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Online:Bull-Horned Magma Frog

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Bull-Horned Magma Frog
(lore page)
Location Volcanic Vents
Galen, The Mad Maiden, Mount Firesong, Temple of Y'ffelon, Y'ffelonFiresong
Species Death Hopper
Health 60,370
Reaction Hostile
Bull-Horned Magma Frog

Bull-Horned Magma Frogs are fiery death hoppers who can be found at Volcanic Vents, as well as on Galen and Y'ffelon. They are said to be a story given life, of which the first emerged from Y'ffre's Path.

They can also be encountered in the Deadlands section of Scrivener's Hall.

Related Quests[edit]

Skills & Abilities[edit]

Bull-Horned Magma Frog bites the target with its maw, dealing minor physical damage.
Light Attack
A basic melee attack dealing low physical damage.
Heavy Attack
The frog turns around and kicks with its legs, dealing low physical damage and staggering its target. This can be blocked to put the frog off-balance.
Tongue Lash
The frog pulls its target in close its long, sticky tongue, dealing minor physical damage.
Lava Leap
The frog jumps forward, shattering the ground at its landing location, as well as two nearby spots, all indicated by red circles, which deal continuous low flame damage and snare targets inside.
The frog jumps ahead a small distance. (Summoned by Traux the Ancient-specific)Firesong

Generic Bull-Horned Magma Frogs[edit]

Generic, unnamed bull-horned magma frogs can be encountered in various places across Tamriel, including delves, dungeons, and DLC content. These bull-horned magma frogs have varying stats, namely health. Below is a list of bull-horned magma frogs, categorized by location, difficulty and health.

Zone / Dungeon Specific Location Difficulty Health
EmbervineFiresong Delve occupants 60,370
Summoned by Traux the Ancient 13,846
Scrivener's HallScribes of Fate The Deadlands Normal(?)Veteran281,953


See Also[edit]