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Skyrim talk:Hroki

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Does anyone know what she wears? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:48 on 15 January 2012

Tavern Clothes (000D191F) + Boots (000D1921) -- 04:14, 16 January 2012 (UTC)

Fishing Job[edit]

She also has a radiant quest associated with her, Retrieve Hroki's Garnet Annabellalot 15:32, 30 January 2012 (UTC)

You can add that if you want to.RIM 16:56, 30 January 2012 (UTC)

Is her name a reference or something?[edit]

Is there anyone called Hroki on the dev team, cause this name appears everywhere, here is a screenshot moments before the first dragon fight at Whiterun:

I doubt it's the same Hroki as the one in Markarth unless she got lucky and landed there by the dragon... 22:52, 10 February 2012 (UTC)

It's probably just a common name in Skyrim. 04:43, 11 June 2012 (UTC)Ishnin'ka

"Child Class" Possible Glitch?[edit]

As stated on her main page, Hroki is listed as a child but "it's more of an oddity...." Since the Creation Kit uses a separate race to turn characters into children, and her clothing is definitely not something a child should wear, is it more likely that the programmers accidentally put her in the wrong class ("Citizen" is right below "Child" on the list)? Every other member of the "Child" class is a member of a separate race that is carries the "Child" tag in it. This is probably an excessive amount of thought being devoted to a character who doesn't do anything but complain about her parents' fighting, which is probably why this hasn't been fixed as of 1.5, but hey. It's interesting to note because it provokes questions about the programmers' thought processes when creating some of the less important characters.Black jack king 22:45, 31 March 2012 (UTC)

While I like your thought here, without confirmation I'm afraid it's just speculation. Wolok gro-Barok 19:00, 18 April 2012 (UTC)
If you make her a follower using PC console, one thing you notice a difference with her is that she kneel to health damage easily, even if she still has about 150 health when she starts kneeling. Not close to zero health like normal followers. Perhaps it has something to do with the "child tag"? Her confidence level is set to 3, and aggression level set to 1. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 10:53 on 9 May 2012

() I think the Child tag was intentional, Hroki acts more like a teenager then an adult, and teenagers are still children. So her being listed as a child but still killable because she's a teenager makes sense. This may also be the reason why she wasn't made a marriage candidate. Unlike other popular non-marriable female NPC's like Elisif, Ingun and Olfina, she's the only one out of all of them who does nothing consequence and isn't related to anyone powerful, so she likely would have been made a marriage candidate. If she was meant to be married but glitched Bethesda would have fixed the bug like they did with Lydia due to popular demand, the fact that she wasn't "fixed" tells me she wasn't meant to be married she's legally a teenager, and Beth want to avoid getting sued. A shame, by British law she's legally an adult.

Man, I have put way too much thought into this.

P.s. Whats up with the American English its telling me words are wrong? Is the a way I can change the spell checker to the proper English please? 20:02, 2 August 2012 (UTC)

My character just married her, so as of 1.7 she must be in the potential marriage faction. I do have a marriage mod ("To have and to hold") but it doesn't add characters to the faction. I had also forgotten that she's the adult in the child faction before my high elf vampire necromancer proposed to her. So I guess vampire and necromancer weren't enough, he had to get hitched to a sixteen-year-old. Oops. Black jack king 19:34, 26 August 2012 (UTC)

Additional Conversation?[edit]

Hroki has a conversation with Hogni Red-Arm in Markarth. Part of the conversation mentions Hogni "throwing meat at people when they don't know good meat", Hroki also promises to send Hogni to Cidhna Mine so fast, the guards will lop his arms off. Then Hogni says "What did I do to deserve such hatred? You give people good food and good prices, and all they do is insult you." Not sure of the complete conversation though, if someone can find it they are free to add it to the article.MJ The Unrelenting (talk) 03:04, 6 October 2013 (GMT)

I found it. It's in CSList as a quest of all things. This is the record if you want to look at the game data. I think it runs like this:
Hroki: "Ugh. You're the most disgusting merchant I have ever seen. The guards should take you away."
Hogni: "The only people I offend are cheats who don't pay me enough gold coin, or idiots who don't know good meat when I throw it at their faces."
Hroki: "If you ever think of throwing meat at me, I will have you dragged off to Cidhna Mine so fast the guards will yank those filthy arms of yours off."
Hogni: "What do I do to deserve such hatred? You give people good food and good prices, and all they do is insult you."
That matches my memory of the scene, anyway. Is that right? --Morrolan (talk) 03:46, 8 October 2013 (GMT)