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Action cards perform a one-off effect when cast. They can target individual creatures, players, or even entire lanes.

For an alphabetical list of all Action cards, see the category.


Name Type (Subtype) Attribute/Class Magicka Power Health Rarity Text
A Land Divided A Land Divided Action Willpower Willpower 8 4Legendary Legendary Fill the left lane with Stormcloak Skirmishers or the right lane with Colovian Troopers.
A New Era A New Era Action WillpowerAgilityEndurance The Empire of Cyrodiil 11 3Epic Epic Shuffle all creatures into your deck
A Night to Remember A Night to Remember Action Neutral Neutral 2 2Rare Rare A friendly creature disappears to who knows where, then returns in the other lane Shackled.
Alchemy Alchemy Action Willpower Willpower 2 3Epic Epic Give your Activated supports 1 extra use.
Empower: +1 use.
Archer's Gambit Archer's Gambit Action StrengthAgility Archer 3 2Rare Rare Move a friendly creature. Then, it deals 1 damage.
Arise Arise Action Endurance Endurance 2 1Common Common Prophecy
Summon a 1/1 Risen Dead with Guard in each lane.
Arrest Arrest Action Willpower Willpower 7 2Rare Rare Steal an enemy creature. It loses Guard, and is permanently Shackled.
Arrow Storm Arrow Storm Action Willpower Willpower 3 2Rare Rare Destroy all enemy creatures with 2 power or less in a lane.
Arrow in the Knee Arrow in the Knee Action Agility Agility 1 1Common Common Shackle a creature and deal 1 damage to it.
Assassin's Ritual Assassin's Ritual Action IntelligenceAgility Assassin 3 2Rare Rare Give a creature Lethal and Ward.
Ayrenn's Chosen Ayrenn's Chosen Action IntelligenceWillpowerAgility Aldmeri Dominion 6 3Epic Epic Summon a random 1/1 Recruit in each lane and give them Guard.
Empower: +1/+1.
Barilzar's Tinkering Barilzar's Tinkering Action Intelligence Intelligence 2 2Rare Rare Betray
Transform a creature into a random creature that costs 1 more.
Barter Barter Action Agility Agility 2 3Epic Epic Trade a card in your hand for a random card in your opponent's hand.
Battle of Chalman Keep Battle of Chalman Keep Action Neutral Neutral 5 4Legendary Legendary Each player fills each lane with 1/1 Recruits.
Give all creatures Guard.
Battlemage's Onslaught Battlemage's Onslaught Action StrengthIntelligence Battlemage 4 2Rare Rare Put a random action, item, and creature into your hand.
Be At Peace Be At Peace Action Willpower Willpower 3 1Common Common Prophecy
Set a creature's power to 1.
Bedlam Bedlam Action Willpower Willpower 1 1Common Common Put two 1/1 Scamps into your hand.
Bewildering Speed Bewildering Speed Action Agility Agility 1 2Rare Rare Move a friendly creature in each lane and give them +1/+1.
Blackmail Blackmail Action Willpower Willpower 1 3Epic Epic Draw a copy of a random creature from your opponent's deck.
Blast from Oblivion Blast from Oblivion Action Intelligence Intelligence 3 1Common Common Prophecy
Invade, then deal damage equal to your Oblivion Gate's level to a creature.
Blessing of the Grove Blessing of the Grove Action Willpower Willpower 4 1Common Common Gain 2 health for each friendly creature.
Blood Sacrament Blood Sacrament Action Agility Agility 3 2Rare Rare Betray
Deal 2 damage to your opponent and gain 2 health.
Brilliant Experiment Brilliant Experiment Action Intelligence Intelligence 3 3Epic Epic Draw a copy of a friendly creature.
Burn and Pillage Burn and Pillage Action Strength Strength 5 3Epic Epic Deal 1 damage to all enemy creatures in a lane for each destroyed enemy rune.
Burning Touch Burning Touch Action Intelligence Intelligence 3 1Common Common Prophecy
Deal 2 damage to a creature.
Bushwhack Bushwhack Action Strength Strength 0 1Common Common A friendly creature ignores Guards and can attack creatures in any lane this turn.
Caius' Machinations Caius' Machinations Action Endurance Endurance 2 2Rare Rare Betray
Give the top three creatures of your deck +1/+1.
Call Dragon Call Dragon Action Neutral Neutral 8 2Rare Rare Shout
Upgrade all your Shouts.
Level 1: Summon a random 6-8 cost Dragon.
Level 2: Summon a random 8-10 cost Dragon.
Level 3: Summon a random 12 cost Dragon.
Call of Valor Call of Valor Action Willpower Willpower 3 1Common Common Shout
Level 1: Summon a 3/3 Sovngarde Hero.
Level 2: Summon two 3/3 Sovngarde Heroes.
Level 3: Fill a lane with 3/3 Sovngarde Heroes.
Calm Calm Action Willpower Willpower 0 1Common Common Give a creature -4/-0 this turn.
Cast Into Time Cast Into Time Action Willpower Willpower 5 2Rare Rare Banish a creature.
Cast Out Cast Out Action Strength Strength 3 2Rare Rare Prophecy
Unsummon a creature.
Cauterize Cauterize Action Strength Strength 0 1Common Common Deal 2 damage to a Wounded creature.
Channeled Storm Channeled Storm Action Intelligence Intelligence 3 1Common Common Deal 3 damage to a creature.
Empower: +1 damage.
Chaurus Breeding Pit Chaurus Breeding Pit Action Agility Agility 10 3Epic Epic Summon a Chaurus Reaper in each lane.
Chodala's Treachery Chodala's Treachery Action Willpower Willpower 9 4Legendary Legendary Destroy a creature.
Plot: Steal the creature instead.
Cliff Racer Onslaught Cliff Racer Onslaught Action Agility Agility 9 4Legendary Legendary Summon a 4/4 Cliff Racer with Charge in each lane. Your opponent summons a 0/1 Target with Guard in each lane.
Close Call Close Call Action Neutral Neutral 0 2Rare Rare Unsummon a friendly creature.
Corprus Disease Corprus Disease Action Strength Strength 1 2Rare Rare Silence a creature, then give it +2/+0.
Crassius' Favor Crassius' Favor Action Willpower Willpower 2 2Rare Rare Summon two 1/1 Imperial Grunts to a lane.
Plot: Gain 1 health for each friendly creature in that lane.
Cruel Firebloom Cruel Firebloom Action Intelligence Intelligence 0 2Rare Rare Sacrifice a creature to deal 5 damage to a random enemy creature
Crusader's Assault Crusader's Assault Action StrengthWillpower Crusader 3 2Rare Rare Give a creature +2/+0, Breakthrough and "Slay and Pilfer: Draw a card" this turn.
Crushing Blow Crushing Blow Action Neutral Neutral 3 1Common Common Deal 3 damage.
Curse Curse Action Agility Agility 0 2Rare Rare Give a creature -1/-1.
Daedric Incursion Daedric Incursion Action Strength Strength 3 1Common Common Draw a random Daedra from your deck.
Daggers in the Dark Daggers in the Dark Action Intelligence Intelligence 0 1Common Common Equip a Steel Dagger to a random friendly creature in each lane.
Daring Heist Daring Heist Action Agility Agility 3 2Rare Rare Draw two cards.
Daring Heist can't be played unless a creature in each lane damaged your opponent this turn.
Dark Rebirth Dark Rebirth Action Intelligence Intelligence 3 1Common Common Sacrifice a creature to summon a copy of it.
Dawn's Wrath Dawn's Wrath Action Willpower Willpower 8 4Legendary Legendary Destroy all creatures in a lane.
Dead Drop Dead Drop Action Agility Agility 0 2Rare Rare Give a friendly creature "Slay: Put a Completed Contract into your hand" this turn. It may move to attack creatures in the other lane this turn.
Death Scythe Death Scythe Action IntelligenceAgilityEndurance House Telvanni 1 3Epic Epic Drain
Deal damage to a creature equal to the number of creatures that died this turn.
Debilitate Debilitate Action Agility Agility 7 3Epic Epic Give all creatures -2/-2.
Empower: Costs 1 less.
Defense of Bruma Defense of Bruma Action Willpower Willpower 4 3Epic Epic Costs 2 less for each friendly creature with 5 or more health. Give friendly creatures +1/+1 and Guard.
Desperate Conjuring Desperate Conjuring Action Intelligence Intelligence 3 3Epic Epic Sacrifice a creature to summon a random creature that costs 2 more.
Devour Devour Action Willpower Willpower 4 2Rare Rare Destroy a creature with 4 power or less and give its Keywords to a random Dragon in your hand.
Devouring Flame Devouring Flame Action Strength Strength 2 2Rare Rare Deal 2 damage to a creature. If this would kill it, instead Banish it.
Dismantle Dismantle Action Neutral Neutral 3 2Rare Rare Destroy an enemy support or Neutral creature.
Divayth's Experiments Divayth's Experiments Action IntelligenceAgilityEndurance House Telvanni 9 3Epic Epic Betray
Summon a copy of a friendly creature.
Dive Rock Fall Dive Rock Fall Action Willpower Willpower 0 2Rare Rare Banish a creature with 0 power.
Dragon Aspect Dragon Aspect Action Neutral Neutral 4 2Rare Rare Shout
Level 1: You gain 3 health and Battle an enemy creature as if you had 3 power.
Level 2: You gain 5 health and Battle an enemy creature as if you had 5 power.
Level 3: You gain 7 health and Battle an enemy creature as if you had 7 power.
Dragon's Fury Dragon's Fury Action Intelligence Intelligence 4 1Common Common Deal 3 damage to a creature, and 3 extra damage for each friendly Dragon.
Drain Blood Drain Blood Action Agility Agility 4 1Common Common Betray
Give a creature -2/-2.
Drain Vitality Drain Vitality Action Agility Agility 1 1Common Common Shout
Level 1: Give an enemy creature -1/-1.
Level 2: Give an enemy creature -2/-2.
Level 3: Give all enemy creatures in a lane -2/-2.
Drive Mad Drive Mad Action Strength Strength 4 1Common Common A creature Battles itself.
Duel Atop the World Duel Atop the World Action Strength Strength 7 3Epic Epic Give a friendly creature +3/+3. It Battles your opponent's most powerful creature.
Edict of Azura Edict of Azura Action WillpowerEndurance Spellsword 4 3Epic Epic Destroy an enemy creature or support.
Excavate Excavate Action Intelligence Intelligence 3 2Rare Rare Draw an item or support from your discard pile.
Execute Execute Action Willpower Willpower 1 1Common Common Destroy a creature with 2 power or less.
Explore Explore Action Strength Strength 1 2Rare Rare Choose creature, item, action, or support. Put a random card of that type into your hand.
Expunge Expunge Action Endurance Endurance 2 2Rare Rare Heal a creature and give it immune to Shackle this turn. Draw a card.
Fabricate Fabricate Action Neutral Neutral 1 2Rare Rare Build a custom creature and put it into your hand.
Fear Totem Fear Totem Action Strength Strength 2 1Common Common Prophecy
Unsummon a creature and reduce its cost by 3.
Feed Feed Action Willpower Willpower 6 2Rare Rare Destroy a creature and give its Keywords to a friendly creature.
Fell the Mighty Fell the Mighty Action Strength Strength 4 1Common Common Destroy a creature with 4 power or more.
Felldew Felldew Action Agility Agility 2 1Common Common Give a creature Lethal this turn.
Fingers of the Mountain Fingers of the Mountain Action Intelligence Intelligence 6 3Epic Epic Costs 1 less for each action you've played this turn.

Deal 1 damage to a creature.
Deal 2 damage to a creature.
Deal 3 damage to a creature.
Finish Off Finish Off Action Agility Agility 2 1Common Common Destroy a Wounded enemy creature.
Fire Breath Fire Breath Action Intelligence Intelligence 3 1Common Common Shout
Level 1: Deal 2 damage to a creature.
Level 2: Deal 4 damage to a creature.
Level 3: Deal 10 damage to a creature.
Fire Storm Fire Storm Action Intelligence Intelligence 4 2Rare Rare Prophecy
Deal 2 damage to all creatures in a lane.
Fireball Fireball Action Strength Strength 4 2Rare Rare Deal 1 damage to all enemies.
Firebolt Firebolt Action Intelligence Intelligence 1 1Common Common Deal 2 damage to a creature.
Flaming Breath Flaming Breath Action Strength Strength 2 1Common Common Prophecy
Deal 1 damage to everything.
Fleeting Apparition Fleeting Apparition Action Agility Agility 5 3Epic Epic Betray
Summon a random creature from your deck that costs 3 or less to a random lane. Unsummon it at the end of your turn.
Forces of Destruction Forces of Destruction Action Intelligence Intelligence 10 4Legendary Legendary Invade, then summon random Daedra with total cost 10.
Forked Bolt Forked Bolt Action Intelligence Intelligence 0 1Common Common Deal 1 damage to a creature and your opponent.
Fresh Start Fresh Start Action Agility Agility 6 1Common Common Draw three cards.
Grand Ball Grand Ball Action Agility Agility 2 2Rare Rare Move all friendly creatures
Grave Grasp Grave Grasp Action Intelligence Intelligence 4 1Common Common Prophecy
an enemy creature. Summon a 1/1 Skeleton for each enemy creature in its lane.
Harmony Harmony Action Willpower Willpower 2 2Rare Rare Prophecy
Give all enemy creatures -2/-0 until the start of your turn.
Healing Hands Healing Hands Action Endurance Endurance 0 1Common Common Heal a creature, then give it +1/+1.
Healing Potion Healing Potion Action Willpower Willpower 2 1Common Common Prophecy
Gain 5 health.
Hit and Run Hit and Run Action Strength Strength 4 3Epic Epic Draw five cards. Discard your hand at the end of the turn.
Hush Hush Action Endurance Endurance 1 2Rare Rare Prophecy
a creature.
Ice Spike Ice Spike Action Intelligence Intelligence 2 1Common Common Deal 2 damage to your opponent.
Draw a card.
Ice Storm Ice Storm Action Intelligence Intelligence 6 3Epic Epic Deal 3 damage to all creatures.
Illusory Defenses Illusory Defenses Action Willpower Willpower 1 1Common Common Prophecy
Summon a 0/5 Illusory Wall with Guard in each lane. Sacrifice them at the start of your turn.
Immolating Blast Immolating Blast Action Willpower Willpower 6 3Epic Epic Destroy all creatures except for one random creature on both sides of each lane.
Imperial Reinforcements Imperial Reinforcements Action Willpower Willpower 4 2Rare Rare Fill a lane with 1/1 Imperial Grunts.
Imposter's Mission Imposter's Mission Action Strength Strength 4 3Epic Epic Summon an Imposter with power and health equal to the power of your most powerful creature.
Imprison Imprison Action Willpower Willpower 2 2Rare Rare Shackle a creature. If you have four or more Willpower creatures, destroy it instead.
Intimidate Intimidate Action Strength Strength 1 2Rare Rare Enemy creatures lose Guard.
Invasion Party Invasion Party Action Willpower Willpower 4 4Legendary Legendary Choose three times: Invade or summon a 1/1 Scamp.
Journey to Sovngarde Journey to Sovngarde Action Neutral Neutral 7 4Legendary Legendary Shuffle all creatures from your discard pile into your deck, and give them +5/+5.
Jyggalag's Incursion Jyggalag's Incursion Action Endurance Endurance 3 2Rare Rare Prophecy
Each player gains +2 max magicka.
Knife to the Throat Knife to the Throat Action Neutral Neutral 4 1Common Common Silence a creature.
Draw a card.
Lady Syl's Cruelty Lady Syl's Cruelty Action Agility Agility 2 2Rare Rare Sacrifice a creature to gain magicka this turn equal to its power.
Lay Down Arms Lay Down Arms Action Endurance Endurance 4 2Rare Rare Set a creature's power and health to 1.
Leafwater Blessing Leafwater Blessing Action Agility Agility 2 3Epic Epic Give a creature +1/+1.
When you gain health, draw Leafwater Blessing from your discard pile.
Lesser Ward Lesser Ward Action Intelligence Intelligence 0 1Common Common Give a creature a Ward.
Lightning Bolt Lightning Bolt Action Intelligence Intelligence 4 1Common Common Prophecy
Deal 4 damage.
Lockpick Lockpick Action Agility Agility 2 2Rare Rare Either put another Lockpick into your hand or draw a card and reduce its cost by 2, chosen randomly.
Luminous Shards Luminous Shards Action Willpower Willpower 3 1Common Common Destroy a creature with 1 power or less.
Empower: +1 power.
Lunar Sway Lunar Sway Action Neutral Neutral 1 3Epic Epic Wax: Put a 3/3 Cathay-raht into your hand.
Wane: Put a 4/4 Dagi-raht with Guard into your hand.
Mad Dash Mad Dash Action Agility Agility 2 1Common Common Move a friendly creature, then give it +1/+1 for each enemy creature in its lane.
Madness Beckons Madness Beckons Action Neutral Neutral 1 3Epic Epic Put a random Isle of Madness card into your hand.
Mage's Trick Mage's Trick Action IntelligenceWillpower Mage 3 2Rare Rare Deal 1 damage, gain 1 health, and draw a card.
Malefic Wreath Malefic Wreath Action Agility Agility 3 2Rare Rare Give a creature -2/-2.
Manic Mutation Manic Mutation Action Intelligence Intelligence 1 1Common Common Give a friendly creature a random Keyword.
Mecinar's Will Mecinar's Will Action Willpower Willpower 5 2Rare Rare Steal an enemy creature with 3 power or less until the end of the turn. It gains Charge.
Midnight Burial Midnight Burial Action Endurance Endurance 1 2Rare Rare Betray
Choose a creature in your deck. Create a copy of that creature in your discard pile and give it +1/+1.
Midnight Sweep Midnight Sweep Action Endurance Endurance 4 2Rare Rare Prophecy
Summon a 2/2 Colovian Trooper with Guard in each lane.
Mighty Conjuring Mighty Conjuring Action Intelligence Intelligence 7 4Legendary Legendary Summon a random Atronach. If you have a creature with 5 power or more, summon a Lava Atronach instead.
Moment of Clarity Moment of Clarity Action Intelligence Intelligence 2 3Epic Epic Reveal three random cards, then choose one to draw.
Monk's Strike Monk's Strike Action WillpowerAgility Monk 4 2Rare Rare Move a friendly creature and give it +3/+0 and Drain this turn.
Move in Shadows Move in Shadows Action Agility Agility 0 2Rare Rare Move a friendly creature. It moves again at the end of the turn.
Mummify Mummify Action Endurance Endurance 3 2Rare Rare Prophecy
Transform a creature into a 2/2 Shriveled Mummy.
Mute Mute Action Endurance Endurance 1 1Common Common Silence two creatures.
Nest of Vipers Nest of Vipers Action Agility Agility 10 4Legendary Legendary Fill a lane with Territorial Vipers.
Oblivion Invasion Oblivion Invasion Action Neutral Neutral 0 1Common Common Invade.
Old Salty's Assault Old Salty's Assault Action Neutral Neutral 5 3Epic Epic Summon one of each Mudcrab from your deck.
Orvas' Bargain Orvas' Bargain Action Willpower Willpower 0 2Rare Rare Give an enemy creature -1/-0 and a friendly creature +1/+0 this turn.
Outflank Outflank Action Willpower Willpower 1 1Common Common Prophecy
Give a friendly creature in each lane +0/+2 and Guard.
Painted World Painted World Action Neutral Neutral 12 3Epic Epic Costs 2 less for each attribute you have in play. Costs 2 less if you have a Neutral card in play. Summon a Painted Troll in each lane.
Paralyze Paralyze Action Agility Agility 0 1Common Common Shackle an enemy creature.
Piercing Javelin Piercing Javelin Action Willpower Willpower 5 1Common Common Prophecy
Destroy a creature.
Plea to Kynareth Plea to Kynareth Action Endurance Endurance 3 2Rare Rare Heal all friendly creatures in a lane, then give them all +1/+1.
Plunder Plunder Action Strength Strength 2 3Epic Epic Put two random items into your hand.
Power of the Almsivi Power of the Almsivi Action IntelligenceWillpowerEndurance Tribunal Temple 8 3Epic Epic Set each creature's power and health to 1.
Raiding Party Raiding Party Action Strength Strength 3 2Rare Rare Put two 1/1 Nord Firebrands with Charge into your hand.
Ransack Ransack Action Agility Agility 6 2Rare Rare Prophecy
Deal 3 damage and gain 3 health.
Rapid Shot Rapid Shot Action Strength Strength 1 1Common Common Deal 1 damage to a creature. If it survives, draw a card.
Reanimate Reanimate Action Endurance Endurance 9 4Legendary Legendary Summon a creature from your discard pile.
Revealing the Unseen Revealing the Unseen Action Intelligence Intelligence 3 2Rare Rare Put two random actions into your hand.
Reverberating Strike Reverberating Strike Action Intelligence Intelligence 3 1Common Common Deal 3 damage to a creature and all enemy creatures with the same name.
Rising of Bones Rising of Bones Action Endurance Endurance 4 1Common Common Betray
Summon a 3/3 Risen Horror with Guard.
Salvage Salvage Action Strength Strength 2 3Epic Epic Choose an item in your discard pile. Draw it and all items with the same name from your discard pile.
Sanctuary Raid Sanctuary Raid Action Willpower Willpower 7 1Common Common Destroy an enemy creature. Give all friendly creatures in its lane +1/+1.
Scout's Report Scout's Report Action AgilityEndurance Scout 1 2Rare Rare Look at the top card of your deck. You may discard it.
Draw a card.
Scouting Patrol Scouting Patrol Action Willpower Willpower 1 1Common Common Summon a 1/1 Imperial Grunt in each lane.
Shadow Shift Shadow Shift Action Agility Agility 1 1Common Common Move a friendly creature.
Draw a card.
Shadowmarking Shadowmarking Action Agility Agility 3 3Epic Epic Look at the top three cards of your deck. Choose one to put into your opponent's hand and draw the other two.
Siege of Stros M'Kai Siege of Stros M'Kai Action Neutral Neutral 10 4Legendary Legendary If you started the game with no duplicate cards in your deck, play a random creature, item, support and action from your deck.
Skeever Infestation Skeever Infestation Action Strength Strength 3 2Rare Rare Summon a Skeever in each lane with power and health equal to the number of Infestations you've played. Shuffle two copies of this into your deck.
Slaughterfish Spawning Slaughterfish Spawning Action Neutral Neutral 4 2Rare Rare Summon a Slaughterfish in each lane.
Smash and Grab Smash and Grab Action Willpower Willpower 2 2Rare Rare Give friendly creatures with Pilfer +2/+0 and Breakthrough this turn.
Smoked Baliwog Leg Smoked Baliwog Leg Action Endurance Endurance 0 1Common Common Heal a creature.
Smuggler's Haul Smuggler's Haul Action Agility Agility 6 3Epic Epic Put four random 0-cost cards into your hand.
Sorcerer's Negation Sorcerer's Negation Action IntelligenceEndurance Sorcerer 2 2Rare Rare Silence a creature, then deal 2 damage to it.
Soul Shred Soul Shred Action Intelligence Intelligence 5 4Legendary Legendary For each attribute your opponent is playing, Banish the top 2 cards of your opponent's deck.
Empower: +1 card per attribute.
Soul Split Soul Split Action Intelligence Intelligence 2 1Common Common Sacrifice a creature to summon a 3/2 Sundered Shade in each lane.
Soul Tear Soul Tear Action Endurance Endurance 3 1Common Common Shout
Level 1: Draw a creature from your discard pile.
Level 2: Draw a creature from your discard pile and give it +2/+2.
Level 3: Draw a creature from your discard pile and give it +5/+5.
Soulburst Soulburst Action Neutral Neutral 13 4Legendary Legendary Costs 1 less for each Unique creature in your discard pile.
Banish a creature. Deal 3 damage to all enemies.
Sound the Alarm Sound the Alarm Action Willpower Willpower 0 1Common Common Enemy creatures lose Cover.
Spellsword's Summoning Spellsword's Summoning Action WillpowerEndurance Spellsword 3 2Rare Rare Summon a random 1-cost creature in each lane.
Spirit Knife Spirit Knife Action Intelligence Intelligence 7 1Common Common Deal 7 damage to a creature. Draw a card.
Spoils of War Spoils of War Action Agility Agility 5 1Common Common Draw two cards.
Empower: Costs 1 less.
Squish the Wimpy Squish the Wimpy Action Endurance Endurance 2 2Rare Rare A friendly creature Battles an enemy creature.
Stand Watch Stand Watch Action Willpower Willpower 2 1Common Common Prophecy
Give a creature Guard. Draw a card.
Stone Throw Stone Throw Action Strength Strength 3 1Common Common Destroy an enemy creature if you have a creature with higher power.
Strange Brew Strange Brew Action Intelligence Intelligence 1 2Rare Rare Transform a creature in your hand into a random creature that costs 2 more. Reduce its cost by 2.
Strategic Deployment Strategic Deployment Action Endurance Endurance 4 1Common Common Summon two 1/1 Recruits in each lane.
Suppress Suppress Action Endurance Endurance 0 2Rare Rare Silence a creature.
Swift Strike Swift Strike Action Agility Agility 3 2Rare Rare Give a creature an extra attack this turn.
Telekinesis Telekinesis Action Intelligence Intelligence 4 3Epic Epic Equip all your items in play to a friendly creature.
The Crisis Begins The Crisis Begins Action Willpower Willpower 6 1Common Common Destroy a creature.
The End of Vampires The End of Vampires Action Willpower Willpower 7 1Common Common Cost 1 less for each undead creature in your opponent's lanes and discard pile.
Banish a creature.
The Red Year The Red Year Action Strength Strength 10 4Legendary Legendary Deal 10 damage to each creature.
The Ultimate Heist The Ultimate Heist Action Agility Agility 12 3Epic Epic Costs 3 less for each time you've Pilfered or Drained this turn.
Deal damage to your opponent destroying their front rune. Steal the card drawn from the rune. If it's a Prophecy, you may play it for free.
Thievery Thievery Action Agility Agility 3 1Common Common Deal 3 damage to your opponent and gain 3 health.
Traitor's Flames Traitor's Flames Action Intelligence Intelligence 7 3Epic Epic Betray
Deal 2 damage to all enemy creatures in a lane.
Transmogrify Transmogrify Action Intelligence Intelligence 7 2Rare Rare Sacrifice a creature to summon the top creature from your deck.
Trespasser's Bane Trespasser's Bane Action Endurance Endurance 2 1Common Common Set a creature's power to 1.
Trial of Flame Trial of Flame Action Strength Strength 5 2Rare Rare Choose a lane. Destroy all creatures except for the most powerful creature on both sides of that lane.
Tullius' Conscription Tullius' Conscription Action Neutral Neutral 12 3Epic Epic Summon one of each creature from your deck that costs 2 or less.
Ulfric's Uprising Ulfric's Uprising Action Neutral Neutral 7 3Epic Epic Trigger the Summon of each friendly creature.
Unexpected Arrival Unexpected Arrival Action Willpower Willpower 3 3Epic Epic Invade, then summon a random Daedra with cost equal to your Oblivion Gate's level.
Unfinished Business Unfinished Business Action Strength Strength 6 3Epic Epic Costs 3 less for each friendly Wounded creature.
Unsummon a creature. Then you may unsummon a friendly creature.
Unite the Houses Unite the Houses Action Neutral Neutral 3 4Legendary Legendary If you have at least one card of each attribute, you win the game.
Unrelenting Force Unrelenting Force Action Strength Strength 3 1Common Common Shout
Level 1: Unsummon an enemy creature with power 3 or less.
Level 2: Unsummon an enemy creature.
Level 3: Unsummon all enemy creatures in a lane.
Unstoppable Rage Unstoppable Rage Action Strength Strength 8 3Epic Epic A friendly creature deals damage equal to its power to all other creatures in its lane.
Vvardvark Experiment Vvardvark Experiment Action Endurance Endurance 0 2Rare Rare Summon a 0/1 Vvardvark in each lane.
Wake the Dead Wake the Dead Action Endurance Endurance 2 1Common Common Draw a Spirit or Skeleton creature of your choice from your deck and give it +0/+1.
War Cry War Cry Action Willpower Willpower 4 2Rare Rare Give friendly creatures in a lane +2/+0 this turn.
Warrior's Fury Warrior's Fury Action StrengthEndurance Warrior 3 2Rare Rare Give a random creature and item in your hand +2/+2.
Waves of the Fallen Waves of the Fallen Action Endurance Endurance 8 3Epic Epic Transform all enemy creatures in a lane into 2/2 Stricken Draugrs, or transform all friendly creatures in a lane into 5/5 Hulking Draugrs.
Weakness Weakness Action Endurance Endurance 2 1Common Common Set a creature's health to 1.
Whispering Claw Strike Whispering Claw Strike Action Agility Agility 6 1Common Common Prophecy
Give an enemy creature -2/-2 and a friendly creature +2/+2.
Whodunit? Whodunit? Action Endurance Endurance 8 3Epic Epic Costs 1 less for each creature in your discard pile.
Gain +2 max magicka.
Wild Clumsiness Wild Clumsiness Action Intelligence Intelligence 3 1Common Common Betray
Shackle a random enemy creature in each lane.
Winter's Grasp Winter's Grasp Action Intelligence Intelligence 5 3Epic Epic Shackle all enemy creatures.
Wisdom of Ancients Wisdom of Ancients Action Intelligence Intelligence 2 3Epic Epic Prophecy
Give each friendly creature a random Keyword.
Wish Wish Action Willpower Willpower 4 2Rare Rare Summon a random 2-cost creature.
Empower: +1 cost creature.
Writ of Execution Writ of Execution Action Willpower Willpower 4 1Common Common Choose an enemy creature. At the start of your turn, destroy it and put a Completed Contract into your hand.


  • High Elves have a chance of earning extra Action cards, and High Elf creatures are themed around Actions.