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Online:The Symbol of Uricanbeg

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Quick Summary: written by MolagBallet, not checked

Walkthrough: written by MolagBallet, not checked

Quest Stages: written by MolagBallet, not checked

Deliver a relic to the shrine in Markarth.
Zone: The Reach
Quest Giver: High Shaman Glynroch
Location(s): Shrine of the Hunt-Father, Lost Valley Redoubt
Prerequisite Quest: The Symbol of Hrokkibeg, The Symbol of Gulibeg, The Symbol of Storihbeg
Reward: Hunt-Father's Spaulders
Average Leveled
XP Gain: Standard Experience
ID: 6609
Retrieve the last relic needed to dedicate the shrine of Hircine
High Shaman Glynroch sent Apprentice Orla to find the Symbol of Uricanbeg, the final sacred relic needed to dedicate the shrine, at Lost Valley Redoubt. She hasn't returned yet, so he asked me to go aid her.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Find Apprentice Orla at Lost Valley Redoubt.
  2. Retrieve the Symbol of Uricanbeg.
  3. Return to High Shaman Glynroch at the Shrine of the Hunt-Father in Markarth.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

'Ware the Minotaur
The high shaman dedicates the shrine

Almost all of the relics have been returned to the Shrine of the Hunt-Father. High Shaman Glynroch has noticed that all of his apprentices have been killed so far, and worries for his final apprentice, Orla, who was sent to retrieve one final relic. Orla went to Lost Valley Redoubt to find the relic, and she too hasn't returned. He asks you to find his apprentice and retrieve the final relic so the shrine can be dedicated. He tells you that Orla is never far from her wolf companion, Keeva.

Travel to Lost Valley Redoubt, which lies in the southeastern corner of the Reach. The closest wayshrine is the Lost Valley Wayshrine. If you travel to the Lost Valley Wayshrine, you just need to head a short ways southeast, across the river. Head up the first flight of stairs and follow the path northeast. Follow the path upstairs to the south, and take a left turn at the intersection. When you reach the area with the archery range, head up the stairs to the south and pass under the arch in the wall. Head up the path leading west. Once you reach the top of the mountain, you'll see a white wolf on the other side of the falls, which will run over to Apprentice Orla. Speak to her.

Apprentice Orla has been injured, and nearly died trying to retrieve the relic. She asks you to find it for her, as she's in no condition to fight. The relic is a drum bound in skin and wood, and is in the hands of a powerful minotaur named Blood-Hunter Hranach. The beast's lair is the old tower at the top of the rise, to the west. The minotaur's hoard is stacked high in the tower's doorway. The beast patrols the area in front of his tower, but he's fairly easy to avoid, so you don't need to kill him to get to the relic. Retrieve the drum and return to the high shaman in Markarth. High Shaman Glynroch thanks you for all you've done. After the quest is complete, he and his apprentice kneel and dedicate the shrine

Quest Stages[edit]

The Symbol of Uricanbeg
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
I need to go to Lost Valley Redoubt and find Apprentice Orla and the remaining symbol of Hircine.
Objective: Find Apprentice Orla
I found Appentrice Orla, but it looks like she's been wounded. I should talk to her and see if she found the Symbol of Uricanbeg.
Objective: Talk to Apprentice Orla
Apprentice Orla was injured trying to reclaim the Symbol of Uricanbeg. She asked my help to retrieve it, but warned me that a powerful minotaur guards it at the tower on the rise. I should fight or sneak my way past to find the sacred relic.
Objective: Retrieve the Symbol of Uricanbeg
Hidden Objective: Kill Blood-Hunter Hranach
Finishes quest☑ I retrieved the Symbol of Uricanbeg from the minotaur's lair. I should deliver it to High Shaman Glynroch at the Shrine of the Hunt-Father in Markarth.
Objective: Talk to High Shaman Glynroch
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.