Gold Road


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Achievement Furnisher
Location The Scholarium
Species Scamp
Health 34,501
Reaction Friendly
Store Type Achievement Furnisher
Other Information
Faction(s) Mages Guild

Caal is a scamp achievement furnisher who can be found in the Scholarium after the completion of The Second Era of Scribing. She is Chronicler Firandil's familiar and can be found next to him.

Although she doesn't speak, the nearby note Caal: Assistant Chronicler explains that she is a vendor as well as a full fledged member of the Mages Guild.


"<Caal eyes your coinpurse, muttering something in incomprehensible Daedric to herself.>"
"<Caal glances at Firandil. Seeing a quick nod in response, the scamp fixes you with a wide, slightly sickening smile.>"
"<Caal picks at some complicated, unseen midair magic before realizing you're watching. It grimaces but looks ready to attend you.>"
Store (Achievement Furnisher)

Achievement Furnishings[edit]

Image Name Type Cost Vendor(s) Achievement Description
ON-furnishing-Fable of the Dragon.jpg Fable of the Dragon (page) Library
000040004,000 Gold
Vendor: Caal in The Scholarium
Achievement: Signature Script Mastery A beautiful replica of the Fable of the Dragon, taken from the shelves of the Scholarium beneath Eyevea.
ON-furnishing-Fable of the Gryphon.jpg Fable of the Gryphon (page) Library
000040004,000 Gold
Vendor: Caal in The Scholarium
Achievement: Focus Script Mastery A beautiful replica of the Fable of the Gryphon, taken from the shelves of the Scholarium beneath Eyevea.
ON-furnishing-Fable of the Indrik.jpg Fable of the Indrik (page) Library
000040004,000 Gold
Vendor: Caal in The Scholarium
Achievement: Master Scriber A beautiful replica of the Fable of the Indrik, taken from the shelves of the Scholarium beneath Eyevea.
Fable of the Netch (page) {{{cat}}}
ON-furnishing-Scholarium Column, Large.jpg Scholarium Column, Large (page) Courtyard
(Posts and Pillars)
000080008,000 Gold
Vendor: Caal in The Scholarium
Achievement: Ink Amasser Constellations mark even the columns of the Scholarium, adding visual interest to what would otherwise be a mere structural support component.
ON-furnishing-Scholarium Door, Dragon.jpg Scholarium Door, Dragon (page) Structures
0002000020,000 Gold
Vendor: Caal in The Scholarium
Achievement: This One's a Puzzler A statue of the Luminary Dragon perches over this Scholarium door as if watching the proceedings in the room.
ON-furnishing-Scholarium Door, Gryphon.jpg Scholarium Door, Gryphon (page) Structures
0002000020,000 Gold
Vendor: Caal in The Scholarium
Achievement: Feathered Knight, Furred Thief The imperious glare of the Luminary Gryphon makes the creature seem almost lifelike.
ON-furnishing-Scholarium Door, Indrik.jpg Scholarium Door, Indrik (page) Structures
0002000020,000 Gold
Vendor: Caal in The Scholarium
Achievement: The Responsibility of Power The splendid Luminary Indrik statue strikes a proud pose over this Scholarium door.
ON-furnishing-Scholarium Door, Netch.jpg Scholarium Door, Netch (page) Structures
0002000020,000 Gold
Vendor: Caal in The Scholarium
Achievement: Stay Buoyant, Be Joyous The statue of the Luminary Netch might be cute, but never underestimate the clever joy that this magical being might bring into the world.
ON-furnishing-Scholarium Door, Study.jpg Scholarium Door, Study (page) Structures
0001500015,000 Gold
Vendor: Caal in The Scholarium
Achievement: A Patrol to Last a Lifetime The ornate carvings of this Scholarium door express a love for knowledge that typifies all who pass through it.
ON-furnishing-Scholarium Ward.jpg Scholarium Ward (page) Lighting
(Enchanted Lights)
0006500065,000 Gold
Vendor: Caal in The Scholarium
Achievement: Beyond the Locked Door A glowing ward, signifying the touch of a Luminary upon the world.