk available. For example, to unlock the "Extra Effect" skill under Enchanting, only "Storm Enchanter" or "Corpus Enchanter" needs to be unlocked.
- Perk points cannot be changed or undone once spent.
- With Dragonborn installed, perks may be undone and redistributed at the cost of one dragon soul per skill tree.
- Players cannot 'loop round' later perks to unlock earlier ones. An example of this would be the Smithing skill tree; on the left hand side of the circle are light armor perks, on the right are heavy armor perks, meeting in the middle at dragon armor at level 100. Although the dragon armor perk is visibly joined to both the glass armor and daedric armor perks, it is not possible to unlock all 3 without first acquiring all the prerequisite light and heavy armor perks.
- It is only possible for a character to unlock 80 of the 251 skill perks; PC users can use the console command
to unlock any desired perk.
Achievements related to skills are:
Artificer (10 points/Bronze) — Make a smithed item, an enchanted item, and a potion
Reader (20 points/Bronze) — Read 50 Skill Books
Thief (30 points/Silver) — Pick 50 locks and 50 pockets
Skill Master (40 points/Silver) — Get a skill to 100
Snake Tongue (10 points/Bronze) — Successfully persuade, bribe, and intimidate
Skill Advancement[edit]
The skill advancement mechanism differs between skills. For example, by selling higher value items to merchants, the player gains experience in their Speech skill. Smithing skill increases have been altered by Patch 1.5, they now increase more depending on value of forged equipment. When using a grind wheel or table, the amount the enhanced equipment value goes up defines how much experience gained for it. With 90 smithing and 100% smithing enchanted gear, enhancing an ebony bow from base increased experience almost an entire level. For more details, see each skill's article.
Trainers can help level up a skill for a maximum of five times per character level. Unused training sessions do not carry over to the next level.
For information on how to gain free skill boosts, see this page.
- When pending a character level increase, leveling up skills will add to the progress bar of the next level.
- Some quests are only offered to characters who have certain sufficiently developed skills, specifically, the quests given by mages of the College of Winterhold when you have reached a skill level of 90 or 100 in one of the six schools of magic.
- Increasing developed skills leads to faster character level increases.
- Faster skill increases are possible by activating certain Standing Stones.
- Even though Archery is considered a Combat Skill, Thief Stone enhances the skill gain in Archery, not Warrior Stone.
- Because Skyrim does not have classes, the distinction between major and minor skills from previous Elder Scrolls games does not exist any more — characters do not have a predetermined list of skills that increase more quickly.
- Skills from Oblivion that have been removed without a singularly-defined replacement include:
- Armorer: Weapons and armor no longer require repair, though smithing allows the player to improve these items and create new weapons and armor.
- Athletics and Acrobatics: Running, jumping, and swimming ability are now based entirely on race though you can sprint longer with more stamina.
- Blade and Blunt: Weapon skills are instead divided into One-handed and Two-handed skills. Perks within those skills allow you to specialize in certain weapon types.
- Hand to Hand: No true replacement, although various features enhance unarmed combat (Khajiit have claw attacks; a Heavy Armor perk increases hand-to-hand damage; an enchantment effect for increased hand-to-hand damage exists via the Gloves of the Pugilist)
- Mercantile: Replaced by Speech skill and perks
- Mysticism: Spells shifted to other magic skills
- Skills from Oblivion that have been renamed:
- Marksman: Replaced with Archery
- Security: Replaced with Lockpicking
- Speechcraft: Replaced with Speech
- The Morrowind Skill Enchant makes a comeback as Enchanting in Skyrim.
- The Daggerfall Skill Pickpocket makes a comeback as Pickpocket.