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User:Black jack king

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I own ESIII: Morrowind, ESIV: Oblivion, and ESV: Skyrim. Hobbies: I published my first sci-fi novel a few years ago ("Avatar's Perdition: Black Sword Chronicle") and I like to make wild speculations to fill in holes in other people's fiction. You'll probably note that from the character of my posts. Don't take it personally, it's only a video game.

As for my favorites, I like them in the descending order of Skyrim, Oblivion, and Morrowind - which is not to say that I don't love Morrowind. I know it's considered heresy in some circles to admit to preferring Oblivion over Morrowind, but I do just like that one better. Yes, the insistence on having everything voiced kind of kills the variety of character interaction, but the mechanics of how enchantments work, the racial powers, and the overall story just make Oblivion a better game than Morrowind. Skyrim, on the other hand, seems like a reaction against every complaint from Oblvion. While Oblivion aimed for the stars and hit the Moon, Skyrim seems to have gotten much closer to their goal, with a much better leveling system that you can't get in Oblivion with Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul.

I downloaded "Daggerfall" a while back but gave up when it fell apart on me after the Privateer's Hold dungeon. I've never played "Arena." Black jack king (talk) 08:40, 16 September 2014 (GMT)