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User talk:Nephele/Archive-2007-05

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More NPCs[edit]

I know I haven't finished the ingredient merchants yet, but I'm pretty sure I got all the restocking ones. (Most of the rest either don't have any ingredients to sell, or they're publicans who just sell basic food items like bread.) Anyhow, I can only work on those if I have the Construction Set handy, which isn't an option at work. What I could do from here would be the Transport service providers. Should be easy to separate them out, just by class. Look for Caravaner, Shipmaster, Guild Guide, and Gondolier. That should be all of them. I can get some of the info from Transport (you don't have to worry about transport destinations and locations, I think.), but the basic character info I'm not sure I have. Let me know if you can put that together. --TheRealLurlock Talk 10:15, 2 May 2007 (EDT)

38 new NPCs for you experiment on, in the usual place, including Bloodmoon (Tribunal didn't seem to have any transport-type folks). For the Morrowinders I'm now filling in full info for autocalc NPCs, but I haven't gotten to that yet for Bloodmoon and Tribunal, so there's missing Health and Magicka info for a bunch of the Bloodmooners. If I remember I'll try to get around to fixing that later today.
Now, to anticipate your next request and get the NPC Summary template so it works for all these guys (I don't think Gondoliers have been added there yet) :) --NepheleTalk 13:13, 2 May 2007 (EDT)
All autocalc NPC stats are now filled in (the only thing I still can't do for autocalc NPCs is figure out which skills they train if they are trainers... those NPCs will have an entry |train=?? and you'll need to fill in the question marks). And after freezing the server for the usual ten minutes, the NPC summary is updated, too. Let me know when you're ready for another set. The script is in good shape at this point, so it's really easy for me to churn out new sets: change one line in the script to select the desired NPCs, run the script, copy and paste. --NepheleTalk 15:55, 2 May 2007 (EDT)
I think there may be a slight glitch in your code. I've noticed that most of the Caravaners and Shipmasters are listed as buying and selling weapons. I'm pretty sure that none of them actually do, though I'd have to check the CS when I get home. I also noticed that with many of the Ingredient merchants, you had a number of them listed as dealing in weapons when they actually didn't, and those I confirmed in the CS when I saw them. Can you double check that one for me? --TheRealLurlock Talk 17:04, 2 May 2007 (EDT)
Thanks for keeping an eye on those details :) It took a few minutes of head-scratching, but I found the problem. That's the good news. The bad news is that the services (items sold, training, spellmaking, enchanting, repair) for all autocalc NPCs have been messed up so far. There haven't been too many autocalc NPCs up until now, although that may be because some have been overlooked when scanning for ingredient merchants. I'll start by replacing the info for the transport folks, then I'll see who got messed up in the ingredient merchants. --NepheleTalk 18:05, 2 May 2007 (EDT)
All fixed up! It looks like there's only one autocalc NPC who had been overlooked because of the glitch, Jeanne Andre (Tribunal), so I added her info (both summary and spells) onto Sandbox/4. Other than that, there were just a handful of false weapon and armor entries which have now all been cleaned out of the sandbox. Let me know if you notice any other inconsistencies! --NepheleTalk 18:45, 2 May 2007 (EDT)

I did some followup on Blatta Hateria, Rindral Dralor, and Vevrana Aryon, who didn't show up in my original lists (i.e., who didn't have one of the expected classes). In each case, they had one or more "DODT" subrecords in the esm file, each presumably corresponding to one of their transport destinations. They're the only three NPCs with DODT subrecords who weren't included earlier. For the two who were red links I dumped the NPC summary onto their pages, but I've left it up to you to fill in the rest of the page contents.

So, who's next? --NepheleTalk 11:42, 4 May 2007 (EDT)

Another simul-edit...
Oops, forgot those two quest-specific ones when I blanked the page. Good catch. I'll need to check some things in the CS to finish those pages, though, so that'll wait until I get home. In the meantime, what next? I'm thinking trainers, though there's quite a lot of them. (A large percentage of them actually being hostile bandits that you have to Calm in order to receive services from.) Merchants of any kind I can't really do without the CS handy to figure out what they sell. Of course, your problem with autocalc trainers will come up - there's going to be a lot of those. Although I did get that much info by hand when I did the Morrowind:Trainers page, though none of that has been checked in-game yet. We're also not confirmed on which skills are chosen when there's a 3rd-place tie - this would also require some in-game testing. If you could maybe specially mark those NPCs where this is an issue, we'll know who to check on later. --TheRealLurlock Talk 11:49, 4 May 2007 (EDT)
OK, now we're starting to get into mega-NPCs ;) Adding them all to one page is pretty unmanageable (by themselves, they're 153 kB of data). So for now I'm adding A-E to User:Nephele/Sandbox/4/ABCDE. If you want the rest, they're all ready, too, but I figured perhaps start with this set until you can check in game just how those 4th place ties work out.
For the ties, I've added a comment after the list of skills listing any other tied skills. Since it's a comment, it will only show up when you look at the page's source. Another possibility would be instead add the info to a fake template field that I could make show up in the tables on the sandbox page but would be ignored on the NPC pages.
And I spent a bit of extra time on the autocalcs, so now I can at least provide a list of the skills that should have the top skill scores, even if I can't tell you what the actual skill values are. So you just need to replace (??) with whatever the skill value is.
Let me know how that all looks! --NepheleTalk 13:46, 4 May 2007 (EDT)

Tamriel History[edit]

Some of the history pages are very complex and confusing, so I was wondering could we break the timeline into decade entries, and then have a page for each decade were it goes into further detail? This could simplify the page and allow some fo the breif referances to be expanded upon. What do you think? -Lordsword 8 13:26, 2 May 2007 (EDT)

I agree that the Tamriel History pages could use a lot of work. My first thought, though, is that having the whole timeline for each era on one page is useful, to make it possible to scan through everything at a glance. My suggestions would be:
  • Add some sections on each page (centuries? millennia? major events?) so that there's a table of contents on the top.
  • Somehow differentiate between "major" events and "minor" events (for example, I'd consider most of the "person x dies" and "person y born" entries to be minor). I'm not coming up with any good ideas right now on how to do that, though.
  • Create separate pages detailing important events and move the details to those pages, with links from the history timelines. For example, have a page on Camoran Usurper's Invasion (or perhaps a page on Camoran Usurper, including both info related to the person from Tamriel:People C and info from the history pages).
  • Add lots of cross links to the pages (for example, make people's names be links to their entries in the Tamriel People pages)
  • Make each entry a linkable entry. For example, change the title "3E 249 - Camoran Usurper Invades" to "3E 249 - {{Linkable Entry|Camoran Usurper Invades}}" so it can be cross-referenced more easily.
But those are just my ideas... if you're willing to do the work, feel free to do whatever makes the most sense to you :) --NepheleTalk 14:09, 2 May 2007 (EDT)


Hi, cheers for letting me know! I'll stop the redirecting then, no worries. Chiliflamingo 13:34, 4 May 2007 (EDT)

Consistency in NPC summaries; invulnerable ghosts.[edit]

I noticed you corrected the NPC summaries I added lately (Cartrus Gavinius, Cargas Laftrius) for consistency. Do you know the correct format for "health" if the NPC is a ghost and invulnerable? For example, in the Shivering Isles there are several ghost NPC's which are invulnerable, meaning they can not be harmed in any convential way. (I hope I didn't spoil too much about the expansion ;-))
For these NPC's I used: "Invulnerable<br>(NPC is ghost)"
Is there a page detailing such conventions? --Timenn 14:24, 8 May 2007 (EDT)

Details like that are pretty just being made up as we go ;) And I hope you didn't take any offense to me altering the summaries you had added. I did it mainly because it was easier, rather than because my way was better than yours: I'd just filled in all the other dead NPCs that way, and then realized that we'd done it slightly differently. It was less work to change the ones that you had done.
I'd say come up with your own convention for invulnerable ghosts. And if you get a chance, I'm pretty sure that the Sancre Tor ghosts (Ghost of Alain, Ghost of Casnar, Ghost of Rielus, and Ghost of Valdemar) also fall into that category... although I'm not seeing at the moment where that's specified in the .esm file. So if you could update their pages, too, that would be great! --NepheleTalk 15:21, 8 May 2007 (EDT)
No, no... no offence. :-)
At the moment I'm using "Invulnerable<br>(NPC is ghost)", so if that is no problem I will stick to that. Good point about the ghosts of the undead Blades in Sancre Tor. I was only thinking about the versions which you have to fight (the skeletons), and not the ones who speak to you afterwards. --Timenn 16:58, 8 May 2007 (EDT)

Place Link template[edit]

Just noticing an annoying discrepency with this template. With most other simple templates like this, you can just say "{{Quest Link|Some Quest}}". But with Place Link, you have to specify "{{Place Link|place=Some Place}}" or it won't work. Can't it just be made to automatically use the first variable as the "place" value, without having to specify "place="? I figure for any template that's likely to have only one or possibly two variables passed to it, there shouldn't be a need to give the variable names. I considered trying to fix it myself, but it looks like this might be complicated by the fact that it's also used by the Place Summary templates, so I figured it'd be safest to let you take a look at it. --TheRealLurlock Talk 10:05, 9 May 2007 (EDT)

It's been changed: as long as place is the first variable, "place=" does not have to be specified. BTW, the template actually isn't used by the place summary templates: they show the /Description page using their own code, not by using the Place Link template. --NepheleTalk 12:01, 9 May 2007 (EDT)
Ah, I guess I'm wrong about that - just wasn't sure what that whole #lcfirst thing was about, so I figured I'd leave it alone and let you figure it out. Thanks. --TheRealLurlock Talk 18:46, 9 May 2007 (EDT)


do you know how to install an rar file please help-- 14:16, 13 May 2007 (EDT)

First you need to use a program like WinRAR to unpack the file. What you need to do after that depends upon what the rar file contains. --NepheleTalk 15:23, 13 May 2007 (EDT)

Active Users[edit]

Just a quick question, wheres the active users special page gone? I dont seem to be able to find it. Is it just me? :) -Lordsword 8 12:44, 15 May 2007 (EDT)

Good point. It seems to have disappeared in the upgrade that happened yesterday. I'll let Daveh know about it so he can fix it. --NepheleTalk 12:49, 15 May 2007 (EDT)

Underwater passage[edit]

Hey dude, Uhm, so the way into that weird place is ABOVE that "Giant Slaughter Fish" ? Which wall should I follow and how long? like the north wall and that ... Ty for helping mate :) — Unsigned comment by (talk)

As it says in the article: "About six feet down (only part of the way down) there is a tunnel on the north side of the shaft." --NepheleTalk 13:16, 15 May 2007 (EDT)
Should I go through the first hole at bottom?? — Unsigned comment by (talk)
Starting from the top of the shaft it will be the first tunnel exiting the shaft on the north side. It should be pretty obvious when you're in the right place, because the tunnel will lead up and out of the water in a short distance and you'll be back in regular tunnels. --NepheleTalk 17:40, 15 May 2007 (EDT)


We were recently having a conversation on the Bloodcrust vampires. You still havenot answered my question. I asked if you had any idea where the vampires might have gone.


Lilcocomojoe 579 18:40, 19 May 2007 (EDT)lilcocomojoe579

Sorry, I have no idea where they might have gone if they're not in the cave any more. --NepheleTalk 19:01, 19 May 2007 (EDT)

Console Codes[edit]

What are console codes? Can they be used on XBOX 360? Lilcocomojoe 579 21:14, 19 May 2007 (EDT)lilcocomojoe579

Oblivion:Console and Oblivion:Console Command Tutorial explain console codes. Basically, on the PC, there's a console you can open in the game where you can enter commands that control just about everything in the game. It's not available on Xbox 360 or PS3. --NepheleTalk 23:51, 19 May 2007 (EDT)


About 3 weeks ago I was approved for patroller powers, but since then nothings changed, I havent been granted them. I just wondered if you new what the situation was? -Lordsword 8 14:08, 20 May 2007 (EDT)

Sorry it's taken so long. First Daveh was away, then when he got back he upgraded the wiki which accidentally disabled the patroller feature in some ways. He just got that problem fixed this morning, so I'll see if I can get his attention now and get you added to the patroller list. Hopefully it won't be too much longer :) --NepheleTalk 14:29, 20 May 2007 (EDT)
Thanks very much. I wasnt blaming anyone by the way, I just wondered if id been given them without me noticing or something :) -Lordsword 8 14:37, 20 May 2007 (EDT)
Congratulations, you're now a patroller! Some of the instructions on the UESPWiki:Patrollers page are out of date. In particular, you no longer need to change your user preferences to "Mark edits I make as patrolled" -- that is now enabled automatically (and you don't have any choice about it). Feel free to ask if you have any questions. --NepheleTalk 21:19, 20 May 2007 (EDT)

Q/A about my User page[edit]

I posted this question on Somercy's talk page (whom I have great respect for), but just realized that Somercy isn't an administrator and figured that two ppl hearing my question is better than just one... so here it goes: I use UESP and another Elder Scrolls Wiki "hand in hand", and was curious if it is some sort of violation to just copy-paste my user page from here to my user page there (I'm quite lazy and also like how the page is turning out thus far) (I also acknowledge, and will delete the images ((or at least the lines of code for the pix)) before I would copy the info)--Skober 07:21, 29 May 2007 (EDT)

Anything you write on the site is fundamentally your property and you are free to copy it wherever you would like to. Copyrights only start to become ugly once multiple people have contributed to a page, but that's not an issue for your user page. Copyright and Ownership provides more info. So copy away :) --NepheleTalk 10:45, 29 May 2007 (EDT)
Cool, Thanks for the insight!--Skober 11:07, 29 May 2007 (EDT)

Thank you![edit]

Thanks for the nice comment on Oblivion_Talk:People#Jer_Lee. I just thought it was time I gave something back given the amount of help this site has given me! Rpeh 11:46, 31 May 2007 (EDT)