Arun-Ja in veteran armour
DragonbornOnline:Skyrim: These are links to the Elder Scrolls games I've played so far. I am a Saxhleel sorcerer who travels across Tamriel in search of adventure. I am also an ambassador of the Ebonheart Pact to the other alliances in order to find their weaknesses and strengths, and to unite all of Tamriel into one, if possible. I have a Clannfear and Winged Twilight as familiars, Razak's Opus as a pet, and a brown horse named Darak-An. I saved Tamriel from Molag Bal's planemeld and defeated him in his own realm. This is my ESO character. My Skyrim character, the Last Dragonborn, is named Netheron Flamecloak, who saved Tamriel from Alduin, Miraak, and Lord Harkon. He is a Vampire Lord and carries the dragonbone sword Dragonfang and the Staff of Rahgot, claimed from the corpse of the defeated Rahgot. He is also Saxhleel, just like Arun-Ja, and is the last remaining Shadowscale known to the Dark Brotherhood. I am a big fan of Saxhleel culture, heritage, and environment. I have completed Skyrim and am in the process of becoming an ESO champion, too. My self-made guild is the Xbox one guild Netherdragons, in the Ebonheart Pact. I will have more updates to my userpage, as soon as I figure out the knots and ropes, if you know what I mean. Arun-Ja (talk) 21:11, 6 December 2016 (UTC)
This user is knowledgeable about Skyrim. |
This user worships Akatosh. |
This user worships Sithis. |
This user worships The Night Mother. |
This user worships Julianos. |
This user worships Hermaeus Mora. |
This user worships Molag Bal. |
This user follows the teachings of Hermaeus Mora. |
This user follows the teachings of the Nine Divines. |
This user plays on the Xbox. |
This user is a Dwarf-Hound. |
This user knows much, tells some. |
This user has been on UESPWiki for 8 years, 3 months, and 13 days. |
This user apologizes to the world for being American. |
This user fights for the Empire in the Skyrim Civil War. |
This user is a fan of Classical music, especially Beethoven. |
This user would rather be British than American. |
This user is a recruit of the UESP ESO guild on the North American Xbox server. |
As a hatchling, Arun-Ja was raised in a wealthy saxhleel family, until he was 82 when, in 2E 582, he was sacrificed to Molag Bal by Mannimarco. He was rescued from the prison, defeated Molag Bal and Mannimarco, and foiled the Planemeld. In his later life, he became a Shadowscale and fought for Black Marsh and her people. From his lineage came the last Dragonborn, Netheron Flamecloak. In 2E 583, he visited Vvardenfell to stop a meteor from destroying Vivec city
Netheron Flamecloak[edit]
Netheron Flamecloak is an Argonian sorcerer and the Last Dragonborn who later became Emperor of all Tamriel after the disappearance of the Emperor and his successor,Amaund Motierre He reunited Tamriel and received the gift to bring his ancestors to the present. He also was intrigued by Dwemer studies and was able to rebuild Numidium to save Tamriel from Mehrunes Dagon's last invasion.