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User talk:Nephele/Archive-2007-08

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Error in data?[edit]

In User:GuildKnight/Sandbox/3#Marauder, you'll see that I copied what you sent me for the Marauder containers. Well, on Oblivion:Dungeons#Boss Chests, it shows that there are 3 boss Marauder containers; an Ayleid Reliquary, an Ayleid Coffer, and a Chest. However, in the info I have, it only states the one is a boss container, namely the "DungMarauderBossChestFort." Also, the info I have shows Chests 01, 02, 03, and 04, the Boss Fort Chest, and also "DungMarauderChestAyleid02." Are there a couple of mistakes, and if so, which are mistakes and which are correct? Any help would be greatly appreciated. --GuildKnight (Talk) contribs 22:16, 26 July 2007 (EDT)

Hmmm, there are indeed three types of Marauder Boss Chest: "DungMarauderBossChestAlyied01", "DungMarauderBossChestAlyied02", "DungMarauderBossChestFort". I'm not sure why the listing I sent you would only have contained one of them. I know since I sent you that listing I've spent a ton more time on all the dungeons, and figured out a lot of things that I didn't understand previously. I hadn't thought any of those would have major effects on the data you've been working with (although it does explain some of the red links that have been popping up in the lists of dungeons). But obviously I need to double check all that data. I'll try to do that in the next day! --NepheleTalk 22:33, 26 July 2007 (EDT)
Thanks for looking into it. --GuildKnight (Talk) contribs 22:56, 26 July 2007 (EDT)
Sorry it took me so long to get this done. The main problem with the original list in your sandbox was that it was skipping containers that were not in dungeons (and a couple dungeons were being skipped, too, so some containers that really are used in the game got skipped).
I've now regenerated all the data I originally gave you, taking advantage of everything that I've added in order to get all the place pages replaced. I went ahead and just posted the lists of dungeons on the appropriate pages; that was the easiest way for me to go through the lists and double check for mistakes. For the containers, I've updated the relevant sections of your sandbox. In addition to (hopefully) getting a complete list of the dungeon chests, I've also added a few new bits of info:
  • The name of the container as shown in game (helpful for the pesky AyleidChest entries which can turn out to be Ayleid Casks, Ayleid Coffers, or Ayleid Reliquaries).
  • A count of the number of the containers found in the game.
  • How the chest is being linked to on the various place pages, to make it easier to get the linkable entries sorted out.
--NepheleTalk 03:03, 9 August 2007 (EDT)
So, I was starting on the Marauder Chests, and noticed a couple things: First, it says there are 0 Ayleid Coffers. Is that right, and if so, should it even be included in the table? Also, when looking at "linked to as..." for each of the containers, we've got "Chest 01," "Chest 03," "Chest 04," and "Chest." Is "Chest" supposed to be "Chest 02?" --GuildKnight (Talk) contribs 23:48, 18 August 2007 (EDT)
Yes, there are 0 boss-level Marauder Ayleid Coffers, at least in vanilla Oblivion (I haven't checked the official plugins or SI). I'd say it should still be included, though, especially since it is a boss-level chest.
The "Chest" you mention is actually the boss-level chest; its link points to the list of boss chests on the Dungeons page. So a link with a different name would probably be appropriate for the Marauder Dungeons page, i.e., "Boss Chest." As for the "Chest 02", I somehow accidentally deleted the intro line for that chest when I was cutting and pasting the data; I've restored the missing line now. --NepheleTalk 00:32, 19 August 2007 (EDT)

Sorry to ask again, I'm sure it's just an oversight, but I also noticed that the contest of the Marauder chests were doubled. I went ahead and changed it, but just wanted to double-check with you. --GuildKnight (Talk) contribs 01:29, 19 August 2007 (EDT)

Yeah, looks like that's going to be a problem with all of the new data I just added. And at the moment I'm too befuddled to figure out why that happened. But at least on the couple cases that I checked in more detail, it looks like the data is correct, just mysteriously doubled. --NepheleTalk 01:47, 19 August 2007 (EDT)
BTW, no rush on a response, but, what does "LL1LootRestorationMarauder" stand for? Restoration Potions? --GuildKnight (Talk) contribs 01:52, 19 August 2007 (EDT)
An easy question at last! :) In a nutshell, yes. Don't ask me why they have different leveled lists for the restoration potions in each type of dungeon, but they all come down to various combinations of healing, restore magicka, cure disease, cure poison, restore attribute, etc, etc. --NepheleTalk 02:13, 19 August 2007 (EDT)


ok nephele, since i trust you and all, can you perhaps tell me what e3 means. I am a hardcore gamer but i have never been told ant thats something you have to be told to know. --Jesus lover 14:11, 31 July 2007 (EDT)

Electronic Entertainment Expo. All ya gotta do is look it up ;). --Eshe 14:14, 31 July 2007 (EDT)
There are probably multiple meanings for E3, but I'd guess that you're asking about the "Electronic Entertainment Expo" which is the annual trade show for computer games, video games, etc. See E3. In the context of Oblivion specifically it can refer to demo content that was developed specifically for Oblivion's pre-release advertising at the 2005 E3 show. Most of that content can still be accessed in the construction set and is generally tagged "E3" in one way or another. --NepheleTalk 14:21, 31 July 2007 (EDT)

Thanks --Jesus lover 14:51, 31 July 2007 (EDT)

I could of swore sense it is the E3 "summit" that it is the top 3 names in electronic entertainment Nintendo, sony, Microsoft?--Most Honored Listener 00:17, 2 August 2007 (EDT)

The name only officially changed to "E3 Media and Business Summit" a year ago, when it became an industry/invitation-only event [1]. And besides, E3 existed long before the XBox came along. --Eshe 01:27, 2 August 2007 (EDT)
I understand that E3 is older than Xbox but Microsoft has been around allot longer and has always been big with games. I was just wondering because every time I hear about a summit I think of things like G8.--Most Honored Listener 01:36, 2 August 2007 (EDT)
Try reading through some of the wikipedia articles we've been including links to, in particular History of E3. There's no mention of Microsoft during the "Early Years" when the show's name was established. It's E3 because there are three "E"s in initials of its original name, "Electronic Entertainment Expo". It has nothing to do with three companies being represented at the show. --NepheleTalk 02:47, 2 August 2007 (EDT)
Ok thanks I had always had my own theory but no one I knew actually knew why it was called E3. Thanks for finally clearing that up.--Most Honored Listener 02:51, 2 August 2007 (EDT)

Ok, I looked it up on the wiki like eshe suggested, and it says its invite only, but is that just game producers or can gamers come on a whim? J/w b/c i would like to go sometimes. & why arent any ES games ever in it, or at least on the shows aired about it?

The new format is invitation-only which means, no, you can't go on a whim. However, as stated in Wikipedia's E3 article, there is a new Entertainment for All Expo which is open to the public and is designed to be a replacement for E3 as far as the general public is concerned.
Also, Elder Scrolls games are represented at E3. They just haven't been a big hot press item the last two years because there are no brand new Elder Scrolls games about to be released (although even so there have been press stories about Oblivion this year [2]). But Oblivion's original unveiling was at the 2005 E3, and it was a pretty big item at that show. In particular, Oblivion won four Best-of-E3 awards, and that generated all of the pre-release hype about the game. If you buy the collector's edition version of Oblivion, the bonus CD provides coverage of Oblivion at E3. --NepheleTalk 17:47, 5 August 2007 (EDT)

Giant Plants[edit]

How did you do your Giant Plants search, anyway? --Robin Hood 22:48, 1 August 2007 (EDT)

With the same tools that I've been using to do the plant maps (e.g., Image:OB-Map-Nirnroot.jpg) and the data/overlays for OPRP. I started by just putting together a few lines of code to read some basic info from the Oblivion.esm file, and ended up with a pretty extensive set of perl scripts that can read and process most of the game data. So I "just" read in the info on every item in the game, and then filtered by item type and size to get the ones I wanted. About five lines of new code, that took my computer about 10 minutes to process :) --NepheleTalk 22:59, 1 August 2007 (EDT)
Parsing Oblivion.esm. Very nice. I haven't gotten around to anything like that with Oblivion. I did a lot of work on Vampire - The Masquerade: Bloodlines though. --Robin Hood 23:03, 1 August 2007 (EDT)
If you ever want to, all the info you need is at Oblivion Mod:Mod File Format. But actually I'd recommend using something like Wrye's Bash instead of writing new code from scratch. I never planned to create something anywhere near as complex as what I've now got, so I didn't bother to do some simple research into the tools that were already out there. And by the time I found out what Bash could do, I'd already gone so far that it wasn't worth turning around. --NepheleTalk 23:18, 1 August 2007 (EDT)

Why can't i add this[edit]

Why can't i add to my idea? — Unsigned comment by (talk)

Because the link doesn't work, at least not for readers who don't have Belgian MSN accounts. And I don't really think more details are needed. --NepheleTalk 12:18, 3 August 2007 (EDT)


Someone has been removing the content from several important pages. I can't figure out how to revert them back because the help files page has been deleted. Vontos 00:18, 5 August 2007 (EDT)

Thanks for the heads up. He's been blocked, and the pages have all been restored. --NepheleTalk 00:30, 5 August 2007 (EDT)

Drain skill for trainers[edit]

Are you sure about the Drain skill? I know it works (as in it drains my ability levels), but it seemed like I still had to pay the trainers the same amount of gold as if the game was ignoring the Drain. I'm pretty sure I followed the steps exactly, unless I'm missing something not mentioned on the page. Make a Drain skill X for 100 points for 1 second, then cast it and immediately talk to the trainer while it is still in effect to make it appear your skill level is 0, which would make the training free at which point your base skill level of skill X would go up.Tpasqual 17:25, 6 August 2007 (EDT)

I double checked it in game just to be completely sure, and it worked as advertised. My acrobatics was at 52, so without any spells Ganredhel wanted to charge 520 for training. When I cast a 50 point drain acrobatics spell, my acrobatics was lowered to 5 (I was wearing armor, so 95% spell effectiveness), and Ganredhel wanted to charge 50. I let that spell expire, and then tried the 100 point drain acrobatics. My acrobatics skill was shown as being 0, and the charge for the acrobatics lesson was also 0, at least for the first lesson. Since I didn't bother to wait for the spell to expire and recast it, it then cost 10, 20, 30, and 40 gold for the next four lessons.
This was on Xbox 360 with all the patches installed. The most likely difference is that I didn't use a 1 second spell. I find trying to start a dialogue within a second is just too annoying, and my character has maxed-out magic skills and attributes, so there's no reason to be stingy with the spell duration. Therefore I was using 5 second spells in both cases. I'd guess if it's not working for you, it's because you're not managing to start the dialogue before the spell runs out. I'd at least suggest trying a longer duration spell before deciding that the trick doesn't work. --NepheleTalk 18:40, 6 August 2007 (EDT)

Does this have Copyrights?[edit]

Does this picture on this site have copyrights? If not, may I upload it to make my own userbox please? Sorry, for the trouble. --Playjex 12:35, 7 August 2007 (EDT)

Well, there is a copyright banner at the bottom of the web page. And it's generally safest to assume that images are not freely available, unless there's a pretty clear statement to the contrary. --NepheleTalk 15:47, 7 August 2007 (EDT)

Move Along...[edit]

Okay, Nephele, just for now I will discuss the Vandal thing with you later, but I wantted to propose the idea of making a "Welcome Back Eshe" thing so she feels greeted. Do you agree somehow? Any suggestions. For now, let's set asside our "conflict". Thank You --Playjex 19:27, 11 August 2007 (EDT)

If you'd like to do something to welcome Eshe back, go ahead :) --NepheleTalk 19:52, 11 August 2007 (EDT)
Hey, it's me Playjex. I'm just here to say that I apologize to you for any harm I have done to this site on accident. I did not mean to insult Ferocious, I will really read the guidelines and rules over again and the "Assume Good Faith Policy". Oh yeah, and the only reason I said "I apologized to him/her" was becaus eI thought I was pretty nice and respctful to Ferocious. If you are wondering why I am not logged in, it is because I started typing and forgot to log on lol. So I hope you take this apology seriously from. --Playjex P.S. I don't even like being known as "the uptight guy on vandal" idk even know how I go tthe name, I only dislike them, so GET THE NAME OFF MY HEAD EVERYBODY!!!
So, do you also want to take part in a greeting, or do you have any ideas? Because I don't want to go about messing with her userpage and all that, maybe we can create a temporary page named "Welcome Back To UESP Eshe!" or something like that. Have any thoughts? --Playjex 10:33, 12 August 2007 (EDT)
I'd suggest not editing her user page; her talk page seems to me like an appropriate place to leave a message. As for what you'd like to say, it seems like something that should be up to you. --NepheleTalk 12:51, 12 August 2007 (EDT)

Hi Question..Regarding thieves guild.[edit]

Im on the xbox 360 platform-(Regarding arrow Of Extrication Quest) and when I enter the door to take me to the north goes into loading and then its all looking good, then right at the end of loading, the screen goes dim and freezes up. I tries restarting my xbox but no hope. I even went back to the shop and changed the disk..still no hope i think its a common glitch but have never heard of anyone else with he same problem. Has this ever occurred to you or is there a way of fixing it? help, please because this is holding up my thieves guild questline. And also while im at it..I cant find the Grey Fox in Malintus Acrus' house, UESP suggests i try ion Helvius Cecia's house but he's still not there!...where is he? Please anyone with answers please help...Much appreciated. — Unsigned comment by OblivNerd (talkcontribs)

(Answered in discussions in IRC) --NepheleTalk 11:23, 18 August 2007 (EDT)

Humanoid Souls[edit]

I've seen humanoid souls referred to as black souls a few times on this site, but there are no black souls. Humanoids have grand souls. I would have just edited the pages which have black souls included on them, but I thought that I might miss some and thought that you might have a better and more efficient way to do that. Thanks. — Unsigned comment by Kevindrosario (talkcontribs)

Well, it's arguable whether or not there are "black" souls. In strength humanoid souls may be the same as grand souls, but they definitely are not synonymous with grand souls. In particular, the fact that humanoid souls can only be trapped by black soul gems is, in most cases, a very important distinction.
Personally, I think replacing all references to "black souls" with "grand souls" would be more confusing than helpful. But if you want get a community opinion on what terminology should be adopted, it would be better to ask your question somewhere else, for example, Oblivion Talk:Souls. And I think it would probably be a good idea to ask for a community opinion before making such a widespread change, in this case. --NepheleTalk 21:56, 12 August 2007 (EDT)

If i have expanded a stub[edit]

If i have expanded a stub do i need to remove the stub indicator or do you do that for me? — Unsigned comment by One On One (talkcontribs)

If you think it is appropriate to remove a stub tag, you can do so. If other editors feel that it is still needed, they may add it back in. Admins do not make decisions about the content of articles on the site, other than to the extent that admins are editors just like every other editor who contributes to the site. --NepheleTalk 11:20, 18 August 2007 (EDT)

Fame max?[edit]

What is the fame max in oblivion and shivering isles? Because at some point in the game my fame went way up. My current fame is 1019 is that right or not?--One On OneUser_talk:Nephele 23:23, 17 August 2007 (EDT

My guess is that you used the Frostcrag Spire Glitch to obtain Sigil Stones. You gain one fame point for every Sigil Stone you acquire using that glitch. --NepheleTalk 11:17, 18 August 2007 (EDT)

Thank you very much.--One On One

the ultimate hiest[edit]

help im playin on a ps3 and i went to do the ultimate hiest i escaped without the scrool and saved over the save before i started the mission can i get back in or not

help im playin on a ps3 and i went to do the ultimate hiest i escaped without the scrool and saved over the save before i started the mission can i get back in or not Email: Retrieved from ""

User Page[edit]

Could you delete my user page? I never intended to have a user page; another editor created it for me accidentally. --Saruuk 02:18, 19 August 2007 (EDT)

Sure, if you'd prefer to be a red link, who am I to wonder why? ;) --NepheleTalk 02:25, 19 August 2007 (EDT)


Hey Neph- ok, so stealing stuff from Umbacano's mansion has nothing to do with the Secrets of the Ayleids quest, so sure removing the comment about how he doesn't actually have any unusual objects in his house besides any Ayleid statues found by the player makes sense. But, then, where should this info go? (Perhaps on the Umbacano page?) And then why leave info about stealing the statues and how to bribe the guards to make that easier, once Umbacano is dead, on the page? It's not about the quest either.... I was irked because all the NPC's talk about how Umbacano is a collector of Ayleid stuff, but there is absolutely nothing in the house to illustrate this (although there are quest-related items on Umbacano that are quest-activated I believe, like the key the to Fane I think). It would have been cool if the game creators... who already did an amazing job... put two or three unique historical Ayleid objects in his house (so we can steal them...). --Natpoor 15:44, 26 August 2007 (EDT)

I'd vote for including that type of information in the Umbacano article. In general, it seems that the best place to describe interesting items (or lack thereof) in a NPC's house is on the NPC page. We don't have separate pages for NPC houses so far, and I doubt there's enough information to justify creating separate pages for the houses.
As for the info about stealing back the statues, it's admittedly marginal on the quest article. About the only justification is that it's describing items that are specific to that quest. But I could also see the information being moved to the Umbacano article if a section about his house were to be added there. --NepheleTalk 04:17, 27 August 2007 (EDT)


Topic reply and private message notifications are not working on the forums. I have already sent news of this to daveh; but wanted to let you know you have a new private message, since your e-mail is not listed and I am not a member of the wiki. Bear24.220.136.136 12:15, 29 August 2007 (EDT)

Thanks, Bear! I've already updated Bear by PM, but in case anyone else is wondering, there's followup to this issue at UESPWiki:Administrator Noticeboard#Email and Editing Problems (aka 5 minute bug). --NepheleTalk 00:46, 30 August 2007 (EDT)