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Online:Thane Oda Wolf-Sister

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Thane Oda Wolf-Sister
Home Settlement Windhelm
Fort Amol
Jorunn's Stand
Race Nord Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Varies
Pickpocket Hard Profession Noble
Other Information
Faction(s) Ebonheart Pact
Thane Oda Wolf-Sister

Thane Oda Wolf-Sister is a Nord noble who can be found by The Sober Nord Tavern in Windhelm, then later at Fort Amol and Jorunn's Stand.

Related Quests[edit]


At Windhelm, she's the judge of the archery competition, so she needs to concentrate and can't speak with you at the moment:

"Please, friend, I need to concentrate. I am the judge of this competition, after all."

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Victory at Morvunskar[edit]

She thanks you for bringing her the message from Fort Morvunskar.

"Greetings, stranger. It looks like you have something for me."
I have a dispatch from Fort Morvunskar.
"Then by all means, let me have it.
Excellent! The fort is back under our control, thanks to you. You've made quite a name for yourself amongst our soldiers, friend. Lieutenant Koruni, in particular, seems suitably impressed with your efforts."

Sleeping on the Job[edit]

At Fort Amol, she will be witnessing the bickering between Prince Irnskar and his Pact allies. If you speak to her, she will note that Irnskar needs to mature otherwise he will harm the Pact:

"Prince Irnskar must emulate the wolves and find his inner peace. If not, he may undo all of his father's hard work."

The Pride of a Prince[edit]

She will be there to witness Prince Irnskar arguing with Thane Harvald after the Thane advises him to apologize to the Pact delegates for the disrespect shown at the previous meeting.

She will only repeat the same dialogue above.

The War Council[edit]

Both her and Prince Irnskar will appear with a detachment of Royal Bodyguard once you cleared the manor of both Dhalen and the Stormfists.


After you finished speaking with Prince Irnskar, you'll hear her say:

"There must be something we can do for the King."

You will tell her that the poison that Jorunn was inflicted is of Daedric nature. She will suggest asking for assistance with the Ternion monks who may know how to stop the poison before it kills the king:

"The Stormfists have been dealt with and the duplicates rounded up.
But whatever poison attacks the King grows worse with each passing hour. We can't help him without more information."
The Argonian ambassador said the poison was Daedric.
"Now our enemies stoop so low as to ally themselves with Daedra?
The poison will kill the King before we can get him to the healers in Windhelm. And no one here can cure a poison like this. We need to ask the Ternion monks for help."
The Ternion monks?
"An old cult. Worship totem gods. Call them monks or witches as you will, but they wield strong healing magic.
Their rituals are complex, and those who seek their help must bring their own ritual components."
I'll help. What do I need to do?

You will need to require the ritual components to provide for the Ternion monks, you can ask her further questions on the ritual that will help save Jorunn:

"The poison weakens the King. We need a substance to bolster his life force.
The Ternion monks also require a focus. An object or even a person. Something or someone that possesses a rare power can serve this function."
What can bolster the King's life force?
"The blood of a vampire gives strength and vitality, even to those on death's door. Whatever runs through their veins serves to enhance their life force.
The tiniest amount should suffice to get the King through the ritual."
You want to put vampire blood in the King? Won't that turn him?
"His body is shutting down. The blood will work as a countering agent to the poison. It won't be enough to turn him, I don't think.
Besides, we don't have many options available to us, do we?"
Where do I get vampire blood?
"The hot springs to the north. Rumors suggest the place is haunted by the undead. Wittestadr, they call it.
Let's hope the rumors are true. Of course, you'll also need to get one of them to give you its blood."
What can we use as a focus?
"The Argonians joked about one of their own during the feast. They called him the Dreamwalker. He watches over the dreams of the people of Darkwater Crossing.
Yes, the same place where the trolls now run rampant."
How do we know he survived?
"The spirits assure me that this Dreamwalker still lives. He is essential to saving King Jorunn.
Where he hides, that I don't know. Search Darkwater Crossing for some clue as to where the Argonians have gone."
How do you know so much about the Ternion monks?
"I am connected to the spirits of this world. Specifically, I have a bond with the spirit of the wolf. This bond has existed my entire life, even when I was a small child.
When the spirits called to me, I left my home to seek them out."
What did you find?
"I found the Ternion monks. A cult, some would call them. But they heard the spirits, just as I did.
They took me in. Trained me to listen to the call of the wild. To hone my skills. To be one with nature."
Why didn't you stay with them?
"I was young and I missed my family. My responsibility to my bloodline finally called me back to Windhelm.
I left the people I grew to love, in the middle of the night, and never looked back. Now we must go to them to save our King."

At the end of the quest, she will be outside the entrance of the Ternion monk's sanctuary, she mentioned that Prince Irnskar and his father was allowed inside while she has to remain outside. Furthermore, Stormy-Eyes is already inside preparing for the ritual to Jorunn:

"The spirits told me you were close.
I spoke to the Ternion monks. They admitted the King and the Prince, but not me. I left the fold. They remember that. But they will help the King."
What now?
"The Dreamwalker is already inside. Let the monks know you bring the ritual components.
I must be off. Fildgor is on the run and we're closing in. Now go. Save the King so he can lead us to victory."

Speaking to her after the quest:

"Go. Save the King. We'll track Fildgor down and wait for you to return."

A Council of Thanes[edit]

During the quest, you need to find Thane Oda and rally her to the council of war. She is communing with the wolves outside the front gate of Jorunn's Stand. You are told that Thane Oda would not be pleased if you killed the wolves, so you must eat Canis Cup mushrooms to ward them off.

If you use Canis Cup to avoid wolves, she will agree to join the council and will tell you to find Thane Jeggi:

"I love coming out here and basking in all this nature!"
Thane Oda? I've been looking for you.
"Have we met?"
Prince Irnskar hopes you will attend his war council.
"What is that delightful scent? Ah! Another admirer of wolfkind.
You've eaten a Canis Cap. You have that wonderful musky scent of fur and dirt and grass and old meat. Mmmmm."
It is certainly strong.
"You don't seem to be truly enjoying being one of the wolves. No accounting for taste, I suppose.
In any case, you said the Prince sent you? No doubt he wants me at his war council."
Yes, Prince Irnskar hopes you will attend the council.
"I am pleased that he thought to send someone who respects my wolf kin. I'll attend the council.
The lingering effect of the mushroom will keep you safe, but it wears off quickly. You should find Thane Jeggi. If he's sober, he should attend."
It's invigorating!
"I am pleased that he thought to send someone who respects my wolf kin. I'll attend the council.
The lingering effect of the mushroom will keep you safe, but it wears off quickly. You should find Thane Jeggi. If he's sober, he should attend."

If you manage to speak with her without using Canis Cup and avoid killing any wolves:

"I love coming out here and basking in all this nature!"
Thane Oda? I've been looking for you.
"Have we met?"
Prince Irnskar hopes you will attend his war council.
"Does he now? I'll think about it.
I need to see what my kin think of all this. On one hand, they don't like the Orcthane's invasion of their territory. On the other hand, they don't like our presence much, either."
I hope you will help the prince.
"I said I would think about it.
In the meantime, let me rub this salve on you. It has a scent that is pleasing to my wolf kin, so they will not attack you. It only lasts a short while, so I suggest you head back to camp."

She then rubs a salve on you that has the effects of Canis Cup mushrooms.

If you kill any wolves before speaking to her, you can persuade her to join the council to give you a salve to prevent further wolf attacks when you're returning back to the camp:

"I love coming out here and basking in all this nature!"
Thane Oda? I've been looking for you.
"Have we met?"
Prince Irnskar hopes you will attend his war council.
"Wait! What's that smell?
You! You dare approach me covered in the blood of my kin?"
The wolves attacked me.
"You invaded their territory! I'm not sure I'll attend the council. I'll decide later.
For now, let me rub this salve on you. Its odor calms the wolves. It should last long enough for you to leave this area without going on another murderous rampage."
[Persuade] I tried to avoid it, but the wolves attacked me out of fear. Will you help the prince?
"I said I would think about it.
In the meantime, let me rub this salve on you. It has a scent that is pleasing to my wolf kin, so they will not attack you. It only lasts a short while, so I suggest you head back to camp."

During the council of war, she will be trying to figure out why Fildgor is using the crown and the body of the deceased queen:

Thane Oda Wolf-Sister: "Fildgor's at Skuldafn with the Crown of Freydis and the body of Queen Nurnhilde. For what purpose?"
Prince Irnskar: "The Orcthane plans to use them at the dragonshrine to usurp my father's throne."
General Yeveth Noramil: "A necromantic ritual, perhaps?"
Eyes-of-Steel: "The Crown is a powerful artifact. I shudder to think what the Orcthane can accomplish with it."
Thane Harvald: "I don't like the idea of that bastard using our fabled crown. And I hate that he has our beloved queen's body."
Prince Irnskar: "Father! You honor us! I'm glad to see you up and around."
Jorunn the Skald-King: "My brother seeks to pull my sister's soul from Sovngarde. The Crown of Freydis will see the soul, not the man."
General Yeveth Noramil: "It's good to see you well, Jorunn. We've been discussing how to approach Skuldafn."
Thane Jeggi Gap-Tooth: "Yes, yes. We discuss and we strategize while Fildgor digs in and strengthens his defenses."
Thane Oda Wolf-Sister: "So, have we come to any conclusions?"
Eyes-of-Steel: "The Stormfists have fortified the primary path to the dragonshrine. A frontal assault would take time that we may not have."
Jorunn the Skald-King: "Time is a luxury we don't possess. If Fildgor completes this ritual, all is lost."
General Yeveth Noramil: "That's why you wanted to see those scouting reports! You think there's another way into Skuldafn."
Jorunn the Skald-King: "There is always another way. Champion, may we speak?"


  • She used to be the lover of Ralduf Wolf-Kin in Cragwallow. He explains his refusal to kill his "wolf friends" to recover a swallowed key by his past dalliance with a woman named Oda who "treated them as kin". Additional dialogue after you recover the key details that Ralduf used to hunt wolves for sport until he met Oda, a noblewoman and the love of his life, and that he spent a summer with her.