Tamriel Rebuilt:Arrange an Accident for Adric Jerenise

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Make a journey through the Armun Ashlands a little more treacherous...
Quest Giver: Ethalvora in Andothren
Location(s): Andothren, Guild of Mages
Prerequisite Quest: Anashbibi
Next Quest: Axiomatic Inversion
Reward: Spellstone, Scroll of the Seventh Barrier, and Scroll of Lord Mhas' Vengeance
OR Nothing
Reputation Gain: +5 (Mages Guild) if you complete your duties to the letter
ID: TR_m4_MG_Ando_7


  • You must be of Magician rank or above to begin this quest.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Speak to Ethalvora in Andothren's Guild of Mages about Adric Jerenise.
  2. Go to Kurhu and pay Malmas Habattu 1,000 gold.
  3. Speak to Adric Jerenise and either:
    • Kill him and return to Ethalvora for a reward.
    • Assist his escape and return to Ethalvora for no reward.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Ethalvora is expecting a coup. Speak to her about duties while at the rank of Magician or above, and enquire about Adric Jerenise. She will have this to say:

"I have no idea who Adric Jerenise is, but the Arch-Mage of Almalexia wouldn't have summoned him here unless she meant to challenge my authority. I have heard that Adric will be traveling overland. His route will take him west from Shadowgate Pass and Kragenmoor -- fortuitously close to our friends at Kurhu. I've informed Malmas Habattu, but he's requested payment upfront, and for you to deliver it. In exchange, he will give you Jerenise's Wizard's Staff. Bring it to me as proof of his... misfortune."

You have of course already been to Kurhu, during the events of the quest of the same name. This time, Ethalvora gives you 1,000 gold to pay Malmas for his fine work, and bids you return with Adric's staff, as proof of his demise. Ethalvora's directions to Kurhu still apply:

"Kurhu is a cave trading post in the Armun Ashlands. I have a standing arrangement with the leader of the outpost to collect items of magical interest that may... fall into his hands. Go to Kurhu, deliver this gold to Malmas Habattu, and bring me whatever items he gives back in exchange. Now, listen carefully to my directions: Kurhu can be difficult to find. First you must travel to Arvud, either by silt strider or on foot, following the south road. Once you reach Arvud, take the road south until you come to a junction, and then follow the Kragenmoor road west. If you reach the ruin of Ald Balaal, you have gone too far. Before it, you will come across a stone cairn overlooking a field of tarpits, south of the road. Travel southwest through the field, over the ridge, and keep that heading until you reach the cave of Kurhu. Go quickly now, %PCrank." - Ethalvora

Once at Kurhu, speak to Malmas Habattu. By a stroke of good fortune, he has already captured Adric. However, he insists that you strike the final blow. You will be given the Kurhu Key, and allowed to proceed towards the back of the cave, where Adric Jerenise is being held. Unlock the door, go down the stairs, and find the entrance to Adric's cell underneath the wooden platform.

Speak to Adric. You can choose either to kill him or assist his escape. If you choose to kill him, he will ask that you give him a quick death (but still fight back). Take his staff from his corpse and return it to Ethalvora for a Spellstone, Scroll of the Seventh Barrier, and Scroll of Lord Mha's Revenge.

If you choose to assist Adric's escape, you can say so, at which point you'll need to fight your way out past Malmu and his cabal. Once outside, speak to Adric, who will note he can make his own way from here. You can now return to Ethalvora, who will assume you were tardy in committing your duties, and refuse you any reward at all.


  • While Malmas' dialogue changes depending on whether you dealt with his trifling matter previously, he will always request that you strike the deathblow against Adric.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Arrange an Accident for Adric Jerenise (TR_m4_MG_Ando_7)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Ethalvora has received word that a mage of Wizard rank named Adric Jerenise has been dispatched to Andothren from the west. The guildmaster is convinced that Adric has been sent to replace her, and has already informed Malmas Habattu in Kurhu of the mage's movements. Habattu has requested an uprfront payment of 1000 drakes, and for me to deliver it personally. I am to return from Kurhu with Jerenise's Wizard's Staff, as proof of his demise.
50 After I gave the payment to Malmas Habattu, he informed me that he had already captured Adric Jerenise, and was holding him in Kurhu. He wants me to be the one to kill Jerenise.
60 I told Adric Jerenise that I would kill him. He asked me to make it quick.
100 Finishes quest☑ I gave Ethalvora Adric Jerenise's wizard staff. She was pleased with my work, and rewarded me with a spellstone and two rare scrolls.
110 I decided to help Adric Jerenise escape from Kurhu.
120 I helped Adric Jerenise to escape from Kurhu. He said he would make his own way to Andothren from there.
200 Finishes quest☑ Ethalvora was relieved that Adric Jerenise does not intend to depose her, but declined to reward me for the failed effort to have him murdered.

Prev: Anashbibi (quest) Up: Mages Guild Quests Next: Axiomatic Inversion