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your websites information is dangerouse to the game i highly recomended caution[edit]

hi ive been playing oblivion for a month or 2 now i was surfing the net and found this site i was always curious about changing my character ((it currently was a argonian)) and your website listed a way to do it with a console however it did not list what would happen if you did decide to do it. #1 i lost my vampire disease. i figured no worries ill just get re bitten! but then i saw another page on ur site saying the console could give you a disease #2 this messed up the vampire disease and make it very buggy and gave me a huge about of weakness to fire more so then full vampire form normally does #3 worse yet it made me immune to the vampire cure both of them the potion and the lair's worse yet the console commands to undo vampirism were also ineffective.. worse yet there was no way to get vampirism to function.. worse yet my characters graphics became very bugged my eyes constantly changing from argonian to dark elf to vampire worse matter how many times i tried to change my characters race i always come out wrinkly and vampiring even with randomizing and yes i tried the room neither of the stones nor the corpse works i tried everything. I cannot express how dangerous the advice from this site is because this is half of the stuff thats happened i have to delete my saves and start fresh to fix it thanks elder scrolls pages... but in all honesty oblivions too time consuming and i cant be bothered starting all over it'd be boring doing everything twice so im just gonna quit im leaving this post not as a complain but as a warning to everyone whatever you do do not under any circumstances use the console commands or other tips from this site it is extremely risky and unfix able backups do not work the console commands affect all saves. honestly i hope you take better job screening your pages before your site ruins this game for more people. btw srry for the poor grammar i typed this in a hurry — Unsigned comment by (talk)

I'm sorry you messed up your game, but it's really not this site's fault. At the top of the Console page it states:
Warning: Use console commands with caution! It is easily possible to mess up your game if you modify settings at the console. Even if short term the game functions normally, you may later discover that you have made it impossible to complete a quest and therefore you cannot proceed normally with game play; fixing that problem can then make new glitches pop up elsewhere. Create a permanent saved game before experimenting with the console. If you need to use the console to fix a glitch, try to use the least powerful command possible.
Next to the command Showracemenu it states:
WARNING: Using this menu will reset all of your skills to their default initial settings. (If you edit your race, instead of clicking "done" when you are done, leave the race menu open with the console up and save your game. When you reload it your race/looks will be changed like you wanted them to be and your skills will not be reset.)
If you choose to ignore all of the warnings and proceed anyway, you really have nobody to blame but yourself. --NepheleTalk 12:24, 15 May 2008 (EDT)
nice strange thing is though at the top of the page it dosent say that infact it says this:
Here's something for those of you who have trouble using, would like to better their understanding of, or would like to learn how to use more of the various console commands. There are literally hundreds, perhaps thousands, of console commands; this obviously won't cover all of these, but it'll do its best to cover the console commands that most people would find use in.
infact it dosent say that anywere at the top or on the page at all from a quick glance and at the command it dosent state that at all it states this
All three of these work in a similar way. The first will pull up the menu that lets you change your race, gender, name, and facial features, the second will let you change your birth sign, and the third will let you change your major attributes and skills. These things are touchy, though, so you need to follow these instructions on using them. First, type in the command but do not close the console window. Make the desired changes to your character, with the console window and race/class/birthsign menu open (do not hit 'Done'), then hit Esc and make a new save - load this new save. You can now close the console window, if it's still open, but at no time before now should you close it or it will revert all of your character's stats in that menu to their default.
so how about instead of telling me how its my fault showing me what a idiot you are why don't you go to your page Oblivion:Console_Command_Tutorial#ShowRaceMenu.2C_ShowBirthsignMenu.2C_and_ShowClassMenu
AND ADD IN THOSE WARNINGS AND FIX UR WEBSITE BEFORE >YOU< Ruins some one else's experience at the game or are you just gonna make up more stuff? — Unsigned comment by (talk)
The difference here is that you were talking about the Console Command Tutorial, where Nephele thought you were talking about the Console page. You probably have a point about the tutorial, and I'll add a warning there now. --Robin Hood (TalkE-mailContribs) 12:59, 15 May 2008 (EDT)
It doesn't need a warning though! Why do you think no one bothered to put one there in the first place! It's a tutorial, so it frankly shouldn't have one. The information is in no way "dangerous" if one uses it competetently. And insulting admins and blaming a legitimate and widely-used site will get you nowhere. --HMSVictoryTalk 13:03, 15 May 2008 (EDT)
I'll be the first to admit that his tone is more than a little offensive, but I agree that a warning at the top of the tutorial page is appropriate. Most people understand the dangers of using a console in-game, but there's always someone who's new to it. The Console page has one, so it makes sense for the Console Tutorial to have one as fact, I'd disagree with you there: I think a tutorial should stress the problems that can occur, not brush them aside. As it turns out, there is a specific warning under the Show<whatever>Menu command on both pages...apparently the OP wasn't reading closely enough. --Robin Hood (TalkE-mailContribs) 13:11, 15 May 2008 (EDT)

i thank you for putting up the warning and i did use it competetently i knew you could lose your skills but nowere did it list that it would affect vampirism and bug the entire system up to the point of reinstall no i made error and still dont see this warning you mention above heres the "show whatever menu" ShowRaceMenu, ShowBirthsignMenu, and ShowClassMenu

All three of these work in a similar way. The first will pull up the menu that lets you change your race, gender, name, and facial features, the second will let you change your birth sign, and the third will let you change your major attributes and skills. These things are touchy, though, so you need to follow these instructions on using them. First, type in the command but do not close the console window. Make the desired changes to your character, with the console window and race/class/birthsign menu open (do not hit 'Done'), then hit Esc and make a new save - load this new save. You can now close the console window, if it's still open, but at no time before now should you close it or it will revert all of your character's stats in that menu to their default.

Ex.: N/A

Links: N/A

Other applications: N/A

Notes: Some people can't save from the menu; if this happens to you then you can make a save through the console with the command Save SaveName 1. Alternately, you can have the console active when you access the escape menu; the Save option should then be available. — Unsigned comment by (talk)

ohh now i see it "these things are touchy" yeah thats a very good warning if only id known that these things were touchy surely if i had read that clearer this "touchy" situation could have been avoided u should put all the "touchy" words in red or caps for ppl and touchy iz a little vague and i have ever right to be mad i have to remake my entire game because your low quality console's guide lack of warning and proper instructions i mean how would you feel if you were putting a add on to your site that deleted half your wiki and the persons response was ohhh i said the program could be touchy you shoulda known better! honestly thats a pretty lame excuse.. i mean if thats the sites message then sure i know better then to trust the accuracy of these articles again atm im trying to hunt down ways to undo wut that console command did cuz id rather not start over from scratch

The console tutorial's information is accurate and precise. If you cannot understand or use it correctly, then we would rather hear points on how to improve it instead of angry ramblings on how pathetic our site is. If you don't have anything constructive to say, why should we listen? We have provided sufficient information for no other person to have made a complaint. If our tutorial was really defunct, then why isn't the community making major revamps and changes? Why haven't many others pointed this out before you? It seems you have missed the point entirely. --HMSVictoryTalk 13:49, 15 May 2008 (EDT)
It really would help if you'd avoid blaming all of the world's problems on your use of the console. Yes, using the console can introduce problems with that one character; any subsequent save games made using that particular character may have bugs. However, using the console will not mess up any existing saves. It does not force you to have to delete all previous save games. It does not "bug the entire system up to the point of reinstall". If you're having more widespread problems, then using the console probabably is not the cause of those problems. --NepheleTalk 13:56, 15 May 2008 (EDT)
Well, Nephele said it better than I could, but still all three of us have made very valid points. PLease consider exactly how you are explaining you problem to us, and that we are more likely to listen and to help you if you are more constructive and do not insult us. --HMSVictoryTalk 14:03, 15 May 2008 (EDT)
In the very last line of the text you quoted, it says: "it will revert all of your character's stats in that menu to their default". Also, has it occurred to you to revert to an earlier saved game? You didn't make changes in the Console without saving first, did you? --Robin Hood (TalkE-mailContribs) 15:07, 15 May 2008 (EDT)
i knew about the skills thing that isent the problem the problem is the console command glitches vampireism and nephele your being melodramatic i havent blamed any world problem on this dont exaggerate and the console commands are messed up or at least the showracemenu and the set pcvampire to 1, and it did mess up my previouse saves all my previouse saves also had bug vampirism after i did those two commands it says i have 2 vampirism stage 1 and stage 4 at the same time and i cant even get to stage 3 or 2 that happend only after i used your sites console commands and it affected over 12 saves it even messed up my girlfriends save on a different user. and it is to the point of reinstall because there is no way to undo it i tried everything the vampirism cures do not work none of the console commands to remove vampirism work and i cannot get vampirism to function correctly this literately happened after i changed my race from argonian to dark elf and i had many back up saves that went far back all were affected.
and as to why the community hasent done anything to work on those console commands or put up warnings about how it will affect vampirism that is very good question why havent any of you bothered to put up the bugs in your commands list? i mean theres still no warning about the affects of that command and none of u have done one helpful thing to remedy the problem or given any face all youve done is tell me how little your faults it is fact is your website did mislead me it did not mention the danger of using that command if i had any idea it bugged vampirism to the point of reinstall i never would have used the command so instead of trying to cover ur collective buts why dont you lose the supirortist attitude and try looking up a way to remove the bugs that those console commands put into the game so other ppl wolnt have this problem cuz as far as i can tell there is no way to undo the damage ur sites commands did.
If that much of your game was damaged, including saves from before your console commands and another user's saves, it wasn't anything to do with the various show commands that was the problem. That sounds to me like some kind of corruption of your saved game files, which can't be caused by anything in the Console that I'm aware of. --Robin Hood (TalkE-mailContribs) 20:29, 15 May 2008 (EDT)
what happend was the comamnd set pcvampire to 1 bugged vampirism on all my games and the reason i used it was because when i changed races i lost my vampirism now i am unable to get rid of vampirism or properly fix iti checked if the file was corrupct it isent ive run diagnostics i even downloaded some one elses save off the internet to see if the vampirism bug was still there and it is the console command affected the game in general not just one save and there is no way to undo it im gonna have to reinstall unless u have any ideas if u could tell me a way to get rid of vampirism then i could fix it the only problem is the vampirism is bugged
There are a few bugs around Vampirism. I'm not sure if any of them would produce the problems you're talking about though. Try loading an old game, then re-loading a new one, or go into the console and type sexchange twice (i.e., change sex, then change back again) and see if that helps at all. I have no idea what that might do to your stats, appearance, etc., so use at your own risk. --Robin Hood (TalkE-mailContribs) 23:03, 15 May 2008 (EDT)

well i tried it and it affected all saves like the other 2 commands and it did not fix the bugged vampirism it just made all my characters...headless....

Let me try to make this absolutely clear. If saves from before the point you ran the console commands are bugged, it cannot be the console that caused it. We're not trying to cover our collective butts, nor are we displaying a bad attitude, we're trying to explain the situation to you. You pointed out that we should carry a warning - thanks. However your claim that the site is in some way to blame for your various problems is laughable. We don't put warnings everywhere because we have to assume people are going to take responsibility. We don't put a warning on every page stating that long periods of gaming can be harmful and that you should take a break every so often. We don't put a warning up saying that you should have good posture while playing. And there's no warning anywhere that says you shouldn't juggle sharp knives while playing. In short, stop trying to make this our problem. You've made your point; now you're just being annoying. –RpehTCE 01:54, 16 May 2008 (EDT)
If you've got headless characters, then there's something wrong with your game that the console had nothing to do with. Uninstall and then reinstall and hopefully this will fix it. --Robin Hood (TalkE-mailContribs) 02:28, 16 May 2008 (EDT)

well i finaly fixed it and yes console commands affect all my saves if u dont belive me i can take screenshots for you and for the ppl who follow your sites console commands in the future and have my problem heres how you fix it you have to download mod to remove vampirism unless u can find another way to remove vampirism then you have to change your race again from there you have to add ur stats back and add back your attributes with the console command be careful cuz it cn mess up ur leveling u have to do it exactly right to get to the level u want then you have to add in your racial spell if you have any and you have to add in your races passive abilitys and resistances then your done and the damage is pretty much undone only thing that isent fixed is your eyes are still vampiric ive been unable to find anyway to fix that and thanks robin for your advice and putting up the warning everywere else was unhelpful annoying and hindering

Sounds like you've got a corrupt mod that's causing this, in which case you should complain to the people who made the mod, not us. It's also possible you installed the mod incorrectly, and you have files in the wrong place or something. Again, not the fault of the site. And yes, there is a way to remove Vampirism without installing mods, so you probably didn't need that particular mod anyhow. --TheRealLurlock Talk 02:42, 18 May 2008 (EDT)