
Online:Auridon Antiquities

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This is a list of all of the Antiquities that are found in Auridon.

ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Name Ancestral High Elf: Bows Value 13
This is an interesting read! It's as much a comment on the history of the time as well as an insight into what these Elves valued in their weaponry.
Type Motif Chapter (Ancestral High Elf Style)
Difficulty Simple
ON-icon-furnishing-Auridon Map 02.png Name Antique Map of Auridon Value N/A
Oh! Clearly this is one of the Summerset Isles! Auridon, in fact. Nine Prows Landing is marked on it, too, which makes me think it's an early map.
Reginus Buca
Or perhaps someone chose to note that location on this map since it is culturally significant, Amalien. Haven't I seen you do that yourself when you're sketching out your own maps?
Hmmm ... you're right. I definitely do that. And I see that there's a note about potential locations for the Mages Guild, which puts this at around 2E 230, so much later than I had hoped!
Type Furniture
Difficulty Simple
ON-icon-stolen-Token.png Name Festival of Defiance Token Value 250
Reginus Buca
Well, this is an easy one: the token itself proclaims it to be from the Festival of Defiance, which clearly references Skywatch's celebration of freedom from the Sload.
Perhaps a favor from the very first one? In 1E 2260? I read a journal account from that very festival stating that several different favors passed around, including ribbons for those whose families served in the All Flags Navy.
Reginus Buca
I have to disagree, Amalien. The ship portrayed on one side exhibits a later art style, as does the lettering on the other. I'd say more like early 2E given the lettering style alone. I know that disappoints you, but I do know my engraving history.
Type Treasure
Difficulty Simple
  • Accessible by default
ON-icon-stolen-Pipe.png Name Scale-Etched Slither Pipe Value 1,000
The scales on this snake pipe possess so much detail, but who would want to press their lips to it, unless ... Maormer? That explains the shape—a snake—but what kind? The blue and green bands shift into each other hypnotically. Does it charm people?
Reginus Buca
Charm people? Hardly. That feeling you have is natural reaction to peerless craftsmanship. And the presence of a snake does not always mean Maormer were involved. I could see a Mer crafting this elegant item simply because they like snakes!
Don't be dense! Look at the contours of the face, and this salt-glazing technique! You're just being contrary. The residue inside looks green and flaky--perhaps the ashy remains of some seaweed they find particularly aromatic. I bet it smelled terrible!
Type Treasure
Difficulty Intermediate
ON-icon-quest-Golden Seal.png Name Aldmeri Golden Embellishments Value N/A
Reginus Buca
Much of the imagery from the Aldmer carried over into the descending cultures, like the High Elves. Amalien knows how fond her people are of aquiline imagery. That might explain the bird figurine. The Magnus connection is a bit puzzling, though.
Gabrielle Benele
I assume you're talking about the sun marking? I've seen it in some of the mosaics in Firsthold. Particularly around Torinaan's ruin. It looks more like heraldry than religion iconography to me. Maybe Torinaan's calan-sigil.
Could this be a symbol from Aldmeris itself? We High Elves like to pretend we know everything about our place of origin, but what little we do know feels like wild conjecture to me. What if this is what they saw in their sky? A sun unlike any other!
Type Music Box Fragment (Dreams and Memories)
Difficulty Advanced
  • Thieves Troves in any zone
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Name Ancestral High Elf: Chests Value 13
This book has a strange, golden hue to it. Or maybe I'm imagining things? There's a lot of golden imagery in this book, it made my heart all ... fluttery! I may have stared at this for a bit too long.
Type Motif Chapter (Ancestral High Elf Style)
Difficulty Advanced
ON-icon-misc-Diamond.png Name Aquiline Calian Sphere Value 5,000
I can't overstate the magnitude of this discovery. An aetherquartz sphere like this--also known as a calian--is the physical embodiment of a High Elf's honor and status in the High Elf community. I keep mine in a small willow wood box, but it's a fraction of the size and it's completely transparent. Whoever created this one managed to embed a translucent eagle in the rose-colored glass! This had to belong to a Grand Athelan or similarly important religious figure. Marvelous!
Type Treasure
Difficulty Advanced
ON-icon-furnishing-Maormeri Serpent Shrine.png Name Maormeri Serpent Shrine Value N/A
Reginus Buca
We don't often see renderings of sea serpents. Fascinating! It's a bit difficult to determine the age given the corrosion, but we can deduce its origin easily enough: Pyandonea. The Sea Elves do love their snakes!
Excellent deduction, Reginus! You might be missing something, though. As you know, tapestries featuring the Sea Elf king, Orgnum, often depict him with three hands. You see? Three hands--three coils. This might be a sculpture of Orgnum himself!
Gabrielle Benele
I guess that's plausible if we're just speaking metaphorically. I've tried to turn myself into a horse more than once and never met with much success. For a mage--even an immortal one--to turn himself into a gigantic sea monster? That's a stretch.
Type Furniture
Difficulty Advanced
ON-icon-stolen-Beads.png Name Aetherquartz Prayer Beads Value N/A
Verita Numida
These appear to be polished quartz beads. Several Tamrielic cultures employ beads like this in religious practice--particularly the High Elves and Khajiit. Now that I take a close look at them, though, they might not be quartz after all.
Aetherquartz! We High Elves use it in all sorts of things, but most notably in our calian spheres and high ascendant jewelry. Curates and mages use ground pumice and ocean sand to smooth them out. These are remarkable. The finest I've ever seen!
Gabrielle Benele
Judging by the arcane energies they're emitting, I think these beads might predate the High Elves, Amalien. Based on the holes and the uniformity of the shapes, I wager these belonged to a magic necklace. Far more powerful than their modern successors.
Type Mythic Item Fragment (Pearls of Ehlnofey)
Difficulty Ultimate
ON-icon-furnishing-Echoes of Aldmeris.png Name Echoes of Aldmeris Value N/A
Gabrielle Benele
What a gorgeous triptych. Someone clearly placed a fixative spell on the frame. The painting itself is probably far older than it looks. I have no idea what place it's meant to depict, though.
I do. Home. Aldmeris. The beginning place for all the mer of Tamriel. I doubt the real Aldmeris looked anything like this. But just looking at it stirs up a feeling in me ... like entering my father's house after a long journey abroad.
Verita Numida
It pains me to admit that I don't recognize this school of painting. It's so vague, yet evocative. Proud spires, floating obelisks, wispy, concentric clouds .... The artist really made an effort to capture Elven majesty there.
Type Furniture
Difficulty Ultimate
ON-icon-fragment-Inert Anemone Inlay.png Name Inert Anemone Inlay Value N/A
Reginus Buca
I'm not exactly an expert on the Sload, or anemones for that matter, but I know swamp anemones tend to grow in brackish areas. Much like the swampy region in the center of the Thrassian Archipelago, where I imagine these are from.
Do you think the Sload could have used these for necromantic purposes? Perhaps the unique slimy properties of the anemone aided in their particular magic, and that's why their skill with it is so refined!
Verita Numida
I have heard some truly unsettling accounts of the Sload's process of ... maturing. Some anemones have similar reproductive behaviors. I am not suggesting there's a direct connection, but consider it if you must! I'd rather not, personally.
Type Mythic Item Fragment (Thrassian Stranglers)
Difficulty Master
ON-icon-stolen-Marbles.png Name Nilumin River Pearls Value N/A
Reginus Buca
That's quite an array of pearls there. Based on the curious shape and the pinker hue, I believe these come from freshwater shellfish. Anyone could have fished them out, but the High Elf aesthetic of this pouch they're in makes their origins quite clear.
Those aren't just any freshwater pearls, Reginus. It's a set of Nilumin River Pearls! Aldmer divers called them "Tears of the Ehlnofey." Ancient alchemists ground them into powder remedies and some Aldhessia healers even wore them as talismans.
Gabrielle Benele
I can attest to that Elven obsession with pearls--but not just in healing. Fandamorien's "Treatise on Vigor" spends a whole chapter detailing the augmentative power of pearls on both mages and athletes. Maybe the Ehlnofey really do favor these things.
Type Mythic Item Fragment (Pearls of Ehlnofey)
Difficulty Ultimate