User:ZanderX/WEASH/Galbedirs Gem and Indoril Armor
Rating (Galbedir's Gem)[edit]
- Where it is: Balmora Mage's Guild
- What it is: A filled soul gem
- Level to get, requirements: Any, Amulet of Shadows
- Difficulty: 6
- Good: 5
Rating (Indoril Armor)[edit]
- Where it is: Any place in Vivec with an ordinator in it
- What it is: A full set of Indoril Armor (DO NOT WEAR THIS IN FRONT OF ORDINATORS!) plus an ebony mace
- Level to get, requirements: Level 9+, Amulet of Shadows (if you are weaker)
- Difficulty: Low levels, 10, higher levels, 5, very high levels, 0
- Good: 10
Galbedir's Gem[edit]
Galbedir, as you may know, is upstairs in the Mages Guild in Balmora. She sells a Grand Soul Gem, which has a high level soul in it, worth 60,000 gold! I highly doubt ANYONE with half a brain would buy that! So, steal it! There are two ways to do this.
- One: Use the Amulet of Shadows, and sneaking, to get the soul gem with the Winged Twilight's soul in it off her table.
- Two: During the quest for the Mages Guild, the Fake Soul Gem, Galbedir leaves her room. Ajira tells you to put the fake soul gem into Galbedir's desk, and take the real soul gem (Note:If you've already done this quest, do method one. If you have already taken and used the Grand Soul Gem, you're on your own) inside it. This is a perfect opportunity to do that, AND take everything on her table. Note, if you take everything, you can only enchant with Galbedir using Azura's Star. Also note, just taking the Grand Soul Gem causes Galbedir to think that every Grand Soul Gem you try to use for enchanting with her, or try to sell to her, is hers, expelling you from the Mages Guild, causing her and everyone else in the Guild to attack you, and you get a bounty. So, don't sell Grand Soul Gems to Galbedir, or enchant with Grand Soul Gems with Galbedir anymore, and everything will be alright.
Indoril Armor[edit]
Alright. This is the BIG one. You need a pretty high speechcraft, and be able to handle lots of damage, if you want to do this. Go to Vivec. Find any Ordinator (except named ones, and ones in Vivec, Temple), preferably one outside, and in Vivec, Foreign Quarter. Save before talking to him. Talk to him, select Persuasion, and just taunt. Taunt, taunt, taunt, taunt, taunt. If his disposition gets to 0, raise it again, then keep taunting. He'll eventually say "That does it", the only option will be Goodbye. LET HIM HIT FIRST! I cannot stress this point enough! It is VITAL you let him hit first! He'll attack you with a Drain Agility spell. If you are weak, use Amulet of Shadows, and get ready for a very tough fight. It will take a lot of hits to take him down, so have a weapon that does 34-40 damage or something of the kind to make it easy. After a tough fight, he'll drop dead. No bounty for you. OK, take his armor. DO NOT WEAR IT IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO DIE! Ordinators will permanently make you for DEATH if they see you wearing their armor! Instead, get to Vivec, Foreign Quarter Plaza. Go to the Mages Guild, and look for a Imperial woman wearing a blue robe standing by a platform at the back of the Guildhouse. Talk to her, choose Travel, and choose Caldera, Guild of Mages. When there, leave the Guildhouse, and walk to Ghorak Manor, east of the Guildhouse. Enter, you'll have it right if there are two Orcs in the first room. go upstairs. Do not kill the scamp! He is friendly! If you kill him, you blow this entirely! Instead, talk to him. Sell him all the Indoril Armor. To sell them, when he cannot buy any more armor because he doesn't have enough gold, rest the day and his gold will be back at 5,000. Sell all of it, but sell the Cuirass and Mace last. Why? Creeper the Scamp can't buy them, he doesn't have enough money. So, buy the helm, boots, and one pauldron back from him. He should have 12,000 gold. If he doesn't have 12,000 gold, buy the second pauldron, and, if necessary, a gauntlet. When he has 12,000 gold, sell him the mace. Then rest the day, and sell him back the items you sold that you bought back from him. Do the same with the cuirass, but to a lesser extent, just buy the boots. Let us continue!