Allo Allo and Welcome to my Page[edit]
As you might already know, I'm the newbie known as Talos. Newbie meaning that I'm still new to the workings of the Wiki and I'm begging you all that may have come here to complain about something to not all scream at me at once! Please wait your turn until the person in front of you is finished.
A Little About Me[edit]
Note: If you're easily bored, don't read ahead.
In real life Im a young budding Irishman, too young to mention here. A fiery fecker (yes I said Fecker, not the other word. Fecker is an Irish colloquilism. NOT a curse word) with a good heart and the smarts to know the difference.
I first came upon the Great and Awesome Being that is the Wiki about a year ago when I was looking for walkthroughs of my new game, Oblivion. I typed in something along the lines of "Walkthrough for x" ("x" being the quest I was stuck on at the time) and low and behold "UESP" popped up in the search results. I clicked and Ive never gone back to Gamefaqs since.
My ES History[edit]
I started off with the Oblivion GoTY for the 360 roughly a year ago and I was hooked from the word "go". The first time I came out of the sewers I was speechless. As you can probably guess from my lengthy Page, I'm rarely speechless but I was. I spent two hours in-game doing nothing. Just looking around at the sheer size of the land, the quality of the graphics and everything else that makes Oblivion the spectacular game it still is today. Then recently I got the Morrowind GoTY for the PC and I'm ashamed to say I gave up after the first thirty mins. I just couldn't bring myself to play it.
What I Intend To Do Here[edit]
Well it's only recently I managed to pick up the courage to edit here a few days ago and since then Ive only done a few minor edits (grammar, spelling mistakes and other stuffs) ,anonymously before I registered here so you'll have to bear with me for the moment. At the moment I've taken to editing little spelling mistakes and the like as I said earlier but I'm not brave enough to actually create my own stuff yet. Only coward enough to edit other people's stuff :).
Talos 14:56, 6 December 2008 (EST)-
A Bit More About Me[edit]
This user plays on the Xbox. |
This user is knowledgeable about Oblivion. |
This user is from Ireland. |
This User is addicted to Userboxes. |
This User made his own Userbox which was very difficult for him. |
This user is male. |
This user regularly watches the recent changes page, sometimes for hours each day, but is not a recent changes Patroller. |