Online:Divine Prosecution
The Office of Divine Prosecution is a section of the Thalmor whose members serve as lawkeepers that uphold both secular and religious law on Summerset Isle, along with enforcing the complex social rules that govern Altmer society.
They have recently taking to deputizing new arrivals to the island so contract work can be carried out on their behalf. On top of their social duties, they are the first sent to investigate crises wherever they occur on the island, such as disasters or murder cases.
For more information, see the main lore article.
Alinor — A city found in the southwestern part of Summerset. (map)
Alinor Docks — The bustling trading port of the city of Alinor to the south and its surrounding locales. (map)
Cey-Tarn Keep — An Aldmeri Dominion fort found south of Alinor Docks, protecting the path into Alinor proper. (map)
Cloudrest — A city found on the mountain of Eton Nir in Summerset, east of Ebon Stadmont. (map)
Direnni Acropolis — An abandoned and haunted settlement in northern Summerset, north of Shimmerene. (map)
Graveld's Hideaway — A group boss site found northwest of Sil-Var-Woad on Summerset. (map)
Lillandril — A town found in the northwest part of Summerset. (map)
Russafeld — A winery found northwest of Shimmerene, in central Summerset. (map)
Shimmerene — A town located on the eastern shore of Summerset. (map)
Tor-Hame-Khard — A delve found southwest of Shimmerene, containing Sagacians and Yaghra. (map)
Related Quests[edit]
The Divine Prosecution offer two types of daily repeatable quests, which are unlocked by completing the following quest:
- Divine Deputation: Take on contract work for the Divine Prosecution.
These are given by Justiciar Farowel at Rinmawen's Plaza and involve defeating Summerset's World Bosses:
The Abyssal Alchemist: Clear out Welenkin Cove and eliminate the Sea Sload B'Korgen.
Birds of a Feather: Defeat Haeliata and Nagravia and collect their feathers.
Never Forgotten: Defeat Graveld and collect four Scrolls of Oath.
Run Aground: Kill Keelsplitter and recover intelligence logs.
The Sickening Sea: Collect coral crab eggs and defeat the Queen of the Reef.
Taming the Wild: Kill Caanerin and restrain her spirit.
These are given by Justiciar Tanorian at Rinmawen's Plaza and involve exploring Summerset's Delves:
Culling Serpents: Curb a growing reef viper population threatening Summerset's mainland.
Pilgrimage's End: Recover articles of faith for the cult of Phynaster.
Relic Runaround: Recover several relics and collect plans from the Sagacians.
A Rose's Beauty: Collect several blossoms of the Rose-of-Archon flower for Sapiarchs.
Snuffing Out the Light: Burn heretical scriptures and destroy Daedric cocoons in Eton Nir Grotto.
Struck from Memory: Recover and seal away forbidden tomes.
They are also involved in several general story quests throughout the island:
Of Crown and Flowers
: Confront the traitor and thwart a dangerous plot.
- Culture Clash: Help Rigurt the Brash gain an audience with Summerset's Proxy Queen.
The Dreaming Cave: Find a way to communicate with Meridia and rescue her Golden Knight from Mephala's clutches.
- The Forest Vandal: Help Vinafwe catch the vandal who's been ruining her botanical arrangements.
- Lauriel's Lament: Investigate an ancient curse at Direnni Acropolis.
- Old Wounds: Hunt down a ghostly killer in Russafeld.
- Pearls Before Traitors: Help retrieve a dangerous artifact.
The Queen's Decree: Investigate the disappearances of newcomers to Summerset.
- The Taste of Fear: Something has been killing the residents of Cey-Tarn Keep...
- Silurie is a former member of the Prosecution but left the office following disagreements in methods used to solve cases. Tarnamir is also a former member, who has retired after an illustrious career and now owns a manor in Russafeld.