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User talk:Krusty/Arc 2012a

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Archive 2012 pt 1[edit]

This is an archive of previous comments on my talk page. Please do not post a message here - use this link to go to the active page instead. Thanks.

shivering isles[edit]

i have shivering isles but when i go to the strange door, there's only tonnes of exclamation marks in the air and the people related to the quest a swimming around in that area. i have no idea what's wrong but i could use some help. 02:37, 6 January 2012 (UTC)

Hmm, I'd really like to help, but I've never experienced anything like that. Where did you get the SI? --Krusty 12:49, 6 January 2012 (UTC)
Well a bunch of exclamation marks means you are missing the right meshes. Reinstalling the game should do the trick (your save games are safe in your documents folder) ~ Dwarfmp 16:13, 6 January 2012 (UTC)

GOTY trouble[edit]

I have Oblivion Goty on my mac but neither knights of the nine or shivering isles works. When I go to the church in anvil, there is no slaughtering and prophecy anywhere and when I go to the strange door, there's just a lot of exclamation marks. Poontra 04:31, 8 January 2012 (UTC)

Hmm, I can do nothing but point you towards the topic and answer just above this one - and don't take this the wrong way, but maybe you should start a thread on our forum about this problem. It seems that more and more people get exclamation marks these days, so it may be worth it to find out how many. --Krusty 08:28, 8 January 2012 (UTC)
I know how to fix shivering isles, it's just i can't find any of my oblivion files. — Unsigned comment by Poontra (talkcontribs) at 02:12 on 9 January 2012
And, as I said, I can't help you. Look at the thread above this one, find another user knowledgable about OB on PC - or try the forums. --Krusty 12:45, 9 January 2012 (UTC)
The exlamation marks mean that the game failed to load the files. Try a re-install of the addons and the game.--I a m g o o f b a l l--Need Something? Drop by on my Talk Page. What I've done for this site. 20:53, 16 January 2012 (UTC)

Revisions to Mourning Never Comes?[edit]

I do not understand your reversion of my edit to the Skyrim:Mourning Never Comes page. In your edit summary, you mentioned I should consider "keeping layout and information intact"; I believe I did so.

Specifically, I:

  • Changed "all citizens knows" to "all citizens know"
  • Changed "hit" to "befell", which carries a more appropriate connotation vis-a-vis "tragedy" and "life".
  • Removed "when speaking to", because it doesn't seem necessary.
  • Changed "both of them" to "both".
  • Removed "especially Tova" as it seemed unnecessary. Perhaps this should remain, but I believe it should not be stuck onto the end of the sentence--it would flow better worked in earlier (and I'll be happy to do that).
  • Changed "plans her revenge" to "plans revenge", which is more concise.
  • Changed "the shattered family tries to move on in life including your target, Nilsine Shatter-Shield" to "the shattered family—including your target, Nilsine Shatter-Shield—tries to carry on with their lives". The "including..." at the end dangles and seems awkward. Also, when referring to lives, "carry on" is more commonly used than "move on".
  • Added a paragraph break because we were talking about the family history and are changing to Nilsine and her habits.
  • Changed "she" to "Nilsine" because the pronoun at the beginning of the new paragraph has no clear antecedent.
  • Changed the comma to a colon per the MOS because the clause introduces a list.
  • Changed "trigger her anger during conversation" to "entice her to attack using conversation" because whether or not an NPC is angry is irrelevant; a bounty-free kill may only be made after an NPC initiates an attack against the player character.
  • Added a paragraph break before the sentence about Tova committing suicide.

Perhaps the way the diff is presented made it look like I had removed text that was actually pushed down to a subsequent paragraph. I do a great deal of recent-change patrolling on Wikipedia and have seen that happen several times. I've spent many years copy-editing, though, and it wasn't my intent to damage the article; rather, I tried to make the text a little more concise and easy-flowing, while fixing a couple of minor errors.

I also understand you were the original author. Good job! (And thanks for your hard work, BTW.)

I'm anxious to work with you to reach an agreement on this. What do you think? (You can answer here; I'm watching the page.)

Thanks! — UncleBubba T @ C ) 02:27, 22 January 2012 (UTC)

Hey there! Thanks for your message. I regret that I didn’t provide a more ‘fulfilling’ edit summary and that it sounded a bit harsh. What you did was basically okay and the main reason for my revert was the layout. If you click the article you will see a consistent layout throughout the page. If you click your edit you will see that the section you edited disrupts the layout of the page, with unnecessary spaces and so on. What I’m getting at is this –sometimes information is not overly important, but, at other times, a bit of rambling is necessary to create a good-looking page. Reason I mentioned Tova specifically (even if it seems unnecessary) is that she commits suicide and your actions actually causes some major pain for other citizens, something I think we should mention. I often aim to tell a bit of background story, especially with DB quests, because Beth put it there for a reason – and because I think it is nice to provide info on the actual consequences of the players’ choice. I’m perfectly okay with grammar and wording changes – but I think it is nice to tell “the story” behind the quests instead of inviting people to just rush through them. --Krusty 10:43, 22 January 2012 (UTC)

Want a new userbox?[edit]

Try this one! {{UESPholic Test Results}} I saw that you'd taken the test (nice score!) and that your user page had room for a few more userboxes, so I figured I ought to bring this up. ?• JATalk 00:07, 24 January 2012 (UTC)

Oblivion Page Cleanup[edit]

Hey Krusty. Since you were the one who placed the tag, I thought I'd direct your attention to this post asking for clarification. My instinct is to say "yes, we should have both", but I'm tired and don't trust my judgement for much of anything at the moment. :) Robin Hoodtalk 04:51, 25 January 2012 (UTC)

We should have both a place and faction page for the Blackwood Company. Problem is, I can't look it up at the moment, and I really can't remember what the building is called exactly. So, basically, the usual move of the existing page and a disambig. Alternatively, it is worth it to suggest some kind of introductory Sandbox work before doing all the moves - so we don't end up with an empty place page that nobody wants to write. :) --Krusty 08:17, 25 January 2012 (UTC)

Patch 1.4 by emc[edit]

Yes, it seams you have right, but what should I do right now, just undo changes or maybe add info that fix need to be tested. What you think? — Unsigned comment by Emc (talkcontribs) at 15:35 on 25 January 2012

Except for the fact that it is based on "pre-release content", there's nothing wrong with the edits. I think we should just let them stay until the patch arrives (which should be in the next couple of days). It will probably take some time to test everything thoroughly, but the list is not overly long so it is worth doing. You can basically help out with the testing, if possible. :) --Krusty 15:50, 25 January 2012 (UTC)

Proving Honor[edit]

Your mega-update wiped out the workaround for Farkas's lost weapon bug. It's not like you to miss a change, so I thought I'd check it was an accident before fixing it (though if it was deliberate I'm not sure why you'd want to gimp him even further: the poor boy already has enough problems). Aliana 23:50, 25 January 2012 (UTC)

Come to think of it, it would be a lot more useful to have it in the walkthrough itself at the time it happens, instead of as a note that players probably won't see until it's too late. Aliana 23:57, 25 January 2012 (UTC)
If you mean this solution, Although you can't trade items with him, you can still fix this by simply putting him into command mode then targeting the sword., I considered it a console cheat to fix a very minor bug, to be honest - if you decide to include it, it needs the PC template as PS3 and X360 users will have to live with it. I played through the quest at level 2 and thought it was nice with a great sword - but I can see what you mean. Maybe add a bit about it in the walkthrough, then the good old (see bugs section for details)? --Krusty 00:02, 26 January 2012 (UTC)
nonono - the whole point is that you DON'T have to use console hacks to fix it, which is what we'll end up with on the page otherwise. I meant "put the crosshair on him and hold "Activate" until the cursor changes to the moving one, then point at the sword", and he'll pick it up and correctly re-equip it. Aliana 00:10, 26 January 2012 (UTC)
Ah, never occurred to me. I'm a bit "honored out" right now, but I'll double-check it first thing tomorrow. --Krusty 00:18, 26 January 2012 (UTC)
Me neither: I did it by accident - my space bar stuck. :D Aliana 00:38, 26 January 2012 (UTC)
Oh wow - I just had an evil idea. This one IS a bit cheaty, but: make him pick up one of the *Silver* weapons instead, +20 damage to all the Draugr! Why didn't I think of that yesterday while I was actually doing the quest?! So yeah, "proper" fix in walkthrough, "silver" one as a note: it might be a huge help to him at higher levels. Would you mind checking to see if that actually works while you're in there? Thanks. (If you can't tell if he's actually equipped it or not, let me know and I'll re-run it and check with the console). Aliana 00:38, 26 January 2012 (UTC)

() Gah, can't make this work on PS3. Maybe the 'activate' and 'move' commands are different on PC, but if I hold activate on Farkas, nothing happens and the icon doesn't change. Can you possibly take another look on PC? --Krusty 09:33, 27 January 2012 (UTC)

Damn. Sure, I'll run it again (at least it's early in the quest) and try to figure out exactly what the sequence is, since I did it by accident last time. It should just be the same as asking a "proper" follower to pick up a skill book for you though. Aliana 09:44, 27 January 2012 (UTC)
Okay: you put the crosshair over him, and it says "<ActivateButton> Talk", then you just hold Activate until the cursor changes to an X, let go of it, then point at the sword and press it again and he picks it up. (He'll take the Silver one too, which makes him awesome against Draugr but slightly worse against the Silver Hand: overall I'd say it's probably the better option if you don't have the Magicka/spell to be able to FireRune-cheese the final room). I had some weirdness with the crosshair in thirdperson: it worked, but it didn't always show the prompt properly, so maybe try firstperson if that's the problem you had. If the PS3 doesn't have command mode then yeah, you're screwed, but it seems like a weird thing to leave out on some platforms. Aliana 10:19, 27 January 2012 (UTC)
Since he doesn't act as a normal follower during the quest, I can't really make him do anything but talk about werewolves. I'll see if I can get hold of some other gamers more familiar with followers than me. Otherwise, the trick should probably be added to the page, with the nifty Pc22-thingy in front. I doubt the cheat belongs there, though... --Krusty 14:30, 27 January 2012 (UTC)
Just in case it's something super-weird, have you HAD a follower (a real one) on that char before this point? The first time you use command mode, you get a popup hint box, but since the Companions are basically Dogs as far as their AI goes maybe it's just aborting there? Aliana 14:51, 27 January 2012 (UTC)

() I've put the note back (the non-cheaty one), since I just started a clean game on 1.4 and had to do the quest again. I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work on all platforms - and if it doesn't then those platforms are bugged - but feel free to tag it On PC and/or VN for consoles if you prefer. Aliana 00:02, 6 February 2012 (UTC)


Thanks for catching this. I have no clue what went wrong there. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 16:43, 26 January 2012 (UTC)

System Icons[edit]

Regarding this edit. I don't think anything like that has been discussed before on the wiki. I have always used them in the bugs, even without the solutions. I figure that they easily point out the console specific bugs, which make it easier for the readers to sift through the information (since most play only on one system). elliot (talk) 23:33, 3 February 2012 (UTC)

Probably not (maybe before my time though), but in OB namespace, the bug is described, followed by the solutions for each platform. The solutions are always accompanied by the symbol. The bug itself is just described. Example here - just ignore the recently added Achievement for Xbox, though. --Krusty 23:39, 3 February 2012 (UTC)
I've been wondering about our approach there too, though from a slightly different angle: why are we noting what systems this affects at all? I agree with Elliot's point that console fixes being identified by an icon are useful, but from historical experience, we know that 99% of the time, the bugs themselves are universal to all platforms. So apart from noting console solutions, I'm wondering if we should simply remove all these various "on <platform>" comments. Robin Hoodtalk 00:27, 4 February 2012 (UTC)
Right now, the small additions like (Confirmed on Xbox) might as well stay - and bugs rarely differs between consoles and PC anyway, so we can just remove them when we start to actually get some fixes underneath the bug descriptions - and fixes should always be accompanied by a system icon. The upcoming USP will use the PC symbol each and every time it is mentioned, so there's the first reason NOT to use them for the bug descriptions. That being said, we have so many pages infected at the moment that it is not worth an edit on the page history, unless something else can be done at the same time. --Krusty 00:32, 4 February 2012 (UTC)
Okay, so I think we're on the same page then. Robin Hoodtalk 00:48, 4 February 2012 (UTC)

Inventory Checking[edit]

Thanks for acknowledging my work on the inventory checks! It's nice to see that people actually see the work I go through checking in-game the hundreds of NPC's inventories, making sure they're correct, just to help other people.

Sure, I get that some of the inventories should be overlooked again by a user who has CS, maybe I could continue to check through and leave in brackets that it should also be checked by someone in CS, that way, it's both in-game and CS confirmed and checked.

Thanks again Helenaannevalentine 23:57, 4 February 2012 (UTC)

I have a technique I have used several times. If I see an in-game contribution that needs tweaks or some extra items, I usually just add my name next to the previous writer, with and [[User:Krusty|Krusty]] (in-game). Then I provide an edit summary on the additional info I added to the article. That way, the Checked parameter is still available for the CS checker and the category remains intact. --Krusty 00:05, 5 February 2012 (UTC)
Thanks for the tip, I'll be sure to use it in the future, that way I don't go screwing up anything (: Helenaannevalentine 00:16, 5 February 2012 (UTC)

() By the way, I was wondering if you could go re-check Burd. I can't find his supposed shield in the CS, as it lists these items only:

Green Silk Garment
Green Brocade Doublet
Green Velvet Shoes
Castle Bruma Key
Castle Bruma Interior Key
Steel Claymore
Bruma Cuirass
Chainmail Boots
Chainmail Greaves
Chainmail Gauntlets
Potion of Healing x3

--Krusty 00:20, 5 February 2012 (UTC)

Sure thing, I'll go to recheck it on one of my multiple game files. I'll report back here on what I find before making any changes. Helenaannevalentine 00:29, 5 February 2012 (UTC)
Edit, he seems to not have a shield on him, or carrying it. Strange how I missed that, probably checking multiple NPC's confused me slightly. Anyways, I'll go and change it now (: Helenaannevalentine 00:33, 5 February 2012 (UTC)
No problem whatsoever - NPCs tend to get a bit fuzzy when you have done a lot of them - still, don't hesitate to ask when in doubt - and again, keep up the good work! --Krusty 00:36, 5 February 2012 (UTC)
Thanks, and also because you double-checked through the CS, I added your name to the inventory check list. Thanks, and you too! Helenaannevalentine 00:38, 5 February 2012 (UTC)

reverting multiple edits[edit]

Hey, I have occasionally spotted vandalism which is easy to revert by simply clicking the 'undo' link in the revision history page for that specific entry. I'm wondering about how you can revert multiple edits at the same time, such as what was done by you here recently, as it's a situation I've encountered before and dealt with in a less efficient way than possible, I'm sure (manually reverting, or clicking 'undo' on each consecutive edit). I know it's likely I'll encounter the situation again, so I'd like to know how to revert multiple edits at once, like you did on that page. Thanks. -Alphabetface 15:51, 5 February 2012 (UTC)

Admins have a special revert tool that they can use. For us non-admins, you can select the version you want to revert to (such as this), select edit, and then save the page--you're just resaving that old version. --Velyanthe 15:58, 5 February 2012 (UTC)
Okay, thank you! I noticed you had done that too, but since Krusty was the most recent one I saw do it, I asked him. Thanks for the quick reply and helpful info. :) Alphabetface 16:14, 5 February 2012 (UTC)
You're very welcome. :) --Velyanthe 16:18, 5 February 2012 (UTC)
Another method, which is more complicated but may be useful if there have been legitimate edits made after the vandalism, is to click on the "history" tab, then from the list of edits, select the last "good" edit before the vandalism started with the button on the left and the last vandalism edit with the button on the right. Click on "Compare selected versions", then click on "Undo" from there. Robin Hoodtalk 21:17, 5 February 2012 (UTC)
Another trick that's occasionally useful is that it's often just one section that gets vandalised (like Notes). If that's the case and/but a different section has had legitimate edits since, you can restrict the undo to just the vandalised section, rather than having to try and merge the whole page. Aliana 00:19, 6 February 2012 (UTC)
How do you do that? Or did you just mean copying & pasting from an other version of the section? Robin Hoodtalk 03:19, 6 February 2012 (UTC)
If you don't know, I certainly don't :P I just noticed it by accident one day. No copying of stuff at all: I just clicked something and it undid that section only, leaving all the (new, legitimate) stuff in a different section alone. I don't remember the details at all, sorry: maybe click edit on the section then history, or something like that? I'll try to figure it out if you want (though I may well just be confused and actually did what your note suggests without really understanding it). Aliana 09:03, 6 February 2012 (UTC)

() I just now noticed all the stuff added after my last post here. Thanks to all for the additional info! Alphabetface 00:25, 8 February 2012 (UTC)

Inappropriate Edit Summary[edit]

Your recent edit summary implies an insult to a rival wiki (which I would assume is TESWiki). Despite the edit summary, the new IRC room has nothing to do with TESWiki, so I am not too sure where you got that information from. So, I guess I'm going to ask that you heed Daveh's warning about behavior such as that. Things have been ironed out between the two wikis, and such distractions/insults are going to do nothing but harm UESP. elliot (talk) 04:43, 6 February 2012 (UTC)

Sorry, but forget about it - after ten minutes, I had to listen to them bad-mouthing rpeh. They run a BAD wiki - and they are a bunch of annoying idiots. I don't know what you do in real life, but this is useless. They copy content I have spent hours and weeks creating; unless they can come up with a reason for this, don't bother me. --Krusty 05:05, 6 February 2012 (UTC))
I will bother you because you are going against what Dave himself told everyone. He owns this site; you do not. Rpeh's actions were vandalism, plain and simple, and vandalism on any wiki is bad. You can't spin it to make it look virtuous.
After I spoke at length with the administrators of TESWiki, they agreed to attribute anything that was from here. But, they prefer to have their own content over ours. However, it is 100% legal for them to use any content we have on this site. Period. That is the copyright that Dave implemented on this wiki, and it is the same copyright that Wikia uses. You do not and will never supersede these laws. If you don't want your work to possibly be copied, then I would advise you release it on a different website with a stricter copyright.
Also, the Xertion IRC has no affiliation with TESWiki at all. So trying to bring down that makes absolutely no sense. I really don't understand why people are blowing this way out of proportion. These are simple rules. elliot (talk) 05:17, 6 February 2012 (UTC)
Why are you bothering me? This in not a discussion! --Krusty 05:28, 6 February 2012 (UTC)
Well, if you look over rpeh's edits to their wiki, consisting of the deletion of content (including properly attributed content, allowable by CC-by-SA), and changing information on their pages[1], an agreement he calls invalid since he wasn't in it, he deserved that block and any attacks against him. And then he was harassing and attacking them here and here. Rpeh then attacked Timeoin on Twitter. And you calling them a bunch of idiots isn't helping the situation. We want to defuse any tensions between us, and you and rpeh are definitely not helping us. I want to ask that you straighten up, since attacking them is not befitting of an admin, or resign. Or, along with my request for rpeh's de-adminship, I can include your name. The proof is before you. Rpeh is not helpful to us at all. Be a good admin and help the wiki or step aside. ESQuestion?EmailContribs 05:30, 6 February 2012 (UTC)
Snowmane, don't be a moron! --Krusty 06:07, 6 February 2012 (UTC)

() Krusty, don't attack me. I care about this wiki, and I want it to flourish. You are not acting like an appropriate administrator, so straighten up or resign. ESQuestion?EmailContribs 06:10, 6 February 2012 (UTC)

An administrator is a human being, and me thinks this administrator is in a bad mood. When "discussions" turn ugly, one has to take a break. Also, being administrator doesn't mean you can't have an opinion. Krusty thinks TESWiki is bad. Look I don't know what this is all about. What rpeh does outside of UESPWiki isn't relevant, I believe. Does he make UESPWiki look bad? No, he just makes himself look bad at worst. As a temporary admin, I don't know if this is important information or not, whether it should be dismissed, or in fact be focused on, I don't know. Krusty seems to think it's nothing important, and I figure he should know. I've never seen him calling names or anything, so his last comment surprises me, I just figure he's in a bad mood. He shouldn't call you names, Eric, but that's very far from being a good reason to have him resign as admin. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, can't we all get along? ~ Dwarfmp 07:02, 6 February 2012 (UTC)
You can have an opinion, but since personal attacks are immediate grounds for blocking, we have to take this seriously, even more so because it is an administrator. And what rpeh does outside the wiki is completely relevant to our wiki. He went on the behalf of UESP and was banned for vandalizing their wiki. Plus, he was discussing copyright conflict with information and images from UESP. Please do no try to just brush this off: Argumentum ad populum, ignoratio elenchi, cherry picking, and argumentum ad verecundiam are fallacies within your statement. You must look at was has been done and decide if that kind of behavior should be acceptable for the wiki as a whole. elliot (talk) 07:22, 6 February 2012 (UTC)

Okay, I know I'm not even remotely involved between the affiliations regarding apparent dispute over the 'miss-use' of images between UESP and TES wiki, but could I just say something?

Both parties involved over this matter are in the wrong: I won't mention names, but basically it's a situation where both parties take the blame. I'm not fully up to date with what's going on with the use of information or images from here being used over at TES wiki, but that gives no right for anyone to attack them over such a thing. THe least we could do is to show respect and be able to approach in a civilized manner, maybe then something productive could be resolved from this issue.
And I know people have a personal preference to UESP than to the TES wiki, or the other way round, but when you think about it, they're both the same. Not identically the same, but they're both a community of people. And the site is a form of communication between the members, and also for outsiders to be able to use it as a guide (if they're stuck in a game), or if they wish the learn more about something in the game. Plus they have the option to join here, but I mean, if people aren't going to get over this and sort something out in a peaceful manner, this is going to harm UESP's appearance to the public and basically it would ruin what we've all set out to do: to make UESP a better wiki.
Sorry if I got any of the information or what-have-you wrong, I'm just trying to help solve the issue, I hate it when things like this get in the way of the bigger picture. Helenaannevalentine 18:38, 6 February 2012 (UTC)

Items Not Listed Anywhere[edit]

Hi, I was trying to complete the table on the new page I requested, and noticed some things were missing from the site (or at least can't be found by me). I believe the Quest Items page is missing three items in the 'Other Quest Items' section of the page: Finn's Lute, Pantea's Flute, and Rjorn's Drum. These three are all quest items, but searching for them by name only leads to their respective related quests. I don't know how to add these items to that page myself, as it involves information I don't have (item ID's and whatnot), so I figured I'd point it out to someone who might be able to help. I also don't know how to put in links appropriately once the items are added, because (I believe) it would involve using an Anchor which I just don't understand very well. I would appreciate some help with this matter, as it would make the table on that page complete. Alphabetface 00:38, 8 February 2012 (UTC)

Note to Krusty: this discussion has spread to my talk page and more relevantly, to Alphabetface's talk page. Robin Hoodtalk 07:39, 8 February 2012 (UTC)


I stole the key from the Shatter-shield chick and walked right into Hjerim. I found the secret room and then just happened upon the murder in the market. I never talked to a soul, but the quest started and ended in about 5 real minutes. I thought it was a minor quest until my second play thru. The page seems a little convoluted.... Janbrook4 10:53, 9 February 2012 (UTC)

When writing quest walkthroughs, the main goal is to take everything under consideration - trying to figure out what kind of information will be the most helpful - and what sort of problems people will look up. It is also a goal to make a quest 'fun' and describe it exactly as it was intended by the programmers, without resorting to shortcuts and the like. If you find the walkthrough convoluted because you accidentally stumbled upon some really quick way to finish it, it's just too bad - the article is, with the exception of the tons of bugs we still need to figure out, up to UESP standards. --Krusty 12:38, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
First, I'm not telling you to cut it down. Second, I'm not a child, don't talk to me like I am. I gave an opinion on the layout/format of the page. All the links make it convoluted. When I had time to sit down and really read thru it, it made more sense, but like I said, because of the way I stumbled onto the quest, I thought it was a miscellaneous quest. So, reading the whole page made no sense at the time, and even the quick walk through gave a link to the bottom of the page. As you have a possessive feeling over the pages you author, I'm not about to try for a major rewrite, so I gave you my opinion. Janbrook4 14:00, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
And I responded to your criticism in an appropriate way. I also noticed the first version of your post, which was much more insulting and unhelpful, so think twice before you hit the save button if you want to be taken seriously. --Krusty 15:21, 9 February 2012 (UTC)
Apologies. I read your posts more closely, and realized what you attempted to comment on. I’m not sure why you felt the need to comment on the article on my talk page, though. Yes, I know my own quest articles by heart, and I take the time to test all additions to ensure they keep a certain standard – that’s what I’m supposed to do. --Krusty 15:34, 9 February 2012 (UTC)

I did a search on Hjerim and this was one of the links.... Janbrook4 16:06, 9 February 2012 (UTC)

While searching for names works well on an article, in User space, you can get a real mishmash, since any page so much as mentioning Hjerim will show up in the results, even if the mention was entirely tangential. In this case, you happened onto someone who knew something about it, but generally speaking, your best bet is to use the article's talk page to discuss issues, so that others who are looking at the article are more likely to notice it.
In regards to the specific issue itself, it is appropriate to mention (possibly unintentional) shortcuts in the Notes section of a quest, so if you haven't already, you may want to consider doing that. Robin Hoodtalk 22:25, 9 February 2012 (UTC)

IRC Permissions[edit]

Since it'll probably have scrolled off the screen by the time you return, next time you're in IRC, can you demote me? Yeah, I know, strange request, but for some reason, I'm a channel admin, when as a Patroller, I should only be a half-op. Thanks! Robin Hoodtalk 22:36, 9 February 2012 (UTC)

Wretched Camp[edit]

Hi again Krusty!

Just a small question relating to the 'Campsites' section of the Shivering Isles Redesign Project (even though you are the leader of the NPC section): when I was tidying up my walkthroughs to match the examples given by Legoless, I came across the Wretched Camp page and I just so happened to notice that the Console Location Code is called SERunoffCamp01 which is clearly incorrect because it's not the correct camp code unlike where it is correctly placed here. I was just wondering whether someone happened to make a mistake when typing in the code or is it actually written in the CS? And if so, why hasn't the person who written it there in the first placed put a note saying that the error was in the CS?

Sorry to be a bother, it's just quite odd how if it was correct, that no-one specified that in the notes. If it is somehow correctly written as it is in the CS, then I'll add a note to the page specifying that reason. Thanks! Helenaannevalentine 04:42, 11 February 2012 (UTC)

Nevermind about that, I realized that it was an error on the part of whoever wrote it, because of course the game would get confused if there were two places with the same location code. Thanks anyways! Helenaannevalentine 06:07, 11 February 2012 (UTC)

Happy Wiki-versary[edit]

Since you pointed it out, i'd like to wish you a happy 3 Year Wiki-versary. Hope you've enjoyed your 3 years, I would ask you whats changed. But that would feel like a history lesson ;) Anyhow, enjoy it! --kiz talkemail 18:56, 11 February 2012 (UTC)

Haha, I better say 'thanks' even if we already talked about this on IRC. So, thanks! --Krusty 12:57, 12 February 2012 (UTC)


Before I went ahead and changed the layout after you'd done it, I just wanted to make sure that I'd be doing the right thing if I put the short walkthrough section first, then notes, then bugs. It's what most other pages seem to do, especially with the bugs last. The Invisible Chocobo 06:02, 17 February 2012 (UTC)

Visit the shrine to azura[edit]


You redirected this page to the black Star quest. Unfortunately, in doing so some information got lost, such as the connection to the wanderer Faldrus.

Please recover the lost info from the now-redirected page. Thanks, 11:43, 6 March 2012 (UTC)

Faldrus was never part of the original page, but he deserves to be on the current quest page, as well as the bug - even if the bug needs a lot more testing. My bet is that you have to spawn Faldrus somehow, ignore him, then complete the quest, and then run into him again and talk. I tested it on all innkeepers and none of them would talk about the Shrine after the quest. Ah well, in any case, you're right. I'll add the missing information to the article. Redirect will stay, though - the objective is now merged with The Black Star. --Krusty 07:52, 7 March 2012 (UTC)

Thieves Guild move[edit]

Hey Krusty! Can you re-examine this discussion and move the faction page over the disambig, please (which I think everyone was in agreement on). The move would require deleting the existing disambig page, meaning an Admin needs to be involved somewhere along the way, and since you were the Admin involved in the discussion, I figured I'd bring it to you. Robin Hoodtalk 08:58, 10 March 2012 (UTC)

Image cleanup[edit]

Hey, just noticed you were still using Template:Cleanup on image pages instead of the newer dedicated Template:CleanImage. I'm trying to discourage use of the old template on images (it's still okay for articles of course), as the new one keeps things organized based on what the specific issues are, which makes it easier for other people to fix them. Thanks. --TheRealLurlock Talk 02:44, 16 March 2012 (UTC)

Oops, feeling like a dinosaur here - old habits die hard! Thanks for the reminder! --Krusty 05:53, 16 March 2012 (UTC)

Skyrim:Forbidden Legend[edit]

It appears you reverted all my edits with a simple "better before" comment.

Would you like to expand upon that (perhaps on the Talk page)?

I would like to avoid an edit war, but you do not get to simply dismiss changes based on your personal preference without even addressing the shortcomings the changes were intended to target.

Regards, CapnZapp 21:26, 19 March 2012 (UTC)

Okay, please click here. Your six edits to the page managed to:
  • Make an unneeded new three level header and disrupt the layout.
  • Repeat information on Lost Legends found in the text below, in three instances.
  • Change a three level header to a four level header for no reason.
Believe me, it was better before. I apologize for the harsh edit summary, but it WAS better before. Oh, and please use Show Preview. --Krusty 00:12, 20 March 2012 (UTC)

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but...[edit]

Doesn't it rank up from a blank page to a stub? Entirely minor, just wondering FFR. —SkoomaManiac TalkContribs 13:21, 27 March 2012 (UTC)

It makes sense, but all our empty Skyrim pages has the stub-tag attached, to keep it in the 'unfinished' category, even if people add minimal info. If you remove the stub-tag, then it's because you're 110% certain there's nothing else to be done on the page and that it lives up to standards. --Krusty 13:40, 27 March 2012 (UTC)
Ok, Thank you. I'll be more judicious in the future. —SkoomaManiac TalkContribs 10:35, 28 March 2012 (UTC)
No worries - it's a bit weird, but better safe than sorry! ;) --Krusty 11:58, 28 March 2012 (UTC)