This is a list of all of the Antiquities that are found in the Clockwork City.
Name |
Series Two Animo Core |
250 |
- Verita Numida
- For once in my august career, I am at a loss. This object clearly performs some vital function in Sotha Sil's secret lair. Beyond that, I have no idea. I hope you won't try to regale me with tales of his fanciful "clockwork kingdom." It's preposterous.
- Gabrielle Benele
- Don't be so quick to dismiss such things, Verita. The Clockwork City is a very real place. I think. In any case, this looks like some sort of ancient vessel. I see a crystaline [sic] residue inside. Residual accumulation from some kind of alchemical solution?
- Amalien
- Just so, Gabrielle! Sotha Sil borrowed all manner of ideas from the dwarves. This vessel is his answer to the Dwemeric dynamo core. If you conducted a test on that residue, I think you'll find it shares many of the same properties as soul gems!
Type |
Treasure |
Difficulty |
Simple |
Lead |
Name |
Apostle's Scourge |
1,000 |
- Ugron gro-Thumog
- Some kind of religious scourge. Used for self-flagellation no doubt. Mauloch's jawbone, this tool is ancient. The Daedric script here--see how it gives way to these more geometric runes? What were these Dark Elves punishing themselves for?
- Amalien
- I know precious little about Sotha Sil's followers, but a mad mage I spoke to insisted that Sotha Sil's followers--the Clockwork Apostles--worship Sotha Sil, obviously, but they've also turned their back on Daedra-worship entirely! Can you imagine?
- Reginus Buca
- I can't. No matter who they worship now, the Dark Elves are still children of the Velothi tradition. Then again, if a living god tells you to abandon a belief, who would refuse? Present day apostles probably can't even remember the Good Daedra's names.
Type |
Treasure |
Difficulty |
Intermediate |
Lead |
Name |
Clockwork Wall Gears |
10,000 |
- Amalien
- I love when we get to examine a Clockwork City artifact. The mechanisms here are structural, meant to allow two distinct sub-areas of a construct to work together.
- Reginus Buca
- And yet it still functions when removed from the greater whole. The designs of Sotha Sil are unbelievable. Literally, I do not believe this. How does this thing work?
- Amalien
- Seht's ways are mysterious, very true. I've done some research and tried to place it within the schematics I have here in the library. Nothing matches exactly, but hope springs eternal.
Type |
Furniture |
Difficulty |
Advanced |
Lead |
Name |
Elegiac Vessel |
5,000 |
- Reginus Buca
- Is this a pot? Or a vase? Or an urn of some kind? I've never seen such an oddly shaped vessel. It appears to be made of some strange, striated stone. Something artificial no doubt. It's almost like the craftsman built it in layer—one on top of the other. And what's inside? Roland's Tear flowers, perfectly preserved. And a note, as well? It simply says, "Forgive me." How perplexing. Nonetheless, this would likely fetch a king's ransom in a Vvardenfell auction house. Quite a find!
Type |
Treasure |
Difficulty |
Advanced |
Lead |
Name |
Mnemonic Star-Sphere |
N/A |
- Reginus Buca
- I've seen a little bit of everything, and I can say with total certainty, I have never seen anything like this. I haven't the foggiest idea how it operates, what it's made of, or what it does. You have my deepest apologies.
- Amalien
- That's your problem, Reginus. You have no imagination! This came from the Clockwork City—a world of arcane wonders where anything is possible! Based on these "exodromal notes" we received, it seems this is some sort of remembering-device. I guess?
- Gabrielle Benele
- Exactly right! I have it on good authority that Sotha Sil (one of the Dark Elf gods) keeps his memories stored away in a great orrery full of stars. Another name for manufactured memory stones, I suppose. Who knows what memories this contains!
Type |
Furniture (view furnishing) |
Difficulty |
Master |
Lead |
Aldmeri Dominion |
Daggerfall Covenant |
Ebonheart Pact |
Neutral |
DLC Areas |