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Animals comprise various mundane creatures that have no magical or weapon-wielding abilities. They represent a large variety of creatures, with different degrees of aggressiveness and a wide range of habitats. All animals are modeled upon real present-day or historical animals on Earth, and rely exclusively upon natural physical attacks (claws, fangs, horns, hooves, paws, etc.).

Animal behavior is organized into three ranks: Hostile, in which the animal will attack on sight; Neutral, in which the animal will only attack when provoked by proximity or direct harm; and Passive, in which the animal will never attack (passive animals are also always level 1 and will die in one hit). Note that in certain locations, a particular animal may be neutral while others of its kind elsewhere are hostile. There are also a few cases of two distinctly different animals having the same name. For example, the small, non-hostile spider may be killed for bait, while the large, hostile spider has more variable drops (such as armor or weapons).

Hostile Animals[edit]


An Alit

Alits are bipedal creatures primarily found in Black Marsh, Elsweyr, and Morrowind. They are similar to kagouti and guar.


A Bear

Bears are large mammals found in Skyrim and Valenwood. They are dangerous predators with thick fur that is well-suited for keeping people warm.


A Bristleback
A Mountain Bristleback

Bristlebacks are large boars found in Southern Elsweyr, the Reach, and Western Skyrim.

Bull-Horned Magma Frog[edit]

A Bull-Horned Magma Frog

Bull-Horned Magma Frogs are large amphibians primarily found on Galen and Y'ffelon.

Cliff Strider[edit]

A Cliff Strider

Cliff Striders are large flying reptiles found on Vvardenfell.


A Crocodile

Crocodiles are large reptiles found near water throughout Tamriel. They have powerful jaws.

Death Hopper[edit]

A Death Hopper

Death Hoppers are giant carnivorous frogs found in Blackwood. They are typically green, but can also be black.


A Duneracer

Duneracers are large predators primarily found in Craglorn.


A Duneripper

Dunerippers are large beasts found in the Alik'r Desert and Northern Elsweyr. They travel fastest by digging.


A Durzog

Durzogs are quadrupedal creatures found in many regions, including Black Marsh, Morrowind, and High Rock. They are usually seen in the company of goblins.


An Echatere
An Echalette

Echateres are large mammals found in Wrothgar. They are kept as livestock and beasts of burden by the Orcs. A baby echatere is called an echalette.


A Hackwing

Hackwings are flying reptiles found in Murkmire and Southern Elsweyr.


A Jackal

Jackals are canine scavengers found in the Alik'r Desert, Craglorn, Hew's Bane, and Northern Elsweyr.


A Kagouti

Kagouti are bipedal reptiles primarily found in Black Marsh and Morrowind. They are similar to guar.

Kwama Warrior[edit]

A Kwama Warrior

Kwama Warriors are large kwama that exist to defend their hive. Unlike the other varieties of kwama, they are bipedal.


A Lion
A Lioness

Lions are large cats found in Cyrodiil. Female lions are called lionesses.


A Mammoth
A Timber Mammoth

Mammoths are large, woolly animals found in Skyrim and some parts of Valenwood.


A Nix-Hound

Nix-Hounds are insectile creatures found in Morrowind. They are sometimes kept by the Dunmer as pets.


A Nix-Ox

Nix-Oxen are large insectile creatures found on Vvardenfell. They are sometimes kept by the Dunmer as beasts of burden.

Sabre Cat[edit]

A Sabre Cat

Sabre Cats are large felines found in Skyrim. They are known for their long fangs.


A Salamander

Salamanders are large amphibians found in tropical regions such as Murkmire and Summerset. They use elemental abilities to defend themselves.


A senche-tiger
A senche-leopard

Senche are large felines found in Elsweyr and Valenwood. There are many different kinds of senche, including senche-leopards, senche-lions, senche-panthers, and senche-tigers.


A Skeever

Skeevers are large rodents found throughout Tamriel.

Terror Bird[edit]

A Terror Bird

Terror Birds are large carnivorous birds found in Elsweyr. They tend to live in large groups.


A Wolf

Wolves are large canines primarily found in wooded areas.

Neutral Animals[edit]

Coral Crab[edit]

A Coral Crab

Coral Crabs are colorful crustaceans found on Summerset.


A Gravelclaw

Gravelclaws are gray crustaceans found in Craglorn.


A Guar

Guar are bipedal reptiles primarily found in Black Marsh and Morrowind. They are kept as pets and livestock.

Kwama Scrib[edit]

A Kwama Scrib

Kwama Scribs are small kwama. They are weaker than the other varieties of kwama.

Kwama Worker[edit]

A Kwama Worker

Kwama Workers are kwama that dig for their hives. They are capable of defending themselves if provoked.


A Mudcrab

Mudcrabs are crustaceans found near water throughout Tamriel. They are one of the most common creatures on the continent.


A Bull Netch
A Betty Netch

Netches are docile floating creatures found in Morrowind. A male netch is called a bull, a female is called a betty, and juveniles are called calves.

Passive Animals[edit]

For a complete list of passive animals, see Passive Creatures.

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