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Oblivion talk:Houses/Archive 3

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This is an archive of past Oblivion talk:Houses discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page, except for maintenance such as updating links.

Guard House

There is a house, Located in the Elven Gardens District called "Guard House". It has two containers that do not respawn, no npc's go there and it is not considered trespassing. In my opinion this house should be listed, anyone agree? Mikeyboy52 18:08, 14 January 2010 (UTC)

well, unless anyone objects, when I finish a seprate page for the guard house (probably after I get pc version) ill post a small summary with a link to it under the "free houses" section. Mikeyboy52 18:35, 16 January 2010 (UTC)
Sorry, but you can't really classify it as a free house, as a great deal of the containers there do respawn. --Timenn-<talk> 12:01, 19 January 2010 (UTC)
and so does the serpents wake. yet its on here. The guard house also meets all the guidelines of the free houses. I'll first finish the user page, than see how many people think it should be an actual page and be listed here. Mikeyboy52 12:39, 19 January 2010 (UTC)
I feel that one may go down as well, for similar reasons. --Timenn-<talk> 14:45, 19 January 2010 (UTC)
Well, cant hurt to try i guess. even if people dont want it as an actual page, it would help to have a page about this specific place, even if just a user page. Mikeyboy52 14:52, 19 January 2010 (UTC)
It seems to me that all of the requirements for free houses mentioned so far are purely arbitrary; if you will excuse the rhetorical example, a single non-respawning chest in a ruined fort is a free house according to the rationale above. Guidelines for inclusion might be more of a...friendly? way of doing this, and hopefully more meaningful, than guidelines for exclusion only. Anarchangel 16:10, 19 January 2010 (UTC)
Besides not having a quest related to it, the guard house is a lot better than, say, the room in aleswell inn and if you take a look at it. though it would seem there was a quest where you could become a legion soldier and get that house later (there was a lot of unfinished quests).If the single room in aleswell inn is listed, why not the guard house? Mikeyboy52 00:42, 20 January 2010 (UTC)

\=> Not saying that the conditions are perfectly well stated, but it does help prevent this page turning into a long list of "houses" that numerous editors like to add. The first purpose of this article is to list all houses that can be bought by the player. The few "Free" houses that are mentioned mostly concern quarters that are available after finishing a specific quest. It's true that all entries are open for discussion. The main intent about the various exclusion rules is to avoid having everyone add their favourite house.

You're free to create an article about that Guard House. If you can keep it from becoming a permastub, and add enough useful information it deserves its own article. Usually house contents are covered at the owner's NPC page, but that is obviously not possible for a house that is not used. --Timenn-<talk> 12:17, 21 January 2010 (UTC)

House in general area

This may be a stretch, but I've seen a lot of posts in this sections of "houses" that do not qualify as free houses but i would be happy myself living in them, could there possibly be an addition to this website for something like "not really free houses, but houses none the less" with all of the houses that you have to bend over backwards to get (i.e. killing S'rathad). i would make something but lack the skill, and i would like to see something like this because im the kind of player that just likes a little base to hide at, such as dive rock or J'baana's tent. Would this be a possiblilty? Noidzar 03:27, 19 January 2010 (UTC)

This would include a lot of places since if you kill the person owning any bed and than wait untill it normally would be legal to enter (even private quarters sometimes can be briefly entered) you can sleep on the beds, as the bed isn't owned and you're not trespassing. Although a possibility it would be to.. vague I guess you could say, therefore it is improbable at the moment. When I have the tools to do it, I'll make a page (such as User:Mikeyboy52/Possible Houses) Mikeyboy52 06:05, 19 January 2010 (UTC)
I think Noidzar's point was that killing S'rathad was an example of an having to go to extremes, to get a dwelling that is unequivocally a house, however cheesy the means of obtaining it, whereas Noidzar wanted to list houses that players can occupy, rather than invade, but might be considered deficient in other ways. In the case of J'baana's tent, for example, not having walls. It is an interesting point, but I would like to point him in the direction of OblivoWiki, in the hope that Wikia's policy of hosting player guides extends to that particular wiki. It would make a great player guide, and in my opinion, a good article, but it has been my experience that UESP is not at all amenable to that sort of material. Anarchangel 16:10, 19 January 2010 (UTC)

Display Case?

I have very recently bought Rosethorn Hall in Skingrad, and all of the upgrades as well. I am very pleased that there are a fair few Display Cases, becuase I can place the rare stuff I found in both Cyrodil and the Shivering Isles there so it looks nice.

However, to my annoyance, there are not enough Display Cases, so I plan to buy a house that has some more. Location is not important to me [Wether it be as far down as Leyawin or up in Bruma], but I have noticed that apparently none of the other houses have Display Cases listen in the Upgrade Section.

Does this mean than Rosethorn Hall is the ONLY house in Oblivion that has Display Cases? A quick reply would be appreciated, thanks. Crvena-Zastava 15:34, 17 April 2010 (UTC)

Check the house in the city with the DB sanctuary, cheryindal or something like that Mikeyboy52 21:51, 17 April 2010 (UTC)
I think the only other dwelling that you can own that has display cases is Battlehorn Castle. Of course, you need to install the plug-in. ComaDivine 01:44, 6 May 2010 (UTC)
I use the ps3, goty version, so the official plugins (besides si and kotn) are hard to get, mods are almost impossible (but possible recently) and i am pretty sure theres 2 houses with display cases. Mikeyboy52 08:42, 7 May 2010 (UTC)

Two More Free Houses

(moved from the article)

Francois Montierre's House

This House is located in Chorrol it belongs to Francois Motierre and is located next to Arborwatch and is usable after the quest The Assassinated Man for the Dark Brotherhood. This house isn't quite as large as Arborwacth but is still a luxurious house and is perfect for storage of items. Once the quest is completed the house is free to be entered or exited without penalty although the basement has to be picked to be able to enter it and as there is no one in the house you can pick the lock easily, once the lock is picked you can then enter or exit without having the trespassing symbol on the door. It is recommended that you do not store anything in the house until after the quest as some of the chests and crates respawn after the quest. The house contains quite a few storage containers such as crates, sacks, chests and desks, the basement has heaps of storage space due to the fact that it is full of crates and sacks which makes it perfect to store all types of items in different crates.

Summetmist Manor

This House is located in Skingrad and is usable as a house when the quest Whodunit? is completed for the Dark Brotherhood. The Manor is the first house on the right when entering through the east gate. The manor has a very similar layout to the Mages Guild in Skingrad with a slightly similar sleeping quarters area. The sleeping quarters have 3 seperate rooms with 2 beds in each and a group of chest on the right of the door when entering the top floor. The second floor of the manor contains a whole wall of book shelves (good for displaying items). The Manor cannot be entered unless the quest Whodunit? is completed (it cannot be left until all the guest have been killed and you have recieved you award from Ocheeva). The house is just as luxurious as Rosethorn Hall which is coincidently located infront of Summetmist Manor. This house is probably the biggest and most luxurious of the free houses.

I moved these two for a few reasons. First, there's no indication of which containers are safe. Second, both houses are only available after a relatively large number of quests have been completed, by which time you've probably got enough money to buy other houses. Third, both locations are right next to houses for sale - Arborwatch and Rosethorn Hall. That means there's not much point in having either house on the page. rpeh •TCE 10:32, 24 April 2010 (UTC)
Sir um ive checked and all of Summitmist manor's containers respawn and Froancois Motiere's house "sacks" do NOT respawn.Kinvalor75 14:08, 29 July 2010 (UTC)
Reph,you mention that if a chouse is avaliable after a relatve large number of quest have been compelte is not count as free house,why Guildmaster's Quarters is count as free house.It seems that the free house's rule need to be more clear (Vvardfell 06:26, 14 November 2010 (UTC))

Other Houses

After you complete the 'Order of the Virtuous Blood' quest, you can use Seridur's house as a house. It has a free bed (I think)and non-re-spawning containers (for specifics check the article on Seridur) and it is (in my opinion) the nicest, ownable, non-buoyant home in the Imperial City. Plus, you only have to complete one quest which is the same as the 'official' houses so it is more efficient than the two houses above that Rpeh short-listed, another little up-side is that it is FREE!! If anyone else has any other free house suggestions that aren't on the article please list them and say why you did. Golden Eagle 15:31, 10 May 2010 (UTC)

would weatherleah work if you kill the jemane brothers? — Unsigned comment by Spokaneskater (talkcontribs) at 23:26 on 4 December 2010

It would give you a free bed, but all of the containers respawn. --Manic 15:35, 5 December 2010 (UTC)


In an edit summary recently, someone suggested semi-protection for this article, so I just did some surface research; it doesn't appear that any of the IP edits to this article since the beginning of the year were anything but good-faith. In fact, I had to go all the way back to November '09 to find vandalism by an IP, which is why I've left it unprotected. --GKtalk2me 03:17, 11 May 2010 (UTC)

Sorry about the confusion, I was trying to say that in a more joking manner, less reverts would be done to this page (as im sure you know, you having reverted quite a bit) if this page was semi-protected. It wasn't to serious a suggestion and as you said all edits since late 2009 were all done in good faith, again, sorry for the confusion. Mikeyboy52 20:34, 11 May 2010 (UTC)

Weynon Priory.

I added Weynon Priory because it is pretty much a house when you first start the game. It has a chest and 3 beds. The chest doesn't respawn either.— Unsigned comment by (talk) on 13 May 2010

Should Weynon Priory really be included? The Guard House was turned down, even though every bed is usuable and there are 3 non respawning containers (not including the sacs). When I first started playing oblivion, I remember finding the guard house (succesfully stole key because im stubborn). I'm sure beds and 1 non-respawning chest doesnt really count as a "house". Also, a note that if all of the priests die, the bed would than become usable. only one of the priests need to die for that to happen, but im not sure (probably jaufree or the other tall skinny priest the other one (brother piner i believe) has a scripted death) Mikeyboy52 21:29, 13 May 2010 (UTC)
You might be right, but I don't know what a guard house is. No matter what, either Brother Piner, Prior Mabrol, or both die when the chapel gets attacked after you bring Martin back from Kvatch. So yes, there are two scripted deaths. I know this for a fact because when I played my first playthrough, Brother Piner was dead. My second playthrough, they both were dead. TheImperialBloodBrother 00:03, 14 May 2010 (UTC)
If you are quick you can save one of the priests (the other one always dies, I think Brother Piner). The guard house is located in the elven gardens district. Anyways, I was just pointing out that one chest and a few beds isn't really enough to be considered a "house" in the sense they are using here. Mikeyboy52 05:15, 14 May 2010 (UTC)
Weynon Priory House doesn't qualify because there's only one non-respawning container (Jauffre's chest). rpeh •TCE 07:10, 14 May 2010 (UTC)
Then why Marie Elena qualify,it only contain one non-respawing container(Vvardfell 11:15, 6 November 2010 (UTC))
You've got a point, but I'm going to start a new topic for it rather than resurrect the old one. Robin Hoodtalk 17:15, 6 November 2010 (UTC)

Shivering Isles Houses?

Shouldn't we add the the houses in the Shivering Isles. And are there any non-respawning chests in the game???— Unsigned comment by TheImperialBloodBrother (talkcontribs) on 13 May 2010

If there is a "house" It should be on the shivering section (check left hand panel below oblivion). for now I ddo not believe there are any houses that you can own, well, maybe two, after you become duke or duchess of mania or dematia Mikeyboy52 21:32, 13 May 2010

That last "house"

If that last house (the ship in waterfront) is listed, why not the house 'that used to belong to the only person in the DB questline that you had to fake a death' isnt listed? (added the " ' " so it can somewhat make sense) Mikeyboy52 16:02, 24 May 2010 (UTC)

I think you mean Francois Motierre. See the section above marked "Two More Free Houses". rpeh •TCE 00:21, 25 May 2010 (UTC)
Thats the one, if its simply because we dont know which chests respawn, I will check that now. Mikeyboy52 18:03, 25 May 2010 (UTC)

drop and poof?

hi i was wondering if you drop the things to make your house better will those things dissapeer it probly won't but better safe then sorry(quick reply would be greatly appreceatied)--GUM!!! 15:48, 28 May 2010 (UTC)

Dropped items never disappear when the cell is reset. They can sometimes (rarely) disappear through the floor or walls, however. --NepheleTalk 16:00, 28 May 2010 (UTC)
no like the hose upgrades if you drop them will you lose the things the upgrade put in?--GUM!!! 16:03, 28 May 2010 (UTC)
To be safe, make sure to visit the house after you've made the purchase (see the warning note at the top of the article). After that, the pieces of paper are irrelevant. --NepheleTalk 16:06, 28 May 2010 (UTC)
ok thanks!--GUM!!! 16:07, 28 May 2010 (UTC)
But dont put your Ayleid stautes on the ground because they will sink through the floor. — Unsigned comment by Spokaneskater (talkcontribs) at 23:20 on 4 December 2010

I placed my King of Worms robe on one of the podiums is battlehorn castle. I got a daedroth sculpted and the robes had vanished from the podium. Best to drop things after the house is fully upgraded I think. --Manic 15:40, 5 December 2010 (UTC)

I'm looking for a certain House

There is a house in Oblivion I am looking for. I don't know where it is or what it looks like because I have not seen it in a long time. All I know is that if you go into the house after the amulet of kings has been delivered to Jaufre, it will be destroyed by an oblivion gate that will take it's place. Could someone help? A quick reply would be appreciated, my Gray Fox has a HUGE amount of bounty on him and needs to hideout.— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:27 on 4 July 2010

Replied here. Talk Wolok gro-Barok Contributions 20:37, 4 July 2010 (UTC)
Yup, that's it. Thanks again.— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:39 on 4 July 2010
Where is it?— Unsigned comment by Spokaneskater (talkcontribs) at 00:23 on 6 December 2010
Here. Talk Wolok gro-Barok Contributions 00:18, 5 December 2010 (UTC)
Thanks. Hey, the house has already bean destroyed on my save, so i was wondering if there were any other isolated houses kind of like it. I just want an actual house, not a priory or a fort. Thanks. — Unsigned comment by Spokaneskater (talkcontribs) at 05:37 on 5 December 2010

Sergius Verus is Gone!

I know Sergius Verus is dead, but previously I did not know that he was a necessary character in order to complete the "buying a house in the Imperial City" quest. After I bought the house, the quest log told me to go and buy the furnishings from him, but, of course, he is dead..Is there any code or anything I could enter to respawn him or something? Or am I stuck with an empty shack?

Are you on PC? If you are, you can bring him back with various Console commands and his BaseID and RefID. Unfortunately for you, I play 360 so I can't tell you exactly how, however these pages, Console and Sergius Verus, should be a help to you. --Darkle ~ Talk 21:32, 28 July 2010 (UTC)

Help getting the house quest s

"Once you've learned that a house is for sale, buying that house becomes a quest." But how do you learn the house is for sale? Is it a rumor you can overhear or what? I would like specifics on how to get these quests.--Julia 15:18, 29 July 2010 (UTC)

You learn a house is for sale by talking to the person who sells the house,and getting them to offer you the house. I don't believe there is any way other than that. --Darkle ~ Talk 16:55, 29 July 2010 (UTC)
All right, but they just keep saying "I don't trust you enough" when i ask about house for sale so I guess I'll try increasing their disposition some more. Would be nice if there was a list for how high the disposition has to be for them to talk to me about it. I'll try hunting down the info and put it on this page.--Julia 00:23, 30 July 2010 (UTC)
Okay, I found the info for Shum gro-Yarug and Arriana Valga but can't find anything on the disposition/fame requirements for the other house-sellers. --Julia 00:33, 30 July 2010 (UTC)

blackwood company

I play xbox version and i want somebody to help me to find out that and of the blackwood company guildhall container are save to use and any other face i need to be aware . It is a very big house and i don't want ot use that poor little house as my home in leyawin — Unsigned comment by Vvardfell (talkcontribs) at 12:49 on 10 October 2010

The fastest way to find out, rather than waiting for a reply from someone, is to just empty every last container in the building and then check back 3 days plus an hour later and see what's refilled. Anything that stays empty is probably a safe container. (Wait another three days and an hour if you want to be sure.) Alternately, you can put a "disposable" item in each, like an ingredient, and see if it disappears. Robin Hoodtalk 01:16, 11 October 2010 (UTC)
Also make sure to wait three days one hour anytime you want something to respawn. The game counts from the last whole hour and since you rarely start waiting at exactly (for example) 1:00 PM you need to wait another hour to be sure most of the time.--Ghurhak gro-Demril or TAOYes? 01:24, 11 October 2010 (UTC)

Ayield ruin as house

If i use bribe and charm or high personality to make all enemy to become my friend ,and i bring a Permanent Corpses to be my container , will there be any problem to live in a ayleid ruin ,fort and cave ? (Vvardfell 11:20, 6 November 2010 (UTC))

It is very ambitious and I think it would not work, but the only way to find out is try. My hideout is Vindasel. Whenever I go in there most of the creatures are dead from traps. I don't mind Umbra either she makes a good bodyguard. Unfortunatley the containers all respawn so I have to use the stone tables to store things on. --Manic 15:47, 5 December 2010 (UTC)

You can use a Permanent Corpses or dead npc as container, just use staff of worm to bring them there, or if you have Wizard's Tower plug-in those atroach are Permanent Corpses and follower, very conventient.(Vvardfell 14:18, 13 December 2010 (UTC))

Free Houses

In the list of Free "Houses", we seem to have been a little random about our choices, as has recently been pointed out about Weynon Priory. I'd like to propose that we make the rule about containers a little more clear than "easily identifiable". Specifically, I can see three options (with "a safe place to sleep" being a prerequisite for all of them):

  1. All locations, regardless of containers.
  2. Only those locations with at least one safe container in the same cell (or maybe same building), regardless of how "easily identifiable" they are.
  3. Only those locations where all containers are safe.

Personally, I think #1 is just dumb. I'd like to either narrow the list down to just the locations where the containers are safe, or at the very least, separate locations where all containers are safe from those where only some containers are safe. Robin Hoodtalk 17:26, 6 November 2010 (UTC)

Then should we add Weynon Priory, Seridur's house or delete The Marie Elena ,Arch-Mage's Quarters,Room in the Aleswell Inn,Fort Farragut.(Vvardfell 06:33, 14 November 2010 (UTC))
I'd prefer #3, or at least, those locations where the cell containing the safe place to sleep contains no unsafe containers, if that makes any sense. --GKtalk2me 23:00, 14 November 2010 (UTC)
I' prefer #2 because if all container need to be non-respawning ,the free house list will be nearly empty, even some of downloadable content or house for sale need to be cancel(I remember that some downloadable content has some respawing container) (Vvardfell 08:57, 15 November 2010 (UTC))
Definitely #3 for me. rpeh •TCE 09:33, 15 November 2010 (UTC)
I'd say #4: All locations with at least half of the containers in them safe. Also, Vvardfell please edit your post. I can't understand a thing you said.--Ghurhak gro-Demril or TAOYes? 09:47, 15 November 2010 (UTC)
Yes, but then we get back to the "easily identifiable" problem. rpeh •TCE 10:01, 15 November 2010 (UTC)
Yeah. We might want to go with #3 and have an "exceptions" group, but we still have problems with it in that case.--Ghurhak gro-Demril or TAOYes? 19:13, 15 November 2010 (UTC)
I believe that we should include places that have at least one safe container who is easily identifiable, which means that the container must different in appereance from the others or a container that is located in a different location from the other containers. --Rigas Papadopoulos • TalkDeeds 19:40, 15 November 2010 (UTC)

() Nope, every house that can be officially owned contains only safe containers, with the exception of containers in Benirus Manor being reset during Where Spirits Have Lease. To me, that only reinforces the idea that at least the sleeping quarters of any home listed on the article should contain nothing but safe containers. With that criteria, everything in the "free houses" section would be removed except the room in the Aleswell Inn, the White Stallion Lodge, and the Guildmaster's Quarters. --GKtalk2me 03:32, 16 November 2010 (UTC)

Should we open a topic in the forum to voted the final dicision(Vvardfell 13:49, 19 November 2010 (UTC))
I'd agree on option #3, seeing as how that gives a much more defining guideline for what is considered a free house and what not. Option #2 will only open up endless debate and constant tweaks on what number of containers is acceptable (not to mention having to identify them all the time in the article) --Timenn-<talk> 14:21, 19 November 2010 (UTC)
From a user that want somewhere to put his loot perspective, if there is at least one safe container it would be beneficial to know that there is one. But it could be on some other page - not this Houses page.
-- MartinS 09:13, 20 November 2010 (UTC)
From a reader's point of view I'd like to see any place where most(not necessarily all) containers are safe, with all the unsafe containers noted.
From an editor's point of view, the #3.--Wizy 12:41, 20 November 2010 (UTC)
I believe that #3 is dumb, if all the containers have to be safe, the list will become tiny. --Rigas Papadopoulos • TalkDeeds 15:48, 20 November 2010 (UTC)
It will have the houses for sale and the "reward" locations - which is all that should be on the page. rpeh •TCE 17:04, 20 November 2010 (UTC)

() IMO a house should be more than a bed and a chest. A dungeon with hostile monsters respawning isn't, nor a room in an Inn with the owner always keeping an eye on you as if you are there to rob him, a ship is ok. Anyway, for the purpose of storage there is already this page→Safe Containers. --Wizy 18:15, 20 November 2010 (UTC)

This kind of trailed off into nowhere, so let's see if I can summarize the opinions here:

  • RobinHood70: "narrow the list down to just the locations where the containers are safe"
  • GK: "those locations where the cell containing the safe place to sleep contains no unsafe containers"
  • Vvardfell: "I' prefer #2" (Only those locations with at least one safe container in the same cell)
  • rpeh: "Definitely #3 for me" (Only those locations where all containers are safe)
  • TheAlbinoOrc: "All locations with at least half of the containers in them safe" or "go with #3 and have an "exceptions" group"
  • Rigas Papadopoulos: "places that have at least one safe container who is easily identifiable" and "I believe that #3 is dumb"
  • Timenn: "I'd agree on option #3"
  • Wizy: "From a reader's point of view... any place where most(not necessarily all) containers are safe... From an editor's point of view, the #3" and "IMO a house should be more than a bed and a chest"

So, we have six editors who would support the restriction "Only those locations where all containers are safe." and two who would not. I'm going to go ahead and reword the section intro and remove the "homes" that don't meet that restriction. --GKtalk2me 16:32, 23 January 2011 (UTC)

Possible New Free House

I've tested this out with three characters now, so none of this is speculation. After the Fighters Guild quest where you help out Lord Rugdumph gro-Shurgak find his daughter Rogbut, kill both of them. After I did this three times I found out that it's always trespassing to go inside, but no one will ever see you, except occasionally a Comanno Tong Thug, and this non-hostile NPC doesnt care, and wont tell the guards. Also, there are two safe containers that don't respawn; one is the chest in the back right corner of the first room and the second is the chest in bedroom upstairs that is not on the drawers. I think that since the Marie Elena and Fort Farragut are on the page that this should be too because it has the same benefits and it's actually a house. What do you think? If think it should be on the page under free houses, I'll be happy to update the page(as goes for the following suggestions). — Unsigned comment by Spokaneskater (talkcontribs) at 06:35 on 5 December 2010 (UTC)

Another possible free house is Greyland. Once you have completed the related quest, everything in the building is legal to take. The only non-respawning container is the one chest. All of the other containers respawn. The only downside is a Marauder will spawn there every three days, but that's pretty good practice and it'll keep you on your toes, right? It pretty much has the same layout as the Leyawiin house but I personally think it looks a little nicer and neater. — Unsigned comment by Spokaneskater (talkcontribs) at 06:41 on 5 December 2010
Shardrock is another possible free house. After you've completed Bear Season you can just kill Thorley(owner). Occasionally it's considered trespassing to enter but it's usually legal. All four sacks are safe containers that don't re-spawn. You can also sleep in both beds. It's kind of cool too; living at sheep farm. — Unsigned comment by Spokaneskater (talkcontribs) at 06:57 on 5 December 2010
The best one I've found is Lord Drad's Estate, but only if you've finished the Malacath's Shrine quest. After you finish the quest, Lord and Lady Drad become slaves and there are are a ton of non-hostile ogres walking around, making sure that the Drads' do their work. You can make good money off the tomato, tobacco, corn, potato, and strawberry plants that the slaves labor away at. There are two buildings named slave quarters that have multiple beds you can sleep in, but no safe containers. In the actual Estate House there's one bed you can sleep in, and all five of the sacks are safe containers that do not re-spawn. The chest upstairs near the barrels is also a safe container. The Estate House is about as big as the Cheydinhal House and has a similar layout. Then there are the two slave houses in addition to the house, that are good for displaying items; I have a whole building full of my coolest weapons, a separate building full of my coolest armor, and my house is full of everything else. There are six safe containers, beds, lots of space, non-hostile ogres, slaves, crops, and potential money; what's not to like about it? — Unsigned comment by Spokaneskater (talkcontribs) at 07:22 on 5 December 2010
(edit conflict) Just before you keep going with this; it might be fascinating how many free houses are available in Cyrodiil if you simply kill the inhabitants, but that is definitely not the point of this article, and especially not this section; Greyland is an okay option, but doesn't belong on the list because of the respawning enemy and the minimum of non-respawning containers. The possibility is mentioned on the Greyland page, though. Again, you can more or less live anywhere if you kill the owner(s) of the house, but that is not the way to go, no matter how many non-respawning containers the house has - killing off an NPC lessens the experience of the Oblivion world, and we aim to avoid that. --Krusty 07:34, 5 December 2010 (UTC)
Basically most if not all the beds avilable in the game have safe containers nearby, including the bandit camps, and there is no point adding all these to the article. --Wizy (Talk/Contribs) 08:22, 5 December 2010 (UTC)
Krusty, I see your point but dont enemies spawn in Fort Farragut? And with the killing an NPC thing, I see your point there too, but you have to kill an NPC to get the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary. After you complete the Bear Season quest, the most interesting thing about Thorley is that you can watch him hoe. But it doesnt matter; what about Lord Drad's Estate? It's great in my opinion. It's much better then the Marie Elena or For Farragut.
I've deleted Fort Farragut. You're right, there are respawning enemies and since there's only one safe container it's not a very good solution. rpeh •TCE 13:06, 5 December 2010 (UTC)
Should Lord Drad's Estate count? (Spokaneskater 18:56, 5 December 2010 (UTC))
I think going into Lord Drad's estate after the quest is still trespassing. If yes, I don't think it belongs, if not it should belong as it has non-respawning containers. MikeTalk 22:30, 5 December 2010 (UTC)
It becomes non-public again at stage 100, so it's definitely not a good choice for a house. rpeh •TCE 00:52, 6 December 2010 (UTC)
Yeah, good point. I didnt even notice that. You cant even sleep there since it's trespassing. (Spokaneskater 02:38, 6 December 2010 (UTC))

possible places

Smuggler's Cave is accessible and clear before doing any quest and with out the plug-in, it contain one bed and with some non-respawing container as said in the cave's talk page.Bleak Mine only contain ogre that are friendly to us after we finish the quest ,there are one bedroll ,seven non-respawing vein as container.Kvatch castle is cleared after related quest, the body of the count can be the container, there are some bed .Bogwater camp is empty if you kill the argronian during the quest, there are a bedroll and the rock you get your reward is save for stroage. Should they be counted? (Vvardfell 10:22, 13 December 2010 (UTC))

A glitch with the Skingrad house too?

In the intro to houses, it mentions a glitch with the Bravil house = The door displays a red (crime) icon when entering the door.

Has anyone else noticed the same thing happening with the upstairs door to the Skingrad (Rosethorn Hall) house, or is this just my problem? I play on an xbox 360, GotY version.

(The Lost 22:09, 8 March 2011 (UTC)

No it isn't just you or Xbox users, we have already detailed the problem here. --AKB Talk Contribs Email 22:22, 8 March 2011 (UTC)

Francis Motierre's House...

So i completed the quest for Francis (The Assassinated Man) and even the Dark Brotherhood. Is his house safe to put belongings in? I really like Chorrol and I'm not up to spending money on Arborwatch. Also, I have a lot of belongings that i dont want to lose, so I'd like to be sure — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 13:32 on April 3, 2011

Did you check his page? It states some of the containers, which are safe. But generally, most people's houses have some containers which are unsafe. --DKong27 Talk Cont 19:03, 3 April 2011 (UTC)
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