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Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Goldstone

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AnvilFort TelodrachGarden QuarterGoldstoneLittle ArenthiaMarinaPort Quarter
Added by: Project Cyrodiil
Alignment: Kingdom of Anvil
Region: Strident Coast

Almsivi Intervention:

Divine Intervention:

Goldstone overlooking the city
"Goldstone is the ruling seat of my sister, the Queen of Anvil, Millona Conomorus. The castle stands on an island of its own in the southwest part of the city."Reymanus Pelelius

Goldstone is a massive castle situated on the largest island found in the bay of Anvil, primarily accessible via a bridge from the Garden Quarter. It serves as the seat of power for the Kingdom of Anvil's queen regent, Millona Conomorus. The formidable structure can be seen from nearly anywhere in the city and on a clear day may even be seen from many locations in the Strident Coast and Abecean Sea regions. It is here that Millona's court and advisors, ever ready to enlist the support of those willing to serve the Kingdom of Anvil's interests, as well as the residence of Queen Isodi, second wife of the missing King Claudius, can be found. Queen Millona is assisted in her rule by the Kingdom's seneschal, Solvus Orrich, the court wizard Baeralorn, and the commander of the Anvil guard, Lantin Chaskav.

Getting There and Around[edit]

Goldstone's island can be reached from the Garden Quarter by crossing the bridge connecting it to the mainland or from the Port Quarter by swimming south across the harbor.

Goldstone itself is not as easy to navigate. The easiest way to reach the towers of Goldstone would be to levitate up and over its monumental walls. Those who lack such capabilities will instead need to enter through the Grand Foyer and either scale the staircases located there or in the adjacent Lower Halls to reach the upper levels of the castle.

Places of Interest Around Goldstone[edit]

On the western shore of the island is an entrance to Goldstone's sewers. Southwest of that, on the sea floor, is the wreck of the TEM Sunset Sword. South of the castle are two ledges; the eastern ledge serves as the final resting place of a would-be thief, while a Dwarven longsword and a chest full of scrolls can be found on the western ledge.

Related Quests[edit]

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Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Altian Pristac Male Breton Priest Great Faiths Adept(Adept) 7 60 116 90 30 Chapel Tower
Benno Alisus Male Imperial Scribe 13 102 106 100 30 Chapel Tower
Elsina Lavalia Female Imperial Priest Great Faiths Novice(Novice) 1 40 80 100 30 Chapel Tower
Caldia Acon Female Imperial Guard Kingdom of Anvil Auxiliary(Auxiliary) 15 107 110 100 30 Dungeons Trainer
Marcan Male Redguard Enforcer 7 79 74 0 30 Dungeons
Mykol Hadrach Male Imperial Noble 18 141 134 100 30 Dungeons
Scalra the Cutter Female Imperial Smuggler 14 120 100 0 30 Dungeons
Vida Light-Foot Female Wood Elf Pawnbroker Cyrodiil Thieves Guild Wet Ear(Wet Ear) 8 65 122 0 30 Dungeons(Before Spring Vida Light-Foot)
Akaterina Hadrach Female Imperial Knight West Navy Commander(Commander) 22 253 126 80 30 Dungeons (After Prevent the Coup)
Akaterina Hadrach Female Imperial Knight Kingdom of Anvil Queen Regent(Queen Regent) 22 253 126 80 30 Great Hall (After Battle for Goldstone)
Arentus Atticus Male Imperial Artist Kingdom of Anvil Retainer(Retainer) 9 79 158 80 30 Gallery Tower
Erline Bertault Female Breton Artist Kingdom of Anvil Retainer(Retainer) 9 79 158 80 30 Gallery Tower
Lantin Chaskav Male Imperial Knight Kingdom of Anvil Intendant(Intendant) 25 210 132 90 30 Garrison
Othuka gra-Muk Female Orc Smith Kingdom of Anvil Auxiliary(Auxiliary) 13 155 100 80 30 Garrison Blacksmith
Amia Farola Female Imperial Merchant 7 79 120 60 30 Grand Foyer
Faviana Taucita Female Imperial Drillmaster Kingdom of Anvil Bailiff(Bailiff) 25 201 138 100 30 Grand Foyer
Nikus Renicius Male Imperial Scribe 4 63 114 90 30 Grand Foyer
Hasi Male Redguard Knight West Navy Admiral(Admiral) 38 285 142 90 30 Great Hall
Lerenis Muralius Male Argonian Merchant Abecean Trading Company Representative(Representative) 7 74 120 100 30 Great Hall
Nalloch Male Wood Elf Warrior 15 160 102 90 30 Great Hall
Queen Millona Conomorus Female Imperial Noble Kingdom of Anvil Queen Regent(Queen Regent) 23 171 150 80 30 Great Hall
Dungeons (After Battle for Goldstone)
Sirethal Palinis Male Wood Elf Noble 16 119 128 60 30 Great Hall
Solvus Orrich Male Imperial Noble Kingdom of Anvil Seneschal(Seneschal) 45 301 208 80 30 Great Hall
Perrere Casenne Female Breton Caretaker 6 71 120 100 30 Lower Halls
Isodi Female Redguard Noble Kingdom of Anvil Marshal(Marshal) 25 187 136 0 30 Royal Chambers
Bea Lailonde Female Breton Cook Kingdom of Anvil Hireling(Hireling) 12 100 162 70 30 Servants' Quarters
Dalvus Ycolian Male Imperial Caretaker Kingdom of Anvil Hireling(Hireling) 3 59 88 100 30 Servants' Quarters
Nilbo Male Wood Elf Caretaker Kingdom of Anvil Hireling(Hireling) 2 42 84 100 30 Servants' Quarters
Patina Lonia Female Imperial Cook Kingdom of Anvil Hireling(Hireling) 3 53 108 100 30 Servants' Quarters
Salyataya Female High Elf Hunter Kingdom of Anvil Retainer(Retainer) 19 124 128 100 30 Servants' Quarters
Ralchav Targus Male Imperial Pauper 1 0 80 90 30 Goldstone, Sewers Dead
Aelus Almiron Male Imperial Knight Kingdom of Anvil Bailiff(Bailiff) 22 193 126 100 30 Solar Trainer
Calixta Avidrian Female Imperial Savant Kingdom of Anvil Retainer(Retainer) 14 104 150 100 30 Solar
Urilia Temala Female Imperial Caretaker Kingdom of Anvil Retainer(Retainer) 8 95 106 100 30 Vault
Baeralorn Male Wood Elf Necromancer Cyrodiil Mages Guild Associate(Associate) 35 169 200 90 30 Wizard's Tower


PC3-map-Anvil Goldstone.jpg
Map Key


  • 1. Grand Foyer
  • 2. Lower Halls
  • 3. Garrison
  • 4. Dungeons
  • 5. Chapel Tower
  • 6. Gallery Tower

Buildings (cont.):

  • 7. Great Hall
  • 8. Wizard's Tower
  • 9. Royal Chambers
  • 10. Solar
  • 11. Servant's Quarters


Other Quarters:

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