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Skyrim talk:Reveler

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I bumped into 3 of them near Hillgrund's Tomb, they offered me Honningbrew Mead and then walked away. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 21:30 on 21 November 2011

Saw two revelers with several Alik'r warriors. Didn't ask/give me anything. And I'm sure the location is random. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 05:53 on 10 December 2011

Revelers at Brandy-Mug Farm?[edit]

After I'd gotten the Charmed Necklace from them, I now see all three of them at Brandy-Mug farm, tilling the ground, working the grindstone, and throwing flowers around the chickens. Is this where they go after you're basically done with them? Lord Irvine 14:52, 31 December 2011 (UTC)

The same happened to me, except they stuck around Anga's Mill. It seems to me they hang around the nearest settlement, indefinitely. Wolok gro-Barok 15:09, 31 December 2011 (UTC)
I've kept track of them on three different playthroughs on the 360. In the first, they ended up at Battleborn Farm and stayed there throughout the game. On the second, they ended up at Katla's farm & stayed throughout the game. The third time, I first encountered them at the top of the hill between Honningbrew Meadery & Riverwood, then followed them to Chillfurrow Farm, where they stoped to work & hang out. I entered the Chillfurrow Farm house to loot the place, but when I exited the revelers were gone. I reloaded a previous save, met them at the same place, & followed them to Chillfurrow again. This time, I didn't enter the house, but fast-traveled to Nightgate Inn, & ft'd back to Chillfurrow, & they were gone once more. Apparently, something about Chillfurrow doesn't set right with them--it's likely Nazeem's low wages. Can anyone shed some light on this?-- 22:03, 22 June 2016 (UTC)

Reference to Archaic Greek Three Revelers[edit]


I believe that Bethesda used the above vase, made in Archaic Greece by Euthymides, as inspiration for the name of the drunkards, the number of them, and their dancing. If a trivia section is added, this should be mentioned. -- 07:37, 10 January 2012 (UTC)

Strange behaviour from the Revelers[edit]

I encountered the revelers by Stendarr's Beacon, and after their scripted encounter, they got attacked by wolves. I healed them after the fight and they started attacking each other. o_O 07:39, 2 February 2012 (UTC)

I've observed that if you cast any spell on any one of the revelers after talking to them - even a healing spell - that reveler will become hostile and attack you, but the other two will attack (and probably kill) them. --Gaebrial 09:01, 2 March 2012 (UTC)


1. I have always encountered them on a major road. Has anyone had a different experience?

2. Before my edit of today, the page said "When not randomly showing up inebriated, the three revelers can be found in the the nearest settlement, usually the small mining camp Darkwater Crossing." This is not completely coherent, so I removed it, but if anyone has clearer or more specific information on their locations, please discuss here, or add to the page. --JRTalk E-mail 01:41, 3 March 2012 (UTC)

I was under the impression that they were a random encounter, like any other (e.g. thief, farmer, etc). I've spent some time around Darkwater Crossing throughout several playthroughs, both before and after meeting them in a random encounter and I have never encountered them at that location. Not sure what merit that comment has on the article page. --—Daniellibus TalkEC 15:28, 22 June 2012 (UTC)


i saw the 3 revelers on a road near the silverdrift lair on the right. they asked me if i wanted to drink honeymead,so i said i never heard of that,and them i said i love to drink with you guy's. then they gave me 1 bottle of honeybrewmead and left. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 03:41 on 13 May 2012

Calming them turns them hostile???[edit]

Yesterday I encountered them on a road and shot my calm spell at one of them, which caused him to attack me. Sheathing my weapon sometimes helped, sometimes it didn't. The same was true when using calm on another one of them. Isn't the calm spell supposed to make people stop attacking rather than make them start attacking?! And it's certainly not because of them being too high-leveled, as the magic calm effect was clearly visible and there was no message "reveler is too mighty for calm". Are they scripted to attack if you hit them with anything? Maybe they even become hostile when using healing hands on them? --Nv4dispbluescreen (talk) 10:45, 24 September 2012 (GMT)

If you read further up this page, you will see that yes, they become hostile when you cast any spell on them--Anil (talk) 14:10, 25 September 2012 (GMT)

Getting the neckleace[edit]

did not have any mead when i encountered them, so figured to pickpocket one for the necklace. bit tough task as one of them approach as soon as you get close, but was doable. — Unsigned comment by Ible (talkcontribs) at 10:26 on 17 November 2012

Not despawning, leader died many levels ago[edit]

Just as the title says. The leader who initiates conversation with you is dead, he died when I was around level 10 along the road that eventually leads to the Dawnguard Daylight Canyon or something. Thing is the Revelers havn't despawned and respawned somewhere else. -- 17:33, 2 February 2013 (GMT)

Unusual reaction to being paralyzed[edit]

When I reverse-pickpocket a paralysis potion onto an NPC, they never recognize that I was the cause...except these guys. Out of the hundreds that I have done these are the only ones who 'wake up' in a hostile mode. This is despite total unawareness at the onset. Csjimmy 04:18, 13 February 2017 (UTC)