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(lore page)
Location Ash Mountain, Brothers of Strife, Near the Chancel of Divine Entreaty, Charred Ridge, Cheesemonger's Hollow, Dark Fissures, Edrald Undercroft, Emberflint Mine, The Everfull Flagon, Faldar's Tooth, The Howling Sepulchers, Hozzin's Folly, Ilmyris, Moonlit Maw, Nightmare Crag, Nurin Farm, Shad Astula, Stonefang Cavern, Torinaan, Tormented Spire, Vanne Farm, Wormroot Depths
The Deadlands: Testing Grounds
Antediluvian Vaults, Barathrum Centrata, Harena Hypogeum, Irrigation Tunnels, Lambent Passage Imperial City
Darkpool MineElsweyr
The Land Sundered from TamrielMarkarth
Bloodrun Cave Sanctuary, Deadlands: The Ashen Forest, Doomvault Capraxus, Doomvault Porcixid, Doomvault Vulpinaz, Leyawiin Castle, Sul-Xan Ritual SiteBlackwood
Ardent Hope, The Brandfire Reformatory, The Burn, Deadlight Citadel, Fort Sundercliff, Isle of Joys, The Shambles, Zynoahz's GoalThe Deadlands
Species Scamp
Health 31,364
Reaction Hostile
Bleakrock Isle: Ruby Dragon Skull, Auri-El Metal Carvings, Brazier of Frozen Flame
A brown scamp

Scamps are flame-wielding Daedric creatures, known for their simple-mindedness and cowardliness. Though smaller and weaker than most other Daedra, they can still be a dangerous opponent, especially in large numbers.

Their lack of intellect also means they are often used by conjurers to perform mundane tasks and act as messengers.

Related Quests[edit]

Skills and Abilities[edit]

As scamps are are Daedric creatures, Fighters Guild skills are particularly effective.

The scamp shoots a fireball at its target as a basic ranged attack, dealing low flame damage.
Heat Wave
The scamp charges up and releases a wall of flames that travels towards its target, dealing moderate flame damage. This spell can be interrupted to set the scamp off-balance.
Rain of Fire
The scamp channels a fiery rune on the ground at its target's location, indicated by a red circle, dealing continuous moderate flame damage. This spell can be interrupted to set the scamp off-balance.
Any scamp attacks has a chance of applying the "Burning" effect, dealing low flame damage over time.

Unique Scamps[edit]


Generic Scamps[edit]

Generic, unnamed scamps can be encountered in various places across Tamriel, including delves, dungeons, and DLC content. These scamps have varying stats, namely health. Below is a list of scamps, categorized by location, difficulty and health.

Zone / Dungeon Specific Location Reaction Difficulty Condition Health
Tamriel Dark Anchors Hostile 60,370
The DeadlandsThe Deadlands
Summoned by Dremora Harstryl
Ald Sotha, Ashalmawia, Bal Ur Underground, Kushtashpi, Tusenend, ZaintirarisMorrowind
Cey-Tarn Keep - The GorgeSummerset
Summoned by Waking Flame ScoutsBlackwood
Summoned by Vanquished ScoutsThe Deadlands
Hostile 29,870
Shivering Shrine Summoned by Aurig Mireh Hostile 60,418
The Banished Cells I Throughout the dungeon Hostile Normal33,399Veteran123,034
Abandoned Farm
Summoned by Savarak Fels on Selvil Island during the quest Reclaiming Vos
Hostile 13,200
Weeping Giant Optional follower during the quest Azura's Relics Friendly (?)
Elden Hollow II Throughout the dungeon Hostile Normal78,586Veteran225,562
City of Ash I Throughout the dungeon Hostile Normal33,399Veteran123,034
City of Ash II Inner Grove
Knives of Discord
Hostile Normal29,470Veteran64,808
Bitterroot Cave Summoned by Daedric Portals Hostile 57,541
The Seeker's Archive Interior Hostile 62,200
Summoned by Rykuna Hostile 13,800
Skyreach Catacombs Summoned by the The Flame King Hostile Spirit 27,459
Waking Flame Base On the escape path Hostile 12,471
Abyssal DepthsImperial City Summoned by General Kryozote Hostile 29,870
Nobles DistrictImperial City Throughout the location Hostile 13,167
Summoned from Daedric Arches during the garrison defense Hostile 200
Maelstrom ArenaOrsinium Stage 1: Vale of the Surreal Hostile Normal11,644Veteran42,740
Unfinished DolmenOrsinium Summoned by the encounter Hostile ON-misc-Boss 1.png 37,638
Summoned by Daedric Arches Hostile ON-misc-Boss 1.png 90,628
Northern ElsweyrElsweyr Rimmen Necropolis Hostile 13,846
Vateshran Hollows: The Brimstone DenMarkarth Brimstone Den done first Hostile Normal27,991Veteran59,364
Brimstone Den done second Hostile Normal33,589Veteran(?)
Brimstone Den done third Hostile Normal47,585Veteran(?)
Vateshran Hollows: The Brimstone Den
Magma Queen fightMarkarth
Brimstone Den done first Hostile Normal31,364Veteran(?)
Brimstone Den done second Hostile Normal(?)Veteran(?)
Brimstone Den done third Hostile Normal45,478Veteran(?)
The CauldronFlames of Ambition Extraction Chamber Hostile Normal(?)Veteran(?)
BlackwoodBlackwood, The DeadlandsThe Deadlands Summoned by conjurers Hostile 17,900
Fort RedmaneBlackwood Location occupants Hostile 31,364
Summoned by Councilor Vandacia Hostile 20,400
RockgroveBlackwood Summoned by Xalvakka Hostile Normal160,944Veteran(?)
The Shattered XanmeerBlackwood Summoned by Kynreeves of Wildfire Hostile (?)
Vandacia's Deadlands KeepBlackwood Summoned by Kynreeve Dezerog Hostile 88,000
Summoned by Valkynaz Orran Hostile 31,364
Atoll of ImmolationBlackwoodThe Deadlands Public dungeon occupants Hostile 31,364
Summoned by Xivilai Slaughter Priests Hostile 29,870
Summoned by Havocrel Duke of Storms Hostile 15,200
The Dread CellarWaking Flame The whole dungeon Hostile Normal58,900Veteran(?)
Ardent Hope: Path of Cinders, Destruction's SolaceThe Deadlands
The Tempest EngineThe Deadlands
Summoned by the Dremora Ironclad
Summoned by the Waking Flame Ironclad
Hostile 12,000
The BathhouseThe Deadlands Summoned by the Waking Flame Ironclad Hostile 14,900
Fort GriefThe Deadlands Summoned by Disastrix Crastus and the Waking Flame Ironclad Hostile 10,900
FargraveThe Deadlands Outside The House of Whims during the quest Hope Springs Eternal Friendly 15,000
Bedlam VeilScions of Ithelia Hall of Barons Hostile Normal33,399Veteran(?)

