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Oblivion:Signy Home-Wrecker

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Quests: written by Already Written, checked by SerCenKing (CS & in-game)

Schedule: written by Already Written, checked by SerCenKing (CS & in-game)

Services: written by Corevette789 N/A (In-Game), checked by Manic (CS & in-game)

Personal Inventory: written by mxk101 (CS), checked by Helenaannevalentine (in-game)

House Contents: written by GK (lives at Gweden Farm), checked by Forfeit (CS)

Unique Dialogue: written by Krusty (in-game), checked by SerCenKing (CS)

Rumors: written by SerCenKing (CS)

Faction: written by Already written, checked by Jeancey (CS)

Spells: written by RoBoT (CS - none), checked by Kalis Agea (CS)
Signy Home-Wrecker
(RefID: 0003AA86)
Home City Anvil
House Gweden Farm
Race Nord Gender Female
Level PC-2 Class Thief
RefID 0003AA86 BaseID 0003AA85
Other Information
Health 45 + (4+0.6)x(PC-3), PC=7-86
Magicka 75 + 1.5x(PC-3) (max=250)
Responsibility 50 Aggression 30
Faction(s) The Anvil Sirens
Signy Home-Wrecker introduces herself

Signy Home-Wrecker is a Nord thief and a member of the Sirens gang in Anvil. If you are playing a male character, she will attempt to seduce you into coming back to their place, Gweden Farm. If you are playing a female character, she will direct you to talk to Faustina Cartia, the leader of the gang, about joining them. Later in the quest, you have no choice but to kill Signy, for she attacks you in her cottage with two other gang members.

She wears a set of middle class clothing: a brown shirt, light brown linens with a pair of pigskin shoes. She is armed with a steel dagger and carries a small amount of gold.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Dialogue[edit]

You will first hear about Faustina and her gang from the citizens of Anvil's gossip:

"You hear about Gogan? A gang of thieves is running a scam in town, and he fell for it! Hahaha... what an idiot!"

Speaking to Maelona, Gogan's wife, will fill you in on some of the details:

"The women in the gang use their wiles to lure men out to some remote location and rob them blind. It's been going on for some time now. The city guard hasn't done very much about it, because frankly, the men who are robbed are so embarrassed, they don't want to report it."

Returning to Gogan will then get you final bits of the story:

"I was sitting in The Flowing Bowl, when the most fetching Nord woman you've ever seen walked in with an equally attractive Imperial woman following. After we exchanged words, I followed them out to a farmhouse. Inside, they asked me to remove my clothes and items. Well... I did... and then suddenly they brandished weapons and robbed me. They sent me away with barely a stitch of clothing! Harlots!"

After you have spent a brief moment at The Flowing Bowl, Faustina and Signy Home-Wrecker will enter.


If you are a male character, Signy will then attempt to seduce you:

"I haven't seen you here before. Awww, and you're all alone too. How sad. Well, if you're up to it we can solve that little problem. You see, me and Faustina here are lonely too, and we've been looking for someone. You look like just what we need. I'll tell you what. We have a cozy farmhouse not far from here where we could... well... get to know each other much, much better. I'll mark it down on your map, just so you won't forget where to find us. Meet us there around 11 in the evening. I can promise you a night of fun you won't soon forget."
Night of Fun
"Do I really have to spell it out for you? You're a man, and I'm a woman with a certain desire. You figure out the rest."

When exiting conversation:

"Trust me when I say we'll give you a night to remember."

If approached again:

"Patience. We'll have... all night."


If you are a female character, Signy will simply point you towards gang leader Faustina:

"Talk to Faustina. She's got a proposition for you."

After Faustina has offered you a membership in the gang, Signy will say:

"Be nice to get another pretty face in the gang. Hope to see you there."
Join Us
"You can make a good deal of money in our gang. But you have to be willing to show a little skin if you know what I mean."

She will exit conversation by saying:

"Be nice to have someone else to do the... uh... dirty work."

Unused Dialogue[edit]

  • Signy has a number of unused goodbye and hellos lines which you will never hear as they are always overridden by others or by Signy's AI packages:
"Hey there."
"You're an anxious one."
"You look like you can hold your own in a fight."
"Hey there, handsome."
"Can't wait to get my hands on you..."


  • Signy Home-Wrecker has a very high aggression, so drawing a weapon or having high infamy may result in her immediately attacking you. She may also become hostile with a low disposition.