Salt is (?).
Guaranteed samples can be found in the following locations:
Tamriel RebuiltTR3
- Almas Thirr, Brewers and Fishmongers Hall (×3)
- Idathren, Sadrano Manor (×2)
- Almas Thirr, Balur Seldrano's House
- Almas Thirr, Danse Orani's House
- Almas Thirr, Falura Andavel's Apartment
- Almas Thirr. Ivrea Llothro's House
- Almas Thirr, Revis Arano's House
- Almas Thirr, Valam Thalor's Apartment
- Andothren, Horaren Manor
- Andothren, Lloran Manor
- Andothren, Orblos' House
- Andothren, Temple
- Andothren, Vendicci Manor: Servants' Quarters
- Hlan Oek, Morning Sun Cornerclub
- Hlan Oek, Temple
- Skaarling Queen: Hold
- Teyn, Lighthouse
Project CyrodiilPC3
- Anvil, White Scarab Company Warehouse (×25)
- Ivrol Crypt (×5)
- Salthearth, Guest Quarters (×5)
- Goldstone, Servants' Quarters (×3)
- Anvil, Hostel of Saint Rosunius (×2)
- Charach, Abecean Trading Company: Tower (×2)
- Salthearth, Ivrol Manor (×2)
- Anvil, Astinius Residence
- Anvil, Bazaar of the Abecean
- Anvil, Hasi Manor
- Anvil, Kha'Raji and Elisanne Baquois' Apartment
- Anvil, Lighthouse
- Anvil, Lusha: Pawnbroker
- Anvil, Sailor's Fluke
- Anvil, Seastone House
- Anvil, The Anchor's Rest
- Anvil, White Scarab Company Lodgings
- Atrene
- Bernd and Nessa Conina's Farmhouse
- Brina Cross, White Scarab Company
- Charach, Ashamti's House
- Charach, Guardhouse
- Charach, Kayd's House
- Charach, Nayad Irune's House
- Charach, Sunset Hotel
- Fort Telodrach, West Navy High Command
- Karam's Shack
- Olive Ridley: Hold
- Pale Bay Cave
- Relds Farm, Alvur's House
- Relds Farm, Chaney's House
- Saccoro Farm, Ledus' House
- Sinalon
- TEM Eye of the Abecean: Hold
- TEM Kintyra's Shield: Hold
- Thresvy, Lacorius Estate: Manor
- Wormusoel, Secret Passage
Skyrim: Home of the NordsSHOTN
It is found in the following leveled lists: