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Tamriel Rebuilt:Kurhu (quest)

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Barter with bandits for rare magical goods.
Quest Giver: Ethalvora in Andothren
Location(s): Andothren, Guild of Mages
Prerequisite Quest: Cell Bound
Next Quest: Anashbibi
Reward: Steel Dagger of the Duellist, 2x Frost Salt, 2x Greater Soul Gem AND Grand Soul Gem (optional sidequest reward)
Reputation Gain: +5 (Mages Guild)
ID: TR_m4_MG_Ando_5
The cairn that marks the way to Kurhu


  • You must be of Journeyman rank or above to receive this quest.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Speak to Ethalvora in Andothren's Guild of Mages.
  2. Journey to Kurhu and give 500 gold to Malmas Habattu.
  3. (Optionally) assist Malmas with his trifling matter.
    • Find Sorus Dalvor in Arvud's caravanserai, and either:
    • Kill Sorus and return his flask to Malmas.
  4. Return to Ethalvora with the items from Malmas.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

When you reach Journeyman rank or higher in the Mages Guild, speak to Ethalvora about duties. She will request that you collect a package from Kurhu, giving you 500 gold in order to make payment for it. As Ethalvora puts things:

"Kurhu is a cave trading post in the Armun Ashlands. I have a standing arrangement with the leader of the outpost to collect items of magical interest that may... fall into his hands. Go to Kurhu, deliver this gold to Malmas Habattu, and bring me whatever items he gives back in exchange. Now, listen carefully to my directions: Kurhu can be difficult to find. First you must travel to Arvud, either by silt strider or on foot, following the south road. Once you reach Arvud, take the road south until you come to a junction, and then follow the Kragenmoor road west. If you reach the ruin of Ald Balaal, you have gone too far. Before it, you will come across a stone cairn overlooking a field of tarpits, south of the road. Travel southwest through the field, over the ridge, and keep that heading until you reach the cave of Kurhu. Go quickly now, %PCrank." - Ethalvora

Given the danger that the Armun Ashlands pose to low-leveled travelers, you may wish to cut the route a little shorter by using the silt strider, travelling first to Menaan, then Arvud itself. As Ethalvora directs, proceed south along the road from Arvud. Once you reach the signposted junction, turn right towards the city of Kragenmoor. As you walk along this road, keep an eye to its south side for a cairn - the one pictured. Once you reach this, proceed directly southwest cross country until you reach the entrance to Kurhu itself.

Inside Kurhu, speak to Malmas Habattu at the counter - this place appears to be a store selling goods that have fallen off the back of wagons, or bodies, perhaps. Ask him about the package from Kurhu. For 500 gold, he will deliver everything that Ethalvora is expecting, including a Bizarre Helmet, a Steel Dagger of the Duellist, two Frost Salts and two Greater Soul Gems. You can return immediately to Ethalvora with these to complete the quest (you only really need the Bizarre Helmet) and claim your reward, or you can assist Malmas with his trifling matter - the murder of a caravaner who has seen too much.

The 'Trifling Matter (optional)[edit]

"My colleagues and I recently hired a caravaner named Sorus Dalvor in the normal course of our business. Sorus decided he'd rather not be one of our... suppliers, after he had already been here to Kurhu. This doesn't work for me. Don't want any Hlaalu or Imperial busybodies knocking down our door because dear old Sorus spilled the beans. If you shut Sorus up for good, that grand soul gem is all yours. I'd bet he's staying at Lucky Shalaasa's Caravanserai in Arvud with the other caravaners passing north." - Malmas Habattu

Malmas will take no offense if you refuse this offer. Agree to it however, and you will need to return to Arvud. You'll find Sorus in one of the bedrooms in the Lucky Shalaasa's Caravanserai. Kill him immediately, or speak to him about the trifling matter. Sorus will beg for his life. You can refuse to grant it, in which case he will wait for you to strike the first blow (this will be reported as a crime). Alternatively, you can alternatively tell him that you need his flask - Sorus will then agree to make his way discreetly to Cyrodiil. Malmas will be none-the-wiser regardless of your choice, and will reward you with the promised Grand Soul Gem on your return with the flask to Kurhu.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Kurhu (TR_m4_MG_Ando_5)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Ethalvora asked me to acquire a package from Kurhu, a cave in the deep Armun Ashlands, southwest of Arvud. I am to bring a payment of 500 gold to Malmas Habattu, and he will give me a bundle of items he's "acquired" in exchange.
20 I picked up the package from Kurhu. It turned out to be a bundle of items of magical value: an enchanted dagger, some frost salts, two greater soul gems, and a strange enchanted helm.
100 Finishes quest☑ I delivered the package from Kurhu to Ethalvora. She allowed me to keep most of the items, only taking the strange artifact for herself.
Kurhu (TR_m4_MG_Ando_5a)
10 Malmas Habattu, the leader of the brigands at Kurhu, offered me a grand soul gem if I kill Sorus Davor, a caravaner staying at Lucky Shalaasa's Caravanserai in Arvud.
20 I agreed to kill Sorus Dalvor for Malmas Habattu. I've been instructed to bring back Sorus' flask as proof of his death.
50 Finishes quest☑ I refused Malmas Habattu's "trifling matter".
90 I agreed to let Sorus Dalvor flee to Cyrodiil, and took his flask for Malmas Habattu as "proof" of his death.
100 Finishes quest☑ As promised, Malmas Habattu gave me a grand soul gem for handling the situation with Sorus Dalvor.

Prev: Cell Bound Up: Mages Guild Quests Next: Anashbibi