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Online:Unearthing the Past

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This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Online Quest Project.
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Quick Summary: written by Enodoc, checked by Ingura

Walkthrough: written by multiple users, checked by Ingura

Quest Stages: written by Ingura, not checked
ON-qico-Zone Story.png Use Betnikh's past to help the present.
Zone: Betnikh
Zone StoryThis quest is part of the Zone Story
Faction: Daggerfall Covenant
Objective: Grimfield — Stop the Bloodthorn Cult from raising a zombie army.
Quest Giver: Rozag gro-Khazun on the outskirts of Grimfield, Frederique Lynielle inside the crypt.
Location(s): Grimfield, Ayleid Sanctuary
Previous Quest: The Bloodthorn Plot
Next Quest: Carzog's Demise
Concurrent Quest: Into the Hills
Tormented Souls
Reward: Kingsguard Hammer
Very High Leveled Gold
XP Gain: Very High Experience
ID: 4468
Bloodthorn Cultist Ritual
The Bloodthorn Cult has invaded an ancient Breton graveyard in order to raise zombies. The Seamount Orcs are concerned but await reinforcements.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Rozag gro-Khazun
  2. Investigate the central crypt.
  3. Retrieve the Staff of Arkay.
  4. Recharge the Staff of Arkay.
  5. Defeat the Abominations.
  6. Talk to King Renwic.
  7. Enter the portal to the Visions of the Past.
  8. Find out how to enter the Inner Sanctuary.
  9. Witness War Chief Yzzgol confront King Renwic.
  10. Return to King Renwic.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Talk to Rozag gro-Khazun[edit]

Grimfield Central Tomb

To start this quest, travel to the Grimfield Wayshrine. Head south around the rocks, and talk to the guard Rozag gro-Khazun, who tries to prevent your passage. He tells you that no one is allowed to enter Grimfield per War Chief Tazgol's orders. Rozag confirms that all the zombies in the area are dead Bretons who have been ressurrected by the Bloodthorn Cult. Rozag is waiting for Chief Tazgol to come and crush them all. You ask him if he's not concerned about the cultists raising a whole army of zombies, to which is laughs and says since they are Breton zombies they will be easy to kill.

Then he tells you if you want to kill Bloodthorn Cultists on your own, start with the central crypt. From your location, go southeast, fighting through the cultists and undead as you go, until you reach the crypt. Enter the tomb.

Staff of Arkay[edit]

Inside the tomb you will find tomb spirit Frederique Lynielle. Frederique was a priestess of Arkay and died with King Renwic when the Seamount Orcs invaded the island. She asks you to help her stop her countrymen's bodies from being resurrected. Frederique tells you to take The Staff of Arkay, charge it, and then use it against the abominations summoned by the necromancers. Pick up the staff at her feet.

If you saved a band of sailors in Stros M'Kai, Crafty Lerisa will show up when you grab the staff, and offers you a Bloodthorn Cultist disguise which will pacify the zombies around you. Collect the disguise from the bag, open your inventory and either double-click on the Bloodthorn Disguise or right-click and select "Equip".

(The disguise only hides you from zombies; Bloodthorn Cultists can still see you. If you are attacked by a Bloodthorn Cultist, you will need to get a new disguise from a sack Crafty Lerisa has left near each crypt. You do not need to wear the disguise to complete the quest.)

One of Crafty Larisa's Disguise Sacks

Go back outside now and search the area for some Bloodthorn Necromancers, who are standing in blue ritual circles. Only the necromancers drop them, so kill them to collect energy motes. Each necromancer drops 2 energy emotes.

When you have six energy motes, find Frederique outside her tomb south of the Grimfield Wayshrine and speak to her. She tells you, now that the staff is charged, it will reveal "circles of corruption" among the cryps. The Bloodthorn Cult's abominations are hidden in these circles in pockets of Oblivion.

The Abominations[edit]

She now wants you to draw three abominations out and destroy them. They are the Abominations of Hate, Wrath and Fear:

Once you've defeated all three, Frederique will tell you to meet her at the west end of the graveyard. Head west until you meet a small ruin on the beach. Talk to Frederique to hear her joyous news:

"The Bloodthorn's perversion of my people is ended. The honored dead are at rest once again."
Is the threat ended?
"The cult focused all their power into their abominations. Now these are dust and ash. The threat to us is ended, but the threat to you remains.
King Renwic wishes to repay our debt to you. Speak to him. Learn your true peril."

King Renwic will then spawn behind her.

Facing the Past[edit]

Speak with King Renwic to learn about Renwic's—and Betnikh's—past. He wants to repay you for returning his people to their resting places, but all he can give you is information. He tells you that, although he admits to failing to protect his people, his actions against the Orcs were worse. He admits he attempted necromancy. He also tells you that the Bloodthorn seek the power hidden in an ancient Ayleid relic buried on the island. Enter the portal beside the king. You are to learn from his transgressions through the eyes of the Orcs.

Enter the portal next to King Renwic to watch his Vision of the Past.

When the king's vision starts you are in a delve with several Seamount Warriors. Hunt-Wife Othikha is kneeling down over a fallen soldier. You need to speak to her before going further into the delve. She tells you that King Renwic is in the ruin, has sealed himself off from them, and is preparing a spell that smells very badly. Ask her what the spell is. She says that he is summuning magic that will slaughter the Seamount Army.

You must reach the king an learn of his magic. In order to do so, Othikha has taken Breton prosoners and their equipment, but they won't talk. She thinks their belongings may hold clues to what the prisoners know about the spell and where to find King Renwic.

You are concerned about how far you can go to get the prisoners to talk and ask Othikha her advice. She says the The Code of Mauloch states as long as they aid King Renwic they are enemies. The code states you can't steal, attack without reason, you must fight with honor, and protect your tribe.

You can try to use words... if that doesn't work:

"They must pay the blood price.
I took this charm off a Reachwitch. Hold it tight and order any guard to execute his prisoner. The charm will chain their soul and compel them to answer you.
You will have one question, Targoth. Ask wisely."

You should start by searching the prisoners' belongings for clues, then interrogate them. As you talk to each prisoner, you have the choice to kill them to question their ghosts or ask the correct questions to the respective Breton. Continue to the right and when you come around the first corner you will see the first prisoner, The Queen Nurese, being guarded by a Seamount Executioner.

The Queen Nurese[edit]

Make sure to read the note on the floor to the left beside a warrior. This will give you the clue about what to ask her.

The Queen Nurese's Note
Note to Nurese: "I know how to save us, my love. Meet me at the ruins we spoke of a fortnight ago. Open the door using the method I taught you. Bring Visanne. Once inside, we will be safe. --R"

Speak to Queen Nurese and you will be given three choices. In order to get information you need from her without killing her, you need to threaten to kill her daughter Visanne. She will then tell you that there are crystals in braziers by the door and that you need to turn them to lower the wards.

If you ask the wrong question the prisoner will not give you any information and you will have to execute her. Tell the Executioner to do so, and after she is killed her spirit will rise. You must use the charm to make her speak. Ask her where her husband is hiding. She will tell you he is in the center of the ruins behind a door that cannot be opened.

Drago Auberdine[edit]

Before interrogating Drago, read note behind the executioner.

Drago's Orders: "I ask more of you today than I have in the past. You must hold the Orcs. Give me time to complete the spell we discussed. Hold fast, Drago. Even if you fall, we will find victory. --King Renwic"

In order to get the information from Drago without killing him, ask him about the king's magic. He will tell you that he is summonning an undead army from the ruins. If you execute him, ask him how to open the door that guards the king. He will tell you you have to turn the two braziers on either side of the door.

Frederique Lynielle[edit]

Go to Frederique Lynielle. Read the scroll on the floor.

Crumbling Breton Scroll:

" the Ayleids saw the error of their ways. They buried the weapon deep within the ancient tomb on what is now Betony..."
<A recent, handwritten note is scrawled below>
"How can I let Renwic do this? Arkay forbids it!"

Talk to Lynielle and ask her what magic the king plots. She says the king is seeking an ancient power within the ruins. It is an Ayleid relic that is a terrible weapon that summons an undead army. She tells you that you must stop him or it will slaughter "more than Orcs".

Princess Visanne[edit]

Go to Princess Visanne. Read the loose page on the bench.

Breton Bedtime Stories:

First, the bear clawed at the tree. Then, he roared at it. He bit its bark and chewed. Yet the princess stayed safe, laughing all the while.
Finally, the bear sat back on its haunches and spoke. "Why do you fear, little girl?"
The princess shouted down, "Because you'll eat me, silly bear!"
The bear just shook its grizzled head. "I do not eat children. Come down, and we will play a game."
But the princess was too clever for the crafty bear. She knew it was a trick. "Come up here, if you're so eager for a game!"
The bear grunted. It began to climb.
<A handwritten note is scrawled in the margin of the page.>
Bring your mother to the ruins. Open the door as we discussed. Hurry, Visanne. It is the only place we can be safe. I love you.
— R

Speak to Princess Visanne and tell her she must disclose how to open the door, or you will kill her mother. She tells you to turn the crystals by the door.

Talk with War Chief Yzzgol[edit]

War Chief Yzzgol and King Renwic

After you are finished questioning the prisoners, talk to War Chief Yzzgol. Tell him you know how to open the door to get to King Renwic, and ask what he plans to do with the king. He will tell you that if he surrenders, he and his people will be exiled. If not, Chief Yzzgol will kill him. Now turn the runestones on both sides of the door and enter. Approach King Renwic and watch the scene unfold.

Complete the Quest[edit]

Go through the portal that opened up over the Ayleid relic to return to the present. Talk to King Renwic to complete the quest:

"Even my death failed my people."
You tried to use the relic, and Yzzgol killed you.
"Yes. Once I summoned the relic's power, I realized what it demanded of me. Souls. It craves souls.
I would not pay that price, but the Bloodthorn will. They will raise this undead army and slaughter you all."
How can I stop them?
"The Ayleid relic is the key, but my memories have faded with time. I no longer remember its location. I know only that you must find it before the Bloodthorn.
I offer this knowledge as payment for the souls you saved today."


  • It's possible to start the quest without speaking to Lambur and starting The Bloodthorn Plot, or speaking to Rozag gro-Khazun. You can go and speak directly to Frederique Lynielle inside the crypt.
  • If you recruited Crafty Lerisa by completing Like Moths to a Candle and its subsequent quests in Stros M'Kai, she'll show up during this quest.


Quest Stages[edit]

Unearthing the Past
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
Rozag gro-Khazun suggested I investigate a crypt in the center of the Breton graveyard.
Objective: Investigate Central Crypt
An ancient Breton spirit resides in this tomb. I should see what she has to say.
Objective: Talk to Frederique Lynielle
Frederique Lynielle offered me her Staff of Arkay to wield against the Bloodthorn Cult and their zombies.
Objective: Collect Staff of Arkay
The Staff of Arkay is drained of energy. To recharge it, I must disrupt Bloodthorn rituals across the graveyard and collect the motes of energy that result.

(Kill Cultists and Collect Energy Motes)

Objective: Gather Motes to Charge Staff: 0/6
(HINT: Crafty Lerisa followed me into the graveyard. She may be able to help me deal with the Bloodthorn Cult)
Hidden Objective: Talk to Crafty Lerisa
I have recharged the staff. Now I need to talk to Frederique Lynielle in the graveyard.
Objective: Talk to Frederique Lynielle
I can now use the recharged Staff of Arkay to draw out abominations—Bloodthorn Cult monsters—that lurk in Oblivion, then destroy them to break the cult's power over the Breton undead.
(HINT: I must use the Staff of Arkay to draw out the abominations.)
Hidden Objective: Summon Abominations with Staff of Arkay
Objective: Kill Abomination of Hate
Objective: Kill Abomination of Wrath
Objective: Kill Abomination of Fear
The spirit of King Renwic has appeared nearby. I should see what he has to say.
Objective: Talk to King Renwic
King Renwic has created a portal. If I touch it I will see past events through the eyes of his enemies, the Seamount Orcs.
Objective: Enter Renwic's Vision
I have entered the past in the guise of Warcaller Targoth, a powerful Orc. I must speak to Hunt-Wife Othikha to learn more about what I'm here to do.
Objective: Talk to Hunt-Wife Othikha
Hunt-Wife Othikha told me King Renwic is preparing a spell to destroy the Orcs. I must interrogate the Breton Prisoners and find out how to stop him. I should search their belongings for clues as to what they know.
Hidden Objective: Learn How to Reach Renwic
Hidden Objective: Execute Prisoners to Question Their Ghosts
Hidden Objective: Learn Renwic's Plan
Objective: Talk to Queen Nurese
Objective: Talk to Frederique Lynielle
Objective: Talk to Drago Auberdine
Objective: Talk to Princess Visanne
King Renwic plans to summon an undead Ayleid army. To reach him, I must turn two runestones by the door. I must notify War Chief Yzzgol.
Objective: Talk to War Chief Yzzgol
To get to King Renwic, I must unlock the door by turning both runestones.
Objective: Turn Left Runestone
Objective: Turn Right Runestone
King Renwic waits inside the central room of the ruin, preparing his spell.
Objective: Enter Ruin Interior
I see now through the eyes of Warcaller Targoth. King Renwic seeks great power in an ancient Ayleid ruin. I must learn his fate.
Objective: Confront King Renwic
King Renwic found the Ayleid relic he sought but was unable to use it and War Chief Yzzgol killed him. I should return to the present.
Objective: Return to the Present
I need to find out how the vision King Renwic showed me pertains to the Bloodthorn plan to conquer the island.
Objective: Talk to King Renwic
Finishes quest☑ King Renwic showed me how his kingdom fell to the Seamount Orcs. He also told me of an ancient Ayleid weapon hidden somewhere on this island.
Objective: Talk to King Renwwic
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.