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Morrowind:Blades Trainers

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Walkthrough: not written

Objectives: written by already written not checked

Reward: not written
Seek out the Blades Trainers for gifts and advice.
Quest Giver: Caius Cosades in his house in Balmora
Location(s): Various
Reward: Training, Guide to Vvardenfell, 4 Moon Sugar, Steel Cuirass and Helm, Journeyman's Alembic
ID: blades_Elone, blades_elone2, blades_Gildan, blades_gildan2, blades_Nine_Toes, blades_nine_toes2, blades_rithleen, blades_rithleen2, blades_Sjorvar, blades_sjorvar2, blades_Surane, blades_surane2, blades_tyermaillin, blades_tyermaillin2
Required Level: ≤5

Find the Trainers[edit]

When you join the Blades, Caius Cosades will tell you about the locations of various trainers for the faction. They will only offer you training if you join the Blades. If you opt not to, or you haven't yet spoken to Caius, they will refuse to offer services. In addition, if you are level 5 or lower, each trainer will offer you a gift or advice the first time you meet them if you ask about "Blades Trainers".

This is not really a quest per se and as such will not appear under your active/finished quest listing, but it does have journal entries, both when you talk to Caius and again when you meet each of the trainers. The trainers are:

Quest IDs Name Location Gift/Advice Skills Notes
Tyermaillin Balmora, Tyermaillin's House Journeyman's Alembic Enchant (50)
Mysticism (50)
Restoration (50)
Sells spells, apparatus,
potions and ingredients
Rithleen Balmora, Rithleen's House Steel Cuirass and Helm Long Blade (58)
Block (50)
Medium Armor (50)
Nine-Toes Balmora, Nine-Toes' House 4 Moon Sugar Athletics (54)
Illusion (50)
Sneak (50)
Elone Seyda Neen, Arrille's Tradehouse Guide to Vvardenfell Long Blade (62)
Athletics (52)
Medium Armor (52)
Surane Leoriane Caldera, Surane Leoriane's House Recommends Llaros Uvayn
at Caldera Governor's Hall
Mysticism (54)
Restoration (54)
Destruction (50)
Sjorvar Horse-Mouth West Gash Region, [-5,4] Recommends Galbedir
at Balmora Mages Guild
Axe (50)
Blunt Weapon (50)
Long Blade (50)
Gildan Ald'ruhn, Gildan's House Recommends Wayn at
Balmora Fighters Guild
Alteration (53)
Mysticism (53)
Illusion (50)
Sells spells

Quest Stages[edit]

Blades Trainers
Quest ID Index Journal Entry
blades_Elone 1 Elone gave me a copy of 'Guide to Vvardenfell' so I can learn something about Vvardenfell's land and people.
blades_elone2 1 Caius says one of the Blades under his command, Elone the Scout, can usually be found at Arrille's Tradehouse in Seyda Neen, the sea port where I arrived by boat.
blades_Gildan 1 Gildan recommended I see Wayn at the Balmora Guild of Fighters. He sells jink blades which Paralyze and spider blades which poison. He says they aren't honorable weapons, and most smiths don't sell them.
blades_gildan2 1 Caius says one of the Blades under his command, Nightblade Gildan, lives in Ald'ruhn, the Redoran district seat north of Balmora, beyond Caldera. Gildan lives in the southeast corner of town, in a house to the right of the steps up to the temple.
blades_Nine_Toes 1 Nine-Toes gave me some moon sugar. He says most alchemists and apothecaries won't buy it, but Khajiit generally will. He suggested Ajira at the Balmora Mages Guild and Ra'Virr, a trader in Balmora.
blades_nine_toes2 1 Caius says that to reach Hunter Nine-Toes, one of the Blades under Caius' command, leave Caius' door facing south. Go right, down the steps, then turn left and head south, looking for Nine-Toes' door on the left.
blades_rithleen 1 Rithleen gave me a cuirass and helm to sell to get a few drakes for my personal training fund.
blades_rithleen2 1 Caius says one of the Blades under his command, Warrior Rithleen, lives two houses south of Caius' house, upstairs.
blades_Sjorvar 1 Sjorvar Horse-Mouth suggested I get an enchanted weapon or scrolls for exploring. Ghosts can't be harmed except by an enchanted weapon or magic. Galbedir at the Balmora Mages Guild usually has a selection. She can also enchant items, but apparently it isn't cheap.
blades_sjorvar2 1 Caius says one of the Blades under his command, Master-at-Arms Sjorvar Horse-Mouth, lives in a guar herder's hut in the middle of nowhere west of Caldera. Caius couldn't give me good directions.
blades_Surane 1 Surane Leoriane suggested I see Llaros Uvayn at the Caldera Governor's Hall and learn the Detect Enchantment spell. It shows where enchanted items are, both in enemies, and in hidden locations.
blades_surane2 1 Caius says one of the Blades under his command, Mage Surane Leoriane, is in Caldera, the next town north. Her half-timber-and-stone house north sits between the twin towers of the North Gate and the Governor's Hall.
blades_tyermaillin 1 Tyermaillin gave me his old alembic to use or sell.
blades_tyermaillin2 1 Caius says one of the Blades under his command, Healer Tyermaillin, lives two houses south from Caius' house, downstairs.