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Oblivion talk:Renee Geonette

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aaaaaaaa way did i find her and Romana falcria under the imperial city bridge dead? — Unsigned comment by (talk)

Do you mean to ask why you found Renee Geonette and Romana Faleria dead under the Imperial City Bridge? They both travel occasionally to Anvil and Bravil respectively. They could have fallen off the bridge during one of their trips. Still, this seems to be rare enough that you can consider yourself unlucky to have encountered this. --Timenn < talk > 03:05, 24 July 2008 (EDT)
That's really weird, I found her dead under the bridge too. I thought maybe someone dumped a body. I guess she just falls off easily, like that orc in Skingrad. 00:15, 2 April 2010 (UTC)
She ends up directly under it, though. You would think if she'd fallen that she would be to either side. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 23:07 on 12 June 2010
I have followed nearly all the Traveling NPCs in the game and I have yet to see anyone fall off a bridge, in particular this bridge. My guess would be that you have somehow been in the same cell as Renee when she crossed the Talos Bridge, then some wildlife spawned and she chased it until she was killed under the bridge. --Krusty 09:47, 14 June 2010 (UTC)

Mirabelle Monet?[edit]

I'm sure she doesn't visit Anvil just for HER. :| Shianni 22:57, 4 February 2011 (UTC)

She won't travel if Mirabelle Monet is dead so it's got something to do with her... mxk101Talk 23:06, 4 February 2011 (UTC)
Actually, she does travel to Anvil just for her. She has an AI package called ReneeGeonetteVisitMirabelleMonet. mxk101Talk 23:08, 4 February 2011 (UTC)
Yep Shianni, she does. Just pulled it up at the same time it seems. - Emoboy64 23:09, 4 February 2011 (UTC)