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User talk:Lordvader178

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Hi! Welcome to UESPWiki. Thanks for the work you've been doing such as adding details to various NPC pages. Your latest additions to Oblivion:Classes, however, have all been removed because the content was all copyrighted material. The information all came from an IGN FAQ which clearly states at the bottom in its copyright notice:

This file may NOT be posted, or sold (complete or in part), on ANY website or media without express written consent from myself.

Therefore copying sections of his FAQ onto the Wiki is plagiarism and is legally prohibited. Even for content on other websites with a less restrictive copyright, verbatim copying of any content is strongly discouraged; we would prefer that our editors write any contributions themselves. The warning underneath every edit box clearly warns editors about our copyright policy.

You are welcome to continue contributing to the site, as long as you write yourself anything that you submit. --Nephele 11:21, 21 February 2007 (EST)

Actually, I'm not sure about that. I notice that the same text (at least mostly) is used in the descriptions on Morrowind:Classes, and I'm pretty sure this is the description given in the game for the classes. I'd have to check when I get home to see if that's where it comes from. Or you could ask Booyah Boy, who created that page, but I haven't seen him online in a while. --TheRealLurlock Talk 11:38, 21 February 2007 (EST)
My apologies. Lurlock's right, they are the Morrowind in-game class descriptions. So we're all just borrowing Bethesda's copyrighted content under the fair use doctrine. I should have checked Morrowind first before leaping to conclusions. And in fact, looking back at my google search, it even gave me the Morrowind:Classes link but I skipped past it thinking it was just showing me the Oblivion:Classes page. The perils of trying to being productive before 8 am ;) So, again, I'm sorry about overlooking the obvious and assuming the worst. I'll reinstate all your edits. Feel free to ask if you have any questions or are in any way confused by all this confusion :) --Nephele 12:13, 21 February 2007 (EST)

New article[edit]

May I advise you work on your guide in a Sandbox page before adding it to the actual wiki as it can be confusing for some users to tell what is a finished article. --Volanaro 08:24, 23 April 2008 (EDT)

Or create your own sandbox page so it won't be deleted it could go here perhaps: User:Lordvader178/Sandbox just a thought --Volanaro 08:27, 23 April 2008 (EDT)
Just to follow up on what Volanaro said on his talk page. What you've posted really doesn't seem appropriate as a UESP article in my opinion. If you would like to keep it as a personal user guide in your own user space (i.e., keep it at User:Lordvader178/Sandbox), then that's fine. But to have it as an article in the Oblivion namespace that is listed on Oblivion pages, it needs to meet our Style Guide. In particular, that means the content should not be redundant with other articles. Also, the content should match the title. Right now it really just reads as a list of your personal preferences for how to max out the game, with little else in common between the different parts of the page.
Finally, I think that dedicated guides should be limited to topics that are of interest to a significant fraction of the people who play Oblivion. Generally that means the information is relevant to completing quests or doing other activities that are a standard part of gameplay. I really don't think that most players are interested in finding out how to raise an undead army. If we start filling the Oblivion pages with detailed guides that are only of interest to ten people, then it will just make it more difficult to find the information that 99% of readers are looking for. So it seems to me that the information is best left on your own user page. --NepheleTalk 12:54, 23 April 2008 (EDT)
(Following comments moved here from User talk:Nephele to reduce the number of different talk pages containing disucssion)
I'm sorry for interrupting this little disscussion, but i have something else to :). About what Nelphene said, about 10 or so people using it, i can clearly see this as false (even though it was just a saying). Me and the other worker have posted this on numerous sites, and on each site, we have gotten over 200 replies. Which equals over 1500+ people. Obviously, this again may not seem like much, but it all counts. Half of those people requested it be put on Uesp, for easier viewing and because it's tidier, so i did what they asked. You are taking the best interest of the site at heart, and i appreciate this. If people get bored of Oblivion (which they will after 400+ hours), then they will go this site, do everything on it, and be bored. The Faq i created gives them reason to start playing again, and even intiative to start a new game. They can have limitless options with this, that can make their fun and experimentation worthwhile, and keep them playing longer. I may be overexaggerating, but this is how i feel. I want people to see it, and this is the most visited oblivion site on the web. If i keep it in my own profile, no one will see it, and all that work counts for nothing. Again, it is your choice, but i am asking to reconsider. I am not begging, nor pleading, but asking nicely. I can change it to whatever you deem necassary, and you can move it to wherever it deserves to be.
Regards, Josh
P.S I also saw the notice on the actual page:
1: I can easily delete the first person experiences, it's not hard
2: I can change the title, and the reason it's on my sandbox page is because i don't want to lose it. — Unsigned comment by Lordvader178 (talkcontribs)
If you would like to improve the article there are at least two major things that need to be done:
  • Eliminate redundancy. Sections of the article discussing other topics should be moved to / integrated with the appropriate articles on the site. All that your main article should contain is a link to the article that is devoted to that information. Trying to repeat the information just for the sake of "combining everything that's related into a single article" ultimately does not work. Read UESPWiki:Style Guide#Redundancy for reasons why it doesn't work.
  • Move the main article to an appropriate location. From what you're saying, the information still isn't of interest to the general Oblivion audience. If you see it as a Oblivion:Things To Do When You're Bored|Things To Do When You're Bored activity, then it should be integrated with that article; if it's a Roleplaying activity, then it belongs there. Those are the articles where readers will be looking for these types of suggestions, so that's where the information should be added. --NepheleTalk 17:05, 23 April 2008 (EDT)

Hmm. I guess i can do this. But i may need your help, if this is ok. The first thing i am a little cofused about, and i will agree there is a bit of redundant information. The thing is, i have the same thing in there a few times, and it is so far apart, i forget that it has already been said. The second thing: I see it as a things to do when you bored activity, not really a roleplaying one. However, if i put it in the "things to do when your bored", it is not integrated into sperate pages, thefore, what i left of this article when i am supposedly finish with it (which will still be alot), it will take up most of the page anyway. So i will need a bit of help on this. Also, i'm still newe to the site, and i don't know how to do those links you can put into a page to click and go somewhere else.

I may need some help with revamping this guide, if it is ok with you. if you can't i understand, it just may take a while, that's all. And i have no idea what to remove anyway. Personally i don't see anything as redundant, so again i may need your help.

Thanks in advance.

Regards, Josh — Unsigned comment by Lordvader178 (talkcontribs)

I had a quick read of the page and found some of the ways of obtaining un-obtainable items via the Skull of Corruption quite interesting. There are some pretty useful tips here- I'll have to try them out some time! Once the redundancy and first person comments have gone, this could be a good article.--Willyhead/t 08:02, 24 April 2008 (EDT)

^^ I am going to have to fix it up i guess. I can easily eliminate the first person comments, but i am not so sure about the redundancy. I am going to take a long time to fix it, because my computer is slow until next month, which is when i shall fix it up. But thanks for that mate, appreciate it :).

Regards, Josh