I've been frequenting the UESP for long enough to feel nostalgic when I turn off the dark mode gadget - which is why I made an account in the first place. Now that I have an account, I'm here to research and correct little things that I notice. That'll probably end up being mostly spelling errors, grammatical mistakes, smoothing out clunky wording... that kinda thing.
I will likely be active primarily in Morrowind articles, though I'm sure I'll ultimately venture far and wide.
I'll make this page fancier if people complain about it.
![This user performed with distinction in the Morrowind Overhaul Project](//images.uesp.net/thumb/8/88/UESP-icon-MWOP.jpg/100px-UESP-icon-MWOP.jpg)
![User-userbox-Neurodiversity.png](//images.uesp.net/thumb/a/a3/User-userbox-Neurodiversity.png/43px-User-userbox-Neurodiversity.png) |
This user is a proud member of the Neurodivergent community. |
![UESP-social-YouTube.png](//images.uesp.net/thumb/0/06/UESP-social-YouTube.png/45px-UESP-social-YouTube.png) |
This user is a YouTuber. |