
Online:Revitalizing Researcher

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Revitalizing Researcher is one of three class skill lines available to Azandar al-Cybiades. Abilities in this line focus on healing. It is roughly equivalent to the Curative Runeforms skill line for Arcanist players.

Skill Perks[edit]

The Revitalizing Researcher skill line is immediately available to Azandar, and is leveled up as he gains levels.

  • The numbers displayed here are the base values for the skills. The actual numbers you see in the game may depend on a variety of factors, such as your Companion's equipped weapons and armor, their passive skills and current level.

Skills include:

Active Abilities[edit]

These abilities will be used automatically, based on their cooldowns, priority (their order on a Companion's skill bar, where the priority is descending from left to right), and meeting conditions listed in abilities' descriptions.

Name Line Rank Cast Time Target Range Radius Duration Cooldown
ON-icon-skill-Companion-Triptych Physic.png Triptych Physic 1 0.6 seconds Area 28 meters 7.8 seconds
Azandar launches a trio of restorative runes at themselves or an ally, healing for 1050 Health three times.
Used when Azandar or an ally is below 75% Health.
ON-icon-skill-Companion-Shields of Erudition.png Shields of Erudition 8 0.5 seconds Area 28 meters 11.6 seconds
Azandar manifests spinning discs of pure knowledge to surround themselves and up to 2 allies, granting a damage shield that absorbs 3150 damage for 6 seconds.
ON-icon-skill-Companion-Zone of Recuperation.png Zone of Recuperation 17 0.5 seconds Area 8 meters 8 seconds 15.5 seconds
Azandar outlines a domain of eldritch power, healing them and their allies standing within for 525 Health over 8 seconds and granting 150 Health, Magicka, and Stamina Recovery.