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User talk:TobyD

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Hello and welcome to my talk page. Feel free to chat with me here. I'm fairly new to this site as a member, but not as a user. I've used this site for a while and love it!


Hi TobyD! Welcome to UESPWiki. If you're interested, the help files, getting started guide, and style guide will give you some good ideas for how to contribute. Feel free to ask if you have any questions! --Eshetalk11:15, 12 November 2007 (EST)

Thank you for the warm welcome Eshe. :) --TobyD 07:49, 13 November 2007 (EST)

Sacks Project[edit]

Okay, I thought it was about time we move the discussion over here ;). As far as your project goes, you may be interested in the (not very recent) discussion here. Now, this is not to say that your list won't be useful--what you could do, depending how much time you plan on spending with this, is make the list, break it down according to location, and then move pieces of it onto the appropriate location pages. (A sortable table like the one here might be rather userful for that.) It would be possible to make one list, then reference it from relevant pages, but considering how the server has been behaving, I think an additional long list is the last thing it needs right now!

As far as the actual list-building goes, the Construction Set would probably be the fastest way, if you know how to do it, and it would help ensure that you haven't missed any. I just took a look in the CS to see if I could find the right information, and I did, so if you need help getting there I can show you the way. In any case, it's going to be a long list...ChestHouseTreasuryMiddle02, for example, has 63 instances! DUN0Barrel02 has 269...yikes!

Well anyway, I hope I haven't discouraged you at all. These projects can be daunting, but are often worth it ;). I'll be available on and off all day (and basically any other day), so let me know if you need anything! --Eshetalk10:28, 13 November 2007 (EST)

Eshe, thank you for your honesty and opinion regarding this project. I know some of these projects can be daunting and quite a challenge. The question about the sacks is something me and my friend have both been constantly curious about. The questions I have are: a. Would this be more for someone who has more experience digging around for this sort of information, and b. Would there be a way we can launch this as a community project so I don't have to do everything? ;) --TobyD 11:20, 13 November 2007 (EST)
a.) There's no reason at all not to learn! It might theoretically go faster if someone with more experience took it on, but in reality, most of those people are already working on other projects. Plus, there's lots of people here to help you along the way if you need it! A slow learning experience is better than none at all ;).
b.) You can always make a post on the Community Portal to see if anyone is interested, but there's never a guarantee that anybody will jump in on the project. I'd be willing to help with the actual process here and there (other than giving you random help along the way), but it'll be intermittent at best. I can look into making some sort of data dump to help you out, though...I'll let you know how that works out! --Eshetalk16:48, 13 November 2007 (EST)
Eshe, I've recently had to reformat my PC and so therefore, my PC Oblivion went poofy. So I'll be reinstalling everything including the CS later on today or tomorrow. I'll look into the dump and more to try and give me a little bit of help. ;) And any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. --TobyD 06:40, 14 November 2007 (EST)

Book Project[edit]

Hi, TobyD, welcome to the site :) I noticed the question you asked on Endareth's page about books. I just thought I'd mention that Endareth hasn't been active on the site for quite some time now and based on the message on his talk page isn't likely to be back soon either. As for the books, a huge amount has been done since Endareth was active on the project, so the task list on his user page is all pretty much complete (and in some cases obsolete, because of decisions to change details of the organization). The Task List is more up-to-date in terms of what needs to be done, in particular under Tamriel there are details about what needs to be done with the book formatting. If you'd like to dive in and tackle some of that, the help would always be welcome. Feel free to ask if you have any questions! --NepheleTalk 12:25, 14 November 2007 (EST)

Hi, Nephele, thanks for the welcome to the site. I've been a user on the site for quite some time now, but never until now became a member. I'd like to help out and contribute in any way that I can. I started to work on the book list you provided, however I ran into a problem when I was trying to use the Book Summary with the Mysterium Xarxes. I removed my attempt, so there's nothing to cleanup, but I was wondering if I was just tired or if there's something I missed. Thanks! --TobyD 07:53, 15 November 2007 (EST)
The information you were adding to that page belongs on the game-specific page, i.e. Oblivion:Mysterium Xarxes rather than Tamriel:Mysterium Xarxes; those parameters all get ignored on Tamriel pages because they are not expected to be added there. --NepheleTalk 11:31, 15 November 2007 (EST)
LOL! I see, well that would certainly explain it. Thanks for the info. I'll get right to it then. Thanks. :)
Okay, small problem... I'm assuming because of the size of the image file, the Summary Box pushes one of the pages down some and it looks really yucky. I'll need to reduce the size of the image in order for the Summary Box to effective fit. Any suggestions?
I'd guess that adding the tag {{NewLine}} after the summary box (and before the {{Tamriel:Mysterium Xarxes}} bit) should clean things up. (When you copy that code, you don't want the "nowiki" tags that are visible when you edit the page; you just want what's visible in the standard view of the page). The NewLine tag will force the images to all appear after the summary box. If it still doesn't look quite right, just go ahead and save the page anyway: that way I can see what exactly it's looking like ;) --NepheleTalk 14:07, 15 November 2007 (EST)