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Quests: not written

Schedule: not written

Services: written by Corevette789 N/A (In-Game), checked by Jeancey (CS)

Personal Inventory: written by Alpha Kenny Buddy (CS, Already written), checked by mxk101 (in-game)

House Contents: written by GK (N/A - lives in the Palace of Sheogorath), checked by Emoboy64 (In-Game)

Unique Dialogue: not written

Rumors: not written

Faction: written by already there, checked by Vulpa (CS)

Spells: written by Kalis Agea (CS), checked by KickbackYak (CS)
Home City New Sheoth
House Palace of Sheogorath
Race Breton Gender Male
Level PC+20 Class Savant
Other Information
Health 35 + (4+1.4)x(PC+19), PC=1-23
Magicka 188 + 3.5x(PC+19) (max=300)
Faction(s) Faction for all NPCs in Sheogorath's palace
Haskill in the Palace of Sheogorath

Haskill is a Breton and a Chamberlain of Sheogorath. He is the first to greet you when you travel to the Shivering Isles. It is possible to summon him with a lesser power acquired after speaking to Sheogorath for the second time. He generally has some useful information regarding quests during the Shivering Isles main quest. He is also unattackable—weapons and spells pass straight through him. He wears a unique suit called Haskill's Suit, which you can never acquire since Haskill is invincible and the clothing is not playable anyway.

He knows a powerful healing spell unique to him that restores 300 points of health.

Related Quests[edit]

All the Shivering Isles Main Quests. Haskill is also involved in Sheogorath's Daedric Shrine Quest if you complete Shivering Isles before doing the quest.

Quest-Related Events[edit]

A Door in Niben Bay[edit]

Haskill at the desk

When you enter the portal, you'll find Sheogorath's Chamberlain, Haskill, sitting behind a desk and playing with his fingers while awaiting you. He can say (hellos):

"Another mortal. Quaint."
"Do sit down."
"Please, sit."
"Take a seat, please."
"Please. Have a seat."


"Let's be civil, shall we? Please, have a seat."

After sitting down:

"Yes. What can I do for you? I imagine you're here about the door?"

If you exit conversation now, he will sigh:

"Do run along."

Speak to him again and he will sarcastically say:

Strange Door
"Yes. You have entered and now you are here. Amazing. Truly."
Who are you?
"I am Haskill, Chamberlain to the Lord Sheogorath."
What is this place?
"You approach the Shivering Isles. Through the door behind me lies the realm of Sheogorath, Prince of Madness, Lord of the Never-There."
Why did that door appear in Cyrodiil?
"Because my Lord wills it to be so. It poses no danger to Mundus; no compact has been violated. It is a doorway, an invitation. Perhaps you will accept it for what it is."
What do you want with me?
"For you? I do not know. My Lord seeks a mortal to act as His Champion. As for His intent... to attempt to fathom it is a foolish endeavor. His will is His own; His reality follows suit. You are here because you chose to enter; you were not summoned."
And the people outside?
"They entered this Realm, and were ill prepared. Their minds are now the property of my Lord."
How can they be cured?
"Cured? You speak as if they are diseased. They live now in another state of being. Perhaps it is you who needs a cure."
What happens now?
"You do as you will. You may leave the way you entered. Your life will be none the worse for your time spent here. Or, you may continue onward, through the door behind me. If you can pass the Gates of Madness, perhaps the Lord Sheogorath will find a use for you."
And if I go through the door?
"Who is to say? There are always choices to be made. The Realm of Madness is no different in that regard. Your choices are your own. Enter or do not, but make your decision. I've other duties to which I must attend. Speak with me again when you have made up your mind. The anticipation is almost too much to bear."

When spoken to again:

"Well? Have you made up your mind? The tension is almost palpable."
No, thanks.
"Hmmm. Not surprising. Well, if you change your mind, and the position is still available, come speak with me again. I'd so enjoy that...."
I'll do it.
"Fine. I'm sure my Lord will be most pleased, assuming you ever manage to see Him. You'll want to pass through the Gates of Madness. Oh, and mind the Gatekeeper. He dislikes strangers to the Realm. Enjoy your stay."

If refused at first and approach/spoken to:

"Yes? What is it you want?"
"Yes? Change of heart? Do tell."

After this he stands up and exits the room, before it then reveals itself to be made out of butterflies.

Through the Fringe of Madness[edit]

Once you've defeated the Gatekeeper, Haskill will appear nearby and speak to you:

"So, you've managed to kill the Gatekeeper. Pity. Well, you'll now be able to enter the Realm proper. You'll notice there are two doors. One leads to the lands of Mania. The other to Dementia. Enter through either one. The lands are quite distinct, but both are Sheogorath's domain. You'll want to seek our Lord Sheogorath. I believe He has plans for you. Try not to disappoint Him."
"The lands of Dementia reflect the darker side of its residents. It is easy to get lost among the tangle of roots growing out of the ground. If you wish to meet Dementia's citizens, seek them out in Deepwallow or Fellmoor. I'm sure they'll welcome one such as you with open arms."
Gates of Madness
"The doorways into the Realm proper. You may enter through either one. Really, it depends on which aspect of the Realm more suits your disposition. As I've said, all choices have consequences, but don't trouble yourself too much with your decision. All those that enter the Realm are forever changed, but some believe it is for the better. A good portion of them, at least."
"The lands of Mania are bright, vibrant, and full of color. You'll find its inhabitants reflect the land itself. If you wish to meet the residents of Mania, you'll find them in the settlements of Hale and Highcross. Take care, though. Though the citizens and creatures of Mania are colorful, they can often be quite deadly. I'm sure you can handle it, though."
New Sheoth
"It is, of course, the capital of the Shivering Isles. It is divided into Bliss, Crucible, and the Palace districts."
"He is the Prince of Madness. The ruler of the Shivering Isles. It is by His will that we exist in this place. He is our Lord and Master. You'll want to speak with Him soon, as I believe he has plans for you. You will find Him in New Sheoth, in His palace. It is best not to make Lord Sheogorath wait. His whims are fleeting, and should He decide you are no longer necessary, it would be to your detriment."
Shivering Isles
"You will enter soon, I imagine, through the Gates of Madness and into the lands of Mania and Dementia. It is the Realm of Lord Sheogorath. It is what He wills it to be. The trees bloom according to His whim, and the wind blows at His command. Tread lightly into the Isles. It is not a place suited to all mortals. But, I'm sure you'll do fine."

Once you exit conversation, he will disappear.

A Better Mousetrap[edit]

"The Madgod has given you a task. Surely, someone of your copious talent should be able to handle it."
"He is the Prince of Madness. The ruler of the Shivering Isles."
Shivering Isles
"The Shivering Isles is what Sheogorath wills it to be."
"Yes, quite an amazing place, really. Wonderful for relieving one's tension as you watch those troublesome adventurers suffer... no offence. I'd say your next move is to head to Xedilian and get it reactivated."
"Yes? Ah... silly me. The book has no pictures. Can't really expect you to read that, now can I? To reactivate Xedilian for my Lord's pleasure, you'll need to find three Focus Crystals and return them to their resting place. Each crystal has a matching receptacle called a Judgement Nexus. Even you can't miss them. Without the crystals in place, the Resonator of Judgement, Xedilian's power source, cannot be restored."

If asked about the topics again:

"You have the Attenuator, the Manual, and a map. I'm certainly not going to carry you there, so I'd suggest you get to it. Place one foot in front of the other... you know how it goes."
"I'd suggest you make haste and get to Xedilian. My Lord Sheogorath does not like those who lollygag. Or maybe he does? Bah! Just get going."

Understanding Madness[edit]

Once you return from Xedilian, having successfully reactivated the Attenuator of Judgement, speaking to Haskill will have him recommend that you inform Lord Sheogorath of your exploits at Xedilian in his service. "I see you've returned. How exciting for you. I believe you have some news for Lord Sheogorath. Perhaps you should be speaking with Him instead of illuminating me with your presence." Trying again will net, "I am sure Lord Sheogorath will be thrilled to hear whatever pressing matter you have to discuss with Him." as well as a repeated prod to talk to Sheogorath instead.

Once you complete Haskill's request and speak to Lord Sheogorath, you will be granted the ability to summon Haskill, and are tasked with show casing this new power. As Sheogorath puts it, "I've granted you a new spell-- the ability to summon Haskill, my Chamberlain, to aid you in your travels. He knows a lot. More then he knows. In fact, give it a try. Summon our friend to you now. I'll wait." Attempting to speak to Sheogorath at this point will have him repeat, "Go ahead. Summon him. He loves it." This last statement is obviously contrary to Haskill's expression.

Once you successfully summon Haskill he will inform you on how he may assist you when you use this power. "Ah... our Lord has granted you the power to summon me. How wonderful for me. When summoned, I can offer advice on your current endeavor. I imagine it's up to you what to do with my wisdom. Do try to use your power sparingly. I have duties to which I must attend. Rather more important than shepherding you around, I'm sure." Once you have, Sheogorath will say, "Isn't that a hoot? I love it, myself. Best part of being a Daedric Prince, really. Go ahead, try it again. He loves it!" Speaking with him again will prompt him to add, "Just one more time. At least. He's a sport." Acquiescing will result in Haskill becoming increasingly irritated; a list of his comments can be seen here.

Once you have pleased Sheogorath by successfully summoning Haskill several times, Sheogorath will happily tell you, "Good, good! You'll need all the help you can get if you're going to defeat Jyggalag and stop the Greymarch. Oh, don't expect to summon Haskill anywhere but in the Realm. He dislikes leaving my presence. I get that sometimes." You will then be tasked to meet the Duke of Mania and the Duchess of Dementia. Speaking to Haskill at this point will have him ask if you need help. "Yes? Do you require assistance?" Asking Haskill about the Greymarch will have him go over what his lord told you. "As my Lord told you, it happens at the end of every era, and Jyggalag walks the Realm. Few of the citizens can remember the last Greymarch. Or they choose not to." Questioning him about the obelisks that are encountered in the Isles will have him give you advice on how to shut them down. "Yes, you'll find them throughout the Isles. Jyggalag's forces use them as conduits into the Isles. Sheogorath has tried to remove them, but they always return. While they cannot be destroyed, they can be rendered inert. The Hearts of Order found on Jyggalag's Knights can be placed in the obelisks. Adding enough can cause the obelisk to become overloaded with power." Asking him about Jyggalag will have him say, "The Daedric Prince of Order, and the leader of the Greymarch. As I'm sure my Lord told you, Jyggalag has always been a threat to this Realm."

At this point you can also ask him about the Duchess of Dementia and the Duke of Mania:

"Her Ladyship is rather suspicious of all around her. Best for you to not question it, and merely do what she requires of you."
"He is aware you are here, and should be waiting for you. See him at once." (in theory SE04 <10)
"Thadon has told you what he wants. Consider speaking with the others in his court, particularly his steward." (SE04 = 10; ever hear?)

The Lady of Paranoia[edit]

When first spoken to:

"You have been asked to work with Herdir, I understand. Herdir has a great affinity for his work, and can be a very useful ally to you. Do not hesitate to make use of his talents."

After speaking to Herdir:

"You may find the enormity of your task daunting at first. Use Herdir's talents to aid you with those who are unresponsive to questioning."

After finding a clue about Anya Herrick:

"Keep in mind that Anya is cowardly, and may require persuasion to tell you what she knows."

If you speak to Anya without Herdir (never hear? If you're not with Herdir she doesn't have "Conspiracy" topic)

"Torture may be a necessary evil to accomplish Syl's goals. Make sure Herdir accompanies you to talk to Anya."

After finding a clue about Ma'zaddha:

"Ma'zaddha is particularly reclusive, and may not respond well to questioning. Again, you may find Herdir's assistance necessary."

After Herdir tortures Ma'zaddha:

"It would seem that direct torture may not always yield the results you seek. You may need to try a different approach, Inquisitor. Paranoia is the order of the day in Crucible. Many keep their eyes open constantly, and some of those eyes may have seen something useful."

Stage 60:

"The Inquisitor is now required to be secretive? Consider that Herdir's presence may be a detriment to you. He is not known for his ability to remain hidden."

Stage 70:

"Surely the Inquisitor has considered that with direct evidence, Ma'zaddha may now be more responsive to questioning."

Stage 80:

"Congratulations. You've gained another ally in your efforts. Do remember to follow up with Ma'zaddha. In the meantime, the other party in that conversation may be of use to you as well."

Stage 90:

"Convincing a Dark Seducer to reveal secrets to you may require more pressure than you've experienced thus far."

If Ma'zaddha dead:

"It would seem that your only course of action now is to extract information from Nelrene, Inquisitor."

If speak to Nelrene before Ma'zaddha:

"Nelrene admits to being involved, but more evidence may be required. Ma'zaddha may have returned with more information by now."

After Nelrene admits and you've searched Ma'zaddha's house:

"The Inquisitor now has significant evidence pointing towards Muurine. Perhaps a talk with her is in order."

Muurine confesses:

"Lady Syl will be quite pleased to hear that her concerns have been proven valid. You shouldn't keep her waiting."

After Syl asks you to go to torture chamber:

"What more is there to say, Inquisitor? Lady Syl has her moment of glory. Allow her to bask in it."


"Yes? What would you have me say about it?" (Conspiracy, should link to a bunch of topics)
"I shall await further summons. No doubt you will have need of me." (Goodbye, random)


Having been tasked to meet with the Duke of Mania, Thadon, Haskill will advise that you meet with the Duke immediately:

"He is aware you are here, and should be waiting for you. See him at once."

Speaking with Thadon will have him ask in a somewhat incoherent manner that you recover the Chalice of Reversal. Unfortunately he will not give you its location. Asking Haskill about Thadon after being given Thadon's task will have him point you in the right direction for assistance

"Thadon has told you what he wants. Consider speaking with the others in his court, particularly his steward."

Speaking to either Kithlan or Wide Eye (as Haskill suggested) will have them point you towards Dunroot Burrow and explain what you must do to get inside. To get inside you must ingest Felldew, a drug extracted from Elytra. Notably, the Chalice of Reversal cures the effects of Felldew. Asking Haskill about Dunroot Burrow will have him reiterate what you've already been told

Dunroot Burrow
"I believe you've already been instructed as to how to proceed. You'll need to ingest Felldew to enter the Burrow. You've already been warned that this will weaken you, so do take the necessary precautions."
Felldew (before reaching The Sanctum in which the Chalice is held)
"Do keep in mind that some Elytra will not consider you a threat while you are feeling the effects of Felldew Euphoria. You need to strike a balance with how often you ingest Felldew, and how willing you are to live with the side-effects."

After reaching The Sanctum, speaking to Haskill:

Chalice of Reversal
"Do you really require help in finding it at this point? I suspect you can manage on your own from here."

Asking him about the Chalice of Reversal after recovering it will have him explain how the Chalice has effected you:

Chalice of Reversal
"The Chalice has altered the effects that Felldew has on you. You'll find that it now provides minor benefits, without any of the withdrawal."

The Cold Flame of Agnon[edit]

Once you start:

Flame of Agnon
"The Flame of Agnon can only be lit by the immortal servants of Sheogorath: the Golden Saints and Dark Seducers of His creation. In normal times, Sheogorath would simply command it and his servants would leap to sacrifice themselves upon the Altars of Rapture and Despair. But, alas, the times are not normal, and Sheogorath has given you this task, without the authority to command it. I'm afraid you may have to be a little bit clever."
Great Torch
"Ah, the Great Torch. It is a symbol of Sheogorath's power and a source of great comfort for the citizens of New Sheoth. Unfortunately, the Torch has gone out. For eternity, this has heralded the start of the Greymarch. Lord Sheogorath, in His wisdom, wishes for you to relight the Torch, to help ease the worries of the populace."
"It is underway, but my Lord does not wish for you to confront it directly yet. First, the Realm and its citizens must be attended to."
"Yes, he will soon march across the land, destroying all that stands in his path. It's a frightening prospect. Many of our citizens are... delicate. They can't cope with the prospect, and they defect to the forces of Jyggalag, becoming Priests of Order."
"I fear they grow in power as the Greymarch progresses. More and more Knights of Order make their way into the Isles. The Priests of Order are the key. They summon the Knights at the obelisks."
Priests of Order
"A bad lot. Traitors. You'll find them near the obelisks that dot the land. They perform rituals at the obelisks to summon Knights to the Realm. Their link to Jyggalag gives them power. As long as their obelisk is active, they cannot truly be killed."


"I wondered how long it would take before you needed my help. And here I am, at your service." (at Cylarne; say once)
"Really, ma'am/sir, you'll need to start thinking for yourself. It is one of the basic requirements of godhood." (at Cylarne; say once)

You can now also ask him more about this place:

"Cylarne was once the capital of the Shivering Isles. Perhaps the first capital. In any case, the Flame of Agnon here is always used to light the Great Torch of New Sheoth. It has always been so, and presumably always will be so."

Then later:

Flame of Agnon
"Well, you've talked to one side. Perhaps a visit to the Golden Saints is in order?" (spoke to GS commander)
Flame of Agnon (spoke to DS commander)
"Well, you've talked to one side. Perhaps a visit to the Dark Seducers is in order? Don't be frightened, they won't harm you. They look much fiercer than they really are, I assure you."

After having spoken to both:

Flame of Agnon
"I'm afraid you'll have to make up your own mind. Unfortunately, I'm just the hired help. I'm not paid to make the big decisions. How to decide... Do you prefer glorious, and pointless, battle? Or the poisoned arrow striking home from ambush? Do you like a stand-up fight? Or perhaps a bit of treachery is more your style?"

Greeting (between 100 and 130)

"Now is not really the time for conversation, is it? I feel like I'm interrupting something. Perhaps when you've finished your slaughtering and washed the blood off your hands, we can chat again."
Flame of Agnon
"An impressive victory. After all, you handicapped yourself by making it as difficult as possible for yourself, and yet you still won. Congratulations." (sided with GS and attacked headfirst or if you betrayed DS and attacked headfirst)
Flame of Agnon
"Betraying the Dark Seducers! The biters bit, so to speak. Most ingenious. I must say, I really didn't think you had it in you." (sided with GS and betrayed DS by leading them through underkeep)
Flame of Agnon
"Well, you did accomplish your task. There's no denying that the Golden Saints are defeated. Spearing fish in a barrel might have proved a bit more challenging, but there's definitely something to be said for making it easy for yourself." (sided with DS)
Flame of Agnon
"A lovely little treachery. The Golden Saints almost beg to be betrayed, true, but still, you took that little bit of extra time to think it through." (sided with DS and betrayed GS)

Ritual of Accession[edit]


"I don't think I can render any assistance until you hear Lord Sheogorath out. Do pay close attention."

After speaking, greeting:

"How can I make your life easier? It's what I live for."
Replacing a Duke
"I offer you this: remember who it is you're attempting to replace. You'll need to approach them in a manner to which they are not accustomed. Syl anticipates plots against her, so expect heavy resistance that may require a great deal of fighting and physical exertion. If you wish to replace Thadon, try a less direct approach that will involve cunning and subterfuge. He isn't likely to see you coming."
Ritual of Accession
"Obviously, no matter which path you take, it ends in the death of either Syl or Thadon. Just remember not to deviate from the Ritual's guidelines. One would hope you can do that." (SE07 >= 15)
Greymarch (Dementia)
"You'll see the miasma begin to spread. Where Order appears, the Realm dies. I only hope you are up to Sheogorath's task. He believes that by you ruling either Mania or Dementia, you'll be able to effectively inspire his people and lead His forces. I hope He's right."
Jyggalag (Dementia)
"Soon, Jyggalag will come to this Realm, bringing destruction in his wake. With the Throne of Madness empty, the Realm is doomed. Lovely."
Greymarch (Mania)
"It seems our Lord believes you are the key to stopping it. Perhaps He's right. He's had worse ideas. Did he tell you about the clowns? What a mess. He wishes you to gain the respect of the people, to be a leader once He is gone. It is an interesting concept."
Jyggalag (Mania)
"I fear it won't be long until he makes his presence known. Without Sheogorath on His throne, the Realm is likely doomed. Again."

Ritual of Dementia[edit]


"Confused already? Very disappointing. If I were you, and thank Sheogorath that I'm not, I would begin with the people who spend their day closest to Syl." (<15)
"Clever adversary isn't she? I bet your thinking that this was too easy, yes? Well, things aren't always as they seem. In fact, I think I hear the answer to your problem coming as we speak...." (>=22)
"Kithlan seems eager to help you. When you become sovereign of Dementia, I'd keep him around. So, you want to find the secret escape route? Easy enough. I can't tell you exactly where it is. I wouldn't want your quest to be a "bust."" (>=25)
"Now that you've found Syl's escape route I'd tread very carefully. She is the Mistress of Deception after all. If she means to escape, she'll do everything in her power to stop you." (>=28)
"Do I have to spell it out for you? Apparently I do. Syl has been slain. You need Syl's heart. I'll let you figure out the rest." (>=30; though never hear as it's checking 07B instead of 07A)
"Ugh. How messy. Well, now that you possess Syl's Heart, I'd make my way to the Sacellum as soon as possible. And do hurry, that heart is beginning to smell." (>=35)
"Well? What are you waiting for? You have the heart, and the altar awaits." (>=35 & in Sacellum)
"Well done. I suppose you deserve your new post. Now, if only you stay alive long enough to enjoy it..." (>=40)

Ritual of Mania[edit]


"Confused already? How very disappointing. If I were you, and thank Sheogorath that I'm not, I would begin with the people who spend their day closest to Thadon." (<15)
"So it's Greenmote you need, eh? Well, I think it's fairly clear who knows where that powdery substance is stored. Follow Wide-Eye. I think she mentioned an errand she runs? That would be your best bet." (>=15)
"Watch your step in the Silo. Thadon doesn't want just anyone traipsing through there. You can count on the presence of the Golden Saints to defend his impressive store of Greenmote. You can try to sneak by them or you may elect to eliminate them, but the latter is hardly the way of Mania, now is it?" (>=20)
"Choices, choices. Well, now that you've liberated some Greenmote from the Silo, you need to add it to Thadon's food and wine. The kitchens are a good place to start, but they are deep in his quarters guarded by more Saints. So once again you have choices; to sneak or to kill. Be cautious, these Saints are some of his most elite." (>=25)
"You've done it! Color me impressed. On second thought, don't. I like what I'm wearing. All that remains is to watch the soon to be late Thadon eat his food and smile with glee as his heart goes "boom. Dinner is promptly at 8 o'clock and those who are late don't get Alocasia Fruit Cup!" (>=30)
"Do I have to tell you everything? You need his blood, so take it!" (>=40)
"Ugh. How messy. Well, now that you possess Thadon's drug-tainted blood, I'd make my way to the Sacellum as soon as possible. Lord Sheogorath doesn't like to be kept waiting." (>=45)
"Well? What are you waiting for? You have the blood, and the altar awaits." (>=45 and in Sacellum)
"Well done. I suppose you deserve your new post. Now, if only you stay alive long enough to enjoy it...." (>=50)

Retaking The Fringe[edit]


"It would seem that the Fringe has come under attack. The longer you wait to investigate, the harder it will be for you to do as you are told." (<10)


"It would seem that the forces of Order have moved very quickly." (=10)


"Are you having trouble with the Obelisks, Your Grace?" (between 50 and 70)


"Uhm, Your Grace... now doesn't seem to be the best time for conversation. Perhaps your survival should take precedence at the moment." (=70)
"Does Your Grace wish to be crushed to death, or do you merely find difficulty in locating the buttons and switches in these old ruins? It seems only fair to warn Your Grace that those who came before often placed switches far from the door itself. For what purpose, we've never exactly been sure." (=70 and in Xeddefen04)
"In the Fringe, you can see for yourself the devastation that accompanies the Greymarch. Let us hope you are up to the task of stopping it."
Knights (after SE08 = 20)
"The appearance of the Knights of Order heralds the beginning of the Greymarch. As Lord Sheogorath feared, our time grows ever shorter."
Do they have any weaknesses?
"Although they are not composed of flesh as you know it, like any other enemy, they can be destroyed with sword and spell. Separate the meat from bone, and they will die. When they do so, their crystalline hearts often remain intact. These hearts are a source of power for the agents of Order. You may find them quite useful in certain situations."
Where are they coming from?
"Unlike typical invaders, the Knights do not arrive by conventional means. Instead, they enter the Shivering Isles through conduits into this Realm. These crystalline obelisks have existed throughout the Realm for all of eternity. You will find they become more active as the Greymarch progresses."
How do we stop them?
"Lord Sheogorath has never succeeded in doing so. They continue to grow in numbers until Jyggalag himself arrives. Their advance can be slowed. By destroying the obelisks, the Knights lose their conduits into the Isles."
That's all for now.
"Very well, Your Grace. Will there be anything else?"
Obelisks (after SE08 = 50)
"The obelisks operate by reflecting and focusing energies in order to create a portal to this Realm. They can be overloaded and rendered inert by placing the crystalline hearts of the Knights into the obelisk itself. Each heart will increase the power of the obelisk until it eventually overloads and shuts down, closing the portal."

Rebuilding the Gatekeeper[edit]

"Do you require assistance with the task Sheogorath has given you?" (=10)
"The Gatekeeper stood guard over the Realm, keeping those not blessed by Sheogorath out... until you, Your Grace, slew him. Sheogorath has asked that you create a new Gatekeeper to stand watch over the Fringe. You should speak with Relmyna Verenim as quickly as possible. I fear our time runs short." (=10)
"It appears to be inevitable, though your victory in the Fringe is a new twist. I fear Sheogorath will be gone soon, however."
"His appearance seems imminent. His hatred for this land, for what it represents, is unimaginable."
Relmyna Verenim
"She is a powerful sorceress. She believes she has found a "sixth element," the element of Flesh. She was expelled from the Mages Guild for this belief, and for the... extreme nature of her experiments. Our Lord took interest and brought her here, so Relmyna might continue her work, free of those provincial notions of decency and morality. You will find her in her Sanctum, hidden away in the dungeon of Xaselm."
"Has Your Grace no interest in exploration and discovery?"
Yes, I enjoy exploring new places.
"As you wish. I'm sure you'll have no problem finding it on your own."
No, I prefer a marked route.
"Very well. I shall mark a fast way to travel there on your map. Our Lord is always acquainted with Sorceress Verenim's current whereabouts. Her affections have caused Him unnecessary annoyance in the past." (marks on map)

Once inside:

"Relmyna prefers to conduct her experiments in privacy. You will have to deal with her guardians to reach her. Don't worry if you break her toys. I believe she rather enjoys creating them. And, it keeps her from turning her attention elsewhere."
"Your Grace, has Relmyna sent you on an errand? Do you need help with your task?" (=20)
"The Gardens of Flesh and Bone are where Sorceress Verenim lived and worked for many years. It is there she experimented with her "sixth element," in order to create the original Gatekeeper. The Gardens are in the Fringe, near Passwall. Beware, Your Grace. Creatures of the sorceress' doing and undoing haunt those tunnels." (between 20 and 60)
"I believe you have completed the tasks in the Gardens of Flesh and Bone, have you not? Typically, when one has finished an errand, it is time to return. Why is this confusing? Are you feeling quite well, Your Grace?" (=60)
"Ah, is Your Grace having difficulty with his choices?" (=70)
Body Parts
"Ah, you have been asked to choose the pieces with which to construct the new Gatekeeper. Quite an honor. No choice is without consequence. Each of the pieces is woven with magic, and will become a part of the new Gatekeeper. This decision is yours. I'm sure Your Grace possesses the wisdom to choose the pieces that will allow the Gatekeeper to best defend the Realm." (=70)
"I see it's back to the Fringe once again, Your Grace." (=80)
Ancient Altar
"An ancient altar where the Gatekeeper was first created. It is near the Gates of Madness in the Fringe. I believe Your Grace knows the way?" (=80)
"Your Grace, why disturb this ceremony? Oh, I must have come accidentally. I should come when it is more appropriate. My apologies." (between 90 and 170)
"Congratulations on creating the Gatekeeper, Your Grace." (=170)
"You have rebuilt the Gatekeeper. Good show! Perhaps Your Grace should proceed on to Lord Sheogorath to give him the news? Oh, and I see you have gained a new power. Relmyna's gift with summoning Flesh Atronachs has rubbed off on you, it seems. Perhaps Your Grace is more susceptible to our Lord's Blessings than at first it seemed. Interesting." (=170)

The Helpless Army[edit]


"Yes, Your Grace?"
"The Greymarch continues, and Lord Sheogorath believes you may be the key to stopping it. Do as he commands. The Realm depends on it."
"I understand my Lord has told you what is to come. It is one of the Great Mysteries of the Shivering Isles. Perhaps only the Princes themselves know why it is so. I do not. I know only that Sheogorath wishes for you to succeed. Of this, I am certain."
Brellach / Pinnacle Rock
"If Brellach / Pinnacle Rock is indeed under attack, you should prepare yourself for a difficult fight. The forces of Order must be quite powerful." (=15)


"Farewell, Your Grace."
Brellach / Pinnacle Rock
"Make all possible haste in reaching Staada / Dylora . She will be able to better inform you as to what happened, and what is required to secure Brellach / Pinnacle Rock. Do what you can to ensure the survival of your allies. They will be most helpful to you." (=25)
Wellspring of the Mazken
"The Wellspring is an essential link between the Dark Seducers/Golden Saints and the Shivering Isles. Syl/Thadon knows this, and is likely trying to break it." (=30)
Wellspring of the Aureal / Mazken
"Consider that combat is not your only option. Your Grace has [already] made use of the chimes within Brellach/Pinnacle Rock [already], and they can be useful once more. If the Wellspring can be restored, your allies can return to aid you." (=40)
Wellspring of the Mazken
"Your Grace has noted the chimes around the Wellspring, I assume. If one chime is insufficient, perhaps all four chimes may be enough. If they all ring at the same time, that may shatter the crystals that have polluted the Wellspring." (=48)
Wellspring of the Mazken
"Lord Sheogorath will, I'm sure, be quite interested to hear of your success. Return to him once you've checked with the commander here." (=50)

Symbols of Office[edit]

"Time is short. You must speak to Sheogorath immediately." (=5)
"He is gone, but hope is not lost. We have a rare opportunity here, but I hesitate to do what must be done. If the Throne of Madness remains empty when Jyggalag storms the palace, he will prevail. But there is a chance that the throne may not be empty." (=10)
Why do you care?
"My duty now is to the Realm. By serving you, I serve Lord Sheogorath. The only way to protect the Realm from the Greymarch is to place you in the Throne of Madness."
What do you mean?
"You will sit on the throne. It has always been Sheogorath's intent for you to be the new Madgod."
Who will sit in the throne?
"Why, you will, of course. It has always been Sheogorath's intent for you to be the new Madgod."

All will then lead to:

But I'm not a Daedric prince.
"True, but perhaps you can hold the throne -- provided that you possess the proper symbol of office. Namely: the Staff of Sheogorath."
What must I do?
"Unfortunately, when Sheogorath faded, the power of the Staff faded with him. It must now be remade. The Staff is the symbol of power in this Realm. He who rightfully holds the Staff may hold the throne of the Shivering Isles. However, the secrets of its construction are lost."
Lost? You said there was hope!
"That which is lost can be found again. There is one being in the Shivering Isles who may be able to assist you in the construction of a new Staff. The ruins of Knifepoint Hollow once served as a great library. There, you will find a door. Behind that door, you will find the answer you seek. Although... I hesitate to guide you towards this path. The secrets of the past will surely aid Jyggalag, but I fear that we have no other choice. Be mindful of what you find there. The library is a thing of Order, and it will still serve that end. Take this crystal. It contains the power to open the sealed door. Inside, you will find the final remnants of the library."

After this you can ask him about various topics:

Knifepoint Hollow
"Knifepoint Hollow is near the core of the Shivering Isles. Follow the setting sun to the border of Mania. Climb the cliff there to the top. At the peak, you will find Knifepoint Hollow."
Staff of Sheogorath
"While not the source of the Daedric Princes' authority, each Daedric artifact provides that Prince with a measure of power. Lord Sheogorath chose you to sit on His throne. With the Staff, you may be able to do just that."
"Hurry to Dyus. Do as he asks. No danger is too great." (between 10 and 50)

Once you're inside KH

"Here in this Realm where secrets are power, Dyus is a being of great might. He has knowledge of events beyond even that of the Daedric Princes. Fortunately, Dyus has such an intimate knowledge of things to come that he sees no purpose in taking any action, since the outcome is written. Of course, that point is infinitely debatable by those of us who prefer to believe in the value of personal choice. He is kept locked away to prevent curious beings from using his knowledge to subvert the personal choices of other creatures. Given our unusual circumstances, I have asked you to seek out his aid. He is all that remains of Jyggalag's great library."

After having spoken to Dyus:

"She is an interesting character indeed. She is one of the very few individuals in the Shivering Isles that is party to the secret of Sheogorath. She once made her way into the throne room during the Greymarch and saw that Sheogorath was nowhere to be found. However, she did not recognize this event for what it was. She believes that Sheogorath had abandoned the Realm out of fear of Jyggalag's attack. So while she is party to the secret, she does not know its significance. She believed Sheogorath to be a traitor to His people. She believed it so strongly that she led a revolt against Sheogorath when He returned. She was imprisoned in the Howling Halls for her trouble." (between 40 and 200)
Tree of Shades
"There are those who prescribe a mystical quality to the Grove of Reflection in Milchar. If you ask me, the matter is purely practical. There is a great deal of runoff from the waters of Mania that collects in Milchar. One particular tree has grown healthy from those waters. The Grove and the Tree retain a number of psychotropic properties that supposedly bring one to personal revelation. The truth of this, well, it is open to interpretation. Being the pragmatic fellow that I am, I side on the practical explanation. One thing that is not in dispute is that the Tree has survived for eons and its branches are highly valued as components of magical artifacts." (between 40 and 200; inside Milchar)
"The Howling Halls, is it? It's been some time since I last saw this place." (between 50 and 195; inside Howling Halls)
Howling Halls
"The Howling Halls are home to Ciirta's "Apostles of the Light," or whatever it is that they're calling themselves these days. These zealots believe her to be some sort of savior, or deity, or something. Their doctrine is very confusing. The most useful thing that I can tell you about Ciirta's followers is that they will not harm anyone who is wearing their robes."
"Milchar. Home to the Tree of Shades -- one of my favorite features of this Realm." (between 50 and 195; inside Milchar)
"You've spoken to Dyus, yes? Then there is little more to say. Do as he instructs -- recreate the Staff of Sheogorath before it is too late." (between 50 and 195)
"Time grows ever shorter. I implore you -- deliver your precious cargo to Dyus with haste." (=195)

The Roots of Madness[edit]

"Ah, you're back. You may have noticed that we have a... bit of a problem." (inside Palace)
"Ah, there you are. It seems that we have a... bit of a problem. It's the Font of Madness... no doubt you were on your way there just now." (not inside Palace)

Either way:

What problem?
"You're having a bit of fun with me. Very good. My Lord of course noticed the Font when you arrived in the Palace. The Font of Madness, in the middle of the throne room. The Font which is unaccountably covered with crystals."
What's wrong with the Font?
"Order. The taint appeared only a short time ago, but it has spread quickly. I fear that soon we will all be serving a new master."
I can't imbue the Staff with power.
"Indeed. The Font is being Ordered. As goes the Font of Madness, so goes the Realm. Soon we will all be serving a new master."
You mean Jyggalag...
"Yes. His agents must have found a way to poison the Font with Order. Once the source of Madness becomes the Font of Order, Jyggalag has won."
But we've beaten him at every turn!
"This is true. Very little surprises me, but your successes against the advance of Order have left me astonished. Speechless. Indeed, it is your very success that must have led Jyggalag to this unexpected avenue of attack. His usual approach is much less imaginative."
How do we stop him?
"Somehow the forces of Order have poisoned the Pools of Mania and Dementia that feed the Font/Tree. I suspect the traitor Thadon/Syl. Jyggalag has never had an original thought in his existence. Be that as it may. You will have to enter the Fountainhead beneath the Tree and find the source of the poison."

You can then ask him:

Font of Madness
"The Font flows with the sap of the Tree of Madness, which it draws up from deep beneath the palace. The Fountainhead leads down to the Pools of Dementia and Mania, where the insanity of the Realm's inhabitants settles. Jyggalag's minions must have introduced Order into the very wellspring of Madness. You must cleanse the Pools, or Order has won the war."
The Fountainhead
"Sheogorath's private sanctuary, where he would often meditate amidst the tame Gnarls that tend the roots. Normally the Fountainhead is a peaceful sanctuary. But there's no telling what changes the taint of Order may have wrought. Now, I fear that the Gnarls themselves may be accelerating the spread of Order throughout the Tree's roots. Be careful."
"The Gnarls can help you. Those that have not been poisoned may be able to reverse the spread of Order. Do not slay them heedlessly."
"As I feared. The sickness is spreading through the Fountainhead. Do not delay. If the Font of Madness itself becomes Ordered, all your victories over Jyggalag will have been in vain." (inside Gloomstone Passage)
The Fountainhead
"All is not well here. The Gnarls are disturbed. Order is spreading among them, and thus into the Font. Find the Pools and stop the taint of Order!"
"Your task is only half done. The Font will not be fully cleansed while Order pollutes one of the pools that feed it." (inside Gloomstone Passage; completed Stages 150 or 160)
The Fountainhead
"You have one Pool yet to cleanse, and the traitor is still at large. These would seem to me to be your highest priorities."

Spoken to with Syl/Thadon nearby:

The Fountainhead
"If I'm not mistaken, that's the traitor Syl/Thadon. Right there. I'm not normally a bloodthirsty man, but I wonder if killing her/him might be a good idea?"
"You've done well. Already I can feel the Fountainhead renewing itself, flushing the taint of Order from its veins." (inside Gloomstone Passage; completed both Stages 150 and 160)
The Fountainhead
"With the Pools cleansed, the Font of Madness will soon be restored. There's no time like the present to finish your journey towards godhood."
"At this time, you have enough to go on. Now, get back to it!" (during SE12)

The End of Order[edit]

"One of your military minions was looking for you. It sounded urgent, but I'm afraid I don't know the details." (<8)
"It seems that you've finally gotten Jyggalag's full attention. Cleansing the Tree seems to have convinced him that the direct approach was his only option. I would congratulate you, but perhaps that should wait until after you've prevented Order from storming the Palace." (between 8 and 40)
"Perhaps further conversation should wait until things are a bit more... relaxed? You seem to have your hands full at the moment." (between 10 and 100)
"I don't mean to point out the obvious... but isn't that Jyggalag right over there? He doesn't look very pleased to find you here, does he?" (between 40 and 100; say once)
"If you're finding Jyggalag a bit overwhelming in person, you might consider using your Staff. It may prove effective in this battle." (between 40 and 100)
"It appears to me that Jyggalag is strengthened by these obelisks that are disfiguring the Palace lawn. Perhaps shutting them down would help?" (between 40 and 100, not yet done 80)
"What a mess! I would prefer to speak in the palace. Shall we?" (between 100 and 200, not in Palace)

The Prince of Madness[edit]

"You've done it! Well done, Lord Sheogorath. I never doubted you for a moment. Now, of course, there is business to attend to. As you have assumed the mantle of Sheogorath, there are matters that deserve your attention. As lord of this Realm, there are a number of benefits to which you are entitled, as well as a number of duties to which you must attend."
"You may request any of the Golden Saint or Dark Seducer Escorts at the castle to accompany you. They will defend you to the death. You may also summon entertainment to your throne room. Your predecessor found this most invigorating. Speak with me if you wish entertainment. You also have the ability to affect the weather in your Realm. As it is an extension of yourself, it will often have an effect on you, as well. You also have the benefit of Sheogorath's Protection. Cast this upon yourself, and if your life is threatened, you will be returned to your castle. Many of these abilities, Lord, are rooted in the magicks of the Isles. Should you choose to leave this Realm, they will not likely function."
"Your first duty is to attend to the needs of your subjects. You will find that there are constant threats to the residents of the Isles. Your job is to protect them, either by dealing with the matter yourself, or sending your armies to take care of it for you."

You will then be able to ask him to provide you with light entertainment:

"You wish entertainment, My Lord?"
Send for a dancer.
"As you wish."
Not at the moment.
"Of course, sire."

You will also be asked to assume your duties as Protector of the Isles. When asked, Haskill may inform you that all is well (50% chance) or he will randomly notify you that a specific settlement is under attack:

Defend the Realm
"It seems all is peaceful in the Shivering Isles, My Lord. Will wonders never cease?"
"I'm afraid the settlement of Split has been the victim of recent attacks. Your aid would be appreciated, I'm sure."
"I fear the settlement of Highcross is experiencing some difficulties. Perhaps you should intervene?"
"Your assistance may be needed in Hale, Lord. If you are otherwise occupied, I'm certain the survivors will understand."
"Residents of Fellmoor have complained of creatures encroaching on their lands. Perhaps you might be of some help, time permitting."
"There are intruders at the Gates of Madness. Perhaps you'd care to intervene? I'm sure the Gatekeeper can handle it otherwise."
"Creatures have been reported in Deepwallow, Lord. Perhaps you should intervene... as it is your job."

Any will then present you with the following choices:

Don't Send Guards
"Of course, Lord, though it may be difficult to prevent your Gatekeeper from intervening. I'm sure the residents of Passwall will be most grateful."
"As you wish, My Lord. I will tell the residents you will be handling it personally. I'm sure the survivors will be delighted."
Send Guards
"I'm sure that won't be necessary, Lord. Your Gatekeeper can handle it, I'm sure."
"As you wish, My Lord. I'll see that a contingent of Dark Seducers/Golden Saints is sent to the settlement."

Should you initially decline, asking Haskill once more will have him gently encourage you:

Defend the Realm
"The residents of Split are still in need of your help. At your earliest convenience of course, My Lord."
"Your attention is still needed at Highcross, though I realize it must be inconvenient for you."
"Hale is still under attack. Or had you forgotten? No matter. I'm certain they can hold out a bit longer."
"Fellmoor can still use your assistance, assuming you can find time in your schedule."
"There is the current situation at the Gates of Madness, Lord. Near Passwall? Surely, you hadn't forgotten...."
"Perhaps you'd forgotten about the attacks on Deepwallow, My Lord? I'm sure the citizens might last a bit longer."

Once you have resolved the situation, he will comment (when each? if you send guards vs going yourself?)

Defend the Realm
"It seems the incident has been taken care of. Your subjects are appreciative, and have sent this as tribute. Well done, My Lord."
"With the help of your armies, the incident has been cleared up. Your loyal subjects have sent this in tribute."

If you "die" you will be teleported to the Palace. Haskill will then offer you the chance to return to the spot of your death:

"I see you've returned. Wonderful. Do you wish to return to your location at the time of the unfortunate...incident?"
"Excellent. I'm sure things will go better this time. Good seeing you, Milord."
"As you wish, sire. I would imagine that is for the best."


If you have not yet started The Prince of Madness:

"You, of all people, should realize this is an inopportune time to be in Cyrodiil. Perhaps I've misjudged you.
Order is at our doorstep, yet you felt it necessary to offer some yarn to... yourself. An interesting choice, to be sure. Time is a strange thing in the Isles, so this may not set us back, and there is a task that needs to be performed."

If you have started The Prince of Madness:

"Praying to yourself, my Lord? That's not a good sign. Or perhaps it is. Prince of Madness, and all that.
While I believe that you should be attending to your duties, it is, of course, your prerogative to spend time wherever you wish. Your predecessor did have one task He wanted performed, though He never found a mortal suited for the task."

Either way he will continue with:

"There is a settlement called Border Watch that your predecessor found rather dull. This, of course, offended Him greatly. They are a rather superstitious group, living their lives based on omens and prophecy. One such prophecy, the K'sharra, was of particular interest. Your task would be to make the first two signs of the prophecy occur. Your predecessor already put plans in motion for the final step. Good luck.

Once the first two prophecies have been fulfilled but you have not started The Prince of Madness:

"Ah, very good. Your predecessor left everything in place for the final sign. You'll want to head to the center of town. Good day."

Once the first two prophecies have been fulfilled and you have started The Prince of Madness:

"Ah, very good, Sire. your [sic] predecessor left everything in place for the final sign. You'll want to head to the center of town. Good day."

When you return to the shrine to complete the quest if you have not yet started The Prince of Madness:

"Well done. You should have this, one of the artifacts of the Realm. Perhaps it should have been given to you sooner."

When you return to the shrine to complete the quest if you have started The Prince of Madness:

"Well done, My Lord. You should have this, as it is one of your artifacts. I don't know why I didn't think to give it to you sooner."


Summon Dialogue[edit]

After completing the quest Baiting the Trap, you are given the ability to summon Haskill. During this time, he has many interesting things to say, if you keep summoning him.

  • While being summoned is truly a wonderful thing and not at all tiresome, I believe Lord Sheogorath wishes you to speak with him again.
  • Ah, summoned again. My lord does so enjoy that, as is His prerogative. I'll assume you're done for now.
  • Yes, you've gotten rather proficient with your new ability. As I said, try not to abuse your power.
  • Have we not covered this? I believe you've mastered your new skill.
  • I was right there. You could have just walked over to me.
  • I assume you're having fun?
  • Might we stop this now?
  • Surely, you have something better to do.
  • Well done. Summoned again. I applaud you.
  • What a surprise. I'm summoned. Your skill in repetition is truly astounding.
  • Clever, You've summoned me again. My Lord has made quite a choice for his champion.
  • That's enough. Really. (Repeated if summoned any further)

During Siege of Vitharn inside:

Siege of Vitharn (Y)
"Conviction can drive men mad. They will even kill to uphold the mistaken belief that only they see the world truly. Such is the story of Vitharn."

Greeting Dialogue[edit]

"Yes? Is there something you require?" (Greeting; Y)
"Always a pleasure." (Hello; Y)

Exiting Conversation Dialogue[edit]

  • "Enlightening, as always." (Y)
  • "A glorious existence. Truly." (Y)
  • "If only we could speak more often." (Y)
  • "My work is never done." (Y)
  • "I live to serve." (Y)
  • "I will await further summons. No doubt you will have need of me." (Y)

Unused Dialogue[edit]

  • During A Door in Niben Bay there are two unused lines (a greeting and goodbye respectively) which are never heard as they are overridden by others or Haskill's AI:
"More questions? Astounding. Speak."
"Pleasant, as always."
  • During Rebuilding the Gatekeeper, won't hear greeting as you skip straight to Stage 10, and Fringe topic never appears.
"Ah, I see you've been successful in the Fringe. How can I assist you, Your Grace?" (=5)
"Ah, your task is completed. Wonderful. Our Lord Sheogorath may wish to hear of your success. Perhaps you should tell Him yourself." (once)
"Go speak with Sheogorath now."


  • While Haskill cannot be attacked or take damage he will however flee if danger is nearby. The only thing Haskill can be harmed by seems to be damage coming from the environment; i.e, if he is summoned underneath a falling rocks trap he will be hurt by the falling rocks.
  • He is voiced by Jeff Baker, who voiced the male Dunmer and Imperials in Morrowind.
  • It seems that the default dialogue for when you are a vampire overwrites any unique dialogue from Haskill. Instead you will hear the various default comments in the generic Breton voice (instead of Jeff Baker's voice).
  • His personality is unique among the Shivering Isles. He displays none of the typical personality traits of Mania or Dementia and is a rare NPC who never declares allegiance to either (although in several lines of dialogue he shows a certain bias in favor of Dementia). He has a rather melancholy, subtly annoyed, and usually sarcastic attitude towards his position.
  • In Bethesda's Interview With Two Denizens of the Shivering Isles he states that he has served his master since "the beginning" and never visited Tamriel. Taken along with his undisguised dislike of mortals, his status as an actual Breton rather than some other creature is uncertain.
  • As with numerous other NPCs, Haskill doesn't employ the principles required to partake in the Speechcraft minigame.
  • Haskill also appears as a character in the story expansion Isle of Madness for Legends, and as a card.


  • Occasionally, Haskill will not talk or respond in any way. To fix him, simply use Summon Haskill, which will reset him back to normal.
  • If the player is 100% Vampire, Haskill will at times refuse to talk to the player. This cannot be circumvented, because the Charm spell will not work on Haskill, as he is set to Ghost state.
  • Haskill will speak in a normal Breton voice if he is damaged in any way, for example, if you summon him and he takes fall damage.